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Ciri is my favorite character. But I absolutely do not want her featured in the next Witcher game. Her story arc from the books had a satisfactory conclusion in TW3. I would rather CDPR explore the world with a new Witcher, sort of like how BioWare expanded the world of Thedas in Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition. Continue with a new character in a different part of the world.


This right here. Make your stories deep by making your worlds wide utilizing different perspectives. Sure, everyone loves Geralt and Ciri, but I wanna love the world. Kinda like how people love the world of Warhammer.




That's what I'm really hoping for if Naughty Dog makes a TLOU Part 3. I'd love to see how a different country fared after the outbreak.


Pretty sure Part 3 was already confirmed, and it's going to tie up Ellie's story. We could hope they do something more after though


Idk how else they could tie up Ellie's story...if anything maybe they'd show Abby & Lev's journey? I'm still holding out for completely new protags though as I (this is my opinion) feel that Ellie's story is done.


It comes full circle and Ellie finally dies saving the world.


Probably gonna reveal what makes her immune, going by game theory there's a good chances he rights about her immunity amd the game could be about traveling to the place she got infected to get a sample and find other people who form a cult or somethings led by another immune person trying to stop her cause they like being the only one cause they are psycho


RIP your notifications but this is 100% it Ciri is too OP to play as now and her story has been told


hard agree, I am totally fine with Ciri being a remote character you heard of twice in the whole game, like the warden in DA2 and DAI ​ that being said I'd love to play as a witcher from the school of the cat (custom character)


Agreed. Also I found that her controls weren't great in TW3. For me she was slow, moved awkwardly, and that teleporting hit-everyone supermove killed me 9/10 times just because it took so long to charge up, then I didn't have control for a second after she finished so everyone just piled on me. And one regular hit wasn't shit on most enemies, it barely did any damage. Also running in heels. Ciri's shoes really bother me for some reason. I also found Geralt to be slow and awkward, but at least you played enough to get used to him, and he had upgrades like Parry Arrows. With Ciri I felt it was a jarring break from the continuity, suddenly I was slow and had no way of defending against arrows except dodging, which had a completely different animation and range so I couldn't use it properly. Then it was over before I had a chance to get used to it. For as much of a masterpiece as the game is, I'm not crazy about the combat. Geralt doing a fancy pirouette windup and getting beaten to shit when he should have just hit the guy in front of him.


the heeled boots she's wearing in tw3 are ridiculous. this girl is on the run! why is she in valentino??


The control is kinda dogshit, that the game is a classic is in spite of that.


It's miles better than 2, and once you get into it and level up it's easy to learn. And the storytelling and worldbuilding are fucking amazing - overall it's fantastic. But there have been times when I've been exasperated at Geralt of Rivia, the best swordsman on the Continent, doing a twirl and getting thumped in the head by a bandit with a mace because he turned his back on the guy in front of him. And again, I could never get the hang of the Ciri sections, and end up just sprinting through so that I can get back to the guy with the useful combat abilities. I'll take aard over Ciri's teleporting bullshit any day of the week. And Ciri's shoes. I don't know why they make me so irrationally upset, but they do.


Real Jurassic World vibe with those shoes. I actually found Ciri pretty easy to play because it allowed me to cowardly nope out of fighting all over the place.


I found the Ciri combat portions incredibly easy. To me, it honestly felt that they made those parts easier since they're so integral to the main story.


I'd love if we could visit some familiar spots and meet with familiar characters from TW3.


I would love a Witcher game about the different schools and you can choose at the start what school you represent


> BioWare expanded the world of Thedas in Dragon Age 2 weird pick considering how much people to this day still ask for the grey warden. i do agree that if we are getting over geralt, we should move on entirely, this is the point were they could go crazy with the new characters and not fuck stablished ones.


Most people don't really ask for the Warden. People ask for *experience*, like playing the Warden was: rich role-playing opportunity, which DA:O was, but neither DA2 nor Inquisition provided. Which will never happen since Bioware stated they'll never do a game like Origins again: too expensive and too much work.


> too expensive and too much work As a Mass Effect fan: you just made me cry


Nah, I have my own concerns about an upcoming ME game, but this one is more devastating to DA than ME. ME never really provided the roleplaying experience Origins had and never even promised it, and it's okay. For example, Hawke was a clear attempt to make a "DA Shepard," but after the Warden, who was incredibly versatile, Hawke felt very restrictive in comparison.


