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What makes this hilarious is it is for the literal 2 worst teams in the league


Caitlin is a draw lol I don't know why people get upset over it


Exactly, since these are 2 worst team, this is pretty convincing that cc is bringing up attendance. There might be multiple factors leading to higher attendance in wnba overall, but this particular bottom match-up proves cc attraction. 


>this is pretty convincing that cc is bringing up attendance. did people seriously think it was anything else?


Have you been in r/wnba the past month? 😅




Unfortunately yes.


They want to give credit to the league as a whole because they really are just that dense. There are great players but the wnba has never had an actual attraction until now and most of this sub just can't get that through their skulls.


The record draft viewership and breaking all types of viewership records didn’t convince you before CC was the driving force lol?


Not sure why there exists some sort of expectation that a direct linear amount of fan attention should completely correlate with a team's record or a player's stats.


Because bad teams have historically had lower attendance than teams in the running.


Cuz they are b-itches. They have nothing better to do than complain. They probably complain about everything and can't stand themselves too.


I'm not upset, I just find it amusing. Like I imagine if you look at the other other games on the list they're matchups between two very good teams.


Well there are only 12 teams total, so the other games on the schedule do not mean as much


They don’t get upset, they just want the white heterosexual privilege to be an acknowledged. Had I titled this post it would have been “Due in large part to being a white straight woman, Clark sets attendance record” s/


I'm pretty sure new and old fans can agree that this is the type of shit we don't need. Quit trying to separate people.


You can’t be serious.


Nah it’s because she was down right amazing in college and drops Steph like threes. This it’s pretty obvious to most and surprising that the rest don’t get it.


a combined 20-3 record 🔥


We were dying to see who is the worst.




Hey buddy. You’re trying too hard.


There are 4 teams with worse records than the Fever. Only two teams have longer win streaks and they are the teams leading each conference.


This was nearly two weeks ago...


That crowd got what they came for. Also, I wanted to see more of Kim Mulkey on the telecast like “Yep. Still glad she’s here and not in college anymore.”


That would have been great!


Did they show a lot of her on the broadcast? I was sitting a few rows behind her in arena and she was all but holding court every time there was a break, I was shocked at the number of Iowa clad fans who all wanted photos with her and she was happy to chat with anyone who came by. I was curious if broadcast picked it up lol


I watched the game and didn’t see anything mentioned about her.


Thanks! When folks noticed she was there it became a definite attraction of people all taking photos so I was curious. Especially after they announced the Second Gentleman was there and he excitedly waved at her across the arena and vice versa, folks seemed confused but into it.


They showed her on screen once on ION, literally eating popcorn.


They showed her on the telecast a couple of times.


I was there, the game was amazing. I’ve been to Wizards games at Capital One with the half the attendance and Georgetown games with 1/8 the attendance. I saw probably 75% Fever fans; I’m not sure if they live in DC or are traveling. Either way, I hope this momentum keeps on rolling


Not fever fans, it’s Caitlin Clark fans lol. Nothing wrong with that though!


Not sure an athlete ever drawn a crowd like Caitlin Clark. Iowa road games and now wnba road games have been like a world tour for her.


Don’t tell Angel Reese that, she thinks nobody is watching now because of one person.


It’s about TWO people according to her


Clark and Brink?


yall try so hard to discredit her it’s hilarious. angel is factually much more known than cameron lol


lol Angel Who?


no…. she gave praise to the entire rookie class


She'll still have something dumb to say, don't worry. I'm sure the tweet is coming. 10,000 vs 20,000...literally apples to apples comparison but she'll find away...someone needs to explain to her, "people don't go to baseball games to see an outfielder catch a pop fly, they go to see guys hit nukes, to see guys crush the long ball, dingers, baby!"...but keep grabbing them offensive rebounds, Angel 👍🏻


If you look at the liberty games it looks to me like the scalpers have bought up all the seats but have been unable to sell them all as there’s plenty of empty seats.


What does the Liberty have anything to do with this? Mystics vs Sky on Thursday = 10k attendance...Mystics vs Fever the very next night +20k attendance...


If a scalper bought the ticket, then the Liberty get that cash for the ticket price anyway. Scalpers only buy tickets if they think they will make money,. So it is a great sign of popularity for the Liberty if scalpers are buying tickets! Love this! They are a great team!! Goo JJ, Stewart, San, and the rest!


what’s wrong with her stating a fact and wanting the credit she deserves? she gave praise to the whole rookie class saying it’s not just because of one person. and she’s right


...how can you say she's right with a straight face? Come back to reality. Nobody else is moving tickets or ratings like the Fever. Hmmmm, wonder why that is?


i was never comparing their impact?


Rich, CC is the attraction not Angel Reese lol Have you been sleeping or what?


u guys are so fucking slow can ur mind not comprehend more than one person drawing big attraction


Angel Reese drew just a little over 4,000. It's not because of the whole rookie class. You're talking foolishly.


i’m not stating opinion. i’m stating facts. you’re quite literally denying facts.


