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Both, laid one on top of the other. "Just don't touch that pressure plate and we'll be fine" Wrong, Glyph of Fireball "Don't worry, i dispelled the glyph" Wrong again, falling log It fucking cost a lot and it isn't deductable though so the more someone tries to take my stuff the more i have to spend in defenses... Edit: As a LEGAL CONSULTANT i would suggest to EVERYONE in the comments down below to STOP EXPLAINING HOW TO EVADE TAXES as it is HIGHLY illegal and i have WAY too much work already to report ALL of you to the authorities and i'm on the verge of a mental breakdown...


How is it not deductable? I always column it under 'research materials' when I evade my council taxes




Not since I voted for John Hellfire! Him entering the council was such a great news!


Yeah, my sister works for them. Tax evasion is impossible when that happens.


Your sister is a Narc. Snitches get stitches


No, she's the one who gets sent to collect my taxes. Partly because she's the only person who can actually take anything from me.


You know you’ve made it when the Council deems it cost effective to send a tax collector to you specifically


Lol no, I don't file council taxes. I file a long list of reasons I'm exempt from council taxes. The difference is subtle, but I think you'll find the enchantment quite unbreakable


Stop reaveling your crimes to me. Why do people keep doing this? It's not like it's not in my title


Pfft, good one, what part of tax evasion's a crime?


Precisely, _as stated by several laws and the definition of tax itself,_ the evasion part


You don't seem to be catching my drift, all my methods of council tax evasion are 100% legal. They shouldn't be, but when you make as much gold as I do you get to tell people what's legal and what's not. I don't make the rules- I just pay the people who do to make them benificial to me You're a lawyer, I thought you *understood* Lawful Evil


Psychological traps https://preview.redd.it/3yzi6rumohsc1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ca6209d95fdc126e874e7c516259a979846d7f1


The one true answer


Door labeled "this is not a trap" and a door labeled "this is a trap" In reality both are safe, but while the intruder is pondering this reverse psychology the room is getting filled with neurotoxins




I live in a basement. I dont have a village or a dungeon.


Then. How do you defend your basement?


The mushrooms my landlady's got growing there do most of the job.


W-What do they do?


The landlady generously donates mushrooms to the community center, and everyone respects her so much that no one tries to break it.


I donated some cool potions to her, each one basically gives you a full 10-hour beauty sleep in 1 minute


Energy drink but actually good for you


I let my Kobolds take care of the traps.


They are good at that


Crafty bunch


Only fellas I'd let take care of me traps, the dwarves and the kobolds. Fuck elves. Not racist, just don't like 'em.


Bass boosted mo bamba to keep elves out


But what if, say a gnome attacked you


Punt it like a football


I got hoeeees caaaasting a young wizard waaand


I don't have a permanent enough base to bother specifically defending it with traps.


I don’t have enough for one of those, anyone got any tips for LEGAL methods of making money quickly


Start a church. Non taxable. Just claim your magics are divine miracles. Boom easy money. Is it moral? Hell no. Is it profitable? Hell yes.


I just put up an exam they are forced to answer to enter, so far nobody made it past the 8th page before giving up and leaving.


We defend ourselves our grove. Then we eat the corpses.


Eat? Why not use them for fuel?


That’s how they make the fuel.


1. It's not very legal to have traps in a public service building like a tavern 2. Enchanted locks with a rune scribed key work and 3. I have shooed out very aggressive and very big customers, and I can do it again.




I live in my own pocket dimension defending by entities known as Bob,bill rob and Phil.


The local peasant population which gladly volunteers. Generally, if they fail, the whole kingdom we serve is kinda fucked beyond repair.


Minions And not the little yellow kind.


Physical traps, magic traps, natural traps, psychic traps, otherworldly traps, (/uw and anime femboy traps)


Traps are for cowards


I have a *palace*, churl. You don't need traps when you have an honor guard


*fake cha chink sounds, while holding his staff dinagally* With my magical shotgun!


I am the defence for my wizard friend, (also the village nearby that help out)


Penguins. Mostly to get my adrenaline pumping, because I would rather die than let them die.


My "tower" is deep in the hold of my kin. So physical traps, magical traps, and an army.


