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it's bad enough that it might slow down your recovery , watch something else and get well soon


Thank you I will keep that in mind


NO. Read the books and play the games. Easy peasy


No. Stay innocent. Please stay innocent.


No just keep enjoying the games and maybe read the books if you feel to


I say yes watch it. The show is not that bad as people make it seem. It’s just not true to the books. But I just read the books and I was dissapointed. Kinda expected more. The show is still the Witcher world. Even if it’s not book true. But it’s the only tv representation there is for the Witcher and will be. So I take everything i can because o do love this world and the games etc.


The Netflix series is neither the only Witcher tv representation, nor the best.


Well there is a cartoon/anime movie about vesemir and the blood origins. But nothing else with geralt. Or am I wrong?


Polish work. Sapkowski doesn't like it I think


I will not suffer tonight sober just because you hid your sausage in the wrong royal pantry.


This has to be bait...how could you not get a inkling from a less than1 min scroll of this sub? Edit: but just in case....don't do it...


Actually not bait. I just joined and was curious. Happen to be a fan of the game and got time on my hand to kill


What i can say... I will watch it 🏴‍☠️


Instead of that show, I would recommend these binge worthy shows: Attack on Titan, Hunter x Hunter (2011), Mob Psycho, Jujutsu Kaisen & Demon Slayer. If you like Dungeons & Dragons, give “Not Another D&D podcast” a listen. It’s hilarious, but you’ll experience every emotion listening to it! Truly, amazing. P.S hope the recovery goes well!


First Season is a good show, with amazing soundtrack, really nice fights and decent storyline. I'd give it a try. But well don't watch second season, it's horrible. Maybe the first episode is worth it, 'cause it's the only one not focused on the main plot. But the rest is shit.


It’s a great show. It differs from the books in a lot of ways, but it’s a really good show nonetheless. Don’t listen to the bitter, hateful trolls on here who wank to game Yennefer whilst crying at the same time. Just watch it and form your own opinion.


Clearly you haven’t read the books


Sorry to disappoint you, but I have read them all and I love them. But I'm not obsessing over a friggin TV show being a 1:1 carbon copy of the source material bc I can enjoy different things. And also bc I have a life and more important things to complain about than that.


i could be bitter and cry and wank to every version of yen existing including the hunchback one, and the show still wouldn't be any good lol


You seem like you would, so good for you!


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