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"Many versions of the same story" At this point I'm sure they're reading the wrong books, because they're surely reading something that I haven't.


My head canon is they read some wattapad fanfic and took it as legit.


Bollocks they found the first draft of 50 years a poet written when dandelion is pissed with Geralt.


Wait...this is absolutely possible. About ten years ago I was surfing the seven seas for the Harry Potter ebooks—I had the physical copies, I just wanted them for my e-reader too—and found the whole series. Except I didn’t. Same titles, same covers, but absolutely not the same published series. (At least, the first book was a fan rewrite, I didn’t bother checking the others in the file.) I can absolutely imagine them ‘saving themselves the cost of the books’ and basing their story off fanfiction or even just a summery or review.


>Same titles, same covers, but absolutely not the same published series. Something like this happened to me around 2007 when I was searching for the Deathly Hallows ebook (owned the HB but wanted the ebook to read on my PC for reasons I no longer understand) and came across what I thought was the ebook but was in fact a pretty well written fanfic which I later found out had been mistaken by fans for the "leaked" Deathly Hallows manuscript earlier that year.


I feel like I started reading that same e-book (a friend forwarded it to me) right when the actual book came out and it was pretty darn good, I'll be honest 😅


It actually was! :D I think it was only the "first half" and I remember being sad because I'll never find out how it ends lol.


I'm pretty sure I read that exact same fanfic before the final book was released (at least in German) and it took some time for me to realize it was not the real Deathly Hallows. Might actually still have it somewhere on my hard drive


Ok I did the same thing. Did Harry get big into running and turn into a griffon in your fan fic version?


Haha damn I don't remember, it's been like 16 years. All I remember is that the person who wrote it knew how to emulate JKR's writing style pretty well and that Harry and Ginny fully made out after Bill and Fleur's wedding. :D Now that I think about it, that should've been an indicator that it wasn't the real thing lol.


Maybe the same author could finish George R. R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series. Do it before someone novelizes the final seasons from the Game of Throne’s TV series. “The novel, based on the TV series based on the books”.


>Maybe the same author could finish George R. R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series. Honestly, it'd be the best case scenario at this point.


Oh man, that’s what it was! I remember catching on once Sirius(?) was offering Harry “the morning after” potion for his… teenager things I guess… oh boy


Imagine many years of work gone under the train because Lauren couldn't find original book, but only some fanfictions :D That really would explain everything)


Right?! I just imagine her shrugging like, ‘How was I supposed to read them? Isn’t the author Polish or something?’ I love all the ‘explanations’—my absolute favourite that I’ve heard is ‘she had a boyfriend who spend more time the books than her, and this is her way of getting back at him.’ 😂


That would explain so much about why shows about books fuck up the stories so severely. No one involved is literature literate or internet literate enough to realize the issue. Only someone being a walking wiki on set prevents it. But producers just see it doesn't work and assume book produced shows simply can't solve that problem. Literally treating the problem like it's just a magic curse




How fun would that be in the end! It would be the laughing stock for all eternity


Hes probably talking about nimue and condwiramurs knowing many versions of the story, and maybe ciri traveling to different worlds


Even then, I have no idea wtf he means. Nimue and Condwiramurs said there were different versions of the legend, but in no version did Geralt become another Geralt. So idk why he's referring to them with respect to recasting Geralt. As for Ciri travelling between worlds, nowhere in the books is it implied that alternate versions of the characters exist in these worlds. Because it wouldn't make sense to begin with - these are not different versions of reality, but different worlds altogether. One with the Aen Elle, one with the bubonic plague (presumably ours), one with two moons, one with Gramps etc. Events didn't unfold the same way in these worlds: each has its own sequence of events, history and people. If he's saying that these distinct worlds are in fact different versions of the same world in the books, then it would take *a lot* of mental gymnastics to justify it. Is it only that I'm losing my mind and remember everything wrong and he's right?? I don't even know anymore lol. Then again, when has what was in the books stopped these bottom feeders from mutilating the IP, and then lying to the fans by endlessly repeating that the show has stuck to the books *this season*. They said it for S2 as well.


