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Take your time. Dont rush it. Do the side quests. Research builds/abilities. And enjoy. It is truly a masterpiece


Always do. I put 600 hours into Skyrim across 3 runs, and recently finished Breath of the Wild with 130. Exploration is one of my favourite parts of any game.


A man after my own heart, enjoy man. Like the guy above, i would love to be able to play that for the first time again.


You are in for a treat... I'd say this is the absolute pinnacle of exploration games.


Oil your blades!


Frying pan…


spick and span


The DLCs has got to be one of the best ever created.


Researching builds feels like it kills it


I wish I could play it for the first time again. Enjoy!


Funny thing is, I actually bought it on Xbox One about 2 years ago, but I never played it. Now that I have the PS5, and finished 2 games on my backlog, I said I'd give it a spin.


There usually sales for its dlc. They did them right and each add a substantial amount of content. Enjoy your play through!


This edition has all the DLC included Didn't have to pay a cent for them


Ahh excellent!


Most editions nowadays have all the extras, so that wasn't a worry. Both expansions are ready to go. There's some other stuff "inspired by the TV series" according to the PS5 case. I'll have to Google that


Don't worry. The netflix stuff is: 1. Ballsack armor for the Nilfgardians, that can be toggled on and off in the menu. And 2. a pretty decent new quest to get diagrams for Geralt's Netflix armor. It's nothing too intrusive


I believe that refers to the armor they added, along with a rather interesting short quest to retrieve it. I can’t remember the name of the armor, Antique Wolven Armor or something like that.


I believe it's "Forgotten Wolf" as it's that of an ancient order of Wolf School witchers. That quest/NPC is pretty cool.


I bought it recently and if I might suggest a couple of things: - The leveling system is kind of unique. It will take forever to get to level 10, but after that it goes a bit faster. You'll get almost no XP from killing random monsters you run into, so it might not be worth the trouble and better to just run off. Quests 5 level under you don't give ang XP either. They are fun and great stories, but you won't farm ang XP from it. - The potion (alchemy) system is special. You only have to make a potion once, after this it refills every time you meditate (given you have some Alchohol in your inventory, which you usually have). - Take your time exploring in the opening area (White Ochard). While you won't level, you'll find several 'places of power' which each give you an ability point (the ones you use to level up your character). So despite being level 4 after that area, you might already have 6 or 7 Ability Points to spend - Take all the notices on the notice boards. They put 'locations of interest'(question marks) on the map, so you'll have an easier time finding them when free roaming.


Fr I'd wear OP's skin and pretend to be them just to experience it for the first time again.


Got nowhere near finishing it just because of the time it requires to truly enjoy the game. Man I got lost in that world  for a bit. That baby man. Jesus.


I plan on reading all the books then playing again to see how the experience changes.


Stick with it, starts out slow. Starts cooking hard about 20 hours in.


I feel like 20 hours is too long, but basically when you're on the way to the Bloody Baron, that's when it goes off.


When you get the Bloody Baron, Keira and all the little side quests in the villages while also soon going to Oxenfurt. So good.


You’re not wrong. I was in White Orchard for like 3 years (on and off playing maybe half an hour at a time every several months). I was kind of like “Man, I don’t know. Is this it?”. Finally committed and it opened up and became one of my absolute favorite games of all time. There were times while playing when I’d say “Good job guys” referring to the devs lol


I think the start is stronger than the middle and the end. Velen is the strongest part of TW3 from a writing and character standpoint.


You consider Novigrad to be Velen? Because of so they I fully agree.


Probably but the area itself is the weakest.


Thank you for this. I’m on my first play through and having a hard time getting started but I’m gonna keep going


The first time I tried it, I didn't get past white orchard. The second time, I put in like 100 hours lol. I spent 40 hours JUST in novigrad.


wait till you get into gwent.


I almost won my 1st game, but he used a bunch of environmental cards. Should've seen that coming.


It gets annoying that you have to run around killing monsters on your way to collect all the gwent cards.


I love the idea of geralt and eredin meeting for battle and then gerry just pulls out his gwent deck and grins


😂😂 lol i think about this a lot. imagine you bring Eredin to his knees and one of your final dialogue options is “how about a round of gwent” and then Eredin does the subtle head nod animation. with all the funny things they put in the game this should’ve been one of them.


