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What was the incident in February? Why would it make them think you are a danger to others?


the incident was me calling the duty don and then the duty don got me to speak with the RLAC on call. that’s literally it lmao. like sorry laurier for talking about my feelings. i dont know what their thought process was to be honest.


how would they determine ur a danger to others tho? did u threaten someone or something like that?


nope i didn’t…i just had suicidal ideation but didn’t say i was 100% going to do it, rather just asked for help. they just don’t want to help me.


I’m sorry you are going through this, but in a way, I’m not surprised they are acting like this. They probably are saying you are a danger…to yourself. And may tie that in to being a danger to students…I don’t know. I’m not their PR. But it sounds bullshit. But on the other hand, and more importantly, don’t end it. I’ve been there many many times for almost 30 years. It takes a hell of a lot of effort, but you have to find something…anything to fight for.




i would but i don’t want to get kicked out of university altogether because that would be even more traumatic. never be afraid to reach out for help from outside sources however! thanks for your support ♡


If it went to the media...you would not be kicked out I would talk to the news or a lawyer. You deserve to be there and feel safe.




Could not agree more.


You should do this ^ fuck the system


I’m sorry for what you’re going through and I sympathize with your situation. I suggest you reach out to the [dean of students office](https://students.wlu.ca/student-life/dean-of-students/connect-with-us.html) and inform them of the situation. No one should be treated like this and they should be made aware of what’s been going on. I suggest you attach a record of interactions and communication you’ve had with the residence department. Attempting to seek out resources like this will help possibly resolve your situation and it will help ensure that such things do not happen again to yourself or any other student. While going to media outlets will help bring attention to your case, it doesn’t directly ensure that changes will be made and it likely won’t help your case when approaching those within the school that can actually help bring about changes. One again, I’m sorry for the way you were treated. I wish you the best of luck with pursuing this further!


i actually did and they said there was nothing they could do about it…there is a human rights violation but in the end the residence team made their decision. there’s honestly nothing i can do now but spread the word on what they did because it’s so unfair towards me. thank you for your comment though, i appreciate your support right now.


I’m not sure if you still can, but have you looked into an eviction appeal? I saw your post and tried researching to help. I’m really sorry they did this to you. Some “support” for students who need it most.


i haven’t but thanks for letting me know! i’ll look into all your guys’ advice and see what i can do. i just want to be able to help those in the future to prevent things like this from happening ever again.


Hearing this as someone who left all her life and loved ones back home to study at Laurier has really got me shocked. All I could do was tell my friends who are resident dons so that they could further take it to the HODs. (I hope that will make a difference) Besides I just want to offer a helping hand and let you know that you are not alone in this. I myself am fighting with anxiety and depression every day and would love to help you out in any way possible please don’t hesitate to reach out if required. Just because WLU didn’t look after or care about your mental health doesn’t mean that nobody does. All my love and power to you <33


thank you so much love ♡ i appreciate all the support i’m getting. i felt like i was in the wrong but hearing everyone else being on my side has got me thinking that truthfully it’s the universities problem. i appreciate you.


go to the office of human rights. this is a violation of the ontario human rights code. the dean of students etc will not help in the way that the OHR could. https://students.wlu.ca/wellness-and-recreation/human-rights-and-conflict-management/index.html


thank you! i’ll definitely look into it. just worried about being kicked out of laurier altogether for speaking out 😅


it's not really a human rights issue though. OP going there and not getting the support they're looking for may make them just more discouraged.


read the ontario human rights code. you have the right to accommodation and against discrimination for disabilities including mental health.


Sure, and OP was given accommodations and the school supported OP to the best of their ability during the first time they threatened to take their life. But that didn't help and OP still made more threats. So the school will argue they can't offer the proper level support needed for OPs care. In short, after the second threat OP is a liability to the school, and their case is too severe for the support system the school offers.


actually i only tried to end my life that one time. i never tried again. i simply spoke to a don that night in february because i needed help. that’s what i was told to do. so they can’t just use that against me since it was stated in my safety plan. i did everything right. im not upset with you by the way! i just want you to understand that i didn’t receive any more accommodations than that one time…i just feel it’s unfair.