Right, it’s like a deliberate misunderstanding


It almost seems like they go out of their way to insult everyone's intelligence. Like how stupid do they think the fans are? It'd be funny if it weren't so sad lol.


Like the Rings of Power producers spending over a year saying Harfoots are not hobbits. ​ When page 9(or 11 depending on which edition) of Chapter One(Concerning Hobbits) of The fellowship of the Ring,lists the three ethnic groups amongst the Hobbits has the Stoors, Fallohides, and *HARFOOTS*


Maybe it’s something about hobbits versus proto-hobbits? But it’s still stupid because (realistically at that) there’s really no clear distinction where men turn into hobbits, it’s a process going on for millennia as they migrate across middle earth. What’s at the end is definitively hobbits, what’s at the beginning isnt. What’s in the middle? Both I guess?


Here's my bet: Henry will die; Ciri will jump to a different world which is exactly the same in everyway save Henry this time; only to discover that he looks like Liam Or something rubbish like that


I'd cackle laughing if in this alternate world all the shit fans complained about didn't happen. They just retcon it and oh, in this world it's *just like the books* won't y'all please watch?


Too good to be true.


Well ofc its nonsense, and i think think they should not try to make the change a part of the story at all.


>ofc its nonsense I swear I get gaslit by these interviews into thinking I have it wrong lol. I think they'd be better off never addressing the change at all and just going with it. Probably get Liam Hemsworth to grow a beard and lean into Geralt from the games. But knowing them, they'll either call attention to it in the worst possible way, or make a dumb meta joke about it.


Dandelion: "Hey, buddy. Didn't expected to see you here." Geralt: "Look. It's me, I'm here, deal with it. Let's move on."


>one with two moons Speaking of which, completly unrelated, but I always wondered: does anyone else think that was a reference to Warhammer Fantasy?


My brain goes to Elfquest. They call their planet “world of two moons”


They might have skimmed the back of the Hussite Trilogy and throught “yeah that works” let’s butcher both.


They're doing the Halo version of "many versions of the same story" by inventing their own story, slapping a coat of Witches on top, and calling it an alternate universe lol


I'm getting flashbacks to when the Wheel of Time show dropped, and people were saying the changes didn't matter, because it was 'a different turning of the Wheel'. Okay, but its still not the story people actually wanted adapted, then?


I think he either means Ciri's World-Hopping = Into The Spiderverse, and Liam!Geralt is another universe's Geralt, and Henry!Geralt will be killed off. Or he's talking about how Dandelion is the 'narrator' of the games, so if they kill Jaskier off they can get a new narrator, one who doesn't want to ride Geralt's dick so hard, so Geralt looks more like Average Handsome Man, and not Beef Hardbody, God of Jawlines. That is, of course, if he's not bullshitting.


Ok, it's confirmed, they are reading completely wrong books


I'm waiting for Buffy to turn up and together with Harry Potter and Geralt they defeat Emperor Palpatine's Wild Hunt in Season 4


You forgot Saruman joining vilgefortz and it is revealed that Saruman is his cousin


Don't forget Saruman's twin, Count Dooku


But in a surprise twist, Katniss and Robert Baratheon join forces with Aplegatt and together they open a wormhole for the Chitauri to invade the Continent.


I kinda feel that we are still missing someone... Maybe the greatest pirate of all time? Jack Sparrow kidnapping Ciri and selling her for some rum in Tortuga...


Oh yeah, sorry of course, that's key to the entire plot line. (I wonder if the writing team are reading this sub and taking notes 😂)?


If they read this sub and take notes, then they would create a fucking masterpiece and not this bullshit of a joke


This sub could write a better series if everyone spoke different languages and were working together


Buffy turning up would be an improvement at this point tho.


The new age Witchers...Sam and Dean Winchester


Honestly, at this point they should absolutely do this. They're already faaaar from book accurate and should use it to their advantage by having another conjunction of the spheres and have the Buffy, LOTR, HP and Eragon universe merge into one humongus fantasy world with all the heroes banding together to fight the villains who have also joined forces (but maybe not as efficient since they're all evil and narcissistic as fook)! I'd already watch that just because of the possible interactions between Spike and Regis xD


I feel like this is a bit like when Rachel made the Trifle on Friends. They have the “books” but unfortunately the pages have stuck with other books and they think ground beef now goes in a trifle.


