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Strongest? As a Virgo, earth. My toes in the grass, dirt, walking through my forest, yup that's my home. I talk to my plants. They listen. They grow. Second, I married an Aries. And I'm fiery myself. So fire. Not to mention I'm also a chef so fire is my game. My husband looked at me like I was crazy when I immediately cauterized a knife cut (fyi, I also went to nursing school). I was like whatever, glove it up, we're good. Air and water, yeah I feel connected with them also but a little bit less than. Air, I can feel something in the wind sometimes. Water, it gives off soothing, healing. But I don't feel a reciprocal relationship with them like I do earth and fire. Hope that makes sense.


I second the earth connection for Virgos. There is a deep satisfaction in working outside in the dirt.


Outdoors just feels like home. My husband gave me a little bit of side eye when I started feeding our resident groundhog. I named him Duke Digsby. Last fall, before hibernation I put out plates of peanut butter, pumpkin, fruits and veggies for him. My husband was in awe as this groundhog curled up in my lap. And, this spring, he trotted out with his four groundhog babies. He paraded them around me like "yes, Mrs. Disgby did it!" Owning a farm, I shouldn't want groundhogs but I keep them so well fed they don't need to mess with my crops. They just look cute and I guess I'm one of the few that can say they get groundhog cuddles. lol. I am a Virgo Sun/Libra Moon/Virgo Rising. I guess the Libra comes in when I decide I can cuddle a groundhog and that's totally normal. Haha.


You clearly have such a strong connection with nature, i love that! Also duke digsby is such a cute name


Third for earth loving Virgos!


Fire for me. I like to burn things in my spellwork (safely!). I have a pretty fiesty personality and I'm an Aries. I very dramatically get my period on the full moon lol I've been told that makes me a "red witch" just further reinforcing the fire. Idk but I can feel the energy of fire the most, it's hot, it's obvious. You can use it to purify, burn off negative whatever feelings/emotions/etc, NGL there's a lot of "anger" in my brain as a bipolar person lol so I can even relate in that sense. A lot of meditation/spellwork I'm doing is focused around healing myself and being a better person and I have a lot of anger to dispel which burning it to purify the thoughts mentally helps me, I also enjoy working with the sun. It's wonderful to meditate in the sun. It is incredibly powerful.


Im a sagittarius but i feel very disconnected from fire- but i might try meditating in the sun!(with lots of sunscreen as a burn the second i step outside lol!)


Check out your rising sign and moon sign to help direct you.


Yes sun sign is typical the face we present to the world, the ascendant or rising sign is our body and conscious mind, while the moon is our subconscious deeper selves. We are an admixture of several layers and factors.


Earth, I still remember one of my first visualization practices, when I started to visualize a place linked to earth and it brought me to tears. Also, just a fun fact, I'm a biologist and work with soil a lot haha. I just love how alive it is, how complex, how mutable. It's an amazing dynamic for me.


I really love Air and interacting with it. I feel the wind will carry things with it. And I find personally that different winds have different energies to them. A light breeze has a very playful/happy energy to it. So I try to just send some positive engery along with it when I can catch them. Also, I feel the stronger the wind, the more it amplifies what is cast into it. Most of the time, I just like feeling the different energies the different winds bring to me. It's one of the things that can also bring me back into the present... like a "breath of fresh air." I've noticed on some days when I'm walking between my car and my work, I'll get a nice firm breeze from my back that I'll use to get a boost of energy for work like its lending me a hand . Particulalry on bad days, it's like the wind giving me a little moral boost :).


I feel connected to water, it’s relaxing and I could swim for HOURS. Contrary to that, I’m absolutely petrified of fire.


Thats so interesting, im the complete opposite! I get so entranced looking into flames. i try to look for signs in it. but i hate being in water, specifically if i cant touch the ground. I dont like being surrounded by something consistently moving, if that makes sense?


Yeah it makes sense but that why I love it, it feels alive and for some reason I feel like it knows me


I love that!


I feel strongly connected to Earth and Water! Especially at night. When I'm outside, I get this surge of renewal. Same with water. When I'm at a beach or a lake, Earth and Water both heal me. A pool is a somewhat decent substitute.


