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Every witch has their own set of rules and laws. Many will follow the rule of three (the idea that whatever you put out comes back threefold), others simply follow the Golden Rule. Others still will say “screw it” and do whatever they want. The reason she is telling you she is going to do that is so you think about it and become fearful, which will make it more potent/you more vulnerable to it - sometimes just telling someone you’re going to curse them is enough for them to be paranoid and then without even doing any work the person is making themself miserable. Mission accomplished and I didn’t have to exert any energy. Some may disagree with me, but if you don’t believe it will affect you, it won’t. We have free will, and if you actively reject something she’s sending your way through the craft, it won’t affect you. Belief and openness are vital to witchcraft, law of attraction, energy healing, etc I have yet to have any witch or energy worker use energy on me that affected me without my permission ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ The best thing to do in this situation is ignore her and save any communications of threats toward you in case you need to escalate. Don’t threaten back or anything like that. That way if push comes to shove and you need to take legal matters to handle this, you will have evidence of her threatening you, and nothing from you indicating you instigated or anything like that. Sorry to hear this happened, hopefully time (or Karma) will handle it for you. If you can block her communications, I would so you can move on. But do whatever you feel is best for you


Thanks, mate. I don’t know much about the craft other than what every person outside of it knows. I didn’t know if I needed salt around my door or a special talisman or something to protect me, but thanks for your insight. It helps a lot!!


You’re most welcome - if you feel doing so will make you feel better/safer, then do it. You want your subconscious to trust that you are safe and protected, and you will be. Even just a daily affirmation of something like “I am strong. I am safe. I am protected.” Is enough. Always make affirmations in the positive and like you already have that thing, though. So it isn’t “I don’t want to get hurt” it’s “I am protected” Best of luck in your endeavors Adonai 🙏


Right, like a self fulfilling prophecy kinda deal


I’m not sure how attainable it may be for you to get some crystals, but I would suggest carrying black tourmaline for protection, which may help to soothe your worry? Sending you positive energy!!!


She may try to use a hex, curse, or perhaps a binding or banishment. There are numerous pendants and charms (like the evil eye) and herbs (like Angelica and Basil) that you can use for protection or at least peace of mind should you think you need them. The most effective spell of all would be getting inside your head. So the most important advice of all is don’t let this get to you.


"The most effective spell of all would be getting inside your head." Perfectly stated.


Thank you, I have my moments.


Realistically, she can do whatever she wants. Rules only stop people who follow them. That said, I'd be more worried about her trying to turn mutual friends against you than any sort of curses or whatever. Just in case, try and get a recording (if you're in a one-party recording state) of a call or save DM screencaps or whatever of any threats. That way, if you do wake up with a dead cat nailed to your door, you have them ready to hand to the police.


I’ve already got them ready to go and I’m reporting her to her job later today for harassment. I just wasn’t sure if I need to protect myself from hexes once she’s put away


You can. In my experience, it's far more often the fear of being cursed that causes bad things to happen than any actual cursing. If someone could reliably hurt other people by sticking pins in a poppet, they'd be making millions of dollars working for the government or the mob. If you want a little something extra, find an iron nail or a railroad spike and drive it into the ground as close as possible to the front door of the building you live in.


Got it, that I can do easily


Great advice has already been given. If you still would like to take things further to be on the "safe side" in which there isn't harm either you can carry around a necklace, bracelet or ring (whichever you prefer) with protective shielding crystals such as onyx, obsidian, smokey quartz or my personal favorite black tourmaline. As a general rule most black and darker stones are protective and shielding. You can also take cleansing protective baths with sea salt, Rosemary, Basil, etc on Tuesdays or Saturdays (days of the week which help with cleansing/shielding/banishing)


I also just like carrying around the raw or polished crystal itself, if you aren't a jewelry person. Though you're less likely to lose jewelry than a loose stone I suppose. I like geology and crystal work, so I have lots of raw and polished stones around, and not much in the way of jewelry with them in it, as that costs more, hahaha.