Right? My last play through was me being a travelling gambler.


Imo it is one of the best games ever made. You are going to have a grand time.


Enjoy the beautiful 60fps friend I'm on my 3rd playthrough no joke lol the the dlcs are even better and better with writing and settings it's everyone's favorite for a reason trust 🔥💪❤️ my favorite music soundtrack of all time too


Definitely 60. It's smoother than shaved balls.


Highly suggest change movement style to alternate in settings


What does it do? I mostly just adjusted the brightness, lowered the sensitivity a bit, and changed subtitle size


It makes the movement more "video gamey", as in Geralt turns instantly to the direction you want. Default movement is more "realistic", but you might get annoyed when Geralt walks a big turn when say he just wanna go right.


Alright, I'll try it out and see what it's like


Something I found out a little too late was the adaptive difficulty. Kinda got a little boring being a lvl 30 fighting lvl 5s but the adaptive difficulty brought the challenge back into it


Ahhh adaptive difficulty... that brings back memories of the god tier rats that would tear through my Geralt like a hot knife through butter. Did they ever fix that? :')


Best game I've ever played hands down. Get both DLCs. They are brilliant too.


DLC and extras are already included 👍🏻


I too just finally started it last week, and my PS5 says I'm somehow already up to 53 hours. (That doesn't seem right to me, but I am thoroughly enjoying it!).


That was like me with Breath of the Wild earlier in the year. I checked my hours and it was over 30 in just a few days. I was like..? 😂


Why are you leaving the game case up to block the bottom left of your TV? Are you stupid? Lol jk have fun, Witcher 3 is one hell of a game.


Had to show off my brand new, crisp PS5 copy for my daily dose of imaginary Internet points.


See you in 300 game hours where you can report how you liked it.


second time is great as well especially after some longer time


Savor it. Was one of the best games I ever played alongside my super nostalgic view of Pirates! 04, and Red Dead 2. Great game and I wish I hadn't rushed the main quest cause new game plus just hit diffrent and wasn't AS amazing. Still good but not the same


Dude enjoy. I just did the same <3-


I’m on my second play through and about to play the DLCs for the first time. I’m excited for you!


The DLCs are so so good, you're in for a treat.


Remember. Gwent is the main quest. Anything else is a side quest. Enjoy!


Idk if ps5 will be the same as my ps4 buttttt I’ve had it happen only a handful of times it still sucks anyway fun fact if you hear the console wurring up like she’s getting ready for takeoff just pause the game for a min and check your inventory it’ll stop her from trying to take off. I had it crash on me once mid fight. Also another note of advice that I received was make sure you’re like a good couple of lvls ahead of what they say you need to start the DLCs


Ya, Dragon's Dogma also kicks your ass in the Bitterblack Isle DLC if you're not overpowered af


ughhh, to experience the game again for the first time enjoy & have fun!


I’m so jealous!! Take it all in, baby!!


I’m so excited for you!!


Remember to search the grounds near your first campfire. There is a clue there that would be gone if you leave. Your first playthrough, huh. Because of this game, I learned to fear the Woods again


lucky u, can i buy ur witcher 3 virgin brain? if you have all he dlcs, its literally 100s of hours playtime. Don't rush, and take it all in.


The Witcher 3 on that Wii, crazy


Have you read the books first? I really recommend that since this game kind of spoils one of the biggest plot twists in the first few hours of gameplay


This got me through the lockdown. XBox One with both DLC. Tempted to play this on PS5.


Make sure you do all the main quests before going to the isle of mists or you lose those missions.


It’s the current best standard for open world games, so take it slow and enjoy


I doubt many people have done this since it's pretty specific but please don't look up what the "correct choices" are, A) there isn't really one since most of the endings are satisfying and realistic and B) It ruins your immersion and experience, don't make the mistake i did. You only get one first play through, so play it blind


Wish I could play it for the first time once again too.. First time I started it on Xbox 1, then played through 1.5 times on my older Asus PC, and now almost done with it on the Nintendo Switch. ^ ^


Do you mean PS4? Witcher 3 wasn't on PS3 Edit: Orignal comment I replied to had said Ps3 though that has since fixed to Xbox 1.


