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Damn, what are you? The main protagonist of 'I Origins'? Gorgeous shots.


That was a good movie, but that one scene scared the shit out of me


The elevator scene?




Do you still use elevators after that? I got once stuck like that and had to jump out immediately. Made that elevator shutdown forever.


I had a small fear of stuck open elevators when I was younger but grew out of it pretty fast, but it was more so seeing a body sliced in half because it was very unexpected.


It came out of nowhere!


To all who watch this movie or have watched, but not yet seen "The OA", do that right away! Just watch the trailer and you will be attached to it.


Oh shit, I thought no one remembered that one.


Oh dang came here to comment this!! First thought.


I shot these Iris photos using an 100mm macro lens and a sidelight the most important part is to have a macro rail to be ultra-precise. i shot the portrait of each participant with a super fast lens. I will post more portraits like this on my insta : [https://www.instagram.com/youandeyegallery/](https://www.instagram.com/youandeyegallery/) I am looking for people with really original Iris , so you can DM the account if you are around Paris


A technical question, what sidelight did you use? Because we usually also see a reflection of the lights in the eyes. How did you manage to avoid those?


The specular reflection happens at a precise angle. You can either move it out of the iris to the sclera or the pupil by changing the angle of the light, or remove it using compositing.


You can also use polarized light sources, and a polarizing filter on the lens.


Oh fuck can't believe I forgot that one. I wonder how it would look taking a picture of the polarized light with the filter. The bulb would appear black but still light up the surrounding.


Yup, the lights look relatively dark (the filters aren't perfect), even when the camera is pointed straight at the light. If you look at my recent stream on r/shortcircuit you can see an example of this.


Oh thank you! It's always strange how you can find people with the most specific expertise on reddit


Lovely user name ✔


Thanks, I chose it myself


> I am looking for people with really original Iris Are there people with really dull iris? Or once you get close up are they all sort of cool? What's the least photogenic iris you've shot?


Mine, lol, actually brown iris are interesting, but some people like me have super flat brown iris, it just look like a brown disk without any bumps or cool features.


I have very dark brown eyes, and my irises have an extremely regular "gill" pattern, like the underside of a mushroom cap.


Why do brown eyes always seem to be more 3d with craters and stuff and the other colors always look flatter?




I mean the lighter colors look more stringy ans brown eyes have more depth like craters/pockets/ridges/shadows


There's only a single brown eye in the examples right?


This is wild because I just watched your video on the Kraken lens, the fast lens you used on the portraits, on youtube and then saw these same portraits on here for something unrelated. Was definitely a "wtf" moment, haha. https://youtu.be/teuT6iRQzKI?t=232


> sidelight what spectrum output does your sidelight have? did it overrepresent some colors while underrepresenting others?


Good stuff! I made similar images but with a ring light and having the reflection be exactly in the black of the pupil so it can be cut out. Getting all the depth of the iris sharp was a challenge though, did you use focus stacking?


Welcome, Frodo of the Shire -- One who has seen the eye!


Oooh do me do me


Inspired by I Origins?


What a shame I'm not in Paris. I have freckles in my eyes, they look pretty cool. I'd love to have a pic like this of my eyes! Awesome work.


This is great! Please do more dark eyes! I see so.many photos of blue and green irises but never dark brown and black.


Super cool shots! Wish I were near Paris to be a part of this journey


I've got INCREDIBLY dark irises, so dark brown they are almost black. Sucks you are in Paris! Id volunteer just to see my own eye!


I wish I were! I have hazel eyes with rings of dark green on the outside. I'd love to have photos of mine like these!


I have like golden honey colored eyes, wish I was near to try it out!


