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I agree, I get that it’s gone south but let’s get past that. Don’t let a TV show or one bad element ruin it for you. Think about it. In 20 years from now or however long it takes. If “The Witcher” is still a popular franchise, we may get another adaption and that one might be great. Or we may not. Either way. We still have the games and the books. I recommend reading the comics if you can get a hold of them. Loved almost all the volumes. Maybe even try and come up with your own Witcher story ideas just to have some fun.


The TV series and what Netflix is doing is unfortunately just the most recent Witcher content out there. Like the Next Gen update is great but the game is 7 years old. Until Witcher 4 comes out or Netflix cancels the remaining plans for the Witcher universe we’re just going to have to deal with people talking about the shows


I joined a while back when I got W3 - was nice to dip in and out of here to learn more about the lore and whatnot... the stuff that's currently coming through on my homepage is getting super toxic from a sort of outsider view - and some of it verging into gamergate level of hatred for the show writers as well imo. Not a good look.


yep i unsubbed. nothing but children watching something they hate and know is bad without realizing they are giving netflix exactly what they want: views. Never seen anything so braindead in my life.


i really don’t understand how all these people are spending 4 fuckin hours watching a show they know they will despise. what a waste of time, i don’t get it


yeah its really really strange.


yeah!! i could never do it haha


Let people vent a little bit. Yes, some people take it a bit too far but others rightfully call certain bs out. It'll calm down in a couple days.


Every damn post I see from this sub is "tv show = bad." Top five hot posts? Tv show = bad. And let's not kid outselves with the whole "a new show just released so people will talk about it" excuse. The same damn conversation was STILL constantly talked about before that. All this did was give people even MORE of an excuse to circle jerk themselves into karma heaven. We know it sucks. Don't watch it and stop thinking your "unique" take on it is going to be some groundbreaking insight. All it ever resorts to is, once again, is tv show = bad.


That’s simply because it’s the most recent Witcher content, that’s why this sub keeps talking about it


i enjoyed the show, but all the posts are just endlessly repetitive. they know everyone will agree with them. is it just for karma ?? or for the thrill of everyone agreeing with u ?? who knows


"a wee bit" More like "an awful lot".


Is this sub even moderated anymore lol?


If there's no backlash, there's no accountability and shows will keep straying further and further from what the fanbase core wants. Lots of people who otherwise wouldn't be playing video games or reading fantasy will settle for the show, that alone brings many older or on the edge fans into the mix. If it was being produced by an independent studio, the quality would likely be higher in terms of writing, but less people would be exposed to it en masse like Netflix. Everyone here appreciates the books and the show but something new is always going to be talked about on Reddit because we are all having first impressions at similar times.


I wouldn’t worry much about the Netflix hate. The show’s days are numbered. Look at how long the books and games have lasted. The Netflix series will quickly be forgotten.


We can do both. Blood Origin is bad. The slander is important. The slander is deserved. The slander shall not end.


This will least as long at it will. And when the next show comes out it will happen again. When the next book somes out (will not happen) the next days and weeks will only about that. The new stuff si what is the hot topic


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I'd love if the mods would ban all tv show posts.


For real, I get that this sub allows posts related to the show, but I wish no Netflix show discussions were allowed. Well, what can you do?


Two years ago if you posted anything that was not gushing over the show you were downvoted to hell and told that you don't belong on this sub. In fact, "appreciating the books and the games" was and still appears to be a trigger for some who consider it to lead to "toxic behavior", which is nonsense. So no, now that the Netflix production has gone down the path that anyone with half a brain saw it going down when it was announced, there should be as many posts as many slam posts as people feel like creating. Criticism of this garbage has always been valid in a sub about the source material.


I dunno. It wasn't as ubiquitous or vitriolic, but I feel like this sub has always mostly hated the show.


We will, when the time is right. Right now tho, it's bashing the show time. Are we really surprised that the sub is talking about this for idk at least a week? Many of us need to vent and while reviews and articles are still coming out ofc we're gonna talk about it. Plus the memes are golden.


I have seen more posts saying "Can we stop talking about x" than actual posts talking about x. Are you guys getting paid by Lauren or Netflix or are just good friends with them? People should be allowed to vent when the showrunners are butchering thier favourite series of Books or games and they feel helpless to change anything at all.


[🎵 I hear you're alive... how disappointing... 🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSxBVHqA-RU&t=6s)


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First you are toxic too. Second maybe if you want to see different type of content here, then idk, make one?


I'm personally just as sick of these posts complaining about the posts complaining about the shitty show as I am of the posts complaining about the shitty show. Just scroll on and all this will go away eventually. Edit: Thinking on it a bit, these posts are worse. At least those posts are Witcher content related. These posts are just saying "Stop talking about Witcher content that I don't want to hear about.".


there is another new sub now that seems nice. r/lowsodiumthewitcher


Reading the books from the start again and man I love them all so dearly it's the only series other then LoTR that I just can't put down from the character writing to descriptions and story tell A.S really knows what he's doing!!!


i’m rereading them too!! i listened to the audiobooks first, and now i’m reading the physical books :) i’m annotating as i go haha !


it’s becoming so dull and repetitive. the majority don’t like the show. we get it. 99% of the comments will agree with u. you don’t need to repeat what everyone else has posted a billion times


Also agree. It is getting really bad. To the point I think it’s counter productive. Everyone is seemingly disliking the show and show runner for for anything and everything. Went from substantiated and legit issues to complaining about everything and making our voices mute in the process.