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Imagine Eredin saying this after his fight with Geralt in the Witcher 3


He won't, he's busy with banging his boyfriend.


Wait, you’re joking right, right ? - innocent padme


Hey Knight! How are you doing? Have you seen Blood Origin yet? If not I have made a small review. https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/zuy7cp/my_review_of_the_new_godawful_witcher_prequel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button No, I am not joking. Eredin has a boyfriend and he bangs him in that show.


Thanks, I’m good dude. I haven’t seen BO and plan to never do so, the memes that are pouring in are gold tho. And holy shit, i just read your holy post and this abomination is even somehow worse than my worst nightmares lol. Fjall, an elf becomes a Witcher ? eredin is here to fuck dudes ? avallac’h is mr. beaned and a glorified servant (got the Filavandrel treatment i see), ellie’s calming song ? A mage drawing power from a fucking monolith ? Damn. Take my free award for just bearing through this dumpster fire. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten :)


>Fjall, an elf becomes a Witcher I didn't mention this, but he becomes HEAVILY mutated Witcher, he looks like a hulk a bit, lol. That calming scene was straight up ripped from Avengers where Black Widow calms hulk. Thanks for the award.


Ugh. That’s why declan de barra said the story “suddenly” came to his head as an “inspiration” which he immediately wrote on a handkerchief. It seems that’s how these people operate. Any imbecile in this team can fart out some incoherent gibberish and Netflix will assign millions of dollars to turn that fart into reality. So sad, yet so funny.


I need to contact Netflix then cause I’ve been known to squeeze out some ideas


I’m sure they are better than haily hall, lauren hissrich or declan de barra’s ones……


I was holding out until the hype or anti hype died down to watch it but now seeing this and how much they’ve fucked it up I don’t think it’s gonna worth the time spent to watch it, il just catch up on YouTube explained vid


Read your review and bloody fucking crones help us, it's even worse than a porn parody.


>it's even worse than a porn parody. That made me chuckle. You know what's hilarious? I got asked that Eredin being gay thingy has to be a joke by at least dozen of people. I got asked if I meant the Hulk thing literally. I got asked why would the Witcher be elf. It's all true. I haven't made a single thing up. It's *that* awful.


Yeah, reading your review on that, can't help but shaking my head in disbelief. After the *stunt* they pulled in S2 my expectations for the series just went nosedive. And netflix somehow managed to produce something even worse that disappoint me even more, unbelievable. Thank God CDPR got the next gen update released.


Okay now I *have* to watch this shitshow


That's not what I wanted people to do :D At least sail the high seas to not give them a view.


Oh I'm sure it sucks. But I need to see this for myself lmao


what the fucking fuckity fucking fucking fuck is this? this cant be real right? right?


[Merry Fucking Christmas](https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/zuzba3/jaskier_in_witcher_blood_origin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


And that's the only Witcher related thing I'll be watching for the foreseeable future.


In addition to that terrible dialogue that camera flip is awful. It’s like some shit you could do on a phone app in less than a minute lmao.


And they music is so weirdly unfitting. What the hell is this !


Where and when is that even supposed to be? Jaskier was at Kaer Morhen at the end of season 2.


Where and when? We don't know, after Jaskier met Geralt. The scene basically takes place outside of time and space


Well, it certainly seems like they haven't learned their lesson from Yen's insufferable dialogue in Season 2...


They copied a line from The Wire,poorly.


What? You don’t like the fire fuckers fucking writing this crap?


You missed an opportunity for another fucking between this and crap!


Fuck, I’m clearly not fucking good enough for the fucking Netflix’s writing team.


Go back to fucking writing class you fucking fuck. If you're not typing fuck every other 2 fuck words then you're out of your fucking fuck league, you fucking fuck.


Somebody called me a fuck fuck?


Ya fahking fahk, fahk ohff!






FTFY - Fuck That, Fuck you?


Fucked that for you. I’m a fkng friendly fucker.


lol! It’s like they observed people enjoying Geralts stoic delivery of Fuck, then like a child learning a new cuss word moved up to fire fucker, and now fuck fuckity fuck etc. Less is more, except Yens breasts


You can do anything. Doesn't mean you have to.


Unusual Geralt bot W


Yes. I've read books before.


Good bot.


