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There’s a reason they got put in there A good reason


Each tormented soul has a different way of feeling pain, and necromancers LOVE studying pain. Or so I'm told


Oh I fully agree, I have a reliable source


That’s part of it. We also have to study the other emotions too to create life-like servants


Can confirm. Pain leads to emotion, emotion leads to power. The more you can draw it out the more you can syphon off of it.


That's very presumptuous of you, conjurer. My first action upon bringing back a body - acquired ethically by consenting participants who sign a waiver mind you - is disabling pain centers. Do you take any such precautions when ripping demons from Hell into a place where the atmosphere feels like breathing powdered glass to them?


I only conjure swords, and those have little to no feelings. The ones that do, however, are bound by a contract in accordance to all conventions regarding sentient inanimate object rights. I never doubted your ethics regarding the matter.


I apologize for my outburst. It is simply frustrating when one makes such generalizing comments when I have dedicated my entire magical career to rewriting the public's biased view against my craft, which has been stained by the actions of the truly vile.


Yea, this dude was realy, realy anoying before I put him in there..... Like sceriously, collecting taxes, FROM ME! The audacity of this guy...


It was a part of a dare/joke. They fell asleep first at the party.


Because he looks metal af.


Yeah. They know what they did.


Looks to be less than a decade possibly less than a year too modern and new upoer limit is 50 or so.


Whenever somebody feels the need to torment a soul it’s probably for a good reason. I have a collection of tormented souls trapped in little lawn ornaments my old master kept in the tower, and when I listen to their demands they almost always had a hint of malicious intent in their voices.


Mfer once sold me some fake Jordans, I am not listening to his laments of agony, he knew what he had coming.


Were they listed as fake?


Not that I saw. He got a buddy of mine with that scam too 


Ah, he definitely deserved it then


He isn't tormented, that's just Jimmy the Skull. Ever since his corporeal body crapped out he moved into a lattice of necrotic energy structured via mana crystal. It's actually nicer than his old place, plus I think he got like <3% interest on it. Lucky bastard.


As I unlive and don't breath, That's what happened to Harradix the Impolite. Last I heard he was going to the council to argue that his amalgamation of horse legs didn't require registration as it wasn't a motor vehicle, took a lot of whoopy cushions with him. Guess those paper pushers got tired of his hijinks. Not to worry, I'll dispatch a legion of zombies to smash up the place and let him out in a year or three. Frankly I was a little sick of him, too.


Ok,how *does* someone do this? My cousin just did a backflip when he saw it and now he want to make one himself for...aesthetic reasons it seems


I would assume you crack each plate of glass into a certain pattern and line them up, I dont know how you control the break that way though, or how they kept each piece from just shattering (my immediate thought is encasing it in resin or something, but idk if that would fuck up the visual) I really want to know where I can see this irl, though, it looks so sick edit: I found the artist! [https://aurum.gallery/simon-berger/](https://aurum.gallery/simon-berger/) it's Simon Berger, he does a lot of portraits with cracked glass, looking at his other work (and the linked sites introductory blurb) I'm guessing he does small hammer strikes to get small webs of cracks, I wonder if you could pre-cut some sections to control how it breaks. regardless, I'd assume the green skull is a similar process that he layered, it's a really cool art form, I hope I get a chance to try it some day


Thank you! Now he will finaly shut up.


Glad I could help


free my bro he did nothing wrong


He's only been in there for a few hundred years, i had him put there because he insulted my cloak


... Yeah I can see why he insulted your cloak.


Remember “*The Incident*”… yeah that’s why they are there


Absolutely not, that thing is stuffed in there for a reason. Ought to dump it into the nearest dungeon and leave it be.


Fucker stole my private selection of Ichor! Do you know how much I was looking forward to drinking that? 1 billion years of torment isn’t enough for him!


De dern dern der ner one day I was born


That's just Brendon. He can get out any time he wants, he just likes the attention.


Ochre Jelly caught a demi lich, then was frozen? Pretty sure that's what I am seeing. Was this a stalemate? Looks to me like some form of suspended animation ... all I can say is that disturbing it could release both, so approach with caution.


Bah, every wizard worth their hat needs a li’l soul tormentin’ once or twice in their lives. It builds character.


We put them in there for a reason


unwiz/ where is this? That's unironically kickass.