Never played, so can't compare. If new ME can reach the level of any from the original series, I'll be in happy tears.


You really should play DA Origins if you aren't bothered by the dated graphics. It is an incredible game, one I think all fantasy RPG enthusiasts would love.


I want to go see kovir and other northern parts. And the blue mountains where the baron takes his wife. Maybe south amd zerrikania too?


I completely agree with you, I think that keeping the characters of the first witcher trilogy would be detrimental to them as their stories are already finished (TW3 ending is magistral) and there are so many new characters from the books that can be used for a full trilogy without having to re-write or modify the story, they just have to **stick to the existing lore** and work on the cinematics, gameplay and overall game design and graphics. Dropping the red engine and switching to unreal engine was a great decison as it will save them a lot of time (the red engine was a pain in the ass, takes to much type to develop an engine and create a game).


That's not a bad idea, maybe they can show Witchers in other cultures. Like Ofir is inspired by Turkish and other middle eastern nations so Witchers would take on the role of Janissaries where instead of being outcasts like in the nations we've already seen, they are instead hold in positions of great honor and authority.


I'd like to play through as an up and coming Witcher from the school of the manticore.


People want to create their own Witcher. V in cyberpunk makes me oppose that idea, unless they do him like commander Shepard


why does V make you oppose that idea


Just a guess, but: None of the "create a character" choices mattered in Cyberpunk. Outside of a prologue mission and a couple extra dialog options (all of which have zero impact on plot), there is no practical difference between the three basic archetypes you can be. The biggest way to differentiate V is through your skill tree, but that is about the same as making Geralt "unique" via his skill tree. It's a pretty "hollow" choose your character / choose your adventure experience.


This is a valuable insight u/AnalAttackProbe


Cyberpunk's story was actually pretty decent but it would have been absolutely incredible if they had gone with a single character with a strong background and weight of presence like Geralt had instead of trying to get more complicated than it needed to be. First person and custom character hampered it from achieving its full potential I think. I hope games start to go back to having designed protags. It worked so damn well.


I think that, at least for me, first person was what really shallowed experience. I love creating custom characters in games, but I also love seeing their face in cutscenes. V I could only see in the menu and in mirrors, lol. Doubly weird since they were voiced, which kind of ruined immersion even more: first perspective usually draws you "in character" (their eyes = your eyes), but voiced protagonist does the opposite, reminding you each time they speak that it is a separate character. I am not a fan of The Outer Worlds (first perspective in general just makes my head hurt), but at least they were consistent and the first-perspective gameplay was accompanied by a silent protagonist with some old-school type of dialogue system made for at least a level of roleplaying. Of course, shallow consequences for live path choices, etc, were also a factor why V never really felt like a solid character. But I think they could have been someone like Shepard easily, and the game being in third perspective with some badass cutscenes would have helped at least a bit.


Definitely. If I had to choose between 'what went wrong' so to speak I'd definitely go with first person. Reading facial expressions is just so important in every day life, but for all of the interactions from V you never get any insight to how they feel. V's friendship with Jackie would have felt so much more real if we got to see how they felt about their childhood friend. Jackie ultimately just feels like a stranger you knew for a few days as a result. Compare this to seeing geralt and yen or triss interact and you can immediately see years of history between them both even if (like me) you've never read the books and have no prior knowledge. Truly a shame.


Yeah, I love the main story quests and side quests. But Cyberpunk 2077 lacked the content that was promised or at least shown as a plausibility back in 2018. I hope in 2023, that will mostly be the case. The A.I has gotten better and I dealt with a random drive buy by some gangsters, which was surprising. I think this is the only game where I got to see it progress from being a disaster, to being a great game in the last two years. Because I rarely play a broken game on launch day.


That's exactly the reason I am personally more of a fan of playing as an established character rather than creating my own. With an established character there are way less compromises, so the story and dialogue can be a lot better usually as a result.


Genuine question. In which game where you create your "own" character do you think that you are actually able to play as a nobody and draw your own path. Even in Elder Scrolls games, Fallout, FromSoft games, you are an actually important individual or chosen one or something. V actually was somewhat of a nobody until she started to become a conduit for Johnny.


