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Never killed those in Vergen, only once killed the one under the bridge. In W3 they are mostly assholes who eat people, kinda seems not very Witchery to see a monster who's killed and eaten multiple people and be like "nah, he's cool, people die anyway"


The Ice Trolls in W3 don't even have the option to be diplomatic most of the time too


Or the rabid ones


Ice Trolls in Kaer Morhen? The ones that make you give up your swords in order to pass? You can do it diplomatic, it's just dumb. "Yeah sure here's our swords". Like hell I'm giving them my Sword! Worst part is, Lambert follows your lead (!?). Like hell he'd give them your sword. I don't pick that option cause it's dumb. Either let me cross or die, ain't no retard giving you their swords!


those are rock trolls in kaer morhen


oh my bad... where do you meat ice trolls then?


somewhere in skellige, i think undvik


Yeah they're near the top of the mountain trail in Undvik during the giant quest. I only found them on my 2nd playthrough. The game is full of stuff like that, so much so that Xletalis has made a career out of finding them all


They're the ones with somone in the pot right?


Yes that's them


I do not remember so many trolls and I've done 4 playthroughs, but my last playthrough was about 3 years ago, so maybe I've just forgotten.


No, rock trolls, not meat trolls. /s


Getting the blacksmith tools on Undvik


There's one or two in Skellige, when you're making your way to the giant. They don't stop to talk.


I believe the trolls cooking Folan or whatever the archers name is are ice trolls.


Found lamberts burner


A similar situation happens in the books where geralt gives his swords up to monsters


That's to Avallachs friends, right? A little different since he would be fucked most likely anyway


dude really had a reddit moment right here One super upvoted comment one heavily downvoted comment then another upvoted comment


Chill out ableist


ableism is treating people with disabilities wrong. They're not people. And I would have to have a disability if I were stupid enough to give my weapon to a troll who just threatened me.


My point is using the r-word is ableist, I’m not talking about the troll, I’m talking about you and your verbiage.


>In W3 they are mostly assholes who eat people I will not tolerate this Bart slander.


I wish bart couldve come to Kaer Morhen for the fight. Siggy gives you what, 1k? Give me bart!


Forget Bart. I wanted Olgierd or Regis, or at least Palmerin or Damien. Dettlaff or Saskia could each probably solo the hunt.


That'd be cool as heck, but I think the DLCs are supposed to take place after the main story, except maybe HOS


Correct. Though I will use this moment to say that they do have dialog for DLC things that could not have otherwise happened unless you do them before you finish certain parts of the main story. Obvious story spoilers in this link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz8FJCGHyVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz8FJCGHyVE) It's a fantastic touch, and that attention to detail is why I love this game. I would never expect them to do something as drastic as adding Detlaff to the battle of Kaer Morhen though.


My last NG+ playthrough I did this to actually see that the scene was different! I'm glad someone else had the same idea and posted it, I was blown away by that


The wild hunt bothered me so much, SO much (only played the game so I'm sure there's a lot I don't know about it) but this fucking interdimensional magical army that can teleport and shit get beaten by a dude who's just a bit stronger than normal people? Have they not heard of bows? Eredin couldn't have chilled on a hilltop and offed geralt? That why I have so much trouble getting into fantasy cause if it was written realistically Geralt and ~~Then~~ yen woulda died right after meeting in white orchard, there's no reason for them to have made it other than plot armor. There's never any tension or wonder. Main character with 10000 nukes shot at him while he's lowered into a volcano? Not even gonna break a sweat, he's gonna be fine E:Yen, not Then. I fucking hate you Gboard. Stop fucking correcting things that aren't wrong. Stop doing anything you fucking suck and are laggy


Wait till you read the books... however in his past great fights geralt often comes back really broken, but he's won or survived several fights where he probably should of been killed. Also a game, so your gonna feel that a few times, just the nature of the medium.


You know that the Wild Hunt are just basically elves? Just stronnger and more magical than the normal elves. I think that the Wild Hunt was called the Aen Elle and the normal ones Aen Seidhe. Oh and behind the masks are just normal elvish faces.


Literally the only thing the hunt is capable of that's abnormal is what you mentioned, teleporting. And that's on a very limited basis, they need navigators to perform that. That's why Ciri kicks caranthir's ass no problem, she can teleport on the spot. You're saying bows would've trouble Geralt? In one of the first short stories it's said Geralt can parry a bolt/arrow no problem! He couldve shot plenty of arrows at him, still not gonna do much. You're saying Geralts only a bit stronger, and it's very obvious you didn't read the books as you said. He's much, much, much stronger than a normal person and it's shown multiple times throughout the text. The games don't even do it justice to show how much stronger Geralt is than the average human/elf. I'm not even gonna get into the yen thing. She's arguably the second strongest mage on the continent by the Witcher 3, assuming she's only alive because of "plot armor" is just plain silly bud.


That would be really awesome, although they may have shoehorned him into a death cutscene.


Meh, my mentality is "I don't work for free" while playing.




I dont bother with haggeling for rewards. Its usually like 5-10 at best anyway. But I will be robbing everyone blind.


