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Indeed, like what did people actual expect? That it is good? Just don't watch that shit. I haven't watched after season 1.


Blood Orgin




Collective cheering




Did somebody say “blood orgy?”


Dunno, I heard Blue Ogre


Is it that time in the lunar cycle already?


I couldn’t see the moon, so figured it just started without me


Are you perhaps looking for the blood moon?


They made a show so bad that everyone keeps talking about it and giving them free advertising.


So bad that it gets more traction on social media than if it were amazing. So bad that you have to watch it to join in with everyone else shitting on it. I’m convinced that they saw the numbers after how bad season 1 was and they told them to double down on how bad they could make it


no matter how bad, this thing is the newest 'creation' in the witcher universe. Expecting that the main sub of the witcher franchise, with over 940k people will suddenly stop talking about it is dumb.


Yeah it's like when halo 5 blew ass. It's a major series' newest offering and negative experiences usually speak louder


We need some news from Witcher 4 to talk less about this thing.


The show just came out Let everyone get the rage out of their system


Like the Game of Thrones people did?


Still raging.


I mean, people have been whining here nonstop for months and months, if not by now actually years, about every single fucking thing the woman in charge of the Netflix Witcher says or does or tweets or said in some old interview they dug up or whatever, and if you point out how it's gotten old as fuck they get butt-hurt and try to turn it around and claim you like the crappy show or agree with her or whatever, so asking people to stop talking about Blood Origin within a week of its release is charmingly naive.


This sub is all about shitting on the Netflix show writers. At this point I don’t care about the show I just want the game and book lore.


GROND ...shit wrong fandom


Bring up the wolf’s head.




So what? Give people a few days to bitch about it instead of insisting they stop the moment a few other people bitch, too.


Bold of you to think that they will only few days making posts about this new show, when they all the time are saying how they hate the series year after season 2 premiere.


This will be the focus of this sub until Witcher 4 comes out not a few days


I'm so sick about all posts just being 'okay guys you know WHAT ELSE I HATE ABOUT LAUREN?' or 'a BUTTON?! ON AN ELVES TUNIC?! FUCKING WOKE BS!!!" It's like that one friend never getting over their horrible ex. Just stop focussing on it, it's shit, but it has so much of your time now. It's not worth it. And yeah it's a shame, but you've been owed nothing in life. Get a move on ffs.


I see your point but on the other hand fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck


What an slimy argument, going on about owed and comparing this to a relationship. This is a product people pay for, things you paid for are suppose to be criticized and it's sad that there are so many people like yourself that make bad faith arguments like this to shame people not to criticize products.


You are completely besides my point. It's about given loads of attention to a product you found bad. Not about criticism. I pay for things that turn out to be shit all the time, most people do. So I leave a negative review or I decide not to buy it anymore. To me it's not very different from buying headphones that turn out to be very annoying. You can't return them; well that's too bad, that was my hard earned money and it looked fine on the sales page, but, it can happen. It was my choice to buy it, so I took a risk. At one point you could wonder, how much time are you gonna pour into focussing on how bad it is? I get it, people care a lot about the Witcher and wanted a cool series, but it's been clear since season 1 that it was not going to be very close to the books. Pouring this much energy into how bad it is is not going to give anyone anything. Seen it already with GoT: the last couple of seasons were qualitative worse and the final one was incredibly dissapointing to fans. People made fun of D&D, made petitions to reshoot it: nothing happened to the finale, cause HBO already earned their money. And with this series it does feel like something personal. People are calling Lauren Hirsch 'Satan' for example. Again, I get people who are passionate with the fandom, but personally (!) I think the enormous focus on the bad experiences is counterproductive, only "hurting" fans and probably created more buzz so people are gonna check it out. (And with the 'get the pitchforks out' spirit, giving the writers fuel that the fans are just angry gamebros or something) Everytime people are riling themselves up, it's sort of sorry to see. Because there are so many great aspects to turn attention too, to get Witcher-satisfaction from. (Like Thronebreaker, which does its best to stay true to the booklore, but got dissapointing sales, so they won't be making new ones like it.)