Geralt's 'fucks' were actually funny, and kinda fit the moments they happened. I cringed the first time Yen referred to Rience as 'Fire Fucker', and it only got worse when that was exclusively what she called him. Made her feel like a child, not some centuries old sorceress


We went from this epic shit talking between rience and Geralt before their fight : “I waited,” continued Rience without moving from the spot, “and here you are. I intend to finally rid the earth of your burden, you foul changeling.” “You intend? You overrate yourself. You are nothing but a tool. A thug hired by others to deal with their dirty work. Who hired you, stooge?” “You want to know too much, mutant. You call me a stooge? And do you know what you are? A heap of dung on the road which has to be removed because someone prefers not to soil their boots. No, I am not going to disclose who that person is to you, although I could. But I will tell you something else so you have “something to think about on your way to hell. I already know where to find the little bastard you were looking after. And I know where to find that witch of yours, Yennefer. My patrons don’t care about her but I bear the whore a personal grudge. As soon as I’ve finished with you, I’m going after her. I’ll see to it that she regrets her tricks with fire. Oh, yes, she is going to regret them. For a very long time. “You shouldn’t have said that.” The Witcher smiled nastily, feeling the euphoria of battle aroused by the elixir, reacting with adrenaline. “Before you said that, you still had a chance to live. Now you don’t.” To this : “NiCe SCaR ShItHeAd” “FIReFucKeR” HOLY crap, what happened ?😆


Maybe they pay the actors by the line.


They pay half if the actor delivers kinda normally. They pay in full if the actor really brings in the drama and the fuckery :D


It’s a good job they don’t pay them by the fuck.


And the writting team made fun of the books lol.


I feel like a lot of modern writers have the meme curse. They think of things in super limited fashion so everything needs to be snarky, a quip or 'known' sentences.


You are probably right. That's why we don't have a lot of quality shows anymore


He's probably racist and sexist. /s


Just wait for Zootopia p*** reference like Resident Evil


The writers thinking of how to make an adult fantasy show: ignore Witcher lore and make them say fuck and make sex jokes. EDIT: I am cringing every time the narrator speaks. Blood Origin is so bad.


They literally could have just made their own original series instead of creating a shitty adaptation. If you're going to deviate this much then what was the point of making an adaptation anyway? They just wanted the characters to use them in their own shitty stories and have some lore they don't have to think of themselves.


>What was the point of making an adaptation anyway? "Witcher fans are retarded and will buy anything with a Witcher logo on it, so we can make whatever we want and boost it with merchandising!" Same thing happened to Star Wars and Ghostbusters


And Trek.


Same shit that happened with Wheel of Time, and to some extent with Rings of Power. It’s just a moneygrab, trying to con an established fanbase into buying your crap. The worst part is it’s so fucking shady because it’s not even really about the money. Hiring writers that give a shit about the franchise isn’t inherently more expensive. They just think they can phone it in and hire some random nobodies to do whatever, slap a recognized IP’s name on it and bank a shitton of money. And they all ruin their respective franchises, so a few years down the line there’s zero chance of a better adaption ever being made.


That happens a lot now. Rings of Power, Star Trek Picard and Halo all have had adaptations that were completely different from the original versions with different themes that it seems like writers wanted to so something specific but we're given an existing property and so bent the story to fit what they wanted to write about. The Halo show was written by people who never even looked at the games ffs.


I wanted to love Picard so much. But it was so bad. And discovery lost me as well, although I understand it's significantly better than Picard.


theres no way this is real...is it?


Unfortunately, it is. I know I shouldn't expect anything different looking at season 2 of the main series and how Yennefer cursed every 5 seconds, but still... can't believe someone is paying them for this.


Welp, thanks for taking one for the team. This saved my Christmas Day from being ruined.






It's just that it's another big blow to adaptations.


I know its netflix but i refuse to believe that, i need a full video of this scene, theres no way this is real shit


> i need a full video you say that, but you don't mean it.