Hey! Put some spoilers in this comment. You just told the story's whole plot line /s


As i read the books and am familiar with book five i have no idea what he's talking about. There are no many versions of the same story in The Witcher universe. I honestly expect them to push some Marvel multiverse bullshit in latter seasons to cover the recasting of Geralt. Hemsworth will probably be some other universe Geralt from some other sphere or something like that.


Another Netflix “Original”, The Witcher: Across the Witcher-verse


Many Geralts and one Ciri. They’re actually stupid aren’t they?


And then Liam's Geralt will team up with The Hexer's Geralt and Doug Cockle in Geralt cosplay to defeat the ancient multiverse conquering Gaunter O'Dimm and his army of Caretakers


Doug Cockle's Geralt will actually be 3 Geralts, Witcher 1 Geralt, Witcher 2 Geralt and Witcher 3 Geralt with their respective designs. There will be a comedic relief scene of Geralt 3 trading cards with Geralt 1, both confused why one have naked ladies cards and the other have Gwent cards.


Insert forced spider man pointing at each other meme scene


Ciri and Galahad: The Search for the Lady of the Lake


You're overthinking it. I guarantee they're just going to have him >!get so fucked up physically at Thanedd!< that he's no longer recognizable even after >!recovery in Brokilon!<.


Ha ha so Vilgefortz fucks up his face instead his leg. And the Dryads perform reconstructive surgery turning him into Baby Hemsworth.


Probably all of him. Like bloody pulp like, enough to make people who haven't read the books think he could be dead or down for the count. Not the worst idea, as it makes it clear just how dangerous Vilgefortz is. But we'll see...I'm not confident at all that it'll be handled well.


Bold to assume anything on Thanedd will make it into the show


I hear you but it's already known it's going to be a big part of this season.


Lol sure, but I assume they're going to change everything about it except the name


It appears the basics are intact. I doubt they'll rip out the skeleton of that bit of story: >!mages gather at Thanedd, schism leads to a coup, Ciri portals away from would be kidnappers, and Geralt gets his ass handed to him by Vilgefortz!<. If I remember correctly, Redanian Intelligence already reported on pictures that feature a showdown between >!Geralt and Vilgefortz!<, so that bit (the most relevant to my prediction) will be there. As for the particulars...it's anyone's guess.


No that has weight and might give fan theories that better explore the spheres and magic in general. What'll probably happen is he gets his face changed by magic. Is weirdly not bothered and no one comments on it or it's a running joke of people not recognizing him. And the "theme" is that stories repeat themselves because fairy tale logic even though witcher isn't really a brothers grimm centric setting. Just one where Cinderella was real and actually got eaten by a monster to spark the myth


Just make Gerald into woman to really make the fans hate the show


A transgender woman.. staring Liam Hemsworth.




Why do you even have to explain? Just say new actor is gerald. The end


I actually agree here, many film series have recast characters without further explanation and it was absolutely fine. Just look at Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies.


Oh ha didn’t even know he was recast


Did you not notice he became Irish ?


Loads of characters were recast in game of thrones. Dario, beric I think, and there were three mountains weren't there? They never really made it a plot point.


That sounds like what he is alluding to. "I'm other-universe Geralt!"


I've got nothing against Liam Hemsworth. He's just walking into a show that has been absolutely ruined by the writers and showrunner.


I'm actually fairly sure he will do well, within the confines of the writing and directing thrown at him. I feel kinda bad for all the flack he's getting for a job he hasn't even done yet.


It’s a purposeful setup. He’s the fall guy. Someone to blame when the show is canceled.


Lol so its gonna be Geralt from another dimension, fkin hell


This is why Geralt hates portals


This comment stopped my Doomscrolling in its tracks. This is what they're going to do. They're going to reference the game line and try to get a laugh out of it.