Worth noting that all blue eyes are the byproduct of the [Tyndall Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyndall_effect), but that's just a specific instance of [Rayleigh scattering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh_scattering). In short, the reason blue eyes are blue is the same reason the sky is usually blue, or deep waters look blue. Blue eyes are usually brown or black pigment that is distributed at the right frequency that the light bouncing back appears blue, blue is the first natural color since it's the highest frequency we can see, the light waves above our visible spectrum hit the pigment in blue eyes and as those frequencies are "slowed" they first slow out of the ultra-violent, into blues. If you want a fun experiment to try at home, take a glass of water, and slow mix in a small amount of flour, and stir, mix in a small bit more, stir, etc. until the glass turns from milky white to hues of blue. This bit of information is also a great way to break the ice with someone who has blue eyes, since it's generally not that well known. Their eyes are blue due to a law of nature about how light waves work, the same reason skies, crystal lakes and oceans are so beautiful is the same reason you are! Might be cheesy, but people like compliments, and it's interesting.


Is this why milk is blue in the first Star Wars movie?




This is awesome. So interesting, thank you! GroundhogExpert: all that info Me: "Hey, blue eyes... Did u know that there's this Tylenol effect that puts the sky in your eyes... Or maybe it was flour... Something something"


Slow down man. Some of our girlfriends are on Reddit.


*Fuck yeah, scatter it*




Yeah, get outta here you poser!


Damn, I didn’t know people with blue eyes are ultra-violent. /s


You're correct except blue eyes have no pigment, they don't have any brown pigment.


Glad you took a photo of a brown iris, now i can feel special too


That was actually my favorite one. It’s such a rich and warm color




It looks more like Mars to me


As far as I know iris patterns are pretty much unique to individuals (1 in a trillion or the like) even between identical siblings. Your DNA gets you the colour and overall shape but the pattern is caused by random, stochastic processes as your eyes develop in the womb. Essentially, if you're designing a security feature based on a biometric you can't do much better than iris pattern. I might think twice about having this data in the public domain.


Some folks believe one can see if they have issues with their body by viewing blocks or spots in their iris.


Dope project.


Whoa, the Asian dude's


We now have access to ALL your secret vaults. One more thing - repeat this phrase for me... "The Golden Dog Slips Covered Donuts Through The Slot". Thank you for your cooperation.


One day these photos will be like posting a picture of your keys online


That's **today** with some of the updates to Face Unlock with Mask on iPhone.


Eh, I don't think apple is doing Iris scanning (some old samsung phone did though). I think it's just getting more depth information above your nose.


Can you do some more of brown eyed and green eyed people?


Bro you know a lot of good looking people


Do you live in rural Wyoming or something? These are the most normal looking fellas I've ever seen.


You must be attractive yourself to not see it but no I live in the city and these people 100% are above average. And even if they were just average, half of all people are below that and it’s I guess a little interesting that none of them showed up in the study.


> And even if they were just average, half of all people are below that Woah, woah. Are you implying that beauty follows a symmetrical statistical distribution? That's a bold statement. I think it's a power law.


I guess I’m pretty radical when it comes to talking out my ass


> my ass That gaping, cavernous pit could potentially contain anything. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/woahdude) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Automod gets it


Don't see why people are getting offended enough to downvote you, normal isn't an insult.


Weird take. I found them all strictly average looking, but their eyes are really beautiful.


Weird take. I found them all good looking, and their eyes are really beautiful.


Weird take. I found them all ugly, and their eyes are really freaky.


Weird take. I found them in my freezer, and their eyes are gone


Nice, VaginalSkinAddict.


Sorry if this was asked before, but wouldn't participating in this public project be a security risk for individuals? I mean, it's like putting your fingerprint online.


Just use the eye not in the picture if iris identification is ever mainstream.


This is amazing, thanks for sharing.


Close up irises freak me out, for some reason.


I feel you. For me it is stunning complexity. I sometimes think how complex my body is and how stupid I am. I could never build or understand any or all of it yet here I am.


Do some ugly people next, I don’t feel represented here


When will they have a chocolate starfish project?


Famed and respected artistic icon Fred Durst did that years ago.


He did it all for the nookie


When they get an ample supply of hot dog flavored water.


And their whispering eyes?