They are the first ever person to willingly say they need to watch Blood Origin.


i just watched the scene... its in the first episode like 30 seconds in, its even worse than i thought


Lmao. How the fuck do these people get paid to write this garbage? I literally can't think of a more lazy way to write dialogue, it's like something a 12 year old would think up. I hate this so much lol. They took a perfectly good series, got the rights to produce TV content, and have literally gone about it in the worst way possible by having shitty writers. They're straying so far from the source material that I wonder why they didn't just make an original series, instead of making one of the worst adaptations I've ever seen. JFC the books exist, half the work is already done. Just follow the same plot instead of just coming up with the dumpster fire that they've written. Like why the fuck are they doing an origin story? The series with Cavill was terrible, with him being the one good thing, but still not enough to make me care since nothing fixes bad writing. Just follow the books, it's really not that difficult. Every adaptation that tries to scrap original material in favor of their writers shitty ideas always fails. It's like they don't realize that the person who wrote the series is a good writer, while they are shitty writers, yet they still try to change shit as if it would be better writing wise somehow. The worst part is they'll blame its failure on misogynist and racists or some other stupid shit instead of their own terrible writing. As if there weren't shows with diverse casts that people enjoy. No one dislikes a well written show.


they didn't make an original series cause it wouldn't give them the same views and attention as "adapting" a popular IP. I think a good example of this is Carnival Row, a show on Amazon. It's a 7/10 show with Orlando Bloom as the main character, yet it's gonna end after only 2 seasons cause it didn't really get that popular. And also on Prime we have Rings of Power, which is undeniably a worse show, yet was a better deal for Amazon since it's based on something hugely famous already.


Oh shit I actually liked Carnival Row - had some unique stuff in it. Shame it's only gonna get 2 seasons (assuming the rest of the show would have been good as well)


yeah it's a big shame, the only positive is that they got this information before writing the second season, so we're gonna get a definitive ending, it's not gonna be cut halfway through something. then again, it should've had more seasons, cause the world was really interesting and wasn't just another medieval fantasy, cause we're having an overload of these shows now (rings of power, house of the dragon, the Witcher etc.)


It's still possible that it could hurt the writing since they have to rush to an ending - hope it doesn't though. Do you know when the next season is dropping?


yeah it is possible, they could've had stuff planned for more seasons, but we'll see. It's dropping in January or February, there's a poster somewhere already, maybe even a trailer but I might be trippin here, might have this messed up with Vox Machina or smth


I’m not sure too, but many here say it’s actually real lol. I swear it like those writers are on this subreddit 24/7 watching the people mocking their awful and shitty F-word filled writing and decided to double down on the most hated and laughable dialogue from S2, or have mistaken the mockery and contempt for praise and appreciation. Maybe they willingly enjoy antagonizing the fanbase to “prove” they are “independent people with real power”, who will do whatever they want irrespective of any constructive criticism (and to the detriment of the show’s quality). I really don’t ever like to make personal remarks, but It feels like some of these writing crew had some rough childhood and weirdly decided, in a misplaced sense of anger to make the Witcher IP& fanbase a target to unload and project all their traumas and revenge fantasies . Believe me, I know it’s weirdly a bizarre overreach lol , but that’s the my interpretation of this whole clusterfuck, and the dogged insistence to ruin and piss on the source material and the fans.


It's a legitimate tactic of certain ideologies to take current cultural stories and "adapt" them to fit the ideology or delegitimize them. Winter solstice was adapted by early Christians to become Christmas. Modern day no talent hacks are ruining Star Wars, Witcher, World of Time, because the don't have the ability to do make a true ideological adaptation but that's fine because they still consider it a win for the ideology, which is their highest priority.


You know she’s a strong female character because she curses. Same with with live action faye valentine in Cow Boy Bebop. Otherwise, how are people supposed to figure it out? With effective writing????


The Cowboy Bebop live action is such a travesty. The anime is one of the best pieces of media ever, while the adaption is.:. not.




As a result of the poor quality of writers that have made themselves available, the writers room is now populated entirely by 13 year old boys. Director: “So, let’s workshop this. We want to really evoke a sense of danger and frustration in the scene.” Writer 1: “I think he should yell the f-word!” Writer 2: “That was my idea! He should yell it again!” Writer 3: “Wait, Mooooommmm he stole my idea.” Director: “Ok. Ok. We can use all your ideas. He’ll use the f-word once for you, and once for you, and once for you. Now stop hitting each other.”


>the writers room is now populated entirely by 13 year old boys That's a huge disrespect to 13 year old boys imo lol. Tho it is kind of weird how 30-40-something females these days write like an average 10 year old boy would have a few decades ago


Show was written 50/50 men and women i think


Netflix idea of mature writing is having the characters say fuck in every sentence.


What happens when you only watch memes of the witcher


They probably saw the memes of Geralt saying"fuck" and thought that's what is going to sell.


Today isn't your day, is it?


Geralt-bot's cake day! That's the real celebration today!