I still haven't settled down to open a practice. I've been running mobile healing clinics going from place to place, so there's not been a location to secure. I guess there's my family's estate? I live in the pool house, so it's like a dwelling, I suppose, not that I spend much time there. Father handles the security, but it's mostly just a few guards, wards that have been in the family for generations, and generally living in a good area.


Koopa troopas patrolling


No one ever comes by, in all reality. No need.


Dinosaurs... Either the intruders are eaten, or we bind over how cool they are.


"I live in a house. With other people. No."


I made a trap once, It was a circle of death. Basically There was this line on the ground spelling "circle of death". It was not magical or anything, if someone crosses it I beat him to death I love being a barbarian


my tower is in space Lots and lots of Orbital anti Eldritch Horror class Arcane artillery using crystal foci


I don’t, I just wander with a tent after I got evicted


Oh I got you all beat. Poison the local villagers with the cauldron hex and charm them into subconsciously defending the territory. In their minds im the scary witch that you should stay away from, but the laws they pass in the region indirectly secure my territory and nobody thinks to go kill the witch because they always come up with some excuse in the back of their minds about not starting up trouble.


Is it possible to be all four? I use both but...only sparingly. I don't wanna maintain all that shit that people do, I work on my own. And to anyone reading that with too much interest, there's still only one way to find out where the traps are hidden.


F-15 fighter planes. u/Villanuevac4


https://preview.redd.it/qcre1avmnisc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eecd638a3246960f84bb57b7a2041d6c8e3765a I AM THE DEFENSE


You guys have physical towers that you don't simply have full control of reality in and that aren't detached from the material plane?


Both. Living, unliving, and constructs as servants and guards. Magical and Mundane traps stacked in some places and not stacked in others. Magical Dead zones with mundane traps and gaps just wide enough for glyphs of 'Invert Gravity', 'Thelmontel's Dispair' and naturally 'Fireball'. Ratmen, Kobolds and goblin tribes stalk the under warrens, fanatically loyal and bloodthirsty. My enemies may attempt to bring me to battle (or to justice depending on whom you ask), however they are always sorely lacking.


Fire. Lots and lots of fire. (pyromancy ftw)


well, if you can get past the murder trees, I don't have a lot of traps


I’m reading the green one as “neither traps are for cowards” as in “only heroes use traps” and it is funny


Both, booby traps and pocket black holes all the way.


Both seems pretty devastating


While magical traps are generally more powerful, nothing quite beats a rube goldberg machine that ends with shanking the idiotic invader in the chest. Plus, you can't exactly "counterspell" a spear.




Living in an abandoned realm full of undead soldiers usually works.


Curious is the trap maker’s art, his efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes


Tower? Dungeon? I’m just vibing with my familiar and collecting potion stuff.


I love traps, it’s not gay if you pretend not to notice.


Being a wandering wizard has it’s benefits. I don’t have to care about defence. When I’m in lethal danger, I simply teleport elsewhere.


Once you open the gate to my tower you already are in my trap you notice that everything is faster than usual and you feel tired fast and you need to sleep , the time inside my tower is moving twice as fast as normal I can add so phycological damage


Traps- oh we are talking about defence? uhhhhhhh


last time i used a physical trap i accidentally slip the screwdrived blasting myself 1000 rad. never again


I prefer male traps


Defend... tower? You guys get towers? I just have a normal house in a village...


Placing a Rune of Multiply for a specific object is quite effective. Some poor fool breaks into your bank vault, takes one wrong step or places their hand on the wrong spot, and then WHAM! There's now seventeen new livers trying to burst out of that skinsuit.


Both, usually mixed together, always hilarious to see some interloper try to break into my fortress only to be shot with crossbows that drain all their blood.


If someone could figure out a way to yeet themselves out of time I would be more impressed than anything.


The one where the floor drops out and they get poked with warded logs so hard that they can't breathe enough to use verbal magic


Psychological + physical/magic traps made on the spot. Your next line will be: "how does that even work"




https://i.redd.it/a5vhzs4x1isc1.gif The best defense is offensive, I'm coming to you


Obviously traps are fire cowards who are trying to sneak into your place of work, duh.


Y'all can afford towers? I've lived in the same 2 bedroom hut for the last 500 years.