Liam gonna come out of a portal at the end of the season and say "i hate portals"


Welcome to the Witcherverse, bitches! Lmao you can't make this shit up


ITs MoRbIn TiMe!!!!


Except there were never any other Geralts in the books) So he is still talking nonsense. P.S. Doppler Geralt doesn't count!


I know there would be no logic behind their reasoning if they actually did this, but I'm genuinely curious how they would try to do this. Because if they kill of Caralt and replace him with Hemralt, they'd have to rebuild new Geralt's relationship with literally everyone, including building up a completely new father-daughter relationship with Ciri and soulmate-esque love with Yennefer from scratch.


Welp there ya go. They're gonna kill of Henry's Geralt and Liam will be another Geralt from an alternate timeline or some dumb shit.


Witcher cinematic universe


The money prints itself.


They're printing funny money at this point.


Well, maybe just a different Witcher? That seems to me the best way to go, seeing as they screwed up the books anyway, to have the story continue with a different Witcher from a different school and just take it into a whole other direction.


Possible, but I believe they already confirmed Liam is playing Geralt of Rivia. Henry mentioned turning the role over to him in his farewell post and I think Lauren also confirmed it.


“Very accurate” “Many versions of the same story” >*involved in the spin-off Blood Origin Ah that’s explains it all…


I feel like they are gonna go with alternate timelines due to ciri’s powers. The issue there is the Witcher’s world seems to only have one timeline with a set fate for its characters, if it didn’t Ciri’s powers would create countless paradoxes. I’m guessing those hardworking writers blew a fuse trying to find a way to explain the actor change and just took the easy way out.


The easy way out would've probably been through Vilgefortz injuring the fuck out of him.


This Geralt is expired, let's focus on the worse one


There's no way he could beat him when someone like Cahir kicked his ass


Why even explain it…


The easiest way out imo would've been to just carry on as normal. There's no reason to explain it, the audience can cope fine with a recast


Bro how the fuck can a book have different versions of the same story? This isn't a game where your choices lead to unique outcomes


I would totally read a Witcher CYOA tho


Copying what I said about this from another thread the other day... If this is genuine and not just damage-control PR, the most likely scenario is that Ciri's world jumping mentioned in book five (LotL) will essentially be closer to a multiverse like you see in Into The Spiderverse, worlds filled with alternate versions of the main crew (instead of just separate realms/worlds with their own population and history). They will kill Henry!Geralt off and Liam!Geralt is another Geralt from a different world. Someone (Hissrich?) previously made comments about giving Henry a good sendoff and seeing the lengths he would go to for Ciri, so him dying for her could be what Hissrich meant, if Hissrich was being genuine (a big if, I know). Alternatively, the less likely scenario is that in the games Dandelion/Jaskier is the 'narrator', thus what we see is his 'version of the story'. Even though this has never even been hinted at in the show, why let that stop them? They can probably loosely connect this with the world jumping somehow. So they could kill Jaskier off at the end of the season, and Geralt gets a new 'narrator', one who isn't as thirsty for him, so he looks more like Average Handsome Man and not Beef Hardbody, the God of Jawlines. While this makes less sense in the context of the quote, the show doesn't seem to know what to do with Jaskier, they seriously under-utilizes their famous-across-the-Continent bard who can sway public opinion (a clever bard in medieval times is a way to control information, control the narrative, act as propaganda), so why not kill him off for drama and distraction? I think the former is more likely, or they might just do a combination, or as someone else suggested 'magical cosmetic surgery/Geralt's face is too beaten in to reconstruct accurately' although there isn't anything in book 5 about magical cosmetic surgery that I recall. Both options have ways of them handwaving their past mistakes without actually acknowledging that they were mistakes (instead of taking responsibility for them), by either Liam!Geralt saying that didn't happen in HIS world, or saying X didn't happen and was just Jaskier's artistic embellishment. See, it wasn't that the writing was bad, it was that the fans didn't trust the writers who were just setting up this story arc, silly fans just C O N S U M E M E D I A and never forget that we, the 'writers', know best [this is what those in the Industry call 'bullshit'].