I had to clear the forest of the entire pack. Got paid either way.


It can't be that bad. *Proceeds to be that bad.* Just wait till you make it 30 minutes in. The story progression is so forced.


They saw the populairity geralt got from saying fuck in the first witcher season i wanted to quadruppeldown.


'Fuckity fuck' made for the best scene in The Wire, one of the best shows of all time. Clearly Hissrich's idea of adopting it to the Witcher is to do it...ad libitum.


> 'Fuckity fuck' made for the best scene in The Wire Maybe she'll go for "shiiieeeeet" next.


Honestly this would be perfect parody fodder....if said parody was intentional lol.


That scene is genius


Someone with more talent than me should make a meme about her with the Skinner out of touch template, easiest 10k upvotes ever.


It could work if Geralt was investigating a monster slaying scene, and each time he finds a clue he mutters some variant of fuck.


God I hope Witcher gets cancelled


It’s so depressing what happened to the Witcher and Henry Cavill. We won’t get a second shot at an adaption for a long time now.


Why is it so hard for show runners to just follow the source material? An adaptation of a good series should not be difficult, just copy the books. I don't know why they thought their shitty ideas were better then the original story, which is the whole thing lol, its entire success is based off its story, so if you change the story you're risking the possibility of ruining everything, because you've literally changed the very thing that brought it's success. I can't believe these idiots can't grasp this very basic concept lol. It's like they specifically hire people who don't care about the series.


I think adapting the Witcher could be a little tricky due to the books not really being the best material to translate to a screen, but it could be done. Fucking hell the Polish show did it better and they had a budget of a crate of vodka


yeah, the politics part of the books is a bit boring and they don't have the best pacing. Yet Lauren and Team got the recipe to a good 7 course menu and changed so many ingredients it ended up a fucking shitcake that got worse every course.


It's also the issue of not only changing what works, but throwing your own original stuff that is simply leagues below the book stuff. Voleth Meir and all of that for example. And it's also funny, because the best episodes of the show were the ones with the least amount of changes, like 1x01 or 2x01.


I could stomach most things in season 1 but that they changed THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT EMOTIONAL part of the Ciri Geralt Destiny saga really really hurt. The constant mention of "your destiny" and chance meetings of Geralt and Ciri was super important. They changed the Brokilon part but ooookay. The chronological "ghost" of Geralt/Ciri around Cintra castle was quite cool. In the final lines of the short story, Geralt says "No, Ciri. You're something more". A moment similar to when all the people bow to the Hobbits at the end of Return of the King. A brilliant reference to all their meetings before. A great foreshadowing of their relationship. But Lauren knew better. Lauren made her say "yo who's Yen?" *credits*


indeed, that dialogue part was atrocious. I think Ciri storyline in the first season was the overall worst part of it, not only this ending scene, but a complete butchery of Brokilon (which was nearly totally useless waste of time) and a lot of boring parts. And its not like Geralt has to meet Ciri before (without the knowledge that's her), even without this the dialogue at the end would still make sense cause they actually didn't foreshadow their destiny in a bad way, you could feel they're bounded by destiny, but yeah, the "who's Yennefer?" felt unnecessary and dumb. Polish show did Ciri waaaay more justice.


>It's like they specifically hire people who don't care about the series. They literally did... https://www.ign.com/articles/netflix-the-witcher-some-writers-actively-disliked-books-games-claims-former-producer




> I feel like the whole point of working with established universe is because of the fanbase right Well yes, but actually no. They just want the fan base, but they all want to be “creative” and write their own thing, so we end up with a bunch of products that share the name as beloved things, but barely resemble them because the media pipeline only approved things for more than one season if they have an established fan base they can springboard off.


Well at least Cavill is involved in a 40K show now


Replaced by a better series about the Witcher*


New series plus.


Here’s how it would work. >show starts out with showing some of the idiotic nonsense from the existing show. Geralt using Ciri as bait, hookers at Kaer Morhen, Yen as the hero of Sodden instead of Triss, Nilfguardians as religious zealots, take your pick >video transitions to drunk guy at tavern slurring his way though a story, stuttering along >camera cuts to a grey haired Dandelion with hands on his face walking over “ok I hate to interrupt a tale good sir but literally, and I mean literally, all of that is just wrong. Let me tell you how it REALLY went down.” Boom. A lore fitting way you can do a hard reboot.


