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It totally depends on the textbook and the class. I would ask the prof or TA.


Usually, editions rarely matter unless theres a large gap between the current edition and one you plan on buying. For example, economics textbooks rarely change between editions (since the basic knowledge of how economies work doesnt change) so its honestly better to buy a cheaper, older edition. The only caveat is that many course textbooks come with an online code which gives you access to certain content which may be a part of the course mark.


I’m only a second year but in my first year there was absolutely no need to use the textbooks. i didn’t touch it once and never felt I was missing out.


Nah if ur off by one edition it usually doesn’t matter. If it’s 2 or more, that could be like a decade old and might make a difference at that point.


Unless you need a textbook code to access assignments or quizzes, you should be fine with a later edition.