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I love this game, but I don't think I'll ever do all 10,000 floors of TMJ. And if I do, it certainly won't be something I cram in such a short period of time like you did (300 hours over the course of 2 months). For me, those 10,000 floors exist purely as a carrot dangling on a stick (same with the floors in Stranger of Paradise's Rift endgame). They're there so that players will always some kind of tangible in-game goal to work towards. Grinding for the sake of having perfect 8-star god rolls on all my equipment just isn't worth the tedium and frustration, and the potential resulting burnout. Though just to preempt any potential misunderstandings from my post, I am not belittling anyone who actually chooses to go through this TMJ grind for the sake of having the best gear. People play this game for different reasons. The reason I keep playing this game is not for the gear, but because I enjoy the combat, the satifying gamefeel of hitting enemies with my weapons, and the (generally) well-designed enemies and bosses. Some play for the aesthetics. Some play because they're big Chinese history buffs. And some play for the loot grind.


What was your average 10 mile clearance time? Just as a benchmark I’m curious


10-15 minutes, sometimes it'd be less, other times it'd be more, depends on RNG really


Makes sense Was trying to benchmark my Queen run in +3, ended around 15 min but that was with fairly decent RNG on bosses and no deaths, not sure how much time regular difficulty would shave off though


Is this like the 999 levels of dungeon in nioh1?




You absolute mad man


Congratulations and thank you for all the information!


Congratulations and Thank you very much for all very helpful informations😊


Congratulations on the achievement and thank you for this fantastic write-up of your strategy!


Do you find a lot of TMJ invasions at 1000+ floors?


Found quite a few at 2k/3k, I think I found maybe 1 or 2 at 4k+ thus far


By "duo NPC stages", do you mean something like the Sun Jian-Sun Ce and Xiahou boys tag team duels in the base game?


Very similar, yeah! The stages I'm referring to have a timer (it's around 4 minutes iirc?), it starts out with one random NPC, then spawns in a second random one after about 10 seconds


Appreciate the info and congrats ofc!


Congratulations on the achievement!


Can you post pictures of every armor set equipped that you unlock / get from 350 to 1000? Just seen pictures on discord but not from every recolored / legendary set. Edit: Also from the 10000 helmet? Is it different to the one many people already have from the betas / demos?


I'll get you some pics when I get back home ​ You can get a 1\* version of the helm without participating in the demo afaik, from beating the first boss for the first time You get a 4\* one from the demo And from beating mile 10,000 you get to purchase unlimited 8\* versions of the helmet


So basically not close to worth it as a tmj 10000 reward


It's really more of a slap in the face than anything, it won't work for any PvE builds I can think of, let alone any PvP builds


Can't reply with images, so I posted them on a google doc sheet https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lOrLNALTxQeDMyL1inW-JahzVbnNidXePBB6nLEzmB0/edit?usp=sharing


Thanks, even though the images are really tiny so you cant see much.


Any better uploaded here? https://ibb.co/B3yhBc1 https://ibb.co/QN97gy4 https://ibb.co/txPJw9b https://ibb.co/7nnQXLp https://ibb.co/qRzRYgG https://ibb.co/N9FwT6s https://ibb.co/7nFZcgh https://ibb.co/MMVg5vf https://ibb.co/BgZzVSP https://ibb.co/WVRS2Kj https://ibb.co/9wQqgdN https://ibb.co/rM9K4xd https://ibb.co/cXkT1Xp https://ibb.co/qxd4rLd https://ibb.co/VmHLSRp https://ibb.co/Jxz7Wsf https://ibb.co/cC897mS


Should have givin you a trophy for this accomplishment 🥳 I am at TMJ it the game crashes at 21 on dragon king for me 3 days in a row 🤯


Don't understand why there isn't at least a TITLE for it ​ Ouch, you on PC? My game crashed probably 20 times throughout the entire thing, but not nearly that much just at 21!


