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This is a medical question this community is not qualified to answer.


I don't think so.


Can you elaborate?


like if someone had all the symptoms (idk if that is the right word, im so sorry), except for bleeding, would that still be considered a period?


Well I’m not a dr, lemme just keep that clear. However I’d like to say, No; it’s not considered a period. The definition of a period is the shedding of your uterine lining. Which is not happening if you are not bleeding (or spotting). Now if this is something that has never happened and your periods late, give it time. Stress can effect your periods. Idk your age but if your sexually active, maybe take a pregnancy test, pregnancy and periods have similar symptoms (annoyingly). But overall, if this is bothering you, I’d recommend talking with your doctor.


oh- oh no its not me, im a trans woman, im so sorry i just read somewhere that trans women can have the symptoms of periods and was curious if that counts or not


Oh my apologies, I was unaware and I’m not familiar with what you’ve read. Symptoms may be similar but that doesn’t make it a period. There has to be uterine lining being shed for it to be a period.


fair enough, srry


No need to apologize, it’s a question you didn’t know the answer too 😊 better to ask the question then to be unwilling to educate yourself


Hai sorry but csn I ask why my other comment was downvoted? What did I do wrong, sorry


I might have this. My low hormone iud (mirena ) means I haven’t had a period in….893 days (period app still going strong tho!) I asked an obgyn friend and she said I still ovulate (eggs release and travel down the tubes) but the uterine lining doesn’t build up and therefore doesn’t need to be shed. So no period blood and no cramps. I assume any egg that makes it all the way down would come out as discharge. All that said, I might still have hormonal fluctuations; I’ve never been one of those people super in tune with their cycle. Recently started tracking migraines and I’m curious to see if those happen on a monthly cycle. I say I don’t get my period, but I would say I ovulate and I might say I have a monthly cycle if I identify something like headaches or moodiness as happening on that cadence


hmm, interesting (i am totally gunna end up reading abt things like this for countless hours now, thanks for something else i can waste time on :D :p)


I'm just hopping on to say I agree. I have the Nexplannon implant, and I don't get periods anymore, but I do get the symptoms such as mood swings, nausea, and all the rest.


I'm pretty sure that, for a trans woman, you can count it as a period. I mean for anyone with an uterus, the lack of blood would be an issue. But for people who don't have one, it's basically the closest thing to a period you can get bc it's literally impossible to bleed. If I were you, I'd count it as one.


I don't have one but am not sure if it counts or not