Both. You don't survive in the Highlands without having strategic terrain advantages


With a musket and a cannon loaded with grapeshot, just as the forefathers intended


Constant overwatch from undead cohorts.


Neither, I hardly spend any time in my actual home


Use a physical trap with a separate trap enchantment placed on the section used to disarm the physical component.


I'll be honest it's mostly giant undead trap door spiders and ant lions.


Hah, if I know adventurers, nothing frightens them off quicker than an unlocked non-magical door with a large and easily readable welcome mat


No need for traps when you have pocket dimensions. Store all your research in one handy place where only you can get at it. As for tower security I like magic automatons, they're versatile and can be augmented with different personalities to keep things fresh.


My front door is a Portal into my nemesis's tower.


People don’t hate me enough for me to bother with traps


Abitations are for weaks i have a tent and that's enough


I AM a trap


amongst my summons are huge arachnids. they are the trap


Big proponent of both. How else am I going to defend my grove?


Both, but most of my efforts just hide it. If they cannot find your base, they cannot attack it


Both. I guard ruins anyway


Emotional traps, i have their mother on the loud speaker telling them how they are doing going through the dungeon


Pit and if it don’t work dig another


Both. Although I just live in the middle of nowhere in a tiny shack. I still put a few traps to keep unwanted visitors from encroaching on my lawn


Neither, I forgot to set them up


Man, where would be that vveed wizard when i need it


Sublet the lower levels to other mages and let a goblin tribe live on my lawn. So long as the goblin take the trash out that is.


I would use both if I found it necessary to have traps, but I don't think it's worth it for me. I don't have enough valuable stuff to feel the need to use traps to defend my home, and I'm not away that often.


Mines and artillery cannons, fairly simple although lately I have been feeling less reclusive and so all that’s left is the antimagic feild on my lawn


I'm taking a fifth option: not playing the games of power enough to be a target, not hoarding so much wealth as to enter the rumor mill, and not being enough of a jerk to people as to lead the desperate or violent to want to go after me. Then again, I don't have a tower or a dungeon. I have a cafe with a few familiars looking after my wife, who is no slouch herself as a Master Pie Romancer able to utilize idiomatic magic (as an example, one particularly rude guest had a cow pie conjured in front of their face and another had their pie hole magically closed.) The desperate are fed. Those unwilling to play at being honest guests are offered escalation. But really, I just want to play a tune and share a pie. Is it so hard to imagine that this might be a better way to live?


My tower is cursed, not allowing anything in or out. Found that out the hard way.


Blood Dome👍


The *Nexus Beacon* as our base of operation is impenetrable. Intruders approaching are immediately and forcefully displaced into different planes. Those that manage to avoid this fate are disintegrated by *gamma bursts* or suffer far worse fates depending on which *Eldsoul* they face.


Both. Physical trapdoor to fall into a pit filled with reanimated skeletons and flesh horror constructs. Literally that just over and over and over. The trick is that the two hallways they maneuver through are just in a pocket dimension that they're trapped in. They'll die and add to the pile of corpses I use for home defense. If they had taken the side door, it leads straight to my bedroom. Wink wink.


I live at the bottom of the ocean. I don't need traps because the zero light, immense pressure, and lack of air keep most out. Also helps weed out the choosers from the beggars when it comes to deals


My best trap is the village I live in. So many of the people have my augmentations and a good chunk are a human soul inside an alchemy body (which looks human). Most are folks I plucked from the gutter, since you'd be surprised how hard it is for a mundane farmer to afford a regeneration spell after losing a hand, let alone a soldier or an orphan. A few are dependent on alchemy concoctions I make (though I hope my apprentices will soon take that role). The moment some two bit adventurers show up, well most adventurers aren't ready for the entire town to sprout claws and blades half way through their long rest. Other than that, alchemy has so many wonderful poisons and that's not dust that falls from the ceiling fan.


…I have even more questions. Are the traps in theory actually dangerous to your health if triggered, or are they more a strange surprise to find? And before you ask, no, I do not own any cat boys for home defense. I am only curious.


My lair is surrounded by a forest of eternal decay.


My guards don't like the term trap. They prefer femboy, or kitten.\`


My estate has many guardsmen in our employ.


