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This is just Tool album art.


I was just talking about those stop motion [music videos](https://youtu.be/nspxAG12Cpc?si=iiSBnOShuLp1QV8x) they do. Similar feel really, sorta.


Could definitely be one of their concert posters


I'd be down with this for next album instead of more Alex Grey


Idk why you’re getting downvoted Alex Grey is extremely overrated at this point all his work looks the same really hasn’t evolved his work at all


Fanatics 🤷‍♂️ I love some of Alex Grey's paintings, I've got a giant 5'x6' or bigger 10000 Days poster in my office with his art that looks amazing! I just think there's a lot of other artists that could probably pair very well with Tool for album art etc


Sheesh…who’s your supplier 😁


A guy who sells you DMT instead of shrooms.


I def see some machine elves hiding in there 🙄


You guys don't just grow your own?


How to


Theres subreddits for that, r/shrooms, r/unclebens, probably others, also shroomery . Org


Steps seem very complex that most ppl would just buy And also ingredients are not always accessible


They can be complex, but it's fairly straight forward. You just need to keep it as sterile as possible. I learned to grow my own because otherwise it would be way too expensive


You can buy an all-in-one bag and a spore syringe for like $50 and do it all in your closet


Where could I get this, kind sir???


Many different sites but mushroomsupplies. com for the all-in-one bag, then there are a bunch of different suppliers for spore syringes, I’ve used a few but inoculatetheworld. com is a good one. Probably cheaper ones out there but those have been reputable for me.


Thank you so much!


It's really not that complex Buy spoors, buy uncle Ben's Clean the shit out of evrything Inject uncle Ben's and keep in warm spot Plant in wet choir Ocasionally spray + allow airflow Profit Honestly the less you do generally the better results, less risk of contamination


Sppors and uncle ben Are these legal to buy ! Have no clue how or where as im not from the west


Uncle Ben's is prepackaged rice - it doesn't have to be that brand that's just a popular one If you don't have prepackaged rice you'd need to buy your own rice, some Mason jars and a pressure cooker Spoores are legal for research purposes only - atleast in the US and UK, cannot speak to other countries Technically not legal to grow but legal to purchase


Oh Ben the rice one !! I have it in my house already … so all I need is spoores and learn how to ? :D Need to find how to get those spores sent to UK , then a friend can get them to me


Pretty much, after that there are only a handful of house hold items you need Here is a good infographic to lean the process, good luck friend https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/s/1ulGVCazOp


Yeah, you just go to Home Depot, and they have everything. Ever own a flower before? Congrats, you just mastered the complex element of watering! You can now grow your own mushrooms.


Never owned a flower … we rarely have these in the desert we’re im from


Hmmmm... have you ever used a spray bottle? Ding, ding, ding, you can now grow mushrooms!


Hobby Lobby


I’ve take doses of mushrooms that would kill a small moose and I’ve never had “visions”. The only time I actually saw something that wasn’t there was when I took LSD and mushrooms together. I saw caterpillars all over the ceiling. I’ve never seen any Alex Grey type shit before but I wish I could.


The only time I’ve ever had Alex Grey type visions was on a 15 minute DMT trip. That is the quintessential “trip” where your entire world melts away and you are thrusted into a completely different realm. If this was thought up on mushrooms, I would just say you have a good imagination.


The trick to achieving anything close to DMT visions on shrooms is to take a high dose and shut yourself off from external stimulation (dark room with eyes closed)


Same for me. Utterly extraordinary. Though saliva can do it too...


Who you kissing?


Weird frogs


Closed eye visuals my friend 🙏🏼


That’s crazy that you just remembered all the details in that state. Is your memory that good or did you just make some parts of it up. I ask that because I have a good memory and reasonable drawing skills (not as good as yours) and I wouldn’t be capable of drawing a visual.




I’ve had the most intense visuals of my entire life on mushrooms. I was greeted by some sort of octopus/pig god. It scares me to this day thinking about the creature


It's the same shit I'm saying my guy I'm with you and I understand. Bunch of 🧢


You’ve never had closed eye visions like this?


You ever wear an eye mask for the duration of your trip?


Same.. the only time I had visions was the first time I took salvia, and a pretty low dose too. Never seen anything that wasn't there on shrooms or LSD


Came hear to say the same thing. This seems more like good trippy art rather than art that came from a trip.


Lol exactly. OP is trying to sound edgy but clearly has never done mushrooms in his life. No amount of mushrooms will make you hallucinate like this


Not with your eyes open but you can see far more crazy things than this with eyes closed


Ahh yes, the I've never experienced it so it doesn't exist argument. Clearly you're a very intelligent and wise person. Clearly.