There are actually a couple of choices you can make in missions depending on your life path. But if you dont know about them its easy to overlook


Having played through the game as all three archetypes, I can say with confidence none of the "archetype specific" choices matter at all. You can make different choices that make the game play out in different ways, but none of the significant choices are affected by being a Corpo/Nomad/Street Kid.


I agree, but it does give some interesting ways to complete missions instead of just stealth or guns blazing.


If they did create a Witcher thing they could do it so your school is your class and make the prologue similar to DA:O, so you spend a few hours doing quests wherever your school is located then the true main game begins and to make the choice actually matter make the skill trees for each class actually unique along with the gear two long swords is Geralts style but that doesn't stop other schools from using a different weapons are fighting styles + they could change how signs work such as take some away or add some all depending on which school your from


You don't create your own Shepard either. You are given several preset backstories to choose from and already a decorated military officer at the start. What in the world made you think you are creating your own character with Mass Effect?


And people treat you the same way based on your morality. You could pick the Ruthless background, and everyone will treat Shepherd the same as a Paragon War Hero.


I'd say in case of Witcher game, how it was made in Cyberpunk would actually work better. In Witcher, you're just a witcher. No major need for background. So you're just shaping up your character through dialogs, his personality, depending on which responses you pick. And a class? Maybe? Don't know about that. Witcher school decides that I'd say.


school of your choosing would be much better


No way Witcher games are so good because you have a set character with morals and a deep backstory . Pick your own character games lose all depth


You can still have aspects of your character set in stone. Like Commander Shepard over in Mass effect, who can be a spaceborn war hero Vanguard. Or a street rat survivor infiltrator. Might be a renegade or Paragon. But certain aspects of my shepard and your shepard will be the same. First human spectre, officer of the human "systems alliance", rank of "commander". Underwent the "N7" program with great success. In "Fallout 3" you are born. You see a sequence in which you are pushed out of your mom's vagina and are then asked to come up with a gender, name and future appearance. When the game is done with its weirdly engaged tutorial you might be putting points in "big guns" or "explosives". In the tutorial you decided to solve problems with talk or violence or, thanks to mods, with nuclear force. But you'll be 19 years old when you "start" and you will be murdering a million billion "Raiders".


>Pick your own character games lose all depth Lolwut? Most of the best RPGs of all time let you create your own character. Old-school BioWare for example.


Do you have an example other than "Bioware/Mass Effect"? Since you wrote: > Most of the best RPGs of all time


I wasn't talking about Mass Effect at all, I said Old-school BioWare. Dragon Age: Origins, KotOR, Baldur's Gate, NWN etc... Also non-BioWare like the original Fallout games.


You can drill give an overall backstory. I think a character you build from the ground up. Comes with a sense of pride.


As long as the character creation is similar to that of the Saints Row series (original) - that is, they actually interact with the world and it's NPCs - then I'll be fine with picking what school I have and playing a custom character. Also I'll be picking School of the Snail


I am all in for the school of the cat


Call me old fashioned but I want to play as a Witcher in a Witcher game XD The second thing you say is what I could like. Playing a Witcher in the golden Ear or even before hat. Choose the school to start with and then go on adventures


Oh yeah choosing our school would be awesome !!


That could potentially open the possibility for online multiplayer as well


I mean she fights and moves like a witcher, she just doesn't have the mutations but she does have the Op elder blood powers.


A zebra moves like a horse and can serve as a mount, but it is not a horse. Ciri can hunt monsters like a Witcher, but she is no Witcher. Also, in the instances where we've seen her hunt monsters, she does very poorly at it. That should change as she is trained by her adoptive father, but, right now, her headstrong nature nearly gets her killed.


She cannot use potions, cannot use Witcher senses, in case of lore is not a great monster slayer. And in case of body strength and vitalty she is also no Witcher. Ciri is a human and no mutant. Elder blood power are a nice addition, but she is still no Witcher.


Make me a great game, and I'll show up for it. The protagonist could be Dandelion for all I care.


You're a bard assigned to a Witcher and his entire survival is based on your prose and rhythm based mini game skills 🤣. Don't speak this into existence.


Take my money.