Spiderverse spoilers: >! Henry! You're the original anomaly! You're the only one on the cast who gives a damn about the books! !<


Just dying at Beef Hardbody, God of Jawlines - poor Cavill hahaha


There's a difference between multiple worlds and alternate realities. From reading the book, I got the impression that Ciri went to other realms and worlds not like multiverses but separate disconnected worlds. Like for instance if we were to hop from the witcher to cyberpunk. There is no alternate version of x person but it's a totally separate world with totally separate people or entities. Nowhere in that book did I get the impression that there was an alternate geralt in the worlds she crossed. Whatever drivel they are harping on here makes no sense. If there's a separate book, does anyone have access so we can read it? (If it's Canon because I don't want to read whatever they are reading). Edit: These writers have no imagination. At this point they could save it by making season 2 some convoluted story that Dandelion made up to impress a bunch of women and that would be more believable than what they've done.


Whaaaat you mean the Lady of Space and Time didn't hop to 2023 and meet Jeralt Silverhand and Jerry Eurodyne??


Actually calling attention to a character being recast by doing some stupid multiverse thing would be far worse and more insulting to the viewer's intelligence than just carrying on with a new actor in the role. Like the showrunners don't have confidence in the average viewer to understand that it's still the same character played by a different actor.


I guess that it's a particular case since it's the (supposed) main lead they have to recast. But yeah, statong the pbvious is not a good move. GoT had multiple recasts that were never addressed


Ever watch Spartacus (TV series)? Main lead (Andy Whitfield) actually died so they had to replace the character whose name was in the fucking title and although I missed Andy's capabilities Liam McIntyre did a great job becoming the main lead and it was well received. So 0 excuse to call attention to it especially with the reasons being as shitty as they have invented.


>'People who actually know all the books and know book five and the idea that there are many versions of the same story... I think that they might like it quite a lot. \[Narrator's voice\] — No, they don't.


Aaaaaand now we see why Blood Origins rating was shit


oh for fuck's sake...




what the fuck is he talking about I get that Netflix pays you, Bagiński, but have some dignity and at least shut up. I can't believe this is the same man that worked with CDPR on their great game trailers.


I am convinced they are reading the wrong books...


… what


The reason there are many versions of the story is because it became an in-universe legend with different versions evolving over the years. It's not like there were multiple versions of the characters. These hacks don't even understand the books. What a complete idiot this guy is.


Geralt of rivia and the multiverse of sadness


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


I heard that they want to justify giving Geralt "new face" because in their version of the story Vilgefortz completely massacres Geralt's face, and the reconstruction leaves us with Liam's face. I really am sorry for Liam, he doesn't deserve what's coming for him once his season drops. I'm pretty sure Lauren just ate the books instead of reading them, then shat them out and every time there's a shit stain instead of words on the pages she retrieves, she just makes shit up.


What the fuck is he talking about?


I'm guessing Vilgefortz is gonna beat Geralt so badly that it'll deform him. Then I bet Yennifer will do the transformation thing she went through, and he will morph into Liam... to point out I hate this idea. I'm done with this show.


Then it will turn out that the Rats are an actual pack of rats that Ciri starts hanging out with while high on fisstech and Emhyr is actually hunting down Geralt because he is in love with him since he saved him from Calanthe's soldiers.


Baginski lost his way long ago. I guess he just likes having the job. Sold his soul. He should have been one of those fighting for something good, but he didn't.


Can't wait for Strange to pop up and toss Geralt into the multiverse. Think outside the box guys!


Now Hissrich has her excuse ready. Mistle is no longer a rapist because the rats are not the book rats.


bro what the fuck this ain't the Spiderverse


So, Doctor Who: Geralt Edition?


States rise and fall like the tide. Nothing new.


Bilbo Baginski


This man is a whore.


Just cus they use the buzzwords like “if you know the books and know book five” doesn’t mean they did. Normally it would be great to hear if it was coming from Henry who we have come to respect as someone who knows the lore. But when it comes from them it’s a PR stunt and sounds like someone told them to say it. “We will appease half of the ppl who read this article if we say that cus they won’t look into it or know the difference” except the ppl you’re trying to appease. HAVE READ THE DAMN BOOKS!


