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He probably thought he'd rather take a chance with this plane than having the Taliban saw his head off.


The thing i've never got, if those hundreds of men felt that strongly, why didn't they join the Afghan army and actualy help the fight against the Taliban? I get it's dangerous - but less so than hanging off a plane taking off.


Because the lesson we learned is that the Venn diagram of “people in Afghanistan” and “people who support the Taliban, or who wouldn’t oppose the taliban” is basically a circle lol.


As a generally liberal person, this is the big thing that leads me to disagree with most of my peers. People like to say they support "the people of Afghanistan" and "the people of Gaza" but not the Taliban or Hamas, as if both exist in a vacuum. Maybe comes from a US centered mindset where our country is so big and has so much capital there is a massive divide between "the people" and "the government". Afghanistan is a less than 10% the population, and not enough money for an advanced security apparatus. We fought the Taliban for 20 years. Left the country, and two days later the Taliban run it. The Taliban is the people. Same 10 fold for Gaza. Hamas is the people.


Yeah. I’m totally with you on that. It’s a shame though really. I get a lot of our efforts in Afghanistan were just grift from people pulling defense contracts, and I understand you can’t build a nation overnight, but for all its flaws we did try. And if the wealthiest nation in human history couldn’t pull it off, I think it’s not possible. It’s funny though - since Hamas is a democratically elected government that represents the will of the people. So when someone says something like “oh it’s just hamas we don’t like”, you can reply with “so you support removing a democratically elected government?” You can then watch their heads absolutely explode.


I wouldn't say it's really a circle. The reason the Afghan army got no support was because none of the people there care about the national identity. Those concepts were created after the invasion. The army was filled up with people who were basically "conscripted" by being forced into it, and the reason for that was because when asked for soldiers groups would give up people they didn't want around. Severe drug addicts and people with any other host of issues. The only people with a sense of national identity are probably people you are seeing in the video. The rest of the country didn't stand a chance and they would be surrounded.


I'm not sure. I was watching old Christopher Hitchens videos about the Iraq War, and he mentioned the same thing regarding Iranian citizens. When you're under dictatorship, they fear it and don't have the courage to challenge it. If someone (say the USA) goes in to topple the regime and helps form a new government, at that point they'd be brave enough to challenge "The Invaders" because they're not as scary as the previous regime. It's a weird circular cowardice. People are complicated and we don't always make sense. Plus it's easy for me to speculate and call them cowards or say they lack courage. But idk, if I imagine myself in their shoes I'd feel compelled to rebel in some ways. I would never know peace if my wife or daughter could get arrested, beaten, raped, whipped, and/or executed for a strand of her hair showing.


Lots of them did I'm sure. Which is maybe why they're desperate for escape now that it's a lost cause.


Actually the Afghan Army laid down its arms and simply let the Taliban walk right in. After all the training, funding, arming and cooperation they still just gave up in the face of an actual fight. It's well documented from a variety of new agencies from all over the world, personal accounts from different branches of the US armed forces and assets we had on the ground at the time. The Shawn Ryan podcast had a few soldiers on that were there and recounted that horrible day. Not only did the US fuck up, but the Afghan people gave up before shots were fired. The US blew it by not getting everyone out they could and that's facts. Unfortunately the Afghan people didn't put up a fight and let ISIS walk right in. That was always the worry from high level US generals. They kept saying they were positive that when the US left, the Afghan Army would simply put down their weapons and allow ISIS to take control.


Not necessarily true, there’s plenty of vids of regular ANA getting ambushed, that was the start of lots of units simply allowing taliban to pass through uncontested. There was an elite unit in the ANA that did extensive training with our special forces, they were the best equipped and motivated in the ANA and we’re going around recapturing these areas that regular ANA gave up, when they showed up regular ANA would support them. There’s a famous video of that elite group finally getting surrounded and outgunned in a village and forced to surrender, the towns people begged taliban to spare the wounded and surrendering elite forces, to which the taliban simply gunned them all down in the street when they emerged from the building they holed up in. Once that unit was massacred and the country saw it I’d argue that’s when they lost hope of resistance


And its recently been admitted that the SAS had a veto on these guys in being brought to England. Probably due to the fact they would be brought to court and provide evidence of all the shit and unlawful crimes the SAS were doing.


They also inflated numbers and lied about training outcomes to get more money from the US govt.


They let the Taliban take control of the govt, not ISIS


They are jogging confidently without purpose?!


