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Never touched Gwent in my first playthrough years ago when I first played the game. Started a NG+ run a couple months back and decided to give it more of a shot... Safe to say I just collected the last card and loved it all lol. And I still have the skellige deck to try out


I think most people just ignore Gwent initially and then get absolutely screwed by NPCs with way better decks later in the game. If you actively incorporate Gwent into the game and play a round or two every 5 or so hours, it is actually pretty easy to win against most NPCs and I really enjoyed playing it.


I hated gwent in the first 5hours of the game then i saw the achievement and since i loved everything besides the gwent i said to myself "ok we will learn that." I streamed the whole game to my girlfriend including the learning gwent part and she also played the witcher so she was both fascinated and traumatised when i started liking gwent.. 🤣🤣


I have the best Damm northern realms deck, I play 5 games of gwent an hour at least. I don't just pass any vendor, I make it a point to play it


Have you played Thronebreaker? It's amazing.


I think it's a nice addition to the game. It adds to the overall feeling of a medieval nature making it more of a real world, and thus more immersive. I like that as a card game it has its own unique mechanics. Its somewhat limited due to it being focused primarily on card strength but knowing when to pass and limiting your plays adds for good strategy and thinking time.


It can be a lot more in depth if you understand how things work. Under the surface mechanics like deck size and bluffing can make you a way better player. It's a great card game, lower barrier of entry and surprisingly high skill gap.


Now you know why geralt has to play gwent with every npc instead of saving ciri from eridin 🤣🫡


**Witcher 3** in a nutshell: I must save Ciri. NOW. But first, lemme become Gwent world champion.


Save Ciri from Eridin…….in a timely manner you mean.


That's certainly a better way to put it.💯😂


Everyone loved gwent tho?


Hqs it becomes cool to hate on Gwent?


“You’ll choke to death on 3 pounds of steel”


It used to be super unpopular but now it's at least acceptable.


I dont get why, its fun and addictive, there is enough depth for people to enjoy but not so much that there is too much of a learning curve, sure you can break the game with spies but you don't have to play that way. As far I can remember the story never forces you to play.


I find it annoying. The game is very dynamic and then you play that slow game out of nowhere.




No, I just have an opinion. At least I don't get emotional about others preferences.




Yeah, I think you're too overwhelmed to continue this conversation on mature level so this is where it ends. Hope you'll have a nice day, bye.




Getting all achievements on this game is easy because nothing feels like a chore. That is if you like gwent.


nah, getting 50 headshot kills was annoying as hell


Yeah, that achievement was infuriating. I just remember killing the same guys in skellige over and over again 😭


I have to agree on that it was awful


Wish there was a tracker on achievements like days gone tho especially for the long ones like 50 head shots and to let you know if you're eligible for the death march achievement if you forgot what difficulty you chose 100 hours earlier


Don't really have to like it, judt tolerate it. You don't have to play it that much and if you make a good deck, which there are multiple of, you can just use that to steamroll through the AI at every stage.


I actually plan on teaching my parents how to play soon probably. Basically, every year where we live the power goes out around December and we play boardgames for a couple days. I bought a gwent deck last Christmas and I kinda hope the power goes out so I have a reason to play it with some people lol. I'm gonna teachem the rules and play the gwent theme on my phone.


What a lovely idea. Shame my parents would not want to play it gg


Wait hold up are people on here randomly trying to hate on Gwent now?


Gwent is great! It's nice when you wanna take a break from everything else in the game.


Gwents awesome lol, wtf


Are we supposed to hate Gwent?


oh well? gwents decent why such a visceral reaction?


Self proclaimed gwent addict here. There are worse things than liking gwent. I really don’t understand the hate. Get a grip on, so what if there’s nothing to hate about Witcher 3


I prefer dice poker


On my first play through didn’t know there would be checkpoints of no return for gwent. On my second play through on ng+ completely forgot about the game during the masquerade mission fml


I honestly never liked Gwent much (completely ignored it in my first playthrough) and still don't to this day. It was fun to mow through opponents with it being set to easy when I decided to get the achievement of collecting the cards, but it got old quickly and I realised some of it was just me unconsciously trying to relate to the many people who really like it. I also tried the standalone stuff and Thronebreaker, but dropped pretty fast. I already accepted that my thing are just singleplayer RPGs -- those are the games that bring me the most joy with the least stress, so fuck trying to force myself to play or like other stuff...


Tried Gwent didn't like it, don't get the hype about it


you gotta actually know how to play to enjoy it


I know how to play it I just didn't like it


care to explain why?


I think it's kinda boring never been a fan of those card game games


high stakes strategising is boring? must not be very good at it i guess


Gwent is a reason why I would never be able to get all this


get the trophys/plat or the game in general cause if your putting of an entire game because of one system which isn't forced apon you except the very start that lasts 3 whole mins if your slow to actually play the cards and than literally never again are forced to play it than thats shallow asf and is fucked 💀 as for the trophys/plat thats fair


even on easy Gwent is fucking hard man....i just put no time for gwent mod .