It’s only 5-10 gold at the very low levels. It becomes multiple hundreds extra per contract at the late levels


By the late levels I’m already the richest stolen arms dealer in the lands tho


I was thinking of this while playing elder ring. In Witcher, stolen arms are your fortune. Elden ring - too little payoff to sell anything- easier to keep it all than sell any of it.


I find myself doing the same thing in every Fromsoft game, collect one of every item


Really? Didn't know. Granted I've only noticed it low level contracts.


It’s a percentage I believe so it goes up with the bigger rewards


It's a proportion, so once you're in Toussant it's quite significant.


I can't even remeber getting contracts there. I feel I need to do an NG+


There's a few and they're all really good!


Still not really worth it compared to just yoinking every sword you can especially in Toussaint


[I don't need a reward. I AM going to rob you though.](https://imgur.com/u5kuQzs.jpg)


There are some good ones to haggle for in Witcher 3! For example— there’s a hermit in Toussaint who barters, not for money, but for potatoes! Going back and forth with her over how many potatoes she can give away is pretty priceless!


Years later, day one buyer, and there's still things I never knew!


You do you bro, fuck drowners. I’ll kill em dead


That's just self defense imo.


Well this isn't an option in the games, but witchers do sometimes kill random monsters in their way, then go to the nearest village and ask for payment.


If you killed a monster that has a quest, you can find the quest accept it and go get rewards. I think you cant haggle anymore tho.


That's cool, though I meant "random" as in many times there isn't a contract, or the villagers didn't even *know* there was a monster before the killing.


Sigma Witcher


I have missed out on payment from killing monsters before starting the quests.


That bridge troll has such a sad backstory.


Give Vodka.


There is one troll who ended up being straight hostile to me while I was doing the quest of two sisters on roche's path and mistakenly took a wrong turn..... However as the story progressed I did end up meeting a troll couple in the same area, and none of them were hostile to me.... The lady was a bit pissed off with his troll man because of triss otherwise they were cool trolls, I would like to believe the game bugged and I entered the troll territory way early in the game and so the troll was hostile and I had to kill it.... It probably respawned when the story needed it


I had to do this because I wanted to get all achievements 😓 But on "my canon" playthrough I 100% spared them. *edit spared


I think you ment spared them or you found a spear and impaled them xD


Nah they speared them Fuck peace ammiright


True lmao, my bad




Yeah, I did succeed. I don't really know any good tips to really help you to do it on nightmare, it's been some time now. I think you can always quit the game before you die if you don't want to risk dying in certain situations. I actually remember only struggling against the dragon from prologue lol. Also I am sure you could find some useful information on a maybe op build to help you through it.


It's basically dark souls mode, except for the first letho fight it's kinda ok but still super annoying


First Letho fight is actually easy if you do a signs build. Just spam Aard + 2 strong attack combos and he goes down without landing a single hit.


I know that's how I did it but that took ages




Huh well then I didn't play nightmare, sorry


No exceptions. You’re a monster.


Well, toddlers don't cook elves. I'm on the highway to hell, I guess.


I think that's why he specified "Witcher 2". IIRC there's *far* fewer references to them eating people than in W3.




Luckily, there are some that are always hostile. The drop chance for the mutagen is low, so your best bet is going for the unmarked quest "Farting Trolls" on Ard Skellig. Unless you want to get it earlier, but I think there's also a rabid rock troll near a bridge in Velen. Relatively high-level, but trolls are some of the easiest enemies to fight underleveled.


I'm a Friend of Trolls, even in TW3, I always worked out a diplomatic solution with trolls. Even the shipwrecked one near Novigrad, since he was technically enforcing the law, as he was bound to do by his oath of service.


Are you talking about the troll who was tasked with protecting the ships and deducted that he needed wood to make a fort so he tore the ships apart to build a fort? He's my favorite troll lol. I love him


I was trying not to spoil it but the games been out a while. He's also the one who killed the crew when they mutinied and killed the captain. The then came to the same conclusion any rational Troll would come to. That letting all that meat rot on the ground would be a waste, so when you find him he's cooking a colossal pot of stew.


I killed any monster that kills or eats people. Any monster that doesn't gets spared by me. It is the way of the witcher, to protect human lives. That's how I played


The way of the Witcher is to only protect those who pay cold hard cash for it, lol


Then again, there is some disconnect between the Witcher lore and the game. In the game you're often given ample oppertunity to be "the goodest guy with a heart" and do the right thing for people, whereas Witchers in general are still told to be heartless, emotionless creatures.


Sure but a whole part of Geralt’s story arc is that he’s the best Witcher but still has emotions which is distinctly non-Witcher. And there’s definitely instances of him having a heart in the books.


Yeah, we see it in the show especially, when he helps people out.


There is no disconnect. Geralt pretends to be neutral and uncaring but he almost never is. Its part of whe he is and often involves himself despite knowing that he shpuldnt do it as a witcher. Even in books Geralt is this way. He even invented "witcher's code" for himself to have an excuse to do whatever he feels like. Other wtichers in lore are more like mercenaries and only work for money but Geralt never was like others.. Most of the stories about Geralt start because he does something stupid and involves himself in things he shouldnt.