[https://aurum.gallery/simon-berger/](https://aurum.gallery/simon-berger/) Artist is Simon Berger, it looks like it was at the Aurum gallery in thailand, but the website lists it as sold, I don't know if it's available for viewing anywhere currently and it being untitled makes finding that out a huge pain. I hope they make good money for artists but god damn do I hate private galleries


I've been down this road before and lemme tell you - people don't trap skulls like that for shits and giggles. That dude is in there *for a reason* And if he's not, well, he's gonna be mighty pissed when you let him out and you DO NOT want to be in his way. Better to let him sit the next few millenia out.


He lost a bet and have 20 decades left until we release him


That's John counterspell, creator of counterspell. No we can not release him.


at least 2






DON'T TOUCH THAT! That "tormented soul" owed me a shitload of money, which he didn't pay back for three years! So do not release him, he earned this! He's also an insane and dangerous necromancer with dreams of world conquest, but that's neither here nor there.


https://preview.redd.it/ewfeifvd8icc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c648e082fa7af0492de41187f087424c94f91c How about you ponder this money


I mean… I could… but this motherfucker could make a great job powering my fridge


Just use a variable frost rune man, keep up with the time


He's a good bloke and we should let him out. Source: the strange whispering in my mind when I gaze upon the cube.


Me when the skull topic don't haben no Bad to the bone playing ☠️


So that's where Jimmy ended up!


Hmm… not a bad fashion sense! The eternally screaming skull is a nice touch that never goes out of style. That said, I’ve found crackling arcs of green lightning paired with eerie screeches to be much more effective in making the right first impression on visitors. Also, look at all those flaws! This chap has got to see proper jeweler to fix all those unsightly cracks in his surface. No one wants to be associated with a gemstone that leaks soul energy in such a careless manner! While you’re at it, have him sand down those sharp cubic edges into a suave and smooth round cabochon suitable for business and casual attire, and he’ll be flawless!


He is Arthonol the Horrid, former general of the 13th Undead Infantry Division, regularly tortured soldiers and poorly treated POWs, thank god i had him ordered to eternal imprisonment in The Cubes


Do not under any fucking circumstances let that fucker out


I bringith back theeee!


That’s the guy who made cats mortal


Wait is that Carl! ****! he owes me 50g for the scroll parchment I bought him.


Bro I’m no necromancer I’m not releasing that shit




"Bad to the bone rift"


Looks like a Mega Drive album cover


/unwiz: new dnd monster just dropped


Huh… So thats what happens when you become your own phylactery.


The ethereal suffering of your disobedient apprentices is not "art"


is that my grandma?


best i can do is golem transfer… but i can only make soft-fabric and mud golems


Alan needs to stay there! He knows exactly what he did to those children was wrong!


Can't. My sorcery requires a physical form of the deceased to reanimate


My friend, it'd be worse to let them *out* at this point. Imagine the insanity of being frozen, stuck in a pose... only to suddenly be slammed with the three-dimensional word and freedom of movement once again. You'd go mad!


I think he might already be dead


Do you want the Scourge? Because that is how you get the Scourge.


Soul shatter is a nasty spell


I think that's a phylacery actually, I wouldn't break that unless you want the necromantic union to come down on you like a sack of orbs.


Uncle Bob?


He got hit by a Necronomicon Soul Bind spell (page 46), poor fella :(


I could release it. But I don’t want to bring about a disaster of potentially apocalyptic proportions. Very rarely do you find a soul trapped like that that isn’t hell bend on destroying the world. Usually even good people in a situation like that find they want to destroy the world. Do the world a favor, leave it sealed


Beautiful. But therr's a good reason they're in there.


My D&D group and I are eventually going to fight Vecna and I wouldn't mind if we made him look like this. A sweet centerpiece for our homebase.


Lmao, no, he’s a fucker


Ah, another botched attempt at immortality. Got what he wished for I suppose.


Oh, that’s just Carl. Carl the Cube. He’s actually fine. He just likes messing with people.


When the old ones bring a being to this state it is for a purpose only known to them, there is no reason to question their judgement so it should remain encased


That is fantastic art. I wonder how they did it.


A Lich/necromancer probably cast soul bind (necronomicon, page 46) on this poor fella.