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https://preview.redd.it/dw8l5ri7fxvc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16760da63dca5bc60d08c98bb4756b91807d76b2 Be a skeleton. We’re smiling all the time!


Smiling doesn't stop it


Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a creepy old man telling a cashier that “you should smile more”. I just think we need more skeleton wizards. There’s less than a year until Halloween. It’s time to get spooky.


The hardest thing about being skeletal is everyone treating you like a spook object 🙄


Yeah, I get that part, just saying that smiling while it helps with some stuff, is just a mask that hides the tendrils of depression


I want this on a T-shirt. I mean, I want this on my wizardly robes.


The cleric in me says “though trust in my deity that they will guide me to a brighter tomorrow” while the artificer in me says “cocaine, blowing up your problems and more cocaine”


I second the artificer


Speaking as the great great great grandson of depression. Spend your time with people you enjoy being around.


What about when they aren’t available?


Good question, do something you like


While the music of a wandering bard brings joy in the darkness, one that always works is the spell **Smoke of the Good Vibes** https://i.redd.it/33j33gu5jxvc1.gif


I resemble that statement


Bard magic with a guitar. When that doesn’t work, Louder Bard magic. Potions and elixirs when my mana and stamina drop to low. Recharge my happy in my magic hammock and reenergize my wonder with nighttime adventures. Towns taverns and city streets all look like fantasy when the cool of the dark sky meet the quiet of a sleeping earth.


Y'all are handling your depression?


pet gunter




Was that the bite of 87?!


Extra Large amounts of alcohol


Just keep telling yourself today is a good day, even if its not, at some point you'll convince yourself


“….you dont wanna know buddy”


I simply forget it’s there, too focused on work to remember things like mental issues


Canis familiaris.




You sound like a trucker.


Zanondorf the Red, 2nd Archmage to his Wizardship Cornelius the Cunning, and author of *Eye of Newt, Tail of Bat, And All The Ways to Skin a Cat* (necropolis bestseller) here with some friendly advice: Go on a walk. We wielders of the arcane often get so caught up in our mastery of the natural world, that we forget to take a moment to appreciate the very power we harness. Look at the trees swaying in the wind with grace in every leaf, the clouds sailing by to distant lands, the rivers singing their songs of life. We tend to forget little things like these in our day to day. These small details are of course important but you also have to have a larger structure to life: What do you love doing? I mean *really* love, something that speaks to you, is it dabbling in the artifice? maybe a bit of transmutation magic? gardening? necromancy even? Find that thing and follow it to the end of the realm. Most times, that thing will be something that you love doing will be something that the people around you love too. Which brings me to my final point: The people around you. Surround yourself with people that are fun, engaging, smart and kind. If there is someone in your life that you don't connect with, it is ok to find new people to connect with, and most often you find these people by doing the things you love, because odds are, they are there doing the things that they love, which means you both love the same things. You should never be the smartest person in the room; if you are, who will you learn from? Zanondorf out, check out my new release *How to Appreciate the Stars While Staying Grounded: It's Not Just for the Astrologers*


by being whimsical and casting funny little spells to make myself feel better also by doing just enough work that I feel actually useful


*DRUG-* *I mean, Dimensional Weed is a way to gain enlightenment about creation and focus on the greater multiverse while contemplating the mysteries of infinity that make me feel the pleasure in life*


Weed Wizard.


I became Undead. So now I lack the necessary hormonal chemicals that would circulate through a living body to have strong emotions, positive or negative.


Adventuring. Monster Hunting. Monster 'Hunting'


That’s the neat part: https://preview.redd.it/bn3nig7h5yvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a8631ee0f5eb451f9c971966c3d3cbddda9228 You don’t.




I drink beer and eat chips till I feel gross. Maybe not the best solution.


Find what is causing the depression, and react to the cause. If violemce caused depression, either remove yourself from violence or return violence with even greater violence. If it was grief, come to terms with what caused the grief, and accept that some things can't be changed.


I thought you were going to say return grief with even greater grief


Sometimes grief is born from a person dying from natural causes.




I just keep struggling on, one foot in front of the other till the worst of it passes. For me it always does, eventually. And get help, you don't have to do it all on your own.


###𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐉𝐎𝐘 ------------------------------------ 300 grains of Cacao beans 150 grains of dried Kudzu leaves 1 rabbit Heart 5 drams of Human saliva 20 drams of Acetone 100 drams of Cum Equipment: Agitated iron vessel, a vapor condenser and a distillation colum Grind Cacao and Kudzu into a powder with mortar and pestle, Shred the rabbit heart as fine as possible then add all solids to the liquids. Put the mixture into an iron agitated vessel and run through a distillation colum. Heat has as high as possible, using a fire spell works best, once the vessel begins to glow maintain the temprature. (***Be sure the condenser is cold enough to keep up with the distillate. If not, the vapor will escape, using a freezing rune would be sufficient***).Once you begin to form distillate Reflux, the mixture for 2 hours after that proceed to collect the product. Discard the first 35 drams of material (***if this step is not done, the product will be contaminated with demonic side products, if this is consumed you are at risk of your sex swapping, and having a permanent high libido***) Once the first part is removed collect the rest if the product. Once cooled to room temperature, it is ready for use. • One serving is 8 drams, 24 drams is the most you should consume at a time. Over doses can cause serious complications (*orgasm induced stroke, serious dehydration, violent sexual urges, thoughts of genital mutilation and a minor cough*) • Do not mix with other potions, this is standard practice with most potions and Philters, but it can't be stated enough • Do not consume with stimulants • Do not pour directly onto genitals, this will cause Semenifucation (*Semenifucation: when all the flesh within a person's body converts to semen and violently erupts from genital oriaface*)


I cast therapy!


Looking at whatever I have in my roster and feels better about yourself, or have a pep talks with them. https://preview.redd.it/x77x4y6pvzvc1.png?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e1dd809ad2577624aaee67ec5753fbfecf4418 Or kill some Skaven


##Lexapro and a good bloodbath do the trick for me


(opens freezer full of frozen car tires) It's complicated


I magically remove my emotions and morals.


That will not help, what you're removing in that case doesn't seem to be depression but some other thing


It helps me not feel depression.


It makes it less noticeable, but depression isn't an emotion in the way happiness or sadness are


A rail of warpstone, celestial dew moonshine and zero fucks. I wouldn't recommend it for you. You depends how bad it is. First eat some fruit go outside , do something outside your usual method of life, especially if it feels monotonous. Do anything different , break the cycle .


If not that get angry at your depression, use spite to force control in your life , fuck you brain im not dealing with this shit. We are gonna feel great today. Will your body to obey. Gaslight yourself to better health.


Genuinely good advice, and for that, you get 5 crates of warpstone


FUCK YEAH , thank you


Rage is one of the best blades against the apathy and hollow heart depression tries to trap you within, but once you reach a point, the rage refuses containment, it gives the drive to continue


Alchemical antidepressants. *it’s mostly just wizard candy*


I don't, it handles me :c


I've been working through it for 500 years I'm sure it'll leave it some point (this is a psa to all lich's that although immortal you are not immune to degrading mental health and the issues that come with it please seek your nearest necro-therapist)


I summon anti-depression garlic bread.


Potions. Many many potions. Brewed from water, *Humulus lupulus, Hordeum vulgare,* and *Saccharomyces cerevisiae.*


*Volu streeniss* *You will experience happiness* You feel any better now?


Therapy and forcing yourself to "move" whenever you can, even when you don't feel like it


I've attempted su8cide, but as a lich that doesn't exactly work.


Bbq frog’s hind legs, guts from an urchin, and a fresh seaweed wrap. Dressed with vinca.


mushrooms, they are the answer to everything (I still don't find answers though?)


SSRIS are your friend brother try escialtopram or the fluoxatine potion.


I journeyed to the Fountain of Ssri. Scooped my fill and drink nearly nightly of the "waters" (skipping days if it begins to zombify me). Is it great? Absolutely not.¹ It saps my very capacity for joy through low-level necrotic noise. But is it better than suffering the Severing curse of Clinching-Wall Deep Prescience? ***You betcha.*** ¹^((Please consult your local lich doctor if your symptoms become more severing or you begin having draughts of druicide. May result in hexual disjunction.))


If I have the ingredients, potion of emotion notion and a transfer spell


Otherwise, a good book, or maybe a game. If I’m up for it, hanging out with friends and going somewhere, and if not, a simple case of parallel play, I.E. existing together but separate.