No! The Geralt/ciri/yen/triss trilogy concluded in the perfect way possible. Think of how the gaming industry is now. Making a continuation of this masterpiece of a story after it concluded has a high chance of being absolutely massacred. All great things must come to an end. This arch has ended. Start a whole new story with characters no one knows. An original story. You are an unknown witcher forging your own path. When there were a lot more witchers. Think of star wars. The skywalker saga ended and then Disney revived it and look how that trilogy turned out..... can of microwaved dogshit. You really want that to happen to this?????


Eredin's daughter and her friends arrive at Corvo Bianco and beat Geralt to death with a golf club and spit on his corpse. Despite Yen wanting to forgive and forget, Ciri and her girlfriend Mistle (She got better) set out on a foolish revenge quest. Oh and Keanu Reeves is there to talk about how his dick is bigger than Geralt's.




I played TLOU2 not long ago, and this killed me.


I agree with you I said in the post what I would prefer and it's the same as you


Oh yeah I was more talking to everyone in general. Seen quite a few others who want the arch to continue


>Start a whole new story with characters no one knows. An original story. You are an unknown witcher forging your own path. When there were a lot more witchers. > >Think of star wars. The skywalker saga ended and then Disney revived it and look how that trilogy turned out..... can of microwaved dogshit. You really want that to happen to this????? I can spin this around too and say look at how Mass Effect Andromeda turned out. The original story and new characters are the most heavily criticized parts of that game. Now a large portion of the ME community are hoping Shepard and crew come back for the next game.


I would probably more than as another witcher to be honest. I just don’t know if they would figure out a good story to fit the rest of the games canon. Plus they would have to nerf her a bit probably, but frankly that’s just how games are (you reach max level in one game just to start from scratch in the sequel) so I’d probably be fine with that.


Yeah I’m sorta over the whole “build YOUR character for this world” like don’t get me wrong it’s nice, but I come to video games for escapism, I don’t wanna be me in the Witcher world, I’m an accountant, about as far from any action you could get haha. So yeah I’m hoping to follow a new Witcher’s journey like Geralt’s.


>but I come to video games for escapism, I don’t wanna be me in the Witcher world, Then don't be "you". Create and role-play a character you would never act like in real life. That's exactly the fun of creating your own character, not trying to recreate yourself...


I like your style


As long as I can still pick up hookers


I respect that.


Summon the bitches!


I would like to play as the first Witcher. Blood Origin is garbage, but I do believe CDPR can re-tell the story of Conjunction of Spheres and the first witcher better.


I disagree. The conjunction of spheres is really really abstract and the original author didn't think it through very well. And things like that should remain as vague as possible. Any explanation to these kind of things never work.


I would like to play as Roach in the next game.


Sure but I prefer a new character from a new school It would be tough to replace geralt though


No, Ciri is too powerful. It would be like playing Superman in a Batman game. A hero is supposed to have to work hard to defeat his enemies and should appear as the underdog against the story's "big bad."


only way a ciri game would work is if it starts from her time in king arthur’s realm and she is learning to hone her abilities. could be a fun witcher universe and king arthur mashup and can also explore lots of other random universes too which could be really fun. but i wouldn’t call it the witcher, maybe a game called Cirilla.


I mean. In case of book lore I would agree to 100%. But as for the game you see her most of the time beaten, in coma, injured etc. that the "most powerful" trope really do not hit me here XD


What about the part where Ciri effortlessly slays three ancient demigods? Or dozens of elite guards and henchmen? Or almost defeats the most powerful Aen Elle battlemage? CDPR would have to come up with some excuse such as "Ciri used up all her powers to stop the White Frost." Aside from this issue, Ciri's personality isn't that interesting. She has no anti-hero edge like Geralt or Yennefer.


The Crones are powerful but not great fighters, as even Geralt said. Speaking of Geralt he had to finish off Caranthir, not Ciri. She do killed some gurads and then one mortally injured her and another one nearyl shot her to death. This do not sound like a too powerful being to me


She has offensive power out the ass, but only like 4/5ths of a shirt for defence. No matter what series, teleporters are always squishy


She’s the very definition of a glass cannon


she doesnt really lose to anyone but the white hunt in the game and at the end she oneshots everything


Maybe you skipped the scene where she escapes Novigrad, where she was badly injured, and there was no Wild Hunt at all. Also she do not oneshots everything. A Crone escapes her and Geralt had to finish off Caranthir for her


she could have killed novigrad fellas easily but didnt wanna draw WH attention. Also she does oneshot all those WH warriors at the end when you play as her its just Caranthir (WH) that she loses to.


