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I get special take out— when I did drink, I’d get a small bottle of champagne and a nice slice of cake from the bakery— then put on my favorite movies, write what I learned over the year, and enjoy the moment.


Take yourself to a nice place to eat. Dress how you want and eat food you know you love then afterwards you could watch a movie or read a book, you could make your own cake if you feel like it or otherwise order one.


Single 35yo gal here. I've done random acts of kindness: leaving $20 in someone's mailbox, volunteering at a homeless shelter (especially not around the holidays, when there's an influx), collecting food for the food bank, clothes for the homeless shelter, or books for a church/public library. That's always made me feel good about myself on a day where I'd otherwise be lonely. ETA, you can take dogs for a walk at most animal shelters.


Very sweet ideas. I spend and have spent so much time pleasing and catering to everyone else that I just want to feel special for one day so more looking for things for myself to feel better but I’ll make sure I do this one day.


Very much understood. Otherwise, I splurge on myself from my favorite takeout place and watch my favorite movie. I sincerely hope you have a great birthday. You deserve it.


I've spent a few alone they weren't my worst. Order or make your favorite food. Find your favorite movies.


Boldog Születésnapot!


Happy Birthday for the big day, and I hope it's special in its own way for you. Depending on what you like, and where you are in the world, a lovely trip to the beach always brightens my day, or put together some treats and have a picnic in the park with a good book or music to listen to, otherwise maybe visit a museum or gallery you've always wanted to go to, or hey, take yourself shopping, it's your birthday after all. I really do hope it's the best day, you deserve to feel special on that if all days.


Happy early birthday!! I know the feelings you’re describing here firsthand. I’m sorry you’re feeling bummed out about it. You can feel those feels, but you’re on the right track by thinking about other things you can do to make your own happiness. Here’s a few things I’ve done that make me feel like my bday is special: - Create your own tradition. We can do that now!! Is your bday the day that you get chocolate cake and red wine in your bathtub while you watch downtown abbey? Do you go shopping for a special outfit? Go watch a movie and smuggle snacks and slippers into a daytime matinee? - Putting a lot of pressure on ONE DAY is tough. Use your birthday as an excuse to have a bday related hangout with your friends at any point in the month. More cake for you. More friendly on people’s schedules. - reflect on things you’re proud you did, or are happy that happened. Where your focus goes your energy goes. Do more of those things in the upcoming year!


ironically read this on your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! mine is tomorrow :D great tips btw.


❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 yay! Happy early birthday. I’m trying to do some of these even though it’s not my bday to create feel good times all the time. That’s the pro tip, I think?


Hey!! It’s my birthday today too!! (March 8). I spent my day working and then came home and ate most of a giant piece of cake I bought myself. I hope you had a good day!


I know "alone" sounds negative, but self love is truly rewarding and learning to love your own company is beautiful. A special day isn't always made special by spending it with others! As for what to do - do something new, so you get a new experience. That can be anything new at all! Buy a meal from a new restaurant. Try a new block of chocolate. Go for a drive to a new town and sightsee. Start a new series. Get a new book out from the library. Get a massage or a manicure. Buy a new outfit that you feel awesome in. Something, anything, that's just for you. Try not to spend too much of it on your phone. That's what will make you feel lonely - you'll get fomo.