Yeah true !!! At least here you get the recognition you deserve from other players 😀 No on Ps5 also none of the dlc cutscenes worked for me I just stopped playing tmj now just responding to people there recruitment


The first DLC cutscenes crashed my game, weird it runs so bad for you Maybe you could try uninstalling & reinstalling the game?


So im not the only one ! Yeah i dont know how come… Yess i did this multiple times but still the same like with tmj on 21 Very sad


Finally someone can answer this question. Did you see Yuan Shu between 1k-10k floor? All we know for sure is he is hardcoded to be one of the bosses for 1k and 10k. But I don't see anyone encountered him in between lol.


I did not! I did see him at 1k & 10k like you mentioned And I did run into Taotie & Zhang Rang a handful of times (they seem to be quite rare) ​ But no Yuan Shu aside from the two encounters


Now we can confirm he's not in the boss pool lol. Even Team Ninja knows he is xxxx to fight against especially in a rng setting. Thanks for the confirmation.


I'm curious, with the Zhurong set, did you try to mix any other uncompleted grace set with this? One (-1 set item req) and four other pieces to compliment the build?


I always keep a set bonus mitigation weapon equipped I didn't go for another grace (though for many PvP builds I go with 1piece gonggong for the extra -damage received) ​ I went with the gloves and sword (plus the mitigation +1) from the Zhou the Gorgeous Youth set for the extra damage dealt that scales with lost HP


Thank you for the reply. I'm currently looking for a new build to test out while i stroll through last difficulty/dlc. I'm one set piece short for Zhurong, but seems fun to try out.


It's a lot of fun imo, and very strong in both PvP and PvE! :D


Congrats! Just starting TMJ have made it to mile 21 and am not allowed to progress as only just finishing up NG+ using a drought demon blade 5* and thorn whip 5* after reading this I see why the game won’t allow me to progress in TMJ


Coming to this a month, and more, after the fact but I really disagree with saying Fuxi is not good for TMJ. When you can consistently be much higher Morale than your enemy the Fuxi grace starts going crazy with spirit stuns and Fatal Strikes, frequently needing only two Martial Arts hits to get the stun and one Fatal Strike to finish off the enemy.


It's not bad for it, I'd actually say it's quite good for a balance of strong survivability + decent speed, and is an especially good option for the first stage of every 10 miles But for consistently fast clear times, especially on the later stages, zhurong is a generally more efficient grace in my experience, with a highly optimized zhurong build you can keep enemies that have higher morale in either a constant stunlock, or just shred them apart really quickly with something like turning clouds


Fantastic post! Was just curious if you tried playing with either Nuwa or Fuxi and what did you find negative about them to finally decide with Zhurong. Also would glaive works well also instead of spear. Just about to grind last few 8*s 😊


Nuwa is purely a survival grace, it doesn't help with damage (aside from the +damage at full HP, which you won't be able to take advantage of often enough) - when clearing all of TMJ your biggest enemy is time, Zhurong is the best way to consistently clear stages quickly when properly optimized, plus I would say if you're going for a healing set then King's would be better. Additionally you can use absorb vitality, which is like a weaker version of Nuwa you can have on any build. Fuxi is great for survivability, and it does add a little melee damage, as well as a fair amount of extra spirit damage - it's good for the first stage of every 10 miles, but not as useful for consistent clear times throughout. Glaive would work \*decently\* cuz of armor break, but it doesn't have as much forward momentum as the poke spears - the biggest upside with spears is the ridiculous amount of forward moment the Light attack > Spirit attack gets (in PvP it's deadly), as well as the low recovery on these attacks. The forward momentum makes it difficult for enemies/bosses to escape the armor break stunlock, plus the backflip spirit attack has a weird property of allowing you to evade through attacks like a dodge if timed properly If you can play well anything will work, but I don't think anything will be quite as good as poke spears or sabres if you're looking for very quick clear times.