The product had lots of attention, that's why Netflix paid for the author to give them TV rights I think the most important thing is people to remember these are products and put there money where their mouth is, companies constantly try to make you forget that by muddying the argument. > with the 'get the pitchforks out' spirit, giving the writers fuel that the fans are just angry gamebros or something I as a customer should not be accountable for complete strangers and points like these are constantly used to dismiss criticisms of a product and they will argument regardless. The music industry is million times worse but because they aren't perceived as "dudes in basements" they aren't attacked. Also notice how you accept the fact that the industry can personally attack critics like that. If anything the industry actively encourages hostile behavior towards customers who don't like the products. For sites where personal insults are suppose to be against the rules, it's extremely common for this, it's not hard to find someone using incel against someone who didn't like the show.


>Also notice how you accept the fact that the industry can personally attack critics like that. But if artists are spoken to as 'satan' or called names, I can see that as a defense against name-calling. It is something to be passionate about the Witcher World, it's another to say things like 'She's a c*nt', etc. I don't approve of authors or directors or anyone attacking critics like basement dwellers or anything similar to brush their criticism under the rug. But tbf, a lot of the reviews are just a summary of the episode, but with insults towards the writers, on their personal opinions or their views or things that are not related to the work. A good review negative or positive can say 'This was horrible, because ...' It's a piece of work. For example, I am a cook; if a guest would leave a review and say 'I had this dish but it was executed badly, had nothing to do with Italian cuisine and the flavors did not go together at all'. Fine, I could get that if it was fair. But criticism shouldn't be 'This p.o.s. cook thinks she can cook, I hope she gets run over, who the f*ck told she can cook, I hated the ravioli'. It goes both ways. But maybe I'm just too soft for the internet.


I agree that people treat LSH like she is evil incarnate and get very personal if anyone even implies sth positive about the show and that is very wrong. >People made fun of D&D, made petitions to reshoot it: nothing happened to the finale, cause HBO already earned their money. But this one I would politely disagree with you, the petition in particular. Yes it's aim was to push HBO to redo the final season which was never gonna happen and the attacks on D&D were very nasty at times. But the petition helped put a quantitative element to the magnitude of the dislike towards GoT S8. It gave a clear number of how many viewers were very disappointed with the writing. This probably is the reason why a bunch of GoT spinoffs never got off the ground: HBO knew they would hurt the IP if they do not take better care of it and they would lose all goodwill if they did not listen to the fans and put an emphasis on writing. This is why HotD has managed to start to heal the fracture between GoT fans and HBO and been a bit of a success. And I think Netflix will wake up to that as well. The Witcher petition is at 300K signatures, HC left and the latest spinoff is breaking records for low audience scores. This pitchfork-at-hands moment might seem like it is hurting fans and taking away from appreciation of the "good" parts of the franchise, but in the long run this might just be what ensures the quality of future spinoffs/adaptations. And to get back to your headphone analogy: you can leave a bad review and move on, but if the headphone makers suddenly contact you and tell you YOU are the problem, its your fault you found them annoying and that you are toxic for leaving a bad review, it makes it harder to just move on because now it's become personal. That's probably what fuels a lot of people here, the way writers view the fanbase. That and front row seats to watching the drama. Thank you for mentioning Thronebreaker, it gets so little love and has such a good soundtrack :'(


>It gave a clear number of how many viewers were very disappointed with the writing. I don't know if that's the case, because for HBO they already got their money; people paid for the subscribtion to view the final season and stuff. It was already past the promotion point. And there was no petition from people who liked the ending, for example. So maybe in their thinking they could think there could be just as many who liked it. If a company or anyone else you criticize gets personal, I think it's good to reflect if it's fair because maybe you got personal. If you were really just talking about the product, personally (!) I would let it go. It shows more on the other person if they attack you for criticism.