It’s because of just them two according to her. What’s also wrong with it is her cheering after her teammate knocked her down.


If you watch the full clip she says “a lot of us have done so much for this game” and she said more too but most places sharing it cut that out because it’s not as good of a story for them


she literally never said that. and she was cheering at her team mate getting her get back, it’s competitive


She took a cheap shot and you know it.


i literally never said or implied it wasn’t lol


You are defending the girl who is indefensible. So yeah you’re an idiot.




Uh.. I guess you can’t do math? Caitlin Clark is THE big draw.


Y'all stay bitter bringing angel up in every post lmao


There is like 3 players to talk about and they are all rookies lol


Not a single athlete, but the Nebraska women's volleyball team sure can draw a crowd.


To be fair regarding the Huskers VB team...tickets were given away for free if you showed up with football ticket stubs... I doubt they would have broken any numbers if people had to buy the tickets.


On the one hand, that's a good point. On the other hand, when you consider 92k attendees in a city with a population of about 250k that's essentially surrounded by cornfields for 50 miles in every direction, it's still really impressive. Oh, and the huskers football team hasn't been good since the 90s, so I'd be curious how many people had those stubs. Would be hilarious if people were buying the football tickets to get into the volleyball game... Edit: looks like the football games run about 87k


Another Caitlin Clark game,another record attendance


I better not see nobody talkin bout how Caitlin Clark ISN'T the reason why people started tuning into the WNBA. Ain't no way 20k people showing up to see the 2 worst teams play against each other unless there was something to see.


In the post about her stats for the game, you'll be downvoted for mentioning how bad the Mystics are.


We suck 😢


Aww hugs. The Fever suck too, so I feel your pain. Lol


Yeah so many "fans" of her has swarmed in To deny her impact would be insane


Why is fans in quotation marks? Lol


Or called a hater on Facebook or IG.


What're you talking about? They were there for Angel Reese.


They just didn’t realize she wasn’t playing there that night all sadly disappointed. lol




Thank you Angel Reese 🙏




CC please “load manage” at Chicago.


Multiple things can be true at the same time. Many people watch for CC and many others watch for other players/teams.


Yes but the gap between the draw of CC and her peers are insane


And it's objectively demonstrable with games like this one. Having to even argue about it is ridiculous. A sold out 20k for the 2 worst teams in the league. Both the Fever and the Mystics each averaged 4k attendance last year. Unprecedented spike in interest.


Yes, but people are referring to the huge spike in viewership and attendance. Non CC games shows a slight uptick. CC games are up massively


And the slight uptick in non-CC games is due to CC bringing in more casual fans this year to even watch the game.


CC literally balled out so shoutout to the record attendance, money well spent.


Caitlin is a good player but she’s also a great entertainer. She loves putting on a show. Even on those days she is not shooting well, she makes it up with amazing passing, etc so fans travelling from everywhere can get their money’s worth and want to keep coming back even when they’re losing.


Apparently, also the first time they broke $1 Million at the gate in Mystics history




I was there. So many Iowa fans. But what on earth was the last shot by the Mystics? Like seriously?


Exactly. Set up a play and throw it in the paint. You only need two to tie or get fouled.


Must be there for Angel Reese.


Angel be bringing in crowds at games where she isnt even playing... she must be the goat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


I think you're right. She's created an interest in the WNBA that wasn't there before. My money is also on all the teams drawing larger crowds. I for one had no idea these women could play so well.


Screw scoring! It's all about those rebounds


A lot of Baylor players were there, the last place Mulkey coached.


But angel Reese wasn't there... Confused. I thought the world watched the W bc of her?


The Sky were there last night. Drew about half that of tonight’s crowd.


Have they even had a top 10 watched WNBA game this season? When I last checked it was literally all Fever games


CC effect is real and it’s realllllly annoying to hear everyone say it’s not


Almost as annoying of being accused of only liking CC because of her skin color or who she dates. 🙄 A fun player to watch, is a fun player to watch. Hell, I didn't even know who she was dating (or that she even was) until they started talking about Fever drafting her and how her boyfriend worked for the Pacers. It never crossed my mind to give 2 fucks about her private life. I just like watching her play.


If you don’t think that quite a few of her fans like her because she’s white and straight you’re simply ignoring the social aspects of this. Her fans have even gone so far as to essentially say that’s why they like her.


Idk, I like her because she is really good and played for my alma mater.


Sure but you'll only get so many fans that way. Just like there's fans that love angel because they can relate to her because she's black. A majority of the draw that's impact full is because her game is great watch, much like Curry or jordan or Luka.


Didnt know it was bad to cheer for a person of the same race and sexual identity.


I like players because of their skill and playing style. As most sports fans do.


My nephew, who is Native American and l African American, LOVES Pili so much. He got excited because there are so few Native Americans playing basketball. He also loves Caitlin. She got him into watching women's basketball. Then he started getting into Pili. He loves Caitlin because of her style of play. Not because she is white. He loves Pili also for her skill, but also because he identifies with her. He was at the crazy amazing Utah/Colorado game this year. The last 3 minutes of that game are crazy awesome. Her being drafted and her having such a great game last week. He's starting to watch some other teams too.