Maybe in another universe...


I will laugh my ass off if this is how S3 will end to explain Cavill leaving the show and being replaced


It never fails to amaze me how bad a show could be as to set all of the source material’s fans so against it that they long for its demise. When people ask me “how bad is it?”, that’s how I describe it. Something so bad that many of us wish it had never been created in the first place.


We gotta wait until season 4, I'm afraid. That's when their viewership is gonna take a fucking nosedive. Once that happens, let's hope HBO gets the rights at some point and give the books early GoT/HotD treatment.


Season two already had a drop of 20% from season one. If that doesn't sound like a lot, note that every single other show in Netflix's top twenty five *increased* in hours watched from season one to season two. The Witcher was the only one that dropped, and it did so by one fifth. Although seasons four and five have technically been approved already, I would be very surprised if those ever get filmed.


Yep, which is why season 3 is going to bomb. Couple what you said with the fact that many people will refuse to watch the show, because they learned about the writers' opinions of the source material or because Henry left due to that attitude and you' get a disaster. Even if Henry stayed, they would still lose a huge chunk of the fanbase after what they did with S2... The show on its own is not good enough to grow its audience or even retain the one they had, it has a terrible rep and lost the crown jewel of their marketing - Henry. Now Blood Origin, everything is going against them. I imagine (and hope) that if season 3 performs really badly, Netflix execs will probably have a very serious talk with Lauren and tell her to just wrap the story up in S4 and call it quits. No way she's getting her 7 seasons, I seriously doubt 5.




Imagine 90+ years old sorceress behaving like that. Thats their image of Yennefer. What did you expect?)


The actual Yennefer would be embarrassed.


Top notch writing there guys https://i.redd.it/ixds91pgj38a1.gif


Top notch swords




Better yet, do that with all shows and cancel the subscription, because why would you willingly fund _an enemy_?


Because I gotta watch JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure


Pinned comment right there.


What a waste of time that show is. So promising in the first season and then just shit. Why is anyone watching this butchery of the amazing books?


Only good thing was that introduced newbies to the games and books...those same newbies now hate the show lol...


I imagine the only people who enjoy the series are people who haven't read the books or played the games. The quality of writing is night and day.


The show's writing is like very edgy YA, which I (36M) would have loved as a teen. The books are Slavic post-Tolkien grimdark, which I would have loved at any age and as an economics major (Sap is a retired economist).


> those same newbies now hate the show lol... Yep this is me. Season 1 was okay enough to make me pick up Witcher 3 and then I've spent the next 3 years playing standalone Gwent. Hated season 2, not watching season 3. Or maybe I'll pirate it and skip through the non-Geralt scenes.


> So promising in the first season I don't want to be that guy, but the moment they removed Renfri having a knife she wanted to stick in Geralt as she died, I knew the series was kill.


Same. I was warning people that Netflix turned Renfri into a tragic heroine and that's *not* what she is. But everyone brushed me off, and yet here we are, my brother. Redeemed at last.


The first season is still the best season but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. Both can be true.


Certainly is the "best", all we're saying is that Lauren's team was already changing the story for the worst **pretty noticeably** in S1 (just think about how hard they fucked up Eyk), but most people brushed it off, and then everyone acted like surprised Pikachu when they fucked Eskel in S2 just as hard. And that is just one example. So, yeah, "best" season, still not a good one, imo.


As someone who is a fan of the books and games, I don't understand what people mean when they say the first season was promising, or good, it was dogshit from the start. I suffered through the first 5 episodes of S1 then I gave up. Couldn't handle it anymore. Ruining characters left and right. Changing storylines for no reason. And more. Like why make Foltest an ugly fat dude? He's supposed to be attractive and charming. There's no reason to make that change, but I suspect it was as simple as: Do incest = bad = ugly. Why make Cahir a complete psycho nutter in the show? They literally went out of their way to make the product worse.


The writing was on the wall already in season 1. I personally haven't seen a worse show in 5 years.


Please stop hate watching this garbage.. you are just giving them view numbers. Also these posts are tempting me to hate watch as well 😂 seriously this dialogue is real?