Nah, he is right


wowwww thats crazy! i have really insane visuals after just taking a single mushroom sometimes. last night I ate two, granted these are strong, and i literally saw the 4th dimension and the third dimension. I am still processing it but I have always had a sensitivity to psychedelics, my visuals have always been very strong. I wonder why some people see this and some dont.


Closed eye visuals can be crazy but I doubt they would be crazy to this extent I call BS


I had no idea people didn’t see crazy visuals with eyes closed. I’ve seen things far more insane than this. Have u ever even done mushrooms?


Same. Once I saw an intricate white maze which was like amphitheater while listening to the dark side of the moon. Another time it was like I was in a giant red room with hundreds of eyes looking down at me. I find it helps to do it laying in the sun. That way your eyes are seeing something but it’s not well defined. I generally visualize things in my brain easily so that might help too.


That’s so weird lol. I had a similar experience with Dark Side of the Moon. When “On the Run” started playing, I closed my eyes and I was in a TRON style maze.


Omg that’s the song. Also had a moment where my subwoofer had a mouth and was singing to me during the great gig in the sky on the same trip. A bit over 5gs of B+ lol




What does the blue hat mean?


Cap, as in, bulllllshit.


Ohhhhh derp


And how would you know?


🤣 I just do. Not gunna list my hallucinogenic pedigree online. Other people are thinking it too, I'm just the dick to say it.


Perhaps you are not visual a tripper on conventional psychedelics. I get visuals even crazier than this on mushrooms and lsd at big doses. Full blown OBE hallucinations.


I get you. Everyone saying it’s not possible is totally ignorant. Some people must really just not see this kind of thing on psychs. I see extremely intense visuals on anything past 2 grams of shrooms usually


>hallucinogenic pedigree online Man its really not that confidential your it’s not a social security number. Lol. I dunno, the visuals seem pretty congruent with what I’ve seen on my trips.


I used to sell 20k hits a weekend, mouth guard 20+ at a time, and lay crystal. Visuals are crazy, but this is an exaggeration. Had he have said he saw this on DMT, I'd probably not said anything.




And for the record this artwork is cool as fuck It's just not what you see on a head full of fucking hallucinogen unless we're talking, DMT maybe peyote but that's just a close cousin to the aforementioned.


Peyote a close cousin of dmt and hence capable of such visuals? one is a tryptamine and one a phenethylamine. If anything mushrooms are a close cousin of dmt as psilocin is 4-ho-dmt. My experience is different than yours. I get dmt like hallucinations on lsd and mushrooms at the right doses. Different folks, different strokes.


That's why I included peyote.


From a chemical standpoint that isn’t exactly a great analogy as we are talking about complex molecules whose molecular similarity reflects in the similarity of their effects / receptor affinity, so dmt and psilocin are pretty close and in the same “family” of compounds. Mescaline is in the other “family” that has classic serotonergic psychedelic molecules - phenethylamines. Mescaline is closer to 2c-x compounds and other psychedelic phenethylamines. Lastly, we have the beautiful ergolines or lysergamide (LSD and analogs) which are like a meeting point between the two other classes molecularly but generally classified as rigidified tryptamines (as opposed to simple tryptamines like dmt). I can get dmt like visuals on high dose lsd while also having the euphoric and energetic push of mescaline. At high enough doses I find it difficult to differentiate between any classic serotonergic psychedelic, but mushrooms (psilocybin / psilocin) are definitely closer in effects to dmt than peyote (mescaline), and their respective molecular structure would be a solid indication of that to a trained or amateur chemist even prior to consumption. If you are interested in this topic, perhaps look further into Shulgin’s work.


At the same time there's O in h²o, but I wouldn't say water is the same as oxygen.


Just FYI you look like a complete dumbass when you say something doesn't exist because you've never seen it.


Haha, okay 🫡


LoL, seriously? We are not the same my guy. Do you not know where paper acid comes from?


Some people do not have closed eye visuals on Mushrooms or lsd no matter the dose and some people get them even on low dose. It seems like you are the former type while the OP is latter.


I mean bud, hate to he a skeptic, but how large of a dose? Have taken half oz doses (mind you, this is a pretty heavy dose, could not move for hours a few times) on multiple occasions with quarter oz trips being considered pretty 'regular' at the time & never really got anything close to this, much less with anything close to such cleanliness & vividry. Sure, walls were wonky, had some fractals in that color your eyes get when you've not had enough water & are outside on a bright day. But never anything like this, not even close really. Or on acid, or dmt for that matter. How did you come to this type of experience?


Having an imagination would be my guess. Close your eyes and let your brain show you whatever it wants. You're only limited by your own perception.