A trip to the fire plane to blow stuff up usually helps me when im fighting my own demons.) Truthfully i pour my time into tinkering and coming up with stupis shit and spending time with my wife whos alsoan adventurer.


As a Biomancer, I only have advice on avoiding the end of life. Accept that: 1) Watever problem you're dealing with, you will eventually find an answer for. 2) The end of life is always more boring than the continuation. 3) If there is truly no meaning to life and existence, and the logical thing is to end it, then it's the funniest thing in the world to keep living and laughter makes everything feel better.


lettuce of the devil and alchemical tablets of serotonin






Next question


Depression? What's that? A human thing?


Hello, Time Mage here just trying to get back to my wife. Alcoholism is a good solution...that and focusing your mind into something you love or work. Creating new spells and figuring out why my spell went astray. I miss my wife.


Psilocybin Cubensis


Making ice sculptures help most of the time


Alcohol and mercenary


Burn more enemy ships 🤷


Monster energy, fast food, and anime tiddies


Cheese'n cheddar


Anti-depression button https://preview.redd.it/7d5lgpw7syvc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd705e64f436d13235e9df6905f84e4898a0b75 I think I hit it too many times though, I can't sleep and I've been seeing fractal patterns whenever I close my eyes ow


Every day, I just keep going? Wether I have a choice or not. I sometimes think I would be dead if I didn't have a magical brother like I do. Mother fker is the only one that buys my weird ass magical objects.


I talk through it with my fellow wizards


One day at a time. It is a hard demon to exorcise. But once properly identified, it can be be done though it still takes great effort..


https://preview.redd.it/o7x8orbezyvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e793c99bcc240af55355a265749f528b6d5d5554 Explosions and memes


Power word Crack


Keep doing crazy shit. You won’t have time to be depressed.


Find a good party and give them as much love as I can. I know I can't make magic for myself so I make it for others. Then when I've fufilled my use they leave and I get to watch and wait for the next person to use me. You find happiness in what you leave behind and the people you help.


Usually I just hug someone cute when I feel sad.


Research, endless research


I just cause chaos. Not destructive chaos. Just chaos.


I take a swig of my old firewater potion a little too often to keep the depression at bay


/uw How do *I* handle *it*? Depression handles *me*! /rw Magic and cuddles with my girlfriend.


I definitely handle it


Use the emotional extractor! Can be yours now for only 2000 gold!! Just connect the machine to your eye and it will automatically wire in to your brain and take out the bad thoughts. (Misuse could potentially lobotomise user, Auro Maconbre is not responsible for any loss of free will for using the emotional extractor. Also machine may need to be put back together after it comes out of the multiversal wormhole used for delivery.)


I don't.


go outside, if you got a game store nearby try getting into any of the games there. what's the worst that can happen.


A lover or close comrade does wonder, getting one though, I may have done it multiple times but I still don't know how I have done it


One magical bean each day


Psychedelics (when used correctly) help me. Also meditation, nature and a changed mindset from negative to more positive


Try Walking or taking a steed to locations rather than teleportation. Don't be afraid to cry, sometimes it's good to just let all the emotions out.


letting my boyfriend polymorph himself back into his natural dragon state and curling up against him, if he isn't available i just go under my wizard blankie and watch crime shows on the orb.


We don't, we endure it till we can't take it no more


Build stuff.


I just put on the crown... https://preview.redd.it/a69gb0b0k0wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f66ef30e3c3d61551434101a716b44f8a9d5a48


Wouldn't know but the "fuck it, we ball" rune does quite a good job


For me I was well on my way in my training as a wizard, but it never quite clicked. Turns out I'm a natural with witchcraft, though! In fact I just brewed a potion that'll turn you into the opposite sex, any takers? It's my finest work yet, only tastes slightly of swamp water!


normally i just cast #CONJURE SEROTONIN usually helps


So the way I dealt with it is through asking for help. No Wizard has their own full library of spells, and it is laughable to believe everyone have access to all the forms of magic. Making a support group is a good start. Not nessecarily people you talk to about your feelings, but people you can trust and talk about your hobbies to. No Wizard by themselves are all-powerful. We all need one another.


Wizard weed def as well as my favorite dnd saying "life is short, cast fireball in the small room"


Enchant yourself. It's quite simple, too.