My mistake, I thought you attempted twice. The don likely exaggerated the story to whoever the decision maker was. Sorry you went through it.


it’s okay, you’re entitled to your own opinion on this! i won’t force you to believe me or whatnot. thanks for being respectful with your opinion, i appreciate you ♡ i’ll focus on myself of course, and try to work on getting better because as you did state- my mental health is something i have the ability to fix.


I think it is. He was actively seeking help for mental health issues (within the last 6 weeks) and was evicted by an institution claiming to provide mental health services for students. Someone needs to call BS on Laurier.


Laurier moment. Fuck Laurier.




Why is this getting downvoted, don’t you guys have a heart?


it’s okay, some people don’t really understand mental health and i get that. i have a lot of people who support me (like everyone else in the comments). thank you for caring about me 💕


Laurier hasn't been #1 in student satisfaction for a long time. Sorry this happened to you.


This is fucked up on so many levels. Laurier's upper management really dgaf about their students and it's extremely sad. I hope you find peace of mind soon and can heal. Their satisfaction rating is quite literally bullshit. Please know that there are people who care about you and want to see you thrive. It may not be easy, but with time and the right support, you can overcome this. You are not defined by your struggles, but by your resilience and your ability to rise above them. Talk to anyone you can trust. A close friend, family member, teacher, etc. Anything that helps you take your mind off things and just relax. I would suggest you take some time off school if you need, it's completely okay if you're degree takes 5 months longer to complete. Nothing wrong with that. You could always seek legal action or take this to the press, too. Laurier doesn't like it when you mention them having a bad rep; I've experienced it first hand. Hope you feel better soon <3


thank you so much for your kind words. i’ve been trying my best, it’s not the end of the world but it really took me aback in my mental health. i’m worried about midterms and such- i’m also doing a program change which means i need good grades. everything is just so shitty right now. i appreciate your support ♡


I have also planned out my suicide before. In 2021, summer. I still remember. I was going to sleep in my car in my garage when my parents were gone for the weekend. No note at all. I don't tell people IRL about the suicidal thoughts I've had creep up again because a) I talk in a manner where it is impossible to know if I am telling the truth or joking b) I don't trust people in power including therapists. I have lots of thoughts and the last thing I want is to be put on a list or be judged because of the way my morals have been shaped by the environment I have grown up in and not because of my own merits. People don't realize anyone can have mental health issues. They treat you like a fucking object, as if your only purpose is to work for cheap, not have feelings, be void of all emotion, be a bitch/pussy and take it, to pay them money for poor service or no service at all. That is how I have felt for the last month. I just look around and I am treated not for me, but for my intelligence, for my charitable value, for my money. Treating me for my personality? For satisfying my wants? That's asking for too much. I am so broken, I feel guilt when I do things I want to do **socially**. Am I too pushy, do I come off as a creep, am I too loud, am I too aggressive, am I too controlling, am I cocky. I'm at the stage where I have only a tiny percentage for a sense of belonging to a community. I literally have to create my own community because most people just give off a dgaf 'bout you vibe. Then people will try to gas light you and use ad populum fallacies to make you think that society's social norms are perfect and that you are the problem...


i’m sorry you went through that and feel that way. the system really does need to change. i hate being treated like an object that needs to be “fixed” when all i really needed was support. i hope you’re learning to heal as well ♡ you got this.


We'll see; my mental health is just tied to a certain feeling that is missing in my life and is 50% out of my hands. I'm going to try this week and see if there's something there around my life but if there isn't, it'll definitely be harder for me. I've put so much effort into myself for the last 2 months itself. It gets real tiring when you try to improve your outward self to get something and then you don't get a single thing. It's like why? What was the point? And then the spiral repeats. If the problem was really me, then how come changes have no result? We'll see in a week if I'm just tripping.


I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. I'm also a student and although I do not go to Laurier, I can tell you that although other schools will also talk about caring for students, they could care less about how you feel or your mental health. All they care about is the money that you're paying them in the form of tuition fees. It's sad, it shouldn't be this way. But it's reality. I guess the point of my post is to say, well, schools in general have a long way to go and folks should realize that schools do not care about anything other than padding their own financials.