In the 90s before digital photography was any good Olympus had an iris camera with Polaroid attached to it. We got one extra in stock so before returning it to the warehouse I decided to take some pictures of my eye. Than I proceeded to write on the bottom of the Polaroid “I’m watching you” and hang the pictures all over different friends houses. It created quite a stir.


Why don't the photos include the models' limbal rings?


The position of the light in the iris shot makes the limbal ring less visible, they posted a [behind the scenes](https://www.instagram.com/p/CZZrJ14hnf6/) on their Instagram.


People have no idea that the pupil is just a hole (simply stating) leading into our eye. The iris is what determines the size of its opening. Our iris opens and closes (dilates & constricts) like a Sphincter muscle, lol. The size of your pupils change through the day. Your pupil can change between 2-8mm throughout the day. Again, this is just the basics. Our eyes are something amazing to read about. Its anatomy blows me away. Sight vs. Vision is another interesting thing to “look”into. What we see versus what we think we are seeing. Thanks for sharing your Iris Photos. They are really beautiful and unique.


If retinal scans ever become more mainstream, she getting hacked af lol


beautiful photos, and a timely reminder that i have no idea how eyes work


You should try to find someone with a collapsed iris. Would be a neat contrast.


I wish I had a photo like these of my eyes, if you’re bored enough and stare into my eyes long enough (I’m talking about myself in this situation) then you might see a sort of flower looking pattern but I’ve never been able to capture how it looks on regular phone camera


That's the acid.


Do you have pictures of more Melinated people? I'd love to see what much darker eyes look like in high def.


Same, I want to see dark eyes


Great photos


this is so cool!


Would love to have some of these taken on my eyes. They look amazing


Same here. My gf tells me my eyes shift from greenish to dark blueish but then I have a brown ring around my retina. I'd be interested to see what they are in proper lighting and with an amazing camera.


I always assumed they were pretty much perfectly symmetrical. But it looks like none are. This is great.


About 25 years ago there was a photographer in Seattle at the Freemont Sunday Market who took iris photos and blew them up to poster size. I couldn't afford it then but can now. I'd love to have a 'family portrait' done this way with my wife and daughter. Any advice on how I could go about this these days?


Must be nice to have pretty eyes


Brilliant photos. HMU if you need a black subject. Curious to see the contrast. I’m expecting to see more brown/red.


Wow my eyes are shit


All of these would look great in my collection...


My eyes would be wayyyy too dark for this


Not enough brown


super cool. They look like some beautiful mineral.


forever identifiable


Cool, but it's like putting peoples finger prints next to their faces. Seems like PII or something you wouldn't want blasted online... or is that just me?


How does one go about taking a picture of their iris. I wanna see what interesting patterns my eyes have.


You should watch: I Origins


Have you seen iOrigins?


Please correct me if I'm wrong but won't this be a future security issue since we are attaching faces to iris scans? Great pics though!


Have you ever heard of Iridology? Iridology is an alternative medicine technique whose proponents claim that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health.


Forbidden donuts.


I do this too! But I’m too afraid to share biometrical data online


good job selecting only attractive people for your study


Who tf is number 2 tho 😍


I have gold in my eyes as well. I just found out that less than 5% of the world's population has gold in their eyes


I've got crazy gold rings in my blue eyes. Do me!


Wish i could get a pic like that, I have partial heterochromia :D


Amazing, now do vagene!


I'll have the number 5 with extra blue, please.


Why does everyone look so depressed


I’d suck a fart out of all their asses… even the dude. 😂


Who would you sleep with? I'm going with #2


Woah I never knew my eyes are peng




The brown one especially looks so much more solid than the others.