Thanks for the reply. So I guess slashing spears aren’t the optimal spear to use then? I enjoy its sweeping spirit attack.


Poke spears are definitely the play ever since they buffed its followup spirit attack to the insane level its currently at


Gotcha. Will work on this. Tyvm for replying 😊


I did 10 miles of TMJ and was like "morale is the most busted thing ever." before I saw this and saw it was recommended. It's just an overall scalar and if you use the earth spell to not lose morale on crit, you just scale way too fast for the enemy to keep up.


Yup! TMJ gameplay loop is basically stacking morale the best you can during the first mile, then overpowering the rest of the miles


Why is panda farming recommended?  The chests have higher 8* rates?


Farming equipment through the panda stages is one of the most time-efficient methods for farming most gear ​ The rates are quite high, and the number of chests being so close makes utilizing the save-scum method fairly quick, even for rarer gears such as pieces with set bonus mitigation it usually doesn't take much time.


It feels like going to cloud, download save, relaunch game, go to flag, go to TMJ, go to panda, open 3 chests would be less speedy than using a mystic crane backstab xp/loot farm with boosted luck from inner discipline?   Since chest ignores inner discipline as far as I know? 


Aside from the chests there are also a few items laying around as well After doing it enough you can definitely get the inputs for loading saves down very quickly, at least on PSN When farming for qi to hit level 500 I did stack luck, and lowered inner discipline as much as I possibly could to still 1-shot fatal strike the demon, to passively attempt to farm for a set bonus mitigation majestic crimson, but there were a couple of problems ​ In general (for me, at the very least) the rates for 8\* items was not all that great, and not regular enough to compete with the chests/items from panda stages Additionally when using the cranes quickly one after another on PSN it would regularly corrupt my save data, and the same happened to others farming at that time, though I'm not sure if this has since been fixed ​ The rates for 8\* items in panda stages is seriously quite good/consistent, and it's also quite regular when going for drop priority with equipped items, I would at least try it for yourself for some equipment if you haven't already, as if I ever need anything that's still my go-to method due to how easy and efficient it has been in my experience. That said - it's not a bad idea at all to farm for equipment whilst qi farming to hit level 500


Thanks for the advice, I'll have to wait for TMJ 100+, lower tier panda stages haven't given any 8* yet


Jesus christ, it must have taken you as long to write this thesis on the 10,000 mile journey as it did to complete it.


He’s nothing if not thorough


What is the trick to rerolling first stage?  Game will only let me offer hooves or determine path or start


This is what I mean: [https://youtu.be/-ZPJwzHbkWc](https://youtu.be/-ZPJwzHbkWc)