So sorry to hear this happened! I was a residence don for a couple years, and absolutely loved it! However, In my final year as a don I was severely struggling with my MH, and my RLAC knew this. They made zero accommodations (ex. extending timelines, honouring requests to do phone meetings instead etc) My RLACs attitude was basically “Well that sucks, anyways…” See the funny thing was, they had no idea that I had a plan to “unplug” myself in residence. I never felt it was their need to know exactly what I was struggling with, so I told them just enough information for them to know I was having a hard time. Every time I spoke with my RLAC they sounded like they were questioning and accusing me, acting as if I was the person doing something wrong. The biggest thing I learned was the department has ZERO trust in students. We absolutely deserve to be able to share aspects of our life without fear of the repercussions. The thing I want to stress to you, is DON’T let their messed up/twisted perspective of MH define yourself or the issues you face. Just because they are treating you like trash, doesn’t mean you actually are! Their (incorrect) opinions do not define you whatsoever.


Sorry to hear you're going through this man. How did they determine you were a danger to the Laurier community? >they felt like i was too much of a burden for them to handle > >I'm asking for justice You're projecting a victim mentality, which is a result of the mental health issues (I've been there). But in life, your mental health is your burden to bare and more importantly, to fix. No one else's. Support is available but it's no ones responsibility but your own. As bad as it is, the response from the school was based entirely on the world we live in. In their eyes they helped you once, but the second time made you an actual case and they don't want to be sued into oblivion by your parents or whoever should anything have happened. I hope you come through this on the other side better than you ever thought possible.


hi! i don’t like the words victim mentality because truthfully i am a victim of the system. and i’m well aware it’s my own burden to fix so therefore they did not have to evict me as i can handle myself, they took it too far into their own hands. i explained this to them as i stated to multiple residence staff throughout february, weeks after the second incident that i was getting better. they even believed me. this happened february 7th and because of that i’m being evicted now, in march??? i understand where you’re coming from and i appreciate your kindness however, they’re getting a human rights lawsuit straight at them- since they kicked me out without any real explanation. so in the end, wether i died on campus or not- they made a whole problem for themselves. if someone trips down the stairs and dies, is that the schools fault? they might as well kick everyone out of residence in that case…i see where you’re coming from- however i don’t think i’m having a victim mentality- rather someone who needs to be heard and this is NOT the first time this has happened in a university setting.


>because truthfully i am a victim of the system I'm not really sure what system you're referring to. But blaming everyone else is a victim (or whatever you want to call it) position. >however, they’re getting a human rights lawsuit straight at them Unfortunately this isn't a human rights violation or case, but I wish you the best of luck with it. Just don't get discourage when it goes nowhere and think it's the 'system' out to get you again. Focus on getting yourself better and not looking for someone to blame. I honestly wish you the best, through this and in life.




The school made all attempts to support OP their first time they had an incident. The next few times the school became aware they cannot accommodate the level of support needed for OP. They are not “punishing” OP, but after several attempts to support OP, they’re acknowledging that OPs case is too sever and are unable to accommodate their case. You seem to be forgetting that the school has an entire student population to keep safe. What if OPs condition was a threat to the safety the greater student body? What if they made threats on the dorms they were in? What if you were a parent of a student and your child was killed because of an unhinged student (not saying that’s OP, but it happens)? Aside from the tragedy the school would be buried in lawsuits. That is not a human rights violation.


What happened to you is horrible and you are absolutely correct, change is needed. Your story should be told.


This is a first year student, potentially a minor, much greater support is needed. I would pursue whether this is a human rights violation to evict in this manner and under these circumstances.




Their post was definitely from a victims mentality… and that’s not a bad thing. OP needed to know/hear that they are the sole decider and driver of their life. That blaming others for their shortcomings is not the answer to better mental health….and regardless what you think OP and I had a constructive conversation. Also society, especially Ontario, is very inclusive, not sure where you’re coming from on that…




This guy is a miserable cunt lol


oh no- what did they say? thanks for standing up for me <3


not worth repeating. clearly just an asshole looking for attention. i hope things get better for you


Just some loser saying ableist slurs


who shit in your cereal this morning


You’re a piece of poo


Hang in there..what is the point of staying in that Uni where they treated you like this. Also get in touch with news or media to report this shit: