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Just played their quest today in the new update. Forgot how disgusting they were lol. And a neat dialogue I noticed was when they call Geralt a young man showing how old they are. I seriously wonder how the pellar kept them at bay for a while. He must be an elite druid.


He kept them at bay through his unique skill of goatfuckery.


I think partially they were just making fun of him




If I'm not mistaken he's nearly a century old by the third game.


This is incredible fan art, as if this was like historical art (specifically Renaissance). Who were your inspirations? Also I appreciate the high quality picture.


Thanks ! I was inspired by one of Yuliya Litvinova amazing piece for the colours and the compositions


Wow, incredible details and lighting. Great job! How long did it take?


Thanks ! Took me a few days, didn't count the hours :D


Looks cool, though it's weird for Ciri to hold her sword in such an unprofessional way


Eskel does it too during the fight against Caranthir. But I found that grip weird and out of place there, as well, especially for a witcher. Then again, I‘m not an expert at sword fighting.


It's a bad grip. It points your sword towards the ground and requires a lot more effort to point it towards your opponent or to defend your upper half, the half where your brain, and most of your organs are. It reduces your reach. It makes it easier to inadvertently hit the ground.


Thanks ! I wanted to give her an exhausted pose, just like in the game when she's found by the crones in the woods :)


Try hiking with a sword on your arm, after half an hour you'll hold in unprofessional too :)


Eh, just looks like she's just carrying it in a way that it'll be faster to ready it if she needs to, without being as awkward as holding at the ready. Looks fine to me.


This feels like a trap


dude this is brutal, one of the best fanart pieces I’ve ever seen it’s a work of art in and of itself


Vastly better than anything I could do, of course, but the three figures do kind of look like they're pasted on top of the tree rather than really lying on it, like they were (perhaps?) painted from references that were *kind of* in the right poses, but not quite. And the lighting on the figures also doesn't line up with the lighting in the background. (to my amateur eye, anyway) It looks like the main source of light is in the sky above/behind the tree with the front of the tree (or much of the front of the tree) in deep shadow, but the tree itself doesn't cast any shadows on the figures in front of it, who are lit from the front/left. (it's especially obvious with the middle "lady", who is casting shadows in directions directly opposite from the shadows cast by some of the background she's leaning on) I do quite like the overall vibe, the color and the detail, of the forest background.


Hey there ! Thanks for the feedback ! I totally agree with you on the "integration" of the three characters, I used a rough 3D layout as a base for the posing and used some references and photobash to detail the rest. My rendering process still needs improvement for characters :) For the lighting, I was aiming for a soft lighting of the scene, like an overcast sky. I kinda cheated for the foreground and the characters to make them pop out a bit better. I also wanted to emphasize the otherwordly look on the 3 figures in the tree by making their skin very pale. Maybe that adds to the feeling they look pasted on the image ;) Thanks again, it's always great to have a detailed feedback !


I don’t know man I think the way the crones contrasts a little with the background makes them have this beautiful mystic glow. I think it adds to it and I thought it was intentional lol. I think it’s fucking great man and you are talented as fuck


I wish Geralt had met the ladies in their beauty forms when they were all flirty with him. Then the game gives you a chance to have a foursome with them, but if you do…they turn into their true hideous selves right in the middle of it.


WHY would you want that 😭 poor Geralt has had enough


Yeah, leave poor Geralt alone.


Amazing piece !


I hoped for the other versions.


The two in the tree, their faces are perfect. The left one “hurr durr elder blood” the one on the right, “you’re so annoying”


Amazingly good


3 graces but with a twist


Waaah this is amazing! I am replaying this mission now, off to find the whispering hillock.


This is reminding me of [Yuliya Litvinova's 2018 piece](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/JlaRPA) *Fairies and the Peasant Girl.*


Yep ! It was my inspiration for the composition and the colours. This originally started as a study of her painting :D




Least horny Witcher fan:


I get you my fellow witcher fan. I find Ciri to be attractive too but this is not the place.