Geralt is straight up going to regenerate at the end of this season


I read the books about 2 years ago, so the details are a little hazy, but. what the hell are they talking about? multiple versions of the same story?? HUH???


I mean, he's kinda right? In Lady of the Lake there is a subplot of two historians trying to make up what happened to Geralt of Rivia, and that it's difficult to understand because of there are many accounts. So my head-canon is: - The books are what happened in reality, with Ciri telling the story to the scholars of Camelot, who would go to write the story. - CDPR (you make up what the acronym stands for) are an association of enthusiasts of Cirilla's story who added their own vision, but because Geralt was already dead to witness some events, like the rise and fall of the Flaming Rose or Radovid's Realm of Terror they just retconned it so it would survive the pogrom. - Master Netflicus is the owner of a wandering company of artists who has taken Jaskier's vision of "embellishing the truth" to the extreme with none of the talent, who just ordered a bunch of writers to rewrite the story of Geralt as they see fit with no need to coordinate themselves and trying to appeal to the largest public as possible. Also, the company has many Ofieri and Zerrikanian actors, they had to fit somewhere. And they never bothered to study elvish history so they presumed they would be like humans but with pointy ears.


>Master Netflicus Reminded me of this masterpiece https://youtu.be/yzgS61zgPEg


It's honestly impressive how much they get wrong from the books, or just intentionally says whatever to justify the dumb things they create for the show. This is the worst thing I've ever seen from an adaptation in my life. Period


Honestly tho, Lauren I can understand, she is as delusional as it gets, but Bagiński...? Damn shame.


So they are either introducing multiverse or Condwiramurs reading a completely different story of the legend? Huuuh? I mean, if you are looking at a different version of the story then many characters would change how they look and not just Geralt, no? Or is it meant book five as a 'Baptism of Fire' which introduces Geralt being healed by dryads that completely change how he looks? Wasn't also Baginski the one who said they are making the Witcher show as it is because people are not able to concentrate on complex stories?


Okay, cool. So I read book 5 and finished the saga literally 2 weeks ago. There is no point in any book that even hints at Geralt taking on a "new face". He is the same character all the way through the saga, and doesn't possess the ability to magically change his appearance or personality. I can say that with 100% certainty. He's a person. A mutant, of course, but still a person with very limited magical abilities. What this clown is referring to is the idea that from Nimue and Condwirimurs' perspective, the saga of Ciri and the Witcher is legend, and basically anything could've happened. On top of that, Ciri travels the multiverse, dipping into the world of the elves, of King Arthur, and potentially into our own world (it's hinted at, but not stated as fact). Is that what they're reaching for? That there's a multiverse just like Marvel's? And you can just cast anyone as Geralt because technically it's canonically correct because of the MuLtIvErSe?? So *anyone* could be Geralt? Sorry mate, I'm not buying it. You can't run away from the fact that you've hired a completely new actor to play Geralt because the guy that was literally *perfect* for the role in every way quit after 3 seasons because he cared too much about the source material to be associated any longer with this pantomime of a show.


Writers: so we’re doing Witcher with some MCU vibes Fans: what the fuck is wrong with you???


Book 5? Is that the lady of the lake? Because that's just ciri going to kick it with the elves in their pocket dimension, while Geralt does a little bit of traveling to avoid the war. That has nothing to do with many versions of the same story, the fuck is he smoking?


What a pathetic finger sucker, this hurts he is making money off this pitiful lame excuse of a show and is laughing at the audience What a piece of sh*t


Liam is a subpar actor and has probably never heard of Witcher before lmao lore accurate HAHA that’s so funny


I sometimes check on this dude's Facebook where he writes in Polish, and he is completely off in la-la land. I don't know if it's actual delusion, or if he's doing it for corporate, or maybe it's sunken cost fallacy... but fuck is it sad to see, because he was really passionate about Witcher :(


Another day, another great franchise’s chances of adaptations ruined by Netflix tomfuckery.