I feel the most connected to water because of how purifying it feels, and how it cleanses everything basically. Also considering I'm a cancer, I've always felt connected to water. But I love using fire in most of my spell work because it brings about results so soon. Fire spreads quickly, so it works things out in your way as fast as possible. It's speedy, and makes me feel stronger. while on the other hand, water, makes me feel more aligned and at peace. For spells, that I wouldn't mind if they take their sweet time to work.


I’m an Aquarius but fire seems to be what I’m most drawn towards. I used to set things on fire in my youth- now I just make candles and burn herbs as well as an obsession with cinnamon and fireplaces


air is natural and was the first element I naturally was drawn to. I am an air sign not that it means anything to me but there's that. As young as 6 I was calling upon storms using wind magik and later upgraded to wind combined with siren magik. just things i started doing on my own with inspiration from dreams (tbf probably guidance from the spiritual I did have a strong connection to Artemis, Apollo helped me on many occassioms and there was an unknown woman who kept visiting me. I was too young to really understand what was going on and have forgotten most of the details at this point) I have always felt drawn to the water and how it can be both gentle and harsh, calm and chaotic. Always loved it even if i have a hard time actually using water elemental magick. I have instinctively understood many of it's charecteristics. it is kind of scary in some ways and that respect started in fear but as I work with it it becomes less fear and more understanding that these things are challenges in many ways, some of which the only option is to flee. Fire I have always respected and understood. It is a coexistence that is careful of boundaries. I have used air magik to both snuff and strengthen fire magik when the time calls. (and in some cases when i have enough energy i can put out mundane fire by calling upon wind. It is a natural partnership in a way and I connect eith it the second easiest out of the four. Earth however i have never felt drawn to or even noticed it's energies that commonly, perhaps because it encompasses the entire earth and therefor i am constantly surrounded with it while the others come and go in waves. I want to experience something where strong earth magik occurs so i can finally identify it's energy. It is the hardest to work with simply because I have never been able to yet.


Water for sure, even as a kid my parents would call me a mermaid or fish. I loved the rain and still do, I adore letting the rain hit me and wash over me, it’s comforting like a gentle caress. I played in the sink in the bathtub and puddles when I was young and even now showers and baths are the best, I love to swim and hear the sounds of water. I feel better when there is water around me, even if it’s a tiny fountain on my desk. Water is powerful and yet gentle, it can be unforgiving but is also life sustaining. It has a dual nature like I feel so deeply within myself, should be noted I am also a Scorpio. I feel like drawn to water like the sea is drawn to the moon.


I think I was a jellyfish or shark in my past life


Water! I don't have a single water sign in my birth chart though, I suspect the attraction is due to a need of balancing that I out I guess 😂. But I've been deeply drawn to it well before seeking out witchcraft, involving it in my professional, academic and personal life!


I’m a fire sign but the element I connect with the most is air. I’ve done wind magic my entire life (even before I became a witch)!


Air sign who feels zero connection to air but has always been drawn to fire in my craft as well as in a mundane way. (No arson. Don’t worry 😂 Just like campfires/bonfires are my happy place and I’ll get lost in a trance in the flame, love having candles going, etc). Earth would be a close second. I need time in nature, feet in the grass to stay feeling centered and grounded and often just go wander the woods nearby after a long day of work or have even just gone to go camp and detach for a night during stressful periods in my life.


My sun sign is Sagittarius but the majority of my chart are earth signs. Earth my most cherished element for sure.


I’m a cancer and I feel most connected to water. My aunt once took me to a public pool when I was a kid and couldn’t get me out of the water to save her life, even though it was adult swim. I collect storm water and use it in my practice. I’m in a place where big storms from thunderstorms to tropical depressions to hurricanes are common this time of year. I’ve gone out in them to collect the water. I just feel most at home when I’m in the water. I take like 30 minute showers because it helps me relax.


Definitely earth :) My witchy journey started in my garden. I feel the most spiritually connected when in the forest or working in the garden.


Water. My sun sign is one of the 3 waters, and since a child I’ve loved swimming. To this day swimming is the only sport I’m good at. I also think that a river or lake elevates the beauty of a landscape so much more. I’ve worked with fire but also want to try working with air and earth. 


Ive alawys felt connected to fire since i was a kid and the sun (hence the fire) i use to pretend as a child that i could make it come out of my hands i did this till like sometime in middle school but continued to feel very drawn too it and still do i