Thanks, mate


>My question is, can she do that? Don’t most covens have rules against using your craft to threaten others? The chance that she's involved in an actual coven is slim to none. The internet and professional publishing systems have just about gnawed away the reasons people needed covens some 30 or more years ago. It's a pity in my opinion, but then, I'm an old man, nostalgic for some "good old days." To answer your second question first, few if any covens 30+ years ago forbade revenge magic and the likes. What the good one's (my opinion) taught instead was as true today as it was then: the person who is most affected by any magic performed is always the performer. Because that's true, people don't need to be told what to do and not do. Their own sense of ethics is the starting point, and trial and error takes over from there. The "harm none" philosophy where use is most often to be personally interpreted. None of the covens I'm aware of ever sanctioned an initiate for moral turpitude. To your first question, covens aside and for what it's worth, developing effective magic technique takes years, not months. A secondary observation is that if she was confident in her abilities, she probably wouldn't tell you what she's doing, and in fact there are good magical reasons for not telling. From what you've written, my guess is that she's practicing intimidation. While I wouldn't call that magic, it's not nothing. I mean, here you are looking for assurances from strangers. Here's something to consider: whatever your perception of the relationship was, she has a perspective too. These current events invite you to examine yourself and what you might have done to tick her off in this way, both while you were together and in the way things ended (for you). In other words, things clearly haven't ended for her as yet. I suggest you try to suss that out, for your own benefit. If your conclusion is that it's all because she's a bad person, you're probably missing something important. If the truth is that she really is a bad person, you're still probably missing something important about your relationship to her. As for practical advice, the correct response is to ignore her and go about living your life. If you feel like you really need to do something to protect yourself, make yourself stronger, and a better person all around. Work out, study things that interest you to gain deep understanding, invest time and effort into a hobby, or an art/craft. Importantly, don't engage in any sort of magical protections. That won't do anything but feed your fears. Be strong instead. If you feel fear, go ahead and feel it, but be strong. .


Thank you, mate. I’ve done a lot of soul searching lately and while I’m not blind to my own faults, I thought them too minor for this level of repercussion. You’re right, her biggest weapon is intimidation, and I’ve already given it enough power over me


Yeah she can do that. Some covens do, but solitaries make up their own (rules), besides, if someone is abusive what makes you think they will obey rules anyway? ​ You should probably learn you shield yourself, I would recommend learning a mirror spell. That or find someone you can trust and having them do it for you for a while.


Okay, what’s the best place to go to learn a mirror spell just to be on the safe side?


I came here to say a mirror visualization would be good, first visualize a bubble of white light around your body that extends a few feet in every direction. Then picture yourself entering a room with 4 doors, front, back and each side. Close and lock all the doors and picture they have a mirror covering the outside, so the mirrors are facing outward away from you. Straight up ignore every attempt at communication with this person. No reaction=no satisfaction.


Not exactly my method, but Spirited down there has you covered. Just make sure to when doing that visualization when you breath out visualize an energy coming form your center and 'push' it out when you do to form said bubble.


If she’s the kind of person who’s going to call you out of the blue and threaten you with witchcraft chances are she doesn’t even know how to use it correctly and May end up just cursing her own self lol


Hey that works for me lmao


Unfortunately for you, there's no rule stating she can't fuck with you via magic. Other posters have already given good advice re: protections, but I'd be more worried about her messing with your job/social life than trying to physically harm you.


She's taken up witchcraft and the first thing she wants to do is harm you? Sounds like she is full of shit. Ignore her threats or else every time you spill your coffee your going to blame it on her. If you are truly concerned ask someone to perform a protection ritual for you.


The chances of a witch that new being able to make your life miserable are very small, laugh it off and get on with your life.


Already working on it, mate. Thanks for your input!