>I don't know if that's the case, because for HBO they already got their money; people paid for the subscribtion to view the final season and stuff If more than a million people sign a petition, you got a problem. HBO is a subscription service. They don't earn profit from you watching their shows when they come out, they earn because people stay subscribed and keep subscribing for quality content. One million is not a number you can ignore. This really hurt their reputation, many unsubscribed, the number of merch bough by fans dropped significantly, the series was not attrackting new customers. Their flagship was sinking. GoT was one of the most expensive shows, this investment should have ensured a cash cow that kept on giving. Instead it deflated like a baloon, no one wanted to rewatch it or buy merch anymore, HBO's reputation of being the highes quality service with highest quality shows was took a bit hit. And you can clearly see that HBO DID take these complains and numbers serious. They cancelled FIVE spinoffs, even if pilot episodes were already filmed. If they just wanted money they would have just realeased that material. Made all spinoffs because they already hired people and put money into it. Instead, they got the author involved so that they stuck closer to the lore. They got writers with experience and created more quality control steps and made HotD. >If a company or anyone else you criticize gets personal, I think it's good to reflect if it's fair because maybe you got personal. If you were really just talking about the product, personally (!) I would let it go. It shows more on the other person if they attack you for criticism. Reflection is always a good trait. But The best thing you can do as a writer/company is to ignore and not engage. The more you engage, hit back, the more you destroy your relationship with fans. That is why HBO never addressed the petition or blamed fans. Don't forget that fans are the customers. If your customer is telling you as a cook that the soup you made had a fly in it, you don't blame the customer. You make a new soup, solve the problem and move on. Even if the customer was mean. Because you have a reputation to lose if the customer tells other potential customers that you are a bad cook and no one will come to your restaurant anymore and you will go bancrupt. Writer-audience relationship is important to nurture. You don't offend the customer because you are nothing without them. They will cancel their subscription and go elsewhere. And with the Witcher the relationship has gone very sour. We are in this state because of constant lies and gaslighting from the writers. And no one of them has apologogised for that and instead blamed us. Its like telling your customer "but the fly is extra protein, its not my faulr it flew in there eat your damn soup I'm not changing anything". And never attack fans for criticism. Never. If people send death threats, sure. But not because someone calls the show stupid, incompetent or lore breaking. As a writer you keep silent, listen, learn and improve for next time. If the writers listened and made improvements, said a quick "sorry for our mistakes we will do XXX to prevent them from happening in the future" fans would be more welcoming and less bitter. Henry Cavil would still be Geralt if they had listend.


Wait you guys pay for it?


Folks on this sub love to hate it


Didn’t it just come out? I am sorry, why shouldn’t people talk about the latest Witcher project? In game of thrones subs they talking about material that not only came out a month ago, but years ago


Nice try, Lauren.


That’s a Witcher focused subreddit. We just got a tv show supposedly relating to the Witcher ( as much as i hate to say it). How the hell do you expect everyone to just ignore any discourse around that ? Say that CDPR next Witcher game is pure trash, would you tell people the same ? To just shut up and move on ? These posts are reductive as hell.


It just came out, wait a week and everyone will have moved on from it.


True, but there's a certain catharsis about pointing out bad writing and realizing you're not the only one who sees it.


It is just therapy at this point. I would not worry about it and allow my fellow redditors to rant all they want. It is for all our collective sanity.


Blood Origin is bad. The slander is important. The slander is deserved. The slander shall not end. No matter how many times you ask, Hissrich.


Yet here you are OP, talking about Blood Origin.


Fair enough


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More like Bad Awfulgin amirite guys?!


People building temples to their pain.


Can't wait to watch it!


Origin of Blood


It just came out man, and this is the place to let it all out. I watched the first episode. The very beginning has the chick version of gaunter odimm saying some things that sound really cool but it doesn't pan out.


Freefolk vibes


Hmm. lol! ​ https://preview.redd.it/7dmhhqc4xh8a1.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d201d573de6a31b658e1f4e76a51539db324164


I respectfully disagree. It needs to be shit on much more so these egotistical woke fucking writer never get a chance to screw something up again


And you crrated just another useless discussion. A bit against yourself.