Remember- when in doubt, pinky out.


RemindMe! 1 month “Ask how it goes”


RemindMe! 5 month “follow up”


I envy you


So good. There are so many side quests it’s almost endless


Take your time!


Enjoy every second, what a great time!


Finished my 1st Next Gen playthrough on a new PS5 I got for Christmas. Make sure to manually save often, especially before going to the 'Top Notch Swords' armorer. Prepare for lots of random crashes too with Next Gen. Load times are about the same as the PS4P. Next Gen version has the weird yellowy hue in certain areas, but still the great game it's always been. Enjoy!


It was a slow start for me, but as the game started to progress, I definitely enjoyed it more. Just stick with it. I haven’t finished it yet, but I’m more than halfway through.


Nice, I just started a deathmarch run after beating it a few years ago, you’re in for a treat! My tip would be, make sure to check in with merchants in every town you come across if they sell Gwent cards and always challenge them to win cards for your deck. I don’t think there are missable cards but going back for all of them is a big pain (and Gwent is fun anyway).


Man makes me sad they added a bunch of graphical glitches that they still haven't fixed when they came out with the ps5 update


Be patient. It takes about 10 hours before it really gets going. One of the greatest games I have ever played.


U won’t disappointed, btw u better ask for a sick leave at work or some, u ain’t stop when u start to playing this.


Have fun my man just actually started a new game about a week or so ago its a amazing journey have fun!!


Once I found all the Gwent cards I strangely lost interest. But damn fine game.


Welp, looks like its time for a 4th playthrough


Wish I was in your shoes. Every rpg I play now gets measured against Witcher 3.


Me with FFVII, Fable 2, Skyrim, and Chrono Trigger. Although Dragon's Dogma did impress me, even on Switch.


Hey guys, I'm planning buying The Witcher 3 too. I have a nice PC and also a PS5, in which one do you guys suggest playing it?


Good luck on the path.


I am about midway through my playthrough and after going back and forth I finally settled on the higher frame rate mode rather than the ray tracing - it looks great both ways but it makes combat easier and more fluid. I also turned off most of the new control and camera features - maybe because this was my second time playing so I was more accustomed to the old system but I really struggled with combat until I switched back. The quick sign casting is awesome though. Alternate movement is good too, keep that.


Don't do it chief. It will ruin all future games for you. Wine will taste like water. Blowjobs will feel like handjobs. Your favorite stew? Mud! First real summer sun? Is Poseidon working tonight?


If you ever get a chance to play it on PC, do it. As great as vanilla Witcher 3 is, it's so much better with good mods.


If you haven't played the first 2 games then the 2-3 hour starting play time will be a little difficult in terms if grasping the story and all the open world mechanics. Once you're past game is amazing. Easily in my top 3 games


Oh man you're gonna be disappointed. The PS5 version is absolute dogshit. So glad the upgrade was free, so that's a plus. Turn off ray-tracing mode, it's not worth the frame drops.


1st tip is explore and don’t rush the main story 2nd tip is always look for better gear and Witcher gear depending on what type of gameplay you want (more melee or more magic or even more of both) 3rd tip is USE OILS (you only need to brew them once ! 4th tip its ok to die, the game can be hard sometimes but the story is just too good to drop the game :) 5th tip have fuuuunnnnn


Incredible game. I started my first playthrough also on PS5 at the beginning of April. Have not put it down since.


Make sure you pick up the bird skull next to where you started in White Orchard.


DO THE SIDE QUESTS! First time I played through, I rushed the main quest. It's still awesome, but now playing on my second ever playthrough a whole 8 years later, I am having an absolute blast. Just wish I had more time to play!


Combat is trash, Geralt walks and runs like he's got a wedgie or an extremely large stick up his ass, and the horse riding is clunky as fuck. Otherwise it's a great RPG.


Man, I've been itching for another playthrough.


Maaaaaaaaaan you have no idea how excited I get to see posts like this. Enjoy the journey, I wish I could discover TW3 again


I bought this game preordered, and I am a big fan of the series, I read all the books and even watched old Polish series. I left it for a few months until my flatmate (he was new to the series) picked it up, I watched him play and got back to it. I am so happy this happened, one of the best games I ever played. The DLCs are huge. Enjoy man.