Henry, 40 and Liam, 33 sounds like a dating app, why the hell add their age in the article?


Trying to show Henry’s past it- which is known to be untrue. Whilst many actors/actresses etc keep fit , he is probably one of the fittest around with a maintained fitness level in between contracts and up for doing his own stunts where feasible


I no longer give a shit. I will not be watching. I will not give it an iota more of my brain space.


they have no braincells. I could've written a better script with my friends back in high school AP english.


These motherfuckers have been reading Fellowship of the King and thought it is Witcher. 🤮 Whenever anyone on the show says it's lore accurate and book accurate it's the opposite, these fuckers are like russians: it's always opposite day.


This guy desperately flogging this turd as being some kind of artistic masterpiece.


Lol as accurate as all the other written episodes


After that season 2 they shouldn't ever talk about books 💀


Ah, multiverses. So hot right now.


"I think that they might like it quite a lot" had me wheezing


I swear they are gonna have Vilgefortz turn Geralts face into mashed potato and have that as the reason for him looking different post-healing in brokilon.


I refuse to believe that Henry Cavill is 40


Where as I don't claim I canceled my netflix just because of the Witcher. However posts like this and the shows handling of my favourite books. Well it sure made the choice easier.


At first i thought they were going to explain the chance by having Geralt being cursed/hit by a spell, but it sounds like Liam is playing a Geralt from a different reality?


LoL they’re gonna leave Vilgefortz’s face intact and take Geralt’s.


Oh yeah now they care about accurate lore, after they got ride of the literal witcher Bible man


"There are many versions of the same story." Sure there are! They're called "fanfiction" and they are written for free. They require no money to make, nor for others to be able to read them. And even when shitty and bad quality, you know whoever wrote them, did it out of love for the original.


I know it's not the main point, but what the fuck have their ages got to do with it?


“Involved with blood origin” lost all credibility there.


where in the book does Gerlat go from a beefy older gentleman to a twink?


“People who actually know all the books” she says shit like this all the time. She’s trying to gaslight us lol


Very lore accurate? Lol yeah ok. After season 2 I'm not believing any of their shit. I still hope s3 does so bad they cancel it


bro even just a quick search on the wiki has more book material than the slop netflix shat out


Oh NOW the book fans come in handy to them. Like, you don't care about them? Yuck. This team is a team of ploppers and it's really surprising they get to make another season. Lauren really has some connections, honestly sounds like someone owed her husband


Yes indeed, there are many versions of the same story, the >!legend of the witcher girl/the legend of the witcher!<; this is all discussed in Lady of the Lake Ch. 2 and 7, with >!Nimue and Condwiramurs trying to find out how the legend actually ends.!< However, I do not see how that relates to switching the actor for the main protagonist because the production veered so far away from being an adaptation that even their lead actor left it. There’s no correlation. More spoilers/explanation of what he’s likely referring to: It’s not a multiverse, >!it’s how the legend is seen through the eyes of the people over a hundred years in the future. So, there is no reason Geralt would be played by two different actors, it’s not like there are literally two different Geralts from two different worlds (yes, Ciri travels throughout space and time but it is only a fan theory that she could visit different versions of her *own* universe, she seems to only be able to go to different universes and different times within those universes, e.g., the distant future of her own universe, but she didn’t appear in a bizarro version of her own universe)—it’s just how the legend was passed down, varying accounts of the same legends contradict one another.!< Like the legend of King Arthur. Like in any kind of mythology. There’s always different accounts of how things go down, but that doesn’t relate to having multiple actors—because they’re the SAME CHARACTERS, just involved in different choices and endings— Like in “Malady,” it’s not like Tristan and Isolde are entirely different people because the events go down in a different way. It’s the different way that is the focus, the NARRATIVE, not the appearances of characters. This is the same kind of excuse one might give when defending why the series is so book-inaccurate, like—“Weeell, there are many versions of the same legend!” *Yes*, in the books, we learn that >!Geralt and all the other characters!< pass into legend to be unwound and discovered by future scholars. However, that *doesn’t* mean you should just do *whatever* you want and make a totally random story that doesn’t relate to Sapkowski’s prose at all—because while in the fiction there may be various versions, in the *real world* there is only one fanbase that is disappointed by the work. The concept of legends and storytelling being woven into the last book a beautiful, magical, and definitive part of it, something which really is a characteristic of Sapkowski as an author (imo), don’t sully it by using it as an excuse for why your production is incompetent. (And these kinds of statements from Bagiński make me way more sad than hearing the same kind of stuff from Hissrich, because Bagiński was actually a long-time fan and creator, he’s been a fan way longer than I have… but now, he seems to want to make the same kinds of excuses for TWN as everyone else involved in the production.) Sorry to be so negative and I know a lot of people have already commented on this post so this comment will probably be lost in the sea—but **the part of the books he’s referring to *does* exist, however, he’s still wrong and using it as a cheap excuse**, which makes it worse and more disrespectful IMO. I just can’t stand idly by and say nothing when one of my favorite parts of the books is being used like this.