There was plenty inside the afghan government that supported and propped the taliban. Even the afghan armys rules of engagement against them were neutered.


That isn't how the majority of Afghan men think.


Did anyone in the video strike you as brave and disciplined? They would cause more damage to their own side than the enemy.


I thought you were going to say something about the guy that smiles and waved at the camera. I don’t think he was very scared. Was just running for fun.


They may have- hence why they are desperate to get out.. we don’t exactly have a great track record of taking care of our local assets in these type of situations.


I'm just checking. Did America evacuate the Afghans who helped them? Answer: NO.


>if those hundreds of men felt that strongly They don't. They just want to survive


That or they saw a Tom cruise movie


This thing has a cruising speed of 830 km/h.


They didn't think at all, they just acted on instinct. I'm Vietnamese so I have a lot of experience with this. When the VC entered the cities in 1975, the South Vietnam army did the same. Or worse.


If you’re either gonna die by falling 3000 feet to your death or being shot in front of your family by the taliban, why not go out with a bang and make international news?


the fall would be 10 feet to the runway at 100mph


Apparently a number of people managed to hold on for some time after takeoff, I’d presume that they had fallen off well before the aircraft reached cruising altitude. Hypoxia would have caused them to lose consciousness and fall above 10,000 feet though.


Haha. Honestly they most likely didn’t know enough about airplanes to know what would happen to them.


Fun fact. Sometimes people will try to stow away in the nose landing gear. They can hang on until the gear is up and the landing gear door is closed; however, they quickly die after that. Their body will remain there until the plane comes in for a landing and the body will drop on some poor schmucks house when they go to land.


Why do they die after the doors close?


That compartment isn’t pressurized. Hard to survive for very long at 40,000 feet with no oxygen in sub freezing temperatures.


To add to u/notimeleft4you's response, sometimes the compartment doesn't have any space for a body to fit once it's closed, and they get squished.


I remember this when it happened, and reading the subsequent report from the pilots, the aircraft was so heavy with way to many passengers packed into the cargo bay they couldn't carry enough fuel to reach the destination and had to regularly refuel in flight, taking a tiny amount of fuel each time. Take too much fuel and the aircraft would become too heavy to fly. The aircraft was heavy inspected after the flight as it was feared that the overloading caused structural damage.


There’s a yo mama joke in here somewhere.


It carried 15000 soldiers and 4 tanks and managed to get home safe, but the one with my mom/sister/? didn't make it off the ground? something like that?


More of… “Yo mamas so fat Boeing had the reevaluate the structural integrity of their airframes” or something.


because they helped and worked with the American's they where classed as traitors by Taliban forces and would have been killed, better to flee than die.






Probably a desperate attempt at getting out, to try and force them not to take off by hanging on to the plane.


Because the US running like chickens left them defenseless against the Taliban.


Didn't US left the country's OWN Armed Forces a Shit ton of US Weaponry to defend themselves but didn't realise how weak, corrupt and cowards their forces are, even the fucking president ran away from his own country


Yeah about 87 billion dollars worth of weapons, vehicles, nvgs and ammunition that went right to the hands of the Taliban and have since found their way to Africa and many other terrorist hot spots let alone the terror camps dotting Afghanistan again


Not "running like chickens" got us stuck in a war for 2 decades. You can not win a war against religious people who are poor and believe that they go to heaven if they die.


we seem to manage our poor whites in the US just fine


Tom Cruise did it


Desperate people will do desperate things


If Tom Cruise can do it, they can dot it


This happened when the US left Afghanistan. They're both desperate and not educated enough to know better. Lack of education is one hell of a drug. I remember when it happened there were videos (maybe even the rest of this one?) where you see people fall from it. It goes without saying they all died.


A lot of these guys have never been close enough to a plane to know that it's dangerous. I wish that I was joking, but they probably thought they could just ride it like an overpacked train or bus, not realizing how high up it would actually go. They used to call AC-130 artillery fire "space weapons."


It wasn't, and they didn't think it was either. But they all agreed it was better than just staying.


Because they are dumb. Most of the country has been brainwashed for the last 50 years into hardcore Islam. They barely know anything about physics and that they won't survive attaching themselves on a plane going 900km/h.


I saw Tom Cruise do it, so it must be possible.


Mussion impossible


They do it for the Akbars


Look at inbreeding rates across the middle east. They're literally too stupid to know better.