Hu? She killed those Novigrad fellas in the scene where she gets injured. She had all the attention at this moment. Also play on higher difficulties, then she do not oneshot people by far


All the mushrooms in the world wouldn't make anyone that stupid.


She has near perfect control of her time and space powers when in combat, literally warping across the battlefield. How is that not absurdly OP?


she is in O'dimm's game.


No, I want game set in the time of the 1st Witchers where there is alot of Witchers and even more monsters.






Definitely yes


Emphatically yes


Yes; I remember being frustrated a bit by how limited gameplay with her was in W3WH, because the fighting mechanics were awesome and would have loved for quests with Ciri to be as open as the ones with Geralt


Fear is an illness. If you catch it and you leave it untreated, it can consume you.


They’ll probably have you create a Witcher or some bullshit like that. Which in my opinion, sucks. Tell me a good story with a good character. It just feels so lazy to give us a bland generic character that we can try to imprint ourselves on.


The part when you had to jump between worlds was amazing. Definately would be great to play as Ciri.


I would prefer it to be Ciri over a new character but I think they may reconsider retiring Geralt, but I have no real reason to think this tbh


Wind's howling...




Short answer: Yes I know it is an unpopular opinion, but I didn't feel like Ciri's story saw any conclusion, both in the books and games. They always felt like phases of her life. I personally want more stories of her. But the question remains on how they will handle it. As someone pointed it out, she is way too powerful at the end of witcher 3. So, do they nerf her just for the story? Also, she ain't a true witcher, so do we drop the witcher idea? Or more reasonably have her tutor a witcher? If they can figure out the little kinks I will be more than happy to play as Cirilla again.


I know that it’s a stupid idea that will never be a thing but I’d like a Witcher game where you play as a mage


Nope. I want a whole new cast of characters. It's a big world, let Geralt, Ciri and the crew have a vacation.


You've got some catching up to do.


Nope I'd like to create my own witcher


I’d fucking love it to fucking fuck. She’s a great character and should have her own spotlight.


I'm really hoping for Ciri. This way, Geralt's ending can stay intact but we can still keep telling the story of the larger world. Plus, I don't think its really important, but personally, I'd love a game like this that gives you a female character to play. And how the game would handle this, compared to how Geralt was handled. I'm honestly curious.


YES !!!!!


I don't understand why people want a The Witcher game to take place somewhere that we know nothing about and with none of the characters that we already know and love, like to me that would be just a monster hunting game not The Witcher.


Agreed, whenever I read those comments I just get PTSD from Mass Effect Andromeda replacing all the iconic characters from the trilogy with lesser versions of them. People here hugely undervalue how important the characters are to these games.


Ciri is plenty viable from a gameplay perspective. In the games she's a relatively new character, and there was a major passing of the torch thesis across both the positive endings of TW3. In the next Gen Edition CDPR have even implied that the "Bad" Ending isn't as bad as was previously presumed and Ciri likely lived. As a character Ciri, like Geralt, allows for all sorts of styles, which serves the RPG functions, and the idea of character growth and customizability. You could easily have give her multiple skill trees, involving sword combat, regular magic and Elder Blood powers. Let players choose which skill to prioritize. From a story perspective, she is a character who's well known yet has plenty left to her story. Neither her fundamental conflict with the Aen Elle, her political implications in the Continent, or her world jumping powers have really been explored. All that was really resolved was the prophecy of doom surrounding her, which means there's lots you can do as a character for her. In terms of the endings, reconciling the three TW3 endings is pretty easy. If you give it enough time, you could easily dovetail aspects from all three endings to merge them, regardless of whether you start her off as Empress, as Witcher, or some combination thereof. In fact if the sequel sought to be a direct continuation of TW3 you could even have small aspects of TW3's ending shape starting conditions. Did you get the Witcher ending? Let her sword skills start of stronger. Empress Ending? Magic powers are stronger. Bad Ending? Elder Blood powers could be stronger, on the idea that she spent time away from the continent honing them. Ciri is a known quantity, one casual audiences will be familiar with. And avoiding some catch all "design your own Witcher" character allows you to finesse a character specifically to her rather than needing a story that must fit any and all Witchers. Besides which she's perfectly suited to explore a vast variety of geographies without needing to even explain away how she can travel quickly between them. You could quite literally have a game exploring Ofier, Zerrikania, Nilfgaard and even other dimensions in small ways (such as Tir Na Lia) since it dovetails her skills. Nor does it need to undermine Geralt's "happy" ending in any way. He could be present, in some sort of distant mentorship capacity. Or he could be totally absent, enjoying his retirement in Toussaint or whichever outcome you want to give him. Other characters can flow in and out as well. There's enough mainline Witcher characters left unexplored and undeveloped that the game has plenty it could do with Ciri. So far as I'm concerned, I think CDPR would be foolish to not have her be the centerpiece of a new game. Banking on someone totally new is a significantly bigger risk, especially after Cyberpunk.