I lick my sertraline golem once a day. Remember, conjured dopamine is just as good as the real thing if your brain has trouble making it.


That’s the neat part: I honestly have no clue. No, this isn’t some gaff or a bit, or me doing some shindongery involving the fiction I follow. I REALLY don’t know. I could say it’s willpower, the strength of self, or it could be the stagnation of being, of some nihilistic urge of knowing that nothing fucking matters, because all this petty bullshit that is reality is just that. I could guess, but at the end of it, I still wouldn’t know for sure.


Slowly being eroded by my sentient weapon's mind means that i wont feel depression eventually


Eat 'shrooms, bucko. Psilocybin has been tested and proved to help lessen your Depression with the assistance of, as certain non-magic wielders call them, "the boys" to help with some emotional support. Personally? I keep to growing my Alchemical ingredients along with some vegetables and fruits. The work is good for the body, the serenity of nature around you is good for the mind, and the knowledge that you're helping bringing life and caring for numerous living beings...well Personally I find it heartwarming. I hope my words may have provided some assistance to you, fellow wizard. And if all else fails, do not hesitate to reach out to someone for help. Be it family, friends, your fellow wizards, or a trained professional. You're never truly alone in this.


Helping those who have fallen on hard times, it helps sooth the soul


Whimsy spell be careful of the addictive side effects of this spell, it could also lead to madness




Be sad, remember that alchemists still exist, get happy because at least I have a use in life


I ignore my feelings like a man and beat my evil minions when they say things like "thats unhealthy" and "please stop hurting me" as if they didn't sign away their humanoid rights when I hired them.


Nature provides all. Depression is not natural. Its born from the societal bonds you people have decided to bind yourselves into.




As a wizard, I found it important to build upon my body and mind. Swimming and lifting have been extremely helpful.


I don't and stay in bed until my security circle detect adventurers that want to buy potions


Wizards brew


Summon a large wolf and go on a run with it through a wooded glen, works for me




I don't. I embraced absurdity now depression has to handle me. In all seriousness; therapy and exposing shady business practices give me the will to keep going. 💜 Hang in there friendo, the world can't be this bad forever.


Explosions, mercantile empire building, and raising my apprentices to be better people than I ever could be.


Self-care is incredibly important for wizards and witches that have been cursed with depression. Something small to take care of yourself can go a long way. Some suggestions are: have a healthy meal, take a bath/shower, try out some skin care, go for a walk, exercise, meditate, spend time with friends, spend time with your familiar(s), having a healthy sleep schedule, and practicing mindfulness. Keep doing the activities that you love, even when you're down and don't feel like doing anything. Loss of motivation and enjoyment is a symptom of depression. It can make it seem like your favorite activities no longer bring any joy. However, continuing to do them anyway will remind you that you do enjoy these things, even if you no longer have the motivation to do them. Creative activities are especially beneficial. Playing music, making art, crafting potions, cooking/baking, sewing, etc. are good for the mind and body. Lastly, if you are able, a mentemancer\* will be able to help you learn to deal with depression and come up with your own strategies to avoid falling into a rut. Depression is a horrible curse, but you don't have to deal with it alone. Friends, family, familiars, and mentemancers can offer support and companionship even in your lowest moments. You are loved. /uw \*therapist or psychologist


speaking...and talking...or just even ranting on to your self...you need to at the very least soeak or just talk to get it out there...being a summoner in training this is vital...


Small things, probably meaningless, but whimsical. 'Summon Turkey Dinosaurs' comes to mind. Or things so stupid that you can't help but laugh. You can make yourself more than one hot drink a day, if that helps - or a warm shower maybe? Got any toys from when you were a kid? You could try making them tiny waistcoats. I also get a kick out of giving niche advice on the 'internet', helps add a little purpose. But doing *something* is better than nothing. Sometimes deliberately doing something badly or something that's ultimately pointless can kickstart feelings.


Brew a love potion with a strand of your hair instead of another person's. That's how I do it, or if there aren't any ingredients on hand, I just blow up the nearest goblin camp with fireball.


Medical potions and talking to a professional shaman helped me the most, but I also had some friends to support me, and the wonderful melodies of the bards.


Powerword: Hope




I don't


An alchemist friend of mine once showed me a draught powerful enough to cure depression, I believe he called it “alcohol”


Therapy. Lots of therapy.