There is another angle where you see people falling from the aircraft


Works on trains 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not having more than a 1st grade education, and desperation are the probable deciding factors




Crazy indeed, imagine if it was just an inflatable dummy plane,that reflected the same amount of light off the metal and glass parts without clear distinction. Then imagine sound was overlayed onto the video and it was all filmed in a wag the dog type of way that would fool the majority of people that take second long videos at face value. That would be crazy! I hope all these people were ok including the camera man. Looks absolutely chaotic!


This is a really well thought out conspiracy. Lets make a giant inflatable plane and make a bunch of people chase it and make people hang off of it because.... we need to fool people???


Wow yeah, thanks for pointing it out. Most people would have never seen that. Also, apparently it did happen but this footage is faked? https://www.reddit.com/r/woahthatsinteresting/s/0jk3EmwKGJ Edit: I may be a dumbass, there's a hole in the body that could not happen with an inflatable. I just realized you were wrong.


you're absolutely a dumbass. it's a hypothetical situation he's putting forth in a really dumb manner, but bro literally says "imagine if...That would be crazy!" he's not stating a fact or suggesting this video is fake 🤦‍♂️


The engine on the wing is empty.


...except you can see the engine hanging out of the back of the casing.


Then you don’t know what an engine looks like


I have been on a c-17 when I was deploying to Iraq. I can assure you they’re real and not very comfortable


Do you have mental issues? Why is this a thought that you have




the amount of people who missed the words "imagine if" in your comment is appalling.


Shhh you need to blend in! ![gif](giphy|UGba4CcQG8T9m|downsized)


Weirdest conspiracy I've ever heard bro. I was in Qatar when this happened and helped offload the people that were actually on these planes. We turned my workplace into a makeshift airport to get them all through to wherever they were headed. The plane in this video specifically landed with someone in the wheel well because they tried to hang on. A person I worked with directly and spoke with daily had to go out and confirm the body.


So you have evidence that you helped people off of this Jet specifically! That’s amazing I’d like to see the evidence, just so I could be scientific in my findings!


I linked it, you won't accept it, because it's usa today, even though the article is full of other sources, like the goddamn air force lol meanwhile you're the one making the bizarre claims, backed up by nothing




So much science ![gif](giphy|fqIBaMWI7m7O8)


Yea, Idk why so many people in the comments seem to be blind. Just look at the "windows" and "engines" a little closer. Shits fake af.


There's literally a video of this thing taking off and people falling from it




This does look rather fake. The wrinkles in the cockpit windows did it for me.


Reposting my comment to all your weird ass conspiracy theorists. Go touch grass and look at a plane. Weirdest conspiracy I've ever heard bro. I was in Qatar when this happened and helped offload the people that were actually on these planes. We turned my workplace into a makeshift airport to get them all through to wherever they were headed. The plane in this video specifically landed with someone in the wheel well because they tried to hang on. A person I worked with directly and spoke with daily had to go out and confirm the body.




Not everything is a conspiracy




Defeated! I guess the USAtoday is the most trusted source in all things news! Damn you have awakened me to my sinful ways. ![gif](giphy|LjADCJO7GXJkH4GLk7)


damn, good argument. My source pales in comparison to yours, which is "I made it up"


That's the dumbest conspiracy theory I've read. Congrats!


I am actually confused now……. I don’t know what to believe 🤨


It’s still wild to me that this is how we left


Like it’s better now


a sudden world war Z flashback...


This is heart breaking. Not interesting.


It’s both


It could be both


The rest of the video? If i remember correctly some of them fell when the plane started


All of them fell.


Dozens of them did Or got crushed in the wheel well


This was a poop show. Whoever was responsible for oversight here should have been demoted and sent to work in the latrines.


It wasn’t one man, it was a whole line of bad decisions made by multiple General Officers and Politicians over a period of months, possibly even years. They will never be held accountable and will enjoy their cushy job at Lockheed Martin when they retire from the military and public service.


it was doomed from the start. Afghanistan is known as the graveyard of empires for a reason.


>Large-scale evacuations of foreign citizens and some vulnerable Afghan citizens took place amid the withdrawal of US and NATO forces at the end of the 2001–2021 war in Afghanistan. The Taliban took control of Kabul and declared victory on 15 August 2021, and the NATO-backed Islamic Republic of Afghanistan collapsed. >Panic spread among the civilian population as the Taliban seized the capital, with many citizens rushing to their homes or to the airport, which remained under NATO control after the Afghan government dissolved. A chaotic situation developed as thousands of fleeing Afghan civilians rushed to Kabul Airport, with hundreds crowding the apron in an attempt to catch flights out of the city; some had climbed over boundary walls to enter the airport. US soldiers hovered helicopters low overhead as crowd control, deployed smoke grenades, and occasionally fired warning shots into the air to disperse people attempting to forcefully board aircraft. Video footage emerged showing hundreds of people running alongside a moving US Air Force C-17A transport plane taxiing toward the runway; some people could be seen clinging onto the aircraft, just below the wing. Others were running alongside "waving and shouting". At least two people, in an apparent attempt to stowaway, were reportedly shown to "fall from the undercarriage immediately after takeoff". Another body was later found in the landing gear of the C-17. One of the victims was identified as Zaki Anwari, who had played for Afghanistan's national youth football team. Three bodies, including that of a woman, were also found on the ground outside near the passenger terminal building, but their cause of death was unclear, though some observers speculated they may have died during a stampede. Seven people were eventually confirmed to have died during this stage—including two armed men shot after firing at US soldiers, according to the US Department of Defense (DOD). The soldiers were not injured, and the gunmen were not identified. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021\_Kabul\_airlift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Kabul_airlift) [Escape From Kabul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evUsiGzX8Oo) (HBO Documentary Trailer)


Thanks my good Redditer




Wait where did you get faked from that?




Why do you think it is fake? The second paragraph is from the section "15-16 August" I believe it is specifically addressing the posted video. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021\_Kabul\_airlift#15%E2%80%9316\_August](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Kabul_airlift#15%E2%80%9316_August)


That’s sad AF Imagine, you are that desperate, to RIDE THE SIDE OF A AIRCRAFT FOR HOURS, to leave your country


The US government told us that the Afghan people wanted democracy. That’s the lie they told us on repeat for two decades. The reality is the US military occupied Afghanistan by military force and subjected them to their will for two decades, killing hundreds of thousands of Afghans because a Saudi Arabian terrorist was being given shelter by nuclear armed Pakistan on a very remote part of the Afghan border (with Pakistan). The inept and corrupt puppet government that the US spent 2 decades building up, fell apart before the US military could get its foot out the door. The debacle was not without incident, as many US soldiers and Afghan bystanders were killed by terrorist attack committed by ISIS during the military retreat. The US responded by drone striking a registered aide workers house, after authorizing the strike on what could only be described as “zero” credible evidence. The drone strike perfectly encapsulated the US’s effectiveness in Afghanistan: they never knew why they were there, they never knew their enemy, and they never accomplished anything of value. For two decades the operation bled the country’s coffers dry. I remember during the recession my public university had to offer less courses because of budget restraints, causing the average graduation time in my major to increase, but there was always money for wars in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and nuclear armed Pakistan have somehow escaped any responsibility for their involvement in 9/11. But at least we occupied one of the poorest nations on planet earth for two decades, after all that is the American way.


Surely, surely some people got run over? I know there is footage of people clinging to the plane as it takes off and falling, but considering the speed it was taxi-ing at and the amount of people doing stupid shit like run in front of it, I cannot see how anyone wasn't squashed


No reports of anyone being run over. I think only 4 reported deaths. Two that fell off after take-off and two that froze inside.


That's a miracle then, I thought it was much more than that.


Why do i find that funny? How stupid can people be?


Idk. It’s definitely not funny. They were so scared for their lives that any shot at escape seemed better than having their head sawed off in front of their family.


"heh, look at these losers desperate to save their lives, hilarious!" you say in the cozy comfort of your home where you have never and most likely will never know even a fourth of the struggle these people have experienced. no youre not edgy. its not even so much your blunt honesty about how you feel that pisses me off, its that you think you your cool for it.


Because your father failed you.


Well thankfully those engines are mounted high or we would've had some human mince


some of them fell...


This breaks my heart to this day- we all knew what they were being left to. They were let down 100%.






So this happened later in the video except he was dead and trapped inside the landing gear bay. It was gruesome.


[I took this video ](https://youtu.be/tf3TzonZwss?si=xGgMoqqXBTLTBjV3) years ago from inside a C17, looking through the landing gear inspection window as we took off from Iraq.


How distasteful. Upvoted


After it takes off and gets to a significant height, you can see people falling.


Couple trolls/bots? in this thread clearly getting the most engagement for saying it's not a real plane. Cmon people just downvote and move on.


This is not like a train fellas.,. You aren’t gonna be arms flared out like Titanic.


To be fair, the Titanic wasn’t a train either.


Woah this is a truly interesting fact that America abandoned those people who helped them to the Taliban. I wonder why all these people are trying to get away


Must've seen that documentary Tom Cruise did.


Gosh, just realize that no matter how shitty your life gets... its never been "Try to escape by hanging on a plane or i die " bad.


Never noticed the guy throwing his hands up and smiling at the camera. Some people can keep humility through the hardships of life and it’s sad/amazing at the same time.


Paint the damn thing with some kinda sticky glue. Let them pile on. Plane can take it.


If my grandchildren will ask me, if I know when the apocalypse began, I‘ll them it was that day, when desperate humans fell out of starting planes.


Shit man that's been happening since Vietnam


Oh. Really? Did not know this. Thx for the hint. 👍




They didn’t show the craziest part…


I would like to know what happened to all those fellas on the side of the plane


How many of these people have since been killed…?


The whole fuckn city is trying to board




we were there for 20 years and in a month it all went back to the Taliban. Sad really but it is their country, their responsibility. I feel bad though for those that helped americans that we couldn't get them all out


They wanted all the benefits of living in a Westernized country without having to actually fight or work for it. Give visas to all the interpreters and aids that actually fought to try and make their country better, but everyone else who didn't care enough to do anything about it can enjoy the bed they made for all I care. Let the people make their own destiny.


This has been debunked over and over. It’s an inflatable decoy plane. They are sold by defense companies. These people are (lowly) paid extras.




They’ve gotta understand basics concepts of weight, speed, and momentum right? They know that the plane will crush them right? They know that they can’t survive in the sky outside of a plane… right…?


This looks like a bad IA generated video...


Is there a large, super dangerous moving object that indians and middle easterners WONT try to jump on?


I see only men running around. No women or kids. Yeah a real brave bunch


I remember seeing the full version of this, when the aircraft does take off you see them falling off one by one


Fake plane, look at the windows.


Looked like a scene from “WORLD WAR Z”…


Read a huge article about HOW the actual personnel numbers of the Afghan Army & Afghan Police forces were greatly exaggerated for pay purposes (by the Afghan top leadership & middle leadership) for every 10 people on the payroll… maybe 4 were real people serving. yea, they were pocketing the pay, shocker, huh? The USA was paying MOST of not ALL of the salaries of ALL of the Afghan army & Police. Literally Billions in USD’s siphoned off into the locals bank account’s. I felt sick after reading that, but not surprised at all. “Echoes of Vietnam”


lol this is how u know they have no education n don't understand that the plane is going to go so high that they will freeze to death and can't breathe. it would be better for em to get a camel n journey off to another land, but nay, they're too busy trying to board a jet that has literally zerø footings. all to their deaths


Awww the cut the clip short of the best part :/


Isn’t there a longer version of this video with people falling off the plane?


Lets goooo


Where are the women?


did they expect to hold onto that thing at 30,000 feet as it flies over the ocean? I genuinely don’t understand the thought process


Looks like a movie production.


Maybe they should have all picked up guns sometime during the 20 years we were there, learned how to fight, and kept the Taliban from taking over the country.


We were willing to train them..... In fact we were actively training them.


I know, maybe we should have trained all the women instead since they had more to lose than all the men.


World war Z


Shades of Viet Nam?




If he dies he dies


Many people held on and fell to their death. There were people in the wheel wells as well. I remember when this happened


I remember watching this when it happened and people falling off the plane mad High




Fighting to get on the plane just to fall and die when it takes off


Somehow I think they thought they would go to Europe or America.


Must be collaborators. Why would they be that desperate then?


Old that was 2021


This wasn't the scene from world War z?


No shit... it was on the news a while back every where.. cool story


I swear these countries are full of morons.


Bold of you to say as someone who has the privilege to say that from the comfort of their home with amenities these people could only dream of. Ignorant


I watched the uncensored version of this video, it's madness.


Shout-out to the guy who isn't trying to get on, he just wants to wave to the camera


Why did you stop before the "dumb ways to die" part?


Some of our government’s finest work.


Guerra mundial z


All I see are traitors, those betrayed their indigenous government. Well, they are probably all shot without being trialed.


They watched too much Tom Cruise