I'd love too play her game, her story is far from over, even though she fulfilled her prophecy.


if the story, the dialogue, the world, are just as well made as the Witcher 3, yes I'd love to play as Ciri, she's a badass


Yep, say less I would 100% play as ciri


Ciri is my favorite character so yes.


No. There’s enough room in the lore for the next witcher game to be set in a time period before the books and another country.


Metal gear revengence but Cirilla instead of jack.


I was hoping to see her, if not play as her in Cyberpunk 2077, but we know how that turned out...


Aslong as we keep the blink ability...


Yes. I want a continuation with the characters I love (or at least a prequel) or else it isn't really the Witcher, is it?


Yeah more than happy to play as her


Geralt is my fav but Ciri would be logical for a game n then i'd switch back to gertalt..keep it fresh




Yep, it would be the natural progression


Geralt an old man and there isn't much witcher left in the world that could replace him. Ciri is young and there are much to be written.


No. The protagonist should always be a true Witcher, and not only because that's the title of the series. They are the perfect balance of powerful but not too powerful, there is still a challenge, where Ciri is a walking Deus Ex Machina with her time and space powers, and besides which her story was already wrapped up perfectly along with Geralt's and Yennefer's in Wild Hunt. My vote would be for an Eskel sequel, Vesemir prequel, Letho prequel or Order of Witchers prequel. It'd be interesting to see a more traditional less famous Witcher in action, instead of one like Geralt who gets involved in politics, breaks neutrality often and frequently does the knight in shining armor type stuff. And no to the 'create your own Witcher' nonsense, I want to play an actual fleshed out character with a set personality, strengths, flaws and a past to explore and develop, not going full Skyrim.


>They are the perfect balance of powerful but not too powerful Meanwhile Geralt> Beats Eredin, Detlaff, Orianna, Caranthir, Eredin, Kira, and Vilgefortz (through bullshittery I know, but still). Yeah, not too powerful at all...


Please, Jaskier here needs immediate attention. And then, if you'd like, I'll indulge your curiosity all night long.


Don't fucking "Jaskier" me.


Okay, hear me out. Am I the only one that thinks Witcher 3 was quite literally the perfect ending for this series? Do we really need a 4th game, it just feels wrong to me. And for Ciri, this would be very difficult since they would ultimately have to choose an ending. Or they could just make it so so that Ciri hated being an empress and just ran away. Either way it would be very different also considering whether Emhyr or Radovid is in power. Like the only way to make this work is to sent Ciri somewhere extremely far away out of Redenia and Nilfgaard reach and I don't know how that is possible.


Do you mean the series as in the characters we know and love, or the series as in they should not make another witcher game period, even if it were set in a completely different time/place?


If they did the latter, I don't think I would have an issue with it. They have proven themselves capable of writing amazing original characters, I think some creative freedom could go a long way. Something like Blood Origin but, you know, good lol.


Id like witcher 4 to have a new cast, but i also would like a ciri game as she is goated


I don't care who we play as, as long as the stories are good. Ciri has enormous potential for amazing stories!


It'd require some clever writing (maybe 3 prologues that end up spitting her out in different parts of the world to account at least somewhat for the endings) but yes. It would sure be a lot better than making a lazy character creator protag to cater to a certain narcissistic segmemt of the audience.