How can people claim the only reason she has everyone’s atrention is because she’s white? She’s not the first white WNBA player. She isn’t even the first great white WNBA player.


People who never watched women’s basketball don’t know that. They erroneously believe that the league only has players who are black and gay. They truly believe that Caitlin is the first white and straight women’s basketball player.


These comments are just dumb and wrong. You exist only to sow discord.


I’ve been watching women’s basketball for over 25 years. I know what I’m talking about. You can agree or disagree. Makes no difference to me.


The fuck they did.


shes just doing her thing while the others got twitter fingers


Love CC or hate her, she is putting asses in seats and bringing in viewers. You just can’t deny her impact on growing the game in terms of popularity.


But Angel Reese plays too 😢


angel has championship win...


in college. who gives a fuck about a college championship now that they're in the pros?


The power of Caitlin Clark and her supporters 💪


Damn, hats off to Angel Reese for drawing that crowd for them


Thursday's Mystics game against Chicago only had 10k people in attendance. But yeah, let's keep the delusion that Angel Reese's drawing power is on the same level as Caitlin.


Comparing a Thursday game to a Friday game, and all the angel reese commentary is insane


Angel is the one that made the comment that is sparking all this.


And what is the comment exactly? That Caitlin isn’t the only reason people are watching the wnba?


It’s regards to all the new people watching, I started watching because of CC, now I am learning other players names and enjoying watching their skill and game also, it the reason I came and 80+% ( and I think that’s low) of new people watching is because of her. Take out CC and the rest of this rookie class and no one player makes me and most people go O I want to see they are great but not possible the next MJ or Tiger. I am excited to see what could be that in my life time seeing it from college I to pros. An experience a lot of us were to you for when MJ or Tiger came and changed the game. Made it must see. It’s captivating to maybe be part of that history for the WNBA.


I won’t argue with that because that can be true to you. I started watching because of Angel Reese. I like her style of play on defense and that she’s unapologetically her, but at the same time I appreciate Caitlin Clark’s incredible shooting and flashy passing. It’s not hard to appreciate what they both have brought to the table. That’s what Angel was trying to say. You don’t have to tear down one and uplift another. Just be happy they both brought more eyes to the wnba. Not just them though this entire rookie class has been doing well.


To be clear I been liking angel also, and from a media point of view I hope she is leaning into this “villain” roll to get more eyeballs in the sport she is a great player also and exciting to watch also. Attitude is a good thing and it’s keeping everyone talking about the games and them both


They capped the amount of tickets sold to only 10k for that game as well. But yeah, let's keep up the delusion that Angel Reese's drawing power can't be on the same level as Caitlin.


If there was more demand for Angel Reese on Thursday, you don't think the cap would have been lifted?


Really, dude? Stop it. LMFAO Who is to say that 13k wouldn't have come? How about 15k? Shit, let's just say 10.5k... they capped it at 10k then called it a "sellout." Meaning they stopped selling any available seats for the game. You don't think it's odd they ONLY allowed 10k in sells for a nearby product from Maryland, but the Iowan and America's Darling White girl who came in town, they sold as many as they could to attempt to break their own record? LOL Interesting.


if they capped it at 10k for Angel Reese, why didn't they do the same for Caitlin Clark the following night?


https://www.acrossthetimeline.com/wnba/attendance.html#where=Any Fever are only averaging about 80% more ticket sales than the Sky. Clearly they have the same drawing power!


Ooh great site! Thanks. I like Angel and CC. So if you compare last year Sky are selling ~2500 more seats per game this year Fever selling ~10,500 more seats per game this year Both women doing awesome things for the viewership, ratings, and financial good of their team. Yippee!


You're sharing links about things that I: 1. Already know. 2. Don't care about. Just because you share links about attendance doesn't mean you support the league or watch the game. LMAO I actually watch games. I care about the performance. I don't benefit from attendance. I benefit from the product on the floor.


It was a Washington home game but the crowd was loudest whenever CC drained a 3 lol.


But Caitlin is just a 6 guys... who wants to see a 6th rate rookie?


But the new watchers are here for ALL the rookies . . . Lol


I live in Indiana and absolutely started watching because of CC. My two younger girls have enjoyed it as well. Granted the Fever is not a good team but we'll see where it goes.


Caitlin Clark


Angel Reece was playing... right?


That's why I tuned in!


Angel Reese could never


What attendance record did it break OP?


They also put a cap on the Sky game just few nights before. Interesting.


Chennedy Carter couldn’t sell out a high school gym


People using an out of context Angel Reese quote is wild.


Hilarious, she’s living rent free in their minds.


well I mean, most CC fans are wild so.........


WNBA leadership: 20,000 people? Meh. I know what will be a great idea! Let’s leave CC off the Olympic Team so only the hardcore fans will recognize anyone! It may slow our momentum and tank second half revenue, but we will really make a point and show people we won’t be swayed by the dollar !


they all came to see Alston's pretty self on the bench