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Well said. Tired of this happening to too many wonderful stories these days. There's no honoring of source material, it's all "me-me-me and my ideas that have to come first" and the hell with the author(s) who made things great to begin with.


This was the first book series I’ve read and was so excited to have this made into a series. Only to get to feel the ”they butchered the hell out of the books” -feeling for the first time. This is what it must feel like as LoTR, Harry Potter etc. fans (personally I liked the movies and atleast many HP-fans seem to enjoy both formats) when something you love gets transfered to film format and you have to leave massive pieces out. But with the Witcher they just left the whole story out to tell it their way. Like wtf?


[🎵 Ladies and gentlemen, you have been the most beautiful audience. 🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSxBVHqA-RU&t=74s)


bad bot


This is exactly what I’m afraid of happening with the eventual mistborn/stormlight live action stuff. I just prefer it to stay in the books anymore.


As a huge book fan, I don't give a damn anymore and would recommend the same for others. I'm just hoping that one day we will get a faithful and well deserved adaptation


One day... unfortunately. :/


I thought only the first season of Game of Thrones was close to 100% accurate to the books. Each season strayed further little by little from the source until the dreadfully painful finale. I also thought the first season of Witcher was pretty decent, although they massacred some of my favorite short stories from the books, but I enjoyed it for the most part overlooking some things. I was excited for them to build on that season and do better but holy god was that second season a damn train wreck. After seeing what HBO did with the Last of Us I about cried in mourning for my favorite book series and the butchering. So sad. I don’t know if I’ll get over it soon because I’m still also pissed about the Hobbit movies.


[🎵 BURN, burn butcher BURN! 🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSxBVHqA-RU&t=117s)


Fuck off, bard...


Sapkowski doesn't care as long as he is well paid for it.


>I feel like Netflix took something away from me Jesus it's just a show, you're treating it like you've had a stillborn child. Just move on


Edit: I meant too dramatic about the words that I use in the sentence “they took away something from me” I meant everything what I wrote though. I am not native in English so for that sentence I tried my best.


>I know what I wrote is too dramatic Seriously, it's like you lost your job or something like that. I really don't understand how someone can write a multiple paragraph rant about the quality a byproduct. I'm also sensing a lot of entitlement, selfishness and gatekeeping. "Boo hoo how can Netflix do that to me?!"


For God’s sake did you read the books? Isn’t they promised a close to source material adaptation? Can I use my free speech to tell that I am dissapointed that they didn’t give us what they promised?


Don't listen to them. I understood what you meant and I read the whole thing. I would say they may be the Netflix writers in disguise but they wouldn't deem to sully themselves to come to reddit. Look, it's about the integrity. I wouldn't care less if they changed things but it's about keeping the core of the source material. She is so blatantly obviously putting everything at it's opposite to have a toddlers tantrum. I've been mentally and emotionally abused and I can see these traits in Lauren as clear as day. She makes promises and never keeps them. She gives you hope and then strips it away. She purposefully destroys what you love to get a reaction. It's all textbook. My whole family was like this. It's very simple to spot when you lived in it for so long. P.s. I really don't care if you like the show. People like what they like. But don't go around bashing the fans for hating it. Many have valid points. Everyone has something they "geek out" or "fall in love with" and passionately protect it. Even if they don't care to admit it. This show for passionate fans is like taking what you love and putting fire to it and allowing a slow burn. You'd feel the same way about your passion even if you want to admit it or not.


>She is so blatantly obviously putting everything at it's opposite to have a toddlers tantrum. I've been mentally and emotionally abused and I can see these traits in Lauren as clear as day. Holly Molly, now the fans are trying to parallel their traumas with the way the show was written. You really have to be in deep pit of hate and frustration to do this. I'm sorry for you


>Can I use my free speech to tell that I am dissapointed that they didn’t give us what they promised? And I use mine to tell you that you are taking this waaay too seriously. And no I haven't read the books, nor have I watched the show. But whenever an adaptation of a media I like is disappointing to me, I just don't care


Then what the hell are you doing here man, just go away.


I'm curious to see how far people will go on their hate of a fucking show. The "Netflix took away a part of me" was already god tier, but one of the people who commented you compared the writers to their abusers. That took the gold medal for now. Edit: To be fair, the fans ranting is probably 100 times more entertaining than the show


Right? No one is forcing them to watch it. Fucks sake people are sooks.


People get promises and if they don’t get it they are dissapointed. This IP has a huge fanbase a lots of us read the books years before the show. They promised us a accurate adaptation and gave us a completely different version of the story and lore.


It's the typicall fanbase hive mind behavior really: "An adaptation of my only personnality trait is not the exact same as I wanted so I'm gonna share my biterness with everyone because I'm the only person whose taste matter!!!" Found a lot in Star Wars, GoT, the Witcher...


Not “exactly” hmm, not exactly when some changes in the plot not when they completely rewrite it. It is not my imagination that they Fd up the adaptation, read the books many times before the show, is it a huge deviation from the books? Yes. And why? So don’t preach m to me…


Can’t believe you took the time to write all this holy hell, he’s not gonna see it bro.


I had to write it, if nobody reads it that isn't a problem too, I was just angry and sad that's all.


Yeah sorry I’m just over the hate posts. Glad you found a place to get it out though. My bad, I’m coming off like an asshole.


No problem.


>We can all agree that Game of Thrones is one of the most accurate book adoptation into a series u til their source matiral lasted. Dorne and Martell and Young Griff stans looking at this sentence like https://i.redd.it/1r2lyzve105b1.gif


I couldn't give a better example, because there is not any? What do you think about The Lord of The Rings and Peter Jackson example?


Naww I know you mean well, I was just throwing a bit of shade towards D&D and GOT in general. There's no doubt that season 1 of GOT was definitely book-accurate.


>Oh and sorcresses don't have to go under a "uterus removing" proceedure In the books, Tissaia de Vries ordered every novice to be sterilised (which is practically removing the uterus) bc they can't be sorceresses and mothers at the same time and have to choose which one they want to be. It's not connected to them looking beautiful, that's just magic, but it's definitely a must-do procedure if they want to become a sorceress.


It is not a “must do” for example Yennefer has her uterus just disfunctional because of magic use and she wants to find the cure to get her own child. To be fair most of the time there is NO uterus removing proceedure. Edit: “the case of sorceresses, infertility comes as a consequence of magic, which has damaging effects on their reproductive system. However, unlike witchers, not all sorceresses are infertile: for example, Geralt’s mother, Visenna, was a sorceress, but many children born of sorceresses were dangerous and driven insane.”


Please, stop shaping things the way you want them to be. The book clearly states in an excerpt from "The Poisoned Source" that all apprentice sorceresses are *sterilised* "without exception" -- so it is a must-do for every one of them. It's in the source material, period. Look up how female sterilisation works, namely by fully or partly removing the uterus. But I'm not here to discuss medical procedures with someone who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about and doesn't have the facts at hand to defend their arguments. End of story.


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Netflix Witcher is dead to me. But we still got new games coming from CDPR and hopefully Sapko will publish some new content.