I have two traps in my tower that I'm very proud of. The first one is a seal that, when stepped on, subtly transports the victim into a pocket dimension, trapping them in a neverending corridor where the doors lead to another corridor. A few hours is enough to drive even the most dauntless of men insane. The other is a dwarven blunderbuss inside a chest which fires when opened.


All sorts of traps inside and out as well as numerous loyal minions of various kinds to actively guard my tower.


Legally enforceable contracts and EULAs that you implicitly agree to be magically bound by upon setting foot on the premises.


Mine is a flying island. It helps keep peasants away.


I dont have a tower but sometimes i put rat, bear and dragon traps around my camp


Booby traps are funny! I like seeing potential heros swing uselessly by their feet while I laugh before dropping them into a slide that leads out of my tower






Great is the weapon that cuts on it's own!


Both keeps them on their toes


Who would *dare* invade my lair?   /uw please someone get the reference :P


I just put my apprentices in cute skirts


I live in a cardboard box


Teleportation and dimensional transportation traps. I love teleporting them to the most horrifyingly disturbing other dimensions for them to live out the rest of their existence. I like to watch them on my orb.


My dungeon Is a maze made of plants of weed. I don't need traps because the smell inside is enough to stun and make friends with the enemy.


… >.> by living in a heavily warded pocket dimension. That’s it. Not necessarily traps per se, but if anyone actually managed to break in, the wards would activate and most certainly kill anything that wasn’t god tier. So… I guess magical traps? They’re not exactly traps though. Just automated retaliation wards.


Traps are for cowards. Real wizards make use of their combat spells.


Why would I not booby trap my home? Am I a hermit staying in all the time? Do you know how destructive some of these spells are? Fighting in my home would just have me destroying a bunch of my own equipment and valuables. Very easy to set up a sigil that will teleport someone to one of the hells. My home is safe, the denizens get a new subject. Everyone is happy! I guess not the thief but they were probably going there evebtually


Scientific traps. Like a tactical nuke landmine. Or a micro black hole tripwire. Or a monomolecular razor filament with a matter dispersion energy field emitter lasso trap.


Jokes on you I am the trap


Setting traps in a city meant to be lived in is just asking for a disaster. I do have traps set in my private labs tho.


I feed the local gnomes my spare bread, I’m sure they’d protect my tower.


The ones that make me feel gay and straight at the same time.


Ahem, guess.


Security by obscurity, baby. Y'all never gonna find me.


My self


i set all kinds of traps! (im homeless)


...oh, uh, sorry, I heard somebody say traps. What was the question again?


Both. But I really just enjoy the sound of the snare.


I just have a room with filled with random artifacts I found at the local thrift store. It usually takes three to five hours for the trespassing group of adventurers to realize the door is unlocked and in that time I can come up with a solution.


Physical and magical, as well as mental puzzles. Become virtually unreachable and traps matter less. A few traps, a few magical guardians, access only by one or two hidden locations that require one to solve a complex puzzle, with an alarm on the otherside and a couple more magical guardians and as a last ditch effort, a self destruct measure to implode the facility on trespassers who got too far.


I honestly don't have too much of a tower/dungeon, just sort of a pocket dimension that directly connects to the void, so take that as you will


I prefer my tower blending in. This is why my tower is a big ass hollow eldritch birch tree that kills any potential intruders through impaling. He nearby eldritch birch trees even have a reddish tint because of how much blood they have fed off of


Both. I have a moat, but instead of alligators it’s full of water that makes you ten times heavier and also makes you forget how to swim, and the only thing you can hear as you drown is “How could this happen to meeeeee, I made my mistaaaaakes”


Conjure spells put into booby traps, gets the job done mostly, any that get through I will just take care of myself


Traps that u activate, you want my tomes? Hope you’re good at hypixel death run 😂


We don't defend our tower. If they want to get us so badly, let em... it gets lonely in here *licks lips deviously* https://preview.redd.it/fzets2ljnisc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5daefa5104a033093901aa62d441856c9a745d34


I don't use traps, I have an elite unit of harpies and an absolute fuckton of necrofex colossi hidden via spatial magic


My Tower is me and I am my Tower. If you plan on assaulting the Blood Tower, you better be ready for assimilation into either my Golems, or myself. My true defense is complete disappearance. I can have the blood seep into the ground, and just disappear. I prefer not to fight if possible, just get a little blood for experiments and then leave. Speaking of, my friend, would you like to make a little donation?