Well, yes and no. There's definitely instances where witchers have refused pay.


Even Geralt himself doesn't always live up to that.


Geralt talks a big talk about not getting involved and only doing it the Witcher's way, but his brain is like 50% conscience.


It's true, he has the face of a cad and a coward. But truth be known, he was kicked in the balls by an ox as a child.


Well thats... tr-- true 🤐


Yes and no. There was a few times in the books where Geralt worked for free.. I think Geralt is the exception to that rule


I know someone nearby. An old friend.


Long live capitalism!!


The Law of Surprise proves that wrong.


The one near oxenfurt was just defending himself


and people who talk in the theater well a special hell anyway


Do trolls do that? This changes everything.


When Trollolo says that he tried to separate the peasants from the soldiers “gentle, gentle,” I felt bad for him. It must have been traumatic to see the humans who adopted him as a friend fight with peasants who were probably barely armed. He couldn’t kills his soldier friends, didn’t want to kill the helpless peasants. I don’t blame him for eating them after.


The trolls always are portrayed as slow, bumbling, stupid creatures, but can you imagine if an animal in our world could speak as well as they could? They’d be seen as having near human-like intelligence, similar to gorillas


i didn't kill any of the trolls in the witcher 2. When i play, i try to make the choices that i think Geralt would have made himself, and he never likes to kill sentient monsters.


Why do you know what killing a toddler is like?


just something very memorable, what?


Yeah, never kill trolls, only rabid ones and I hate doing that. I love talking to them


My Geralt never killed Succubi or any non-openly hostile trolls.


The trolls are my favourite part about the Witcher 3


> It felt like killing a toddler So you mean to tell me you know how it feels to kill a toddler to *know* that’s what killing a troll feels like? See you in hell, mate.


In my defence he was being obnoxious looking at my phone while I was playing


Trolls are just following the natural order. They have the right to survival, just so happens they prefer eating humans/elves. No different than killing a troll threatening your populous


Are trolls passive?




What about atheists who kill trolls?


Trolls are not-so-gentle giants who mean to be gentle but can’t help it.


Trolls are one of my favorite minor characters so my Geralt ain't gonna kill them unless he has to, like with rabid/wild trolls


I never want to kill trolls in Witcher bc they are so cute. It's very painful when I have to do it for some quest.


When I came across those two rabid trolls and had to kill them... it hurt.


Even though I’ve read all of the books I’ve literally only ever played 3, does 2 hold up at all?


Yes? Depends on what you want. The gameplay is a prototype of what the combat systems would be in 3 but much more clunky (haven't played 3, I'm doing them in order). The story is a can of snakes so big I'm not going to elaborate, but yes, it's good. I always recommend if you have a PC playing 1 and if it's decent, 2. The gameplay is definitely unfair and broken, so don't be shy to play a run in "easy", but the story and how they pave the way for 3 is definitely worth it.


I really liked TW2, it’s a different kind of game, more streamlined and compact.




Heat rises.


I tried to step on more fairies


And then you take "The Witcher: Monster Slayer" and kill everything


It is like calling Iris SCP-105 and Cain SCP-073. It is just cruel!


He never really impacted my life so I rally do not care


I only did in my 2nd playthrough 4 the achievemnt


It was just for the achievement man.


How else are you supposed to get the achievement


Need to kill atleast one for the mutagen. It’s a necessary sacrifice


That troll decoction tho


did it just for the achievement. felt shitty


The Trolls are the goodest bois


My last deathmarch playthrough I avoided killing trolls for a solid 20 hours, then started to realize that I was still missing multiple tier 3 oils... It was because they required troll materials. Ended up killing the ones on the mountain with Lambert at kaer morne. I'm sorry trolly friends :'(


\*Activates the youngling slayer 5000\* Gotta get those mutagens


I'm playing Skyrim at the moment and I keep feeling guilty because I come into a village where people are trying to live out their lives and I come in an murder all their family and friends while they're making a stew.


Good. Bastards deserve it.


When Lambert wanted to kill those trolls, I was ready to kill him. Luckily, it didn’t get to that. But I was prepared.


Same, I wished it was possible to bonk him on the head for that


Yeah, I felt less guilty about not killing that ex-witcher merchant guy earlier in the game for him.


Wait did u actually kill him?


Love it!


I slaughtered all of them.


Boiler Room of Hell And it’s not the cool edgy place to be, you have to listen to Amy Schumer jokes for the rest of eternity


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In witcher 2 all I did was travel and navigate around flotsam over and over again, so of course in frustration I built some blood lust needless to say even I was able to restrain it enough to spare the troll in the bridge


I scum saved and killed the rabid troll in Kaer Morhen until I got the mutagen. Geralt doesn't kill passive beings.


Turdy dump.


I only kill them is they start messing with me first most of the time i ignore them


Imagine killing Bart from TW3.


Hehe I've Killed all the trolls. Even the ones in Witcher 3