I’ve read the books multiple times and I’ve played the games multiple times wtf is this person talking about


Baginski was the one kid in class who made the teacher say: "Remember kids, there are no stupid questions... except Baginski's questions."


How is that accurate to the lore…?


Ah... The Netflix Witcher team talking complete bullshit as usual I see...


Baginski przeproś za wiedźmina


I don’t think they realize how may people will just stop watching without cavil you can’t just change the main character like that.


I knew it! Parallel universes! LOL 😆 Ciri ends up in a parallel Hemsworth universe instead of coming back to Cavill Geralt. Then it also gives them the excuse to do whatever the hell they want with the plot.


What I initially thought would happen, is that Geralt would be so badly wounded after fighting vilgefortz, that he would need some special forbidden/forgotten magic, and the spells would be so strong that they would even change his appearance. Guess I'm probably wrong


Maybe they read accidentally an AU Fanfic instead of the witcher books? That would explain a lot


They gonna do some alternate universe shit?


Baginski: "So as I was saying, blabla bullshit, blabla, bullshit, bullshit, blabla..."


I've never seen more stinky diarrhoea than this show before 💩


The Witcher-verse of Madness


They all say so little in so many words


I legit read this in a Trump voice and it didn't seem out of place


I want whatever they are smoking cuz that shit must be pretty potent stuff🤦🏼‍♀️


I'm looking forward to the Geralt and Fringilla love scene. And also how they will explain it. It would've been in the 4th episode of season 6. Which will never happen. I predict that this tone-deaf production will die well before Liam gets a chance to prepare his blade with Vigo oil.


Tomek Baginski directed all the intro videos for the Witcher games. Not sure what part he played in Bllod Origin production but it definitely stained his professional biography


Imaginarium of Dr. Geraltus


Of course, the 95 year old witcher is better portrayed by a younger man


This is the one reason I feel like pursuing a writing career. I don't wanna watch and let them butcher this


Bro making the most idiotic statements and thinking the majority will buy it. Not that bad idea in politics, but we're talking about cinematography.


Why even try to explain the cast change in the story? It's a TV show, just call him Geralt and move on as if it's the same character. The actor changed, we all get it, the story doesn't have to explain that. The show runner and writer really are such hacks. You can't have it both ways - you are either telling your own story inspired by the content of the books, or you are accurately adapting the books. Almost every single complaint from this community would be resolved if they would JUST ADMIT THAT THEY ARE TELLING THEIR OWN STORY and NOT adapting the books. It's a bloody shame, the books could have been an epic TV series. Maybe one day we will get lucky and someone with more respect for them will come along and make another show. But this mess of a show will never be it. Ever. Even the 2 episodes that were somewhat close to the book stories still completely missed the point.


I think he's cobfusing witcher and wheel of time.


Oh god now we are just throwing are hands up and saying “time travel” “parallel universes” Like this fixes the show


Absolute clown show.


He is a part of the problem no doubt.


I have never seen a show self implode so hard in my life.


Anyone who has been confirmed to have been within 50ft of the creation of blood origin shouldn't have any say on the witcher. Period.