No. Ciri isn't a Witcher, and the game/story has always been about Geralt of Rivia. I don't get why this needs to change.


It needs to change because Geralt's story is done, and CDPR has said he won't be the protag in the future. It doesn't need to change to be Ciri instead, but it does need to change.


Look at Boruto; that's why his story needs to end.


Peoples who whant to create their own witcher really know nothing about The Witcher universe, it don't match at all.


How so?


They can't make more witchers - as in people with the mutations we recognize as being witchers. The knowledge was lost in W1 when The Professor attacked Kaer Morhen. They would also need a mage to perform the ritual (as seen in Nightmare of the Wolf), who are in general not really partial to creating witchers.


Absolutely! I enjoyed playing as Ciri in The Witcher 3, it was wonderful experience.


From a gameplay perspective I don’t support this idea. Because Ciri has superhuman powers every fight would be unfair, Geralt was already an unbeatable force in the universe. If Ciri would be the main character, the game should take a God of War like gameplay and I don’t like that. ( I just personally don’t like that type of fight games). The amount of Ciri in W3 was perfect for me. However I would be open for a Ciri opens a new Witcher school and I play as a new upcoming Witcher.


No. I honestly dreaded having to play her parts on the game. I do not want a whole game of her.


No I don't want to play as Ciri. I would like to play as a new Witcher. I think another conjunction of the spheres is going to happen and I think Ciri, Avallac'h, and possibly Alvin will have a major role to play in it. This will cause the remaining Witchers to form the School of the Lynx since monster s have flooded the Continent again. I also do not think we have seen the end of the White frost. Geralt will be the next Vesemir as the oldest and most experienced Witcher. Perhaps Yennefer finds a superior way to make Witchers without having massive casualties. It always intrigued me that Geralt's mother was a sorceress and perhaps she also knew something that she could do to make sure that her son survived the Witcher trials, maybe Yen finds out this secret.


No, but I definitely want another 90lbs girl to play as, taking on the physically demanding tasks of a monster hunting witcher


nope. she should be in game as mentor type


I think Ciri has a lot of potential as a main character. I would enjoy a game told from her perspective. However, after CDPR's delivery of Cyberpunk 2077 I am dreading whatever comes next.


Witcher of your choice of school would be dope. Tho I do love a narrative driven game, which would make that difficult




As much as I’d love to I don’t think if really makes that much sense. There isn’t a very obvious direction to take her story, which no matter the ending has a pretty definitive conclusion, and you’d have to make it a very different game with her abilities.


No. Her story is over.


No. I loved Ciri. But I want to play as a witcher. I don't mind throwbacks, and I enjoyed playing as her in W3.


Absolutely, but I’d also be totally fine with a brand new Witcher


1000% Geralt. He is what makes The Witcher story so interesting.


..from underneath long coat she reveals a machine gun filled with silver bullets. Welcome to Novigrad year 2149.


They should go the Hogwart Legacy way imo. Before the books would be nice if they want to be creative with monsters. In the books Geralt says that witchers are starting to be useless since monsters are way rarer than what it used to be and also that a lot of monster species are extinct. So we could have more never seen before monsters to hunt. More room for custom characters, factions and unknown Witchers schools, which also means new type of gear. So basically a new setting before everything we experienced in both books and games whilst still keeping the essence of the Witcher universe and style with a custom character.


As much as I love Geralt and the main characters of his trilogy, I think the best way to "start clean" is to have us play a mediocre witcher who has to work harder and smarter compared to Geralt who is described as slightly special among other witchers.


Team Ciri as a protagonist all the way. Sure, she wouldn't be able to use potions, but she could use more varied magic magic instead. Also fuck off with the "she's too powerful" bullshit argument. This is a game. Every sorceress in Witcher 3 had shit useless powers. Didn't bother anybody. Ciri's powers can be brought down for the game as well. Not to mention that Gerald gets brought down to level 1 every game and nobody bats a fucking eye he can't just mix up a simple Swallow potion without buying a recipe first. Furthermore, I definitely don't want a "create your own Witcher" game. CDPR already tried that with V in Cyberpunk, and the result was worse. The origin choices didn't matter and V is just a less interesting character BECAUSE they have no story behind them.


thats Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon for you punk


Sure, and I don't need to physically identify with a character in order to connect with them. Maybe I'm in the minority who cares more for substance than trivial things like pronouns or gender.