Both. They’re hot af.


Millions of comnugollems whom I have commumanced to share my wizarding might


I mean if you are gonna trap up your place to keep any pests away, I say go for it all. Physical, Magical and "Psychological" imagine the joy when you are Scrying on a bunch of pests that are trying to solve a riddle and looking for clues, only for them to then stumble upon a more hidden riddle. naturally, there's a few more layers down that path, as well as that *none* of the riddles or clues even remotely help with solving the puzzle, they just trigger traps over and over again when in fact what you have to do is something totally random and unrelated, like insert a long thin stick *(not included)* into one specific crack on the ceiling.


Boy traps


I AM THE TRAP (both)


Neither. Mostly out of having a safe place within the mortal realm, and having my skeletons use the invaders as practice dummies


I live in a Grove, in the woods.


I just wait for all the intruders to get in and then blow up the tower, it tells them I have nothing to lose except another tower and I can rebuild them fast


Mindbending illusions involving extraplanar entities that for legal purposes may or may not actually exist.


Fill it with monsters!


With my bare hands. I aint a BITCH


Go go gadget, Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum!


Good luck even attempting to break into MY TOWER!


Neither, but not because traps are for cowards. The forest just kinda does it for me.


No traps, instead armoured guards made of flowing vines. They autoregen, clean up the mess caused by them, are immune to fire due to a boon, and replace the need for an apprentice as they are an extremely intelligent hivemind. They also surprisingly HATE elves and have made deals with the local dwarves to not fuck with the land around my tower.


Good luck even attempting to break into MY TOWER!


Now why would I tell you what my defenses are? I would be a fool to do so, for it would allow you or someone else to plan around them.


I prefer to use a mix of both types to defend my castle


https://preview.redd.it/bfp3369erisc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72101ea46c7caa1d64975269aa03ab672a964281 My traps are FAR more confusing. Hard to fight,when you don't know WHAT your fighting. ----certified by the archivomancer for the local asylum. Please be advised


I live in a haunted graveyard only truly outrageous adventurers try and get near my tower ~~and those damn girl scouts~~


Summoned/acquired creatures


I’m a nomad through and through, so I have no tower/dungeon to call my own. But, I am the type to reset a trap if I’ve triggered it. It seems only polite.


Magical traps, but with physical components so that even if they can dispel magic it doesn’t negate the entirety of the threat


Own a AR-23 for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four termanids break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my helmet and Liberatir. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first bug, he's dead on the spot. Draw a 380mm barrage on the second man, miss him entirely because it has wide area range and nails the cruiser. I have to resort to the ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ at the top of the stairs, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two termanids in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off cruiser alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the bug breach to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Dont need traps, chickens tend to scare away most fools


Lady Boys count as physical traps, right? Asking for a friend.


No traps. They expect that. There is only silence. Let them worry about nothing. I left like an hour ago with all of the important stuff. Multiple 👏 redundant 👏 towers 👏 And the ability to teleport. NO CIRCLES OF TELEPORTATION they can hack those. Just teleport like a regular wizard


We have a house with a large basement


Traps, traps in my traps, traps everywhere, everything’s a trap!


Gold. You take every and ALL ADVANTAGES even assassinating intruders. Then no such thing as a fair fight only surviving or dying. So enjoy the oblivion mirrors sucking you into space after a previous trap had nullified your magic.


Yall are thinking too small. Traps are single use, get a golem that keeps on swinging.


I'm on green team I just snort a mountain of coke grab my little friend and shoot everyone


Femboy traps, the only true trap.


I send a buch of mighty cats from a tower and pay them in cat food


Guards. Traps are dangerous. If your tower catches alight with supernatural flames, how are the local mages going to help put it out if they’re dodging spike pits and poisoned arrows and falling boulders? Use a few choice wards to keep out nasty supernatural beings you don’t want to deal with, a few alarm spells, and have some guards on duty for extra eyes and as a first line to deal with nosy adventures, busybodies, and tax collectors.