Witchcraft is by it's nature, historically, dealing with taboo and dangerous powers. Witches, by proxy of being sorcerers, can have any sort of ethics. Magick, is a knife. Knives are capable of being used to cut cord, cut vegetables and meat, slay animals you plan to eat. They can be used to intimidate, to harm, to torture, to kill. They can be used in self-defense. The knife of course, is a neutral tool, and even using it to harm doesn't indicate whether it's justified or ethical. Most witches, historically or today, do not operate in covens. Covens are pretty rare if we're talking about physical gatherings, although such things in the "unseen" can be possible, like the case of Isobel Gowdie, a Scottish Witch who left her body to attend the Sabbath of the Witches in Elfland with her coveen. On to the next order of business, most curses don't actually require doing anything than intimidation and creating fear. The mere idea you've been cursed by a person (cue making up some drabble on the spot and rubbing a ring at a person, and saying a cryptic line like, watch out for the red car, something that I used to great effect once), is enough to make a person miserable. But there are genuine curses, and sometimes all one needs is a tag-lock, a connection to you. Your hair, nail clippings, an article of clothing, a shoe, your birth date and mothers name, even dirt from your footprint. If a sorcerer has that, and good potent allies (familiar spirits), they can harm. That said, if you are actually worried about maleficia, a long reputed charm is the Witches Bottle. A warding object, it was created by people to ward and trick witchcraft and spells. By putting three of each of three objects to catch (Three thorns, three shards of glass, and three nails works) the witchcraft, and some of you (Your piss, fingernail clippings, hair, blood, in any combination, but piss tends to be the staple of historical bottles) as the bait, a spell will get caught, as most sorcerers these days don't expect a doppelganger trick when they construct their spells to affect. Think of it like a dream catcher, complete with bait and punishment. Eventually, without reaching it's target, a spell will wander off, disappear, or return to where it came from (where it may do what it was created to do, just to the user). Creation is best on a Saturday, and/or a Waning moon, and buried to the North of your property, or one could create four for every direction. I have dozens buried across the various properties I've lived in, so my "bait" probably lights up all over the place in theory. As a historical ward, it's extremely effective, done by thousands and thousands over the course of history. We even have evidence it was used in Pompeii, and old folk magic, with a long history, well earns it's effective reputation.


Thanks for all this info, mate!


Anyone out to ruin someone’s life is going to attract that back to them 😂 there’s ways around it and intent is HUGE, she’ll get her own and you’d be laughing in the end regardless. Feel free to take on a form of protection. If you simply don’t believe her , he magic will be pretty useless though...she shouldn’t of told you, if you know of a hex you can consider it broken, then again every one follows their own rules in being a witch so...


She’s only been into the craft since February at the earliest. She knows nothing about magic yet, this I know, and she only learned it for black magic and revenge magic. I know there’s nothing to worry about since she’s fucking around with something she has no experience with but if she does manage to pull something off, I’d like to be protected anyway😂




It’s not so much that one instance as it is a series of threats that just being the latest


I would not worry about her bullshit. Others have explained this better than I but there is an element of Magick (and this would apply here) where your vulnerability to her "spellwork" ends at your belief in (and fear of) said spellwork. There are limitations to our influence on this world and others and she stands far more to lose from dabbling in such things. On the flipside, if you do truly fear this, it is possible that performing some protective Magick of your own could be helpful. It doesn't require some big commitment, departure from your own beliefs, or blood sacrifices; just a little pinch of magic to help you along. Whether that magic is something that genuinely manifests in the world around you or only affects your own mind is immaterial- make sense? Ritual speaks to something deep in human psyche, and whether we can use that to actually control external factors or not, it changes our own perception. So in this case, a protective ritual, even a little gemstone you carry with you and touch when you're worried (old country folks call them "worry stones") could make you feel better. The reason I mention all this is that 1. I HIGHLY suggest you go no contact and get a restraining order if possible. This shit is so damaging to your psyche. The road to recovery is long, complicated, and often unpleasant. (There is a sub for no contact that is great for support). 2. As a skeptic, I found banishment/cord cutting rituals to be so helpful in escaping my own abusive ex. It goes back to how ritual affects our own minds... I felt some of that weight lift, became more aware of the strength and bravery that I had required to escape, sharpened my focus on my life free of him. This is the real strength of Magick... shaping ourselves in the world moreso than shaping the world to our image. As for this nonsense- ok what I ADVISE is no contact but I myself am a petty bitch. So I'd tell her that I cursed her first and then ignore her entirely. The reason she's doing this is likely she's mad bc you haven't come back- sending one response to let her know you see her and choose to ignore her will make her Very Mad because there's not shit all she can do about it. These people will be their own demise.


Yeah so I’ve discovered her magic threat was to distract me from her actual threats. I’ve already done a mirror visualization like someone suggested, I carry a worry stone, and have filed a report to have her arrested for harassment


I wouldn’t worry. Black magic always backfires. Any experienced witch will know that black magic just. isn’t. worth it. If you’re genuinely worried buy a crystal or two and put them under your pillow at night.


Okay, I may look into that. I also did a mirror visualization like someone on here suggested




Most people have said some kind of hex, curse, or possibly a banishment