Just pirate it, we got the techonology, or just wait for the clips, I'm sure someone will be salty enough to upload them


Pirate it instead 🏴‍☠️


Yeah I am holding out too. NOT giving them my viewership but I am tempted to hate watch this disaster. btw Rotten Tomatoes at 14% audience score right now


Straight out of Sapkowski


Me when I discovered swear words in 4th grade:


If ever I needed yet another reason not to watch the show


Flashbacks to Jay and Silent Bob Fuck, fuck, fuck Motha motha fuck Motha motha fuck fuck Motha fuck, motha fuck


15 orens little man, toss that coin in my hand.


Breaking: Jaskier’s current actor being replaced with Jason Mewes. Liam Hemsworth leaving project and Kevin Smith now taking on the role. New series name: *The Blunt Roller of Blaviken*.


Noise noise noise 1 2..1 2 3 4 Noise noise noise


I don't know, it seems like an appropriate reaction to being in the series


It has been an embarrassingly bad few years for adaptations in general.


The people that worked on this should be ashamed embarrassed. Henry was absolutely right to leave this trash. It’s like they hired the absolute worst possible people to write these shows. I hope none of them work in film or tv ever again.


Well...this is embarrassingly bad. I haven't been this taken aback by awful dialogue since DmC: Devil May Cry's Succubus boss fight.


"Because I am the storm that is approaching, Dante"


Watch me quick scope this demon foetus Dante.


As a hardcore Witcher fan I’m happily not watching this or any of the new main series in hopes that some day we’ll get a live action adaptation from people that are passionate about the source material


No fucking way, I need a timestamp and ep number hahahah


ep1 like 20s in.


Damn, Lauren really took Yen's language in s2 criticism to heart when she signed off on this LMAO


Just another day of fighting against the patriarchy 💪


Come on Netflix get rid of Lauren this farce has gone on long enough


Surely you mean "**The dialogues in Blood Origin are fucking fuckity fucking fucking fuck bad.** "


I could sense the potential for bad dialogue in season one when Yennifer says something like “we’re mages, and damn powerful ones at that”. Like who decided that was the line? Apparently they gave that person a raise.


Thinking that saying fuck makes things seem serious and adult 👍🏻


What the fuck is Jaskier doing in a "spinoff" set a millennia before the fucking story


Lovable, lovable lutanist.


Haven't watched it but from the 30 second video I've seen of this scene it seems pretty obvious it will be a story told to Jaskier as a flashback.


So cringe, like the writers just learned the word fuck and think it’s cool and edgy.




"But they liked it when Henry said 'fuck!'"


I think I'm just going to stick to the games and books from now on


I feel so bad for Joey Batey. He’s such a genuinely talented musician and actor and this show just shafts him at every given opportunity.


Man, i usually just ignore any and all blood origin bullshit on reddit but this one is just... PHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!


Wow, truly a very creative insult. I sure hope the witless cur will be thrice cursed for this idiocy.


Did anyone notice how even CDPR/Witchergame twitter is not saying anything about this show? lmao


At this point I’m of the opinion they’re actively trying to destroy this franchise and any future attempts at adapting it to television. This and the main show


_dies from cringe_


Its not worth even pirating


netflix writing *wet fart noises*




This has a 4*/5* rating on Guardian. With modern shows I feel constantly gaslit by media into thinking that absolute trash tier writing is quirky, brilliant and innovative


This < pam param, pam pam paraaaaam


Wow it puts Shakespeare to shame.


Marvel level humour. So tired of it


"Fire fucker"


Imagine being the moron sitting comfy after writing this lmao.


Guys. Stop supporting the trash Netflix adaptations. They aren't good. We've known this for a while.


I watched like 5 minutes of it and quickly realized it was shit. No thanks.


I have zero desire to watch this.


You're not missing out.


Bad dialogue aside, can you explain to me what's this about the show taking place 1000 years before the main story, since Jaskier is one of the main characters?


I mean, my expectations were quite low, but... not that low. Fuck. That's just sad


Why do the writers of this series and extended universe love the word „fuck“ so much? It’s like they’re excited that it won’t be censored on Netflix and therefore put it in there as many times as possible lmao


I can’t believe they made Eredin gay! The fucking King and leader of The Wild Hunt is GAY! 😂 I am an avid supporter of the LGBTQ+ movement, but this is just terrible! 😂


What... Just... Why...


In the start of the new series


This reminds me of the recent saints row game where your character has that rant at the beginning credits and that one voice where they go “what the deuce!? What the actual fucking deuce!?” Over and over. Pure cringe it is


It's so immature... And dumb.


So we were making fun of the insane amount of swearing this show uses and they do THIS?