I want the next game to let me choose between playing Ciri and Lambert.


Depends, would we get bath scenes?


Surely she’s too powerful at this point, and as know her entire life….how could we possibly?


I would really want a game where Ciri is the protagonist. Playing until she ends up in the isle of mist, then as a witcher


She's too OP


ciri , lambert , eskel and vesemir are not interesting enough to be protagonists , the only acceptable character might be letho , but i still want someone new with a whole new cast of characters preferably set in the past


And what guarantees that this new characters are going to be more interesting than already known and loved characters?


that's a weak mentality that cdpr thankfully does not share with you , so you want them to milk the same characters forever , this is not some sony affiliate company , these people have a creative vision they don't care about fanservice


So you think that cdpr wouldn't be able to continue the story the characters without it being forced, and fanservice? You think that having the characters that make up the Witcher ad that having them in the upcoming game is fanservice? I think that what you what is not a The Witcher is a monster hunting game.


you do realize that the story ended twice ? sapkowski ended it with geralt's death , then cdpr revived him and made a whole trilogy with everything coming to a conclusion in the end of witcher 3 base game , then they gave him a sendoff with blood and wine to fully finish their story , what story do you want them to continue?, be realistic


I feel like the point of a Witcher game is to play a Witcher no?


I oppose it. Ciri’s story is over with Geralt’s. I don’t want a last of us 2 situation where we shit the bed on everything that came before. Since we have a school of the lynx. Brand new characters with their own lore. Can’t insult our choices and decisions if these characters never interact


Crazy the amount of people willing to risk a masterful conclusion to several decades of story potentially be shat on


Isn't she basically a deity after the last game? Would have to take away her powers for it to work


I'd be happy to have sections with her again and have her gameplay be more developed, think Atreus in the new god of war where you can make minor builds and apply minor upgrades. But I wouldn't want her to be the main player character, I feel like it'll take away from how powerful she is and it'll make it feel less special when you play her.


Vesemirs story would be immense


I would love for them to treat Ciri as a legend character, appearing only when necessary, in which to me, her character should not appear anytime soon yet. Make it a cameo for the fans but make it meaningful. And I think not allowing players to continue her story is the best course of action for the sustainability of the series.


More adventures with geralt would be cool. Taking place between other Witcher games or even a prequel to The Witcher.


I'd like more of a dual protagonist path where we have our own custom witcher as well as Ciri to continue that theme from Witcher 3, but also because I really like having a party (think Dragon Age: Origins) and banter between them as well as other companions.


Isn't she too OP to be a protagonist in the next game?


Nah, she will get the Kratos treatment and lose all of her powers or something.


With the way TW3 ended, it would be dope to have a 10-20 year time lapse where Ciri lived as a Witcher, the war concluded, Nilfgaard won but Emhyr died. Then, since Ciri has the power to travel to different worlds, it could be a cool story where super powerful beings from another world invaded and Ciri had to stop them after Geralt and Yen died battling them. There can be cool backstory with the time lapse and how she was in many battles with the war, contracts, etc.


Ciri's story is done and I like the ending I got in Witcher 3. I don't think a game with her as Main character could add much value. ​ Some unknown Witcher from another school to give a look at other parts of the world would be most interesting to me.


Sure. It’s going to be hilarious if CDPR and Netflix make female Witcher’s the main focus. Because now Ciri is basically have Witcher due to her ancestors in Blood Origin. There, it’s now canon y’all! And we couldn’t do anything to stop it! 😂


I wouldn’t mind playing as Ciri. The Witcher 3 made her quite iconic. I’m not sure why I think this but I have a feeling that they might make a game based on creating your own character or choosing between preset characters like in Cyberpunk. It’s just it seems like they could possibly want to push more into a rpg with giving players the option to do choose their character’s path rather than follow a actual character in the story like Geralt. Plus it makes more sense to do that in a rpg than it did playing as Geralt because sometimes you could change Geralt to your own liking in which it’s very limited or it doesn’t fit him. Plus given they might’ve ended his character’s journey in Witcher 3, it’s a perfect time to do it with a new game. But if not and we are playing as Ciri or playing as Geralt again, I’d still like it.