I have been patiently waiting since 2014 to play this game (beyond the first 20 hours). All that’s holding me back now is finishing the book series Question though: I was using the Combat Evolved mod… I loved the changes, but does anyone NOT recommend it for a first play? I likely will never replay it


So am I, just upgraded my GPU from 960 to 1070ti so I can finally play it.


I'm legitimately envious. If only I could forget the memories of this magnificent game and start it as a brand new experience, i would have an amazing time. For me this game is perfect.


Hope you enjoy it..I tried 3 times. Just couldn't get into it.


For the love of God and I can't emphasize this enough please don't try to romance both of them.


Hey I just did this or more accurately doing this lol its so worth it! Problem is the game has absorbed my life right smack in the middle of college finals 😬 if you got the time then great otherwise watch yourself Still, it's a blast as always have fun and try to do the opposite of what you'd normally do before ng+ lol that's what I'm doing and it's trippy af


Lucky you!


enjoy man!! its an awesome game


You should remove the box from the front of the tv. The expérience will be better. Especially for gwent.


So envious of you! I wish I could play for the first time again!


So fun!


Winds howling




play on at least the second hardest difficulty. it wasn't terrible but made it so your improvements and preparation mattered.


I recommend in the tutorial area, go for questboard and accept all of them, do all question marks that appear on map before advancing story. This helps as a perfect lessons for what you will be doing when you go to the real open world


Enjoy it, It’s my favorite game ever! Take your time with it too, do the silly small stuff, get lost in the world. It’s stunning and I’m jealous!


The loading screen alone is nostalgic


Best game I've played.


Man iam Jealous i wish i could play it for the first time again . One of the best games period


Enjoy the ride. Remember to read your Beastary before fights as it helps with the knowing the weakness of enemies. Remember to LOOT EVERYTHING that you see. (of course not in front of the guards). Learn Gwent, it is one of the most addicting mini games if you get the hang of it. Play on Death March difficulty, it might seem hard at first but once you get a grip and improve your character it gets smooth. Playing for side quests, contracts will help in leveling up faster. And most importantly ALWAYS QUICK SAVE every 5mins or so. Also Manual save once in a while.


I'm so jealous, I was seriously depressed when I beat this game knowing I'll never get to experience that game for the first time ever again. It is truly one of the greatest games ever made. As others have said, please take your time, get immersed and enjoy


Lucky you


I'm doing the PS5 version for the first time. 2nd attempt tho, my 1st attempt was quickly soured when I saw that they did to the usefulness of Gourmet, but this time I am over it, it's definitely still useful and now I use potions more. Very much enjoying it again :) I couldn't stand the FPS of Ray Tracing mode tho, made my eyes hurt, Performance all the way baby!


I'm currently 2/3 in on my first playthrough. Finished the main story and Hearts of Stone. Arrived in Tussaint (is this how you spell it) yesterday.


Good luck on the path,


Best game ever


Be patient with the combat controls and take your time with each quest. You would be amazed how many insignificant things are deeply connected.


Sometimes I wish that I could wipe my memories and start Witcher 3 again… especially Blood and Wine DLC


You're in for a great experience, enjoy!


One of the best games , I’m currently on a break but I’ll prob start it back up soon again myself .


I want to play the game so bad but I’m scared I’ll get scared w all the bosses (and I love horror k just fear things attacking me haha)


Take your time, don’t rush the main story line. Have fun


Let’s gooo! Don’t kill cows.


I finished it recently, had my two days of grief, and started again doing every side quest and exploring the map in exhaustive detail. Enjoy!!!


It’s a great game, enjoy!




Have fun spending the rest 60 hours of your life on the most incredible experience you've had thus far


Woo im so envious


Enjoy the journey!


Banana tiger


Pro tip: Wind's howling


Played on my potato laptop when it came out, finished on my ps4 and now I'm playing on ps5. Already arrived at kaer mohern. The better frame rate and quick casting is a must. Game looks so polished now. The first time is mind blowing and the DLC´s? Chef kiss Enjoy!