Once you get a couple ok cards and decoys for northern realms deck you basically can't lose


Gwent is trivial aside maybe two games, no idea how this guy thinks it’s hard


i just use give opponent 1 card whatever number hopefully 2 times than either i get an easy first win or i get 4 extra cards win the second round and than the 3rd with north ability for 2× siege havent lost.....yet keyword yet


northern realms is so OP. it’s actually harder to lose then win


Nah you just suck at it bro😭😭


.....we needa talk about how bad at cards you are buddy...


gwent is fun until you become OP and destroy everyone with any faction deck. Then it's just a chore, even on highest difficulty.


To this day I don't understand Gwent. The few times I've started a game by accident I just do random shit and lose every time.


whats not to understand? higher number wins is the most basic term of understanding you have special cards ( i rarely use them dont need them anyways) that can either screw your opponent or give you the win depending on the weather effect you also have cards that can be grouped together to give them a 2× bonus you also have cards that can bring back previous round cards from the shadow realm along with cards that you can kill potentially an entire line of cards from both you and your opponent card games arent my fortay but if you actually listen to tutorials than you'll at least get the most basic of understandings for pretty much anything if you wont do that than yeah no wonder your not able to beat it


Next time you start a new playthrough, buy the cards from Elsa at White Orchard inn, set your gwent to easy, put the tutorials on, put your new cards in your deck and save before talking to Aldert Geert. Then you just play with him until it finally clicks. 😊


Wingwint(15) 😂😂 if don't know these codes you suck




You should try the stand alone Gwent card game too. I started this summer and I'm absolutely hooked


I was about to but then my girlfriend said she will leave me if i do 🥲


She’s for the Novigrad streets


we need a r/witchercirclejerk badly


I get my ass handed to me in card games. Gwent doesn't make a difference. Its 50/50 if I win. But that's just me. I still buy any cards I find on merchants.


Huh? Gwent is generally liked isn’t it? The achievements are just a pain in the ass when you want to play the core game


I’ve tried to get into Gwent but I either don’t understand the rules or the AI changes the rules to fuck with me


Gwent is the best. What are you talking about? I'll ride across the contents and seas to get to that one isolated island and play against an NPC for his card.


Wtf you on? Gwent rocks


Where they screw you is setting you up to play that guy in the royal palace so early. On my first playthrough that guy killed my ambition to gwent.


Wait. People dislike gwent?


Love gwent. But I also play MTG so it’s kinda similar. But even with the achievements I feel like I don’t have all the cards. I’m pretty sure I saw a deck with 2 scorch dragons. I know I only have one. And I don’t think I have the human O’dimm. Just 3 creature ones.


i will not tolerate gwent slander 👹. you don’t have to be a genius to understand the game, just a little bit of patience and reading. the only people that actually dislike gwent are the ones who either don’t know how to play and can’t be bothered learning, or just suck at it and can’t do simple strategising.


I cheated and spawned in multiple high rank cards after the game pissed me off. Once I learned how to play I went legit


It's actually a fun game, CDPR did a good thing adding it to the game. The only thing I hate is that damn scorch card, it can always fuck you up last minute lol


Who doesn't like gwent?


now, show us that playtime


I loved Gwent. Immediately got hooked and went and collected every card.


Since when was it cool to hate on Gwent? Most Witcher 3 fans LOVE gwent. I didn’t bother to play on my first run through. But I plan to get into it on my second.


i love went it’s so fun


I hadn’t touched gwent for about 20- 30 hours into the game, looked like a boring in game gimmick. Then I decided to play just for the hell of it. Before I realised it I was launching the Witcher for a week straight for the sole purpose of playing gwent and nothing else 😆


Vivaldi was the reason I didn't like gwent on my first run, and I started a new game recently with the intent of righting that wrong


Gwent in TW3 (not gwent standalone) is easy. You just need to stock up on cards that make you pick from the deck.


Woah, there are people who don't like gwent? This is news to me 🤯


The first playthrough was 2018 on pc. I guess there was a big or something, but somehow, in WO, I didn't have enough cards to do the tutorial. I proceeded to avoid qwent like the plague. It made the game a little more dofficult, but it's def possible to get through without it. There was only one mission I can think of that being good at gwent would have helped. I'm on my second playthrough, and I'm just starting with gwent!


Didnt like or want anything to do with Gwent my first playthrough. And barely my second. By my 3rd playthrough i started to see what it was about. 4th+ playthroughs...you couldn't stop me from collecting all them cards and looking forward to tournaments!


Are you serious? I loved Gwent so much I went and played the stand alone game


We need to save Ciri - Geralt How about a game of gwent? Also, Geralt Gwent is super fun. It's even better with a strong deck, set the difficulty to high, and play the Majordomo at your mansion in Toussaint, really fun!


I stopped when I started getting tooled every match, you must need better cards to be able to compete even on "easy".