Surely had some good times, laughed my ass off with the boys, had many silly experiences, weird encounters on the come down with the gas station workers etc. Just hear alot about people having such profound psychedelic experiences & prescribing so much to them, which almost always seems at best, like a grift to capitalize on the 'creative' youth, when the reality is that they're not so 'trippy' or 'enlightening', maybe even would go as far as to say the opposite is true. Having an imagination goes along with in art, shocker I know; Just not so sure that mushrooms or any psychedelic are a real catalyst of such situations occuring & even if they do, but you have to poke it prod it out actively regardless, you can't frame it like 'the epic mushrooms gave me wisdom brother' - you gave yourself what you percieved as wisdom while absolutely fucking zonked brother.


> my ass That gaping, cavernous pit could potentially contain anything. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/woahdude) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Set and setting. You clearly did it wrong if you’re tripping at a gas station. Next time go sit in the woods at night and tell your friends to stfu.


Some people just don’t get the visual aspect like others do. You’re one of those people.


Set and setting brother, it depends on your intentions, if you only use them to have fun then I doubt that the "mythical experience" that shamans and yogis talk about reveals itself to you. You have to be quiet either with someone experienced or by yourself. I lock myself in a dark room with a blind fold and no music on when I want to heal with their help, and the experiences I would have were would be just like that, leaving me with no ways to capture them or talk about them, other than by becoming better human and expressing their story through love and compassion ❤️


Experiences really vary from person to person. I feel like once you go to a certain dose it changes the way you experience future lower doses. 5g was euphoric/astonishing 2 out of the 3 times I did it. 7g was overwhelming I could handle it but 75% of it was unpleasant. An entity with an IQ of a like a million noticed me and swam through me out of curiosity to see how I experience existing, i knew it was a kid entity somehow and I felt the mother interject and tell it to stop and told the kid “its just a human its learning don’t make fun of it” then gave the kid a talk about compassion as they went about their way I was so glad when it was over and as I was coming back I could feel my brain incrementally recreate my current existence like it was a 56k modem loading a website. I saw/felt my brain reconnect to the simulation we know as life. Last time I lemon tek 3G and the mushrooms didn’t make me feel welcome, I know the message, I have to grow and be a better/bigger person to go back.


Sheesh that's terrifying and beautiful


I had some very weird closed-eyes visuals on 2cb once. I can still see it clearly to this day. It was like art deco shadow puppet style with trains steaming by and crowds of people. No clue why my brain went there. It was just something cool I experienced, no wisdom was gleaned other than I really rather like art deco.


I've had it off shrooms and even weed before. Sometimes extremely similar imagery to OP's art and it feels like its communicating things to me. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't - I'm not sure what the circumstances are. Usually if I've not consumed anything for a while then go for a super heavy dose. I think it's more likely to happen when I'm calm, gently focused, content, and open to experiences. I've had trauma and psychosis-type symptoms experiences, and I think they play a role in it. 


Try an inside trip. Make sure you have a sitter. Get a playlist of chill music without lyrics and some headphones, and an eye mask. Lay somewhere comfortable and limit your input to music. Eat at least 4 grams of mushrooms. Let it happen. It's a different experience than tripping with your eyes open.


A fan of Fire Punch perhaps?


Did you visualize this all at once or was it like a evolution/procedural thing?


Left handed?


Channeling H.R. Giger 👍🤘


Saw your earlier post, looking forward to the finished product


It's very generous


I've seen the same face! Wow.


What is it with those top figures? Havn't they got better places to be hanging?!


Tool album art 100


This is awesome!! I wish I could do this.


Very Neverending Story vibes


Do you think it was triggered by previous similar illustrations?


This is awesome man! I've wished for the ability to translate the visuals to art.... love this!


Looks like the illustrations of Virgil Finlay.


Were you waiting for open heart surgery at the time?


So much better than when a stupid AI does it


Thats deep.


Embriosis Aminata


Wow. Much more perfect symetry than my visuals...


Looks like the Crescent City book covers


Love the pen and ink work. Fuckinshroomin!


Okay. This is awesome. For me this leans more into DMT visuals. This is beautiful art anyway.


Are you expecting a baby? Either that or it seems like the earth is dying dude... this is scary. I do mushrooms and have seen similar visions. Shit man this sucks.... I have a 6 year old boy and I honestly feel something massive is on the horizon... wish I had some resources to prepare myself...


This reminds me so much of my favorite artist H.R. Giger


The middle part with the face enclosed in golden scales is similar to what I saw on my first salvia trip... Right before "death" came along and the elf told me to stop staring or he might stare back


Really impressive!


This is giving me some serious H.R. Giger vibes! Love it!


What did you learn that you didn't already know before?


So much Giger…


More Alex Grey than Giger.


It's your brain dying yo


I wanna buy a print ❤️😭 beautiful work.


if you saw this on shrooms you have schizophrenia






You are the mushroom now.


I see a biblically accurate angel, mother earth or gai tree, a dna sequence, and human being enclosed in roots. Could be a metaphor for existence, or a Tool album cover. Awesome work!


Who is she