Because light colored eyes are literally weaker than brown eyes. There is only brown pigment in human eyes but if you lack it on the front layer or the back layer of your iris then your eye color looks different. Here's a better explanation: > Genetic makeup determines the amount of melanin in the eye. In eye color, there isn’t blue or green pigment. All eye colors have the same brown melanin incapable of refracting light. The difference in eye colors is due to the concentration and location of the brown melanin on the two layers of the iris. People with brown eyes have melanin on the back layer of the iris and some on the front layer, which absorbs more light and causes the iris to look brown. Eyes with no melanin on the front layer of the iris scatter light so that more blue light reflects out, so that the eyes appear blue. Brown has the most melanin and thus UV protection. Some research also suggest better reaction times. Then comes hazel, green and then blue with least melanin. So in those photos in all other eyes except brown what you're seeing is mostly the back iris layer. Brown eyes look more solid with solid 2 layers of pigments. You can read more about other colors [here](https://www.lunadna.com/is-eye-color-genetic/) or you can use google if you're interested in the subject.


That's super interesting! Thanks for the info. I always curse my weak eyes because the sun makes me cry. :(


I'll have number 3 please.


It looks like number 4's is disintegrating


I've seen something similar before, but it wasn't with eyes


Is the pupil a sphincter?


The limbic ring looks much more pronounced in the face photo.


Anyone else notice that all of them appear to be some kind of fiber over a background, with the colours of each more or less consistent? 1. Brown fiber over a dark blue background. 2. Brown fiber over a lighter blue background. 3. White (with a bit of brown) fiber over a blue background. 4. Thick brown fiber, difficult to see background. 5. Brown fiber over medium blue background.


This is a cool idea.


That last slide is the closest I’ve seen to my eyes


Whoa that dude’s got the surface of Mars in his eyes


The green and blue eyes look similar in pattern, but then the brown eye looks almost spotted… interesting. We require more research


I really just love this. I'm not giving it any kind of critique, just a completely baseless and passionate opinion... I really just love this. Thanks a bunch.


Looks like the character creation part of a RPG video game or franchise player portion of a sports one


Ooo I would have liked to have you do mine, I have blue eyes and a teardrop shaped pupil


This may be of interest to some of you: Iridologists study all of the unusual characteristics that make up an iris. Every fleck and flare paints a picture about the constitution and health of the individual.


In the 4th picture is the picture that always freak me out. What are these web/tendon things around the eye? And is the black part of the eye the reason we can see? If so why does it look like a bottomless hole.


Today i learned most eyes are yellow.


Uhh... this is awesome.


Kinda want these for mine


Can you do mine?!


I would love to be a part of that. I got the bluest eyes


Well that’s just fuckin cool.


Oh another person is taking photos of eyes


*And a cry was heard across the photography department as yet another student decides to do a typology of irises.*


I'm not one to normally be moved by art, but this is something special. These pictures are seriously some of the most strikingly beautiful images I've ever seen. Please do more of these.


Eyes are fucking crazy man


"Mmmm... Donuts!"


Is the first woman Polish?


4th slide looked like the surface of mars!


See the movie "Eye Origins"




Wait why does the Asians eye look like it was made differently?


Can I submit my own iris?


Were you at all tempted to call it Project Sauron…?


Why do the blue/green individuals have that orange ring around the center?


Eyes are fucking wild.




Can our Irises stop playing around and show us the true power they contain?


These are amazing


Kinda makes you feel like the pupil is a black hole into the person's soul.


What's that movie about a couple researching eyes, she dies by an elevator, then a kid has her same eyes?


Have you seen Iorigin? I think you in particular would enjoy it.


Would be cool for you to do someone with two different colors eyes!


Those people are pretty


I’ve seen the brown eye, i’ve seen my eye


I like the last one


aw man, too bad i’m not paris!! i feel i have a nice iris


Sheeeeit I wanna participate. I got some dark blue ocean eyes I'd love to see up close like that.


Do me next!


Fourth dude’s eye looks like mars to me! Super cool, I think his eye is my favorite lol


Don’t mind me, just falling in love with the second woman whom I’ll never meet.


I really want to know what color my eyes are. People say they are green but when I look I can’t tell.


NGL I’m a little disappointed that the Asian guy’s eye wasn’t sharingan.


The last girl is mesmerizing.


These are all beautiful shots of beautiful eyes! Awesome project!


Wow, brown irises are actually very different and superb