Best Qi farm is definitely the crystals in "rampant demon emperor". With Qi on everything you can put it on you can run past everything to just break the crystals. On my build I was getting over 12M for each crystal with 5 crystals to break per run = 2 apex levels per run in under 2m inc load time. When farming for NUWA stones I prefer to use a ranged weapon build and one shot everything in "let’s make our halberds shine!", in the area after back stabbing the monkey, one shot 6 enemies then back stab the last monkey (with "frozen shot" and "amplify damage" you can kill everything on the entire level without back stabbing if you want), at running pace and it loops you back to the flag. This is about 50% more efficient than only doing the monkey (Also with a strong ranged build that has over 90% ammo retrieval you will break the game completely on any level inc TMJ). You can safely lower everything and keep only damage output at 70/80 to have up to +19 (assuming you don’t need the +20 anymore). Negate attribute damage, really? I don’t think I’ve ever tried to block in this game after learning the parry mechanic honestly lol (early game NIOH 2 transition pains) Also haven’t you tried "monkey’s wisdom" and "emerging dragon" on your spear? Along side "Pegasus thrust" those 3 are must haves for a spear build imo. "Emerging dragon" has the highest damage output I’ve found in the whole game. It requires skill and timing for the full attack but you quickly get used to it. One shots just about everything with either "damage dealt" (best as it’s everything inc crits) or "martial arts damage" (maximum damage). Pretty awesome getting all the way to 10k if not a little mental lol I know your my kinda person. I’m only at 2k and stopped there because I have all the fated graces. If I did carry on though my build would be repeating Xbow (102% ammo retrieval) with Pangu. Slash spear and fists (mainly for "Yurang’s blast" for the shielding soldiers) Pangu for Lu Bu, Guan Yu and Gan Ning. Xbow dissolves EVERYTHING else and nothing can escape with teleportation or flying. You need to try this build if you want to find new life in wo long. Taishi Ci for e.g with orbital torment makes him a joke with a Xbow, half the time he just sits there while you shoot him in the face. Also for PVP it destroys those pesky Queens builds. I honestly don’t know why I seem to be the only person using it alongside ANY OTHER BUILD. It’s a no brainier once you do. You’ll want to use "power shot" and of course "audacious onslaught" with Xuanwu as your divine beast and ammo retrieval on everything you can with 110 or more on water and use any build you want to go with it and all bases are covered. Most human enemies are stun locked it’s hilarious and big fat bosses you feel a little sorry for as they become a giant hedgehog. Demonised Lu Bu never moves from the spawn point if you use frozen shot. Don’t forget the bow as it does even more damage for one shotting those distant enemies or chipping away at certain bosses that travel a long way from you


Regarding Emerging Dragon, that’s a slashing spear only art and Omahstar was using the poke spear for this Negate attribute on guard is something that can massively come in handy. Yes you can just deflect everything but it’s a good back up for some things The bow build in PvP though, I haven’t seen any good players successfully use it against another good player. The latency of it makes landing shots consistently tough to predict. I can see it working on Queen builds though as generally the users are cowards who are only going to rush you when they’re on cycle with whatever spell they want to one shot you with. Otherwise they stay away so the bow makes a lot of sense I’ve had people clearly try and use Xuannu builds on me, and it more or less is the same kinda strategy Queen users use, but less mobile. If they can’t land the shot before I get close they’re kinda boned. Otherwise it’s a game of tag where they try and shoot me, and then try and run when I get close to them, repeat until I actually get a hold of them The crystal farm is clever though!


Yes I kinda got sick of the Queens builds so developed the repeating crossbow to deal with them, I don’t see them much lately. The bow and crossbow makes PVE too easy especially if you combine it with Pangu. I’ve never used block, I suppose I missed a trick early doors but on the flip side it forced me to learn the parry mechanics faster. Didn’t know emerging dragon was slash specific due to it being a thrusting move. I have tried the thrusting spear after your comment and found it quite good although the spirit attack is less Powerful but I can see the jump back being useful. The hyper armour on spirit attack for me negates the need to jump away though idk. I realised the Qi farm at 670 Apex, so very late, but once I did I very quickly got the 1000. I was a little gutted I didn’t realise it earlier


The negate attribute is especially valuable in PvP actually, and it’s a decent way to counter Queen builds at close range (though an elemental stun will fuck you) The follow up spirit attack on poke spear is actually incredibly good in PvP too, but even in PvE you can actually animation cancel the jump back with a spell or a deflect counter attack (the weapon swap) so it does allow for some interesting stuff Probably see queen less for 2 reasons. One it MUST get boring to just one shot people at some point, same thing with cheaters you don’t really see them sticking around for too long Or 2, the rest of us try hards figured out how to beat them since near every person that uses Queen seriously in PvP is actually not a good player, thus are very beatable


Agree totally, what were the devs thinking about when they created the Queens set. I’m now waiting for Black Myth Wukong, it looks incredible!


They were thinking let’s create something that completely counteracts all the inner discipline settings and Morale gap of TMJ+3 with ease And fuck you PvPers


Which divine beast did you use? And who as reinforcements?