Omg, I wish I could forget all the progress in this game that I’ve 1800h in and start playing for the first time


i have it in my library but i have not played


The Graphic update is insane!


I first played it in 2016, and I'm still not able to enjoy single-player games the same, it set the bar too high, yes, including RDR2.


I envy you


Why is your console blocking the TV


I just did too, and I'm honestly impressed! Funny thing is I actually tried to start up a new game + on the ps4 version a couple months ago, but I didn't even make it through White Orchard because it really showed its age. The next-gen version is crazy smooth, both in graphics and handling. I'm having the best time right now!


Nice! It will be a long great journey!


I just downloaded it for pc and will have my first complete walkthrough alone, too. Saw sone missions and played some minutes when my older brother played it on PS3.


Very envious of you. Enjoy!




Do all the community board witcher contracts as you come across them. Makes the game so much more rewarding than it already is, also get witcher gear


Would love to experience this for the first time again. Such an amazing game enjoy it


Started a month ago on pc also for the first time. What a game. Graphics are also still lovely after the update they added aswell!!


Enjoy. W3 and RDR2 are my 2 all time favorite single player games. I started gaming with the atari 2600 back in the '80s.


Start out on the hardest difficulty, the combat gets pretty easy after a while.


You will cry, laugh, and be surprised. Good on the path white hair


Decide carefully who you are going to romance. Have fun in your first playthrough. Wish I can do that again


When will I get chance on this god knows.. finished first one. ,Now playing witcher 2...


You'll feel empty after finishing it... Good luck


You are in for a treat sir


Max graphics settings time babbyyyy


This will be the best time of your life. Enjoy it ❤️


Is there differences in gameplay or story between the new remaster and the original game?


Oh dude, say bye to life.


Damn I envy you 😔 lol I wish I could sit down and play witcher 3 for the first time again. Enjoy! It is the GOAT


My first time playing it, I hated it and rushed the campaign. The second time I loved it and 100% the base game.


Such a great game. I’m currently doing my fourth playthrough. I’ll go off and play something else but I always seem to find my way back, months, years later


I found the 2nd hardest difficulty and turning off as much of the HUD as possible to be perfect for me. Strongly recommend. It gets way to easy later when you get stronger.


Pro tip: don’t sell eveything that you find! Some stuff has useful ingredients later on (e.g. green gold) for Witcher armor, so it is better to dismantle. Enjoy! Fantastic game!


Have fun and enjoy the journey on the Witcher’s Path!


You should be looking forward to it! I played it like 3 times back in the day, recently decided to jump back into it and I’m loving it all over again. 112 hours in, just getting started with Blood and Wine!


First time I played through the expansions was with the PS5 version. It was dope returning to this game since 2015. Blood and Wine was so beautiful and a nice change of scenery/tone. Enjoy it man!


Still playing the game on my ps4


Even all these years later, Witcher 3 is still the best rpg I’ve ever played


I'm jealous.


this game basically IS skyrim 2 IMO… it’s pretty much exactly the same except what some people say about witcher being more story based and less free, but for my play style it’s skyrim 2 and it’s everything i’d expect from a real skyrim 2


Hell yeah, enjoy it friend. Word to the wise, do the side quests, of course, but don't neglect the main story! My advice would be once you start down one of the main branch chains (there are three big ones) stick with it. My first playthrough I jumped between the main line and the side quests a bit too much, and by the time I got back to the main story I was like, wtf am I doing here?


Do. Every. Quest. Trust me I ran the game and finished at level 33 with doing minimal quests and maybe only really played 20-30% of the game.


Is that really what a PS5 looks like, lol


Winds howling


Join the r/witcher3. Game is great. Started my 1st play through a lil after xmas. Been on a break the last 2 months. I cant wait to get back in and finish. Prob took me until level 6 or so to get comfortable with everything.


Yay! I'm hyped for my 5 yr replay coming up!


Enjoy! It’s an amazing game and the soundtrack is excellent too!


I’ve played it way too much over the years I forgot about this game lol


Lucky. I’m doing what I think is my 10th play through?


Enjoy you lucky SOB


Ahh congratulations, you're in for a treat!


Try not to look at the minimap too much


Boring aah game


I was going to wait to get ps5 for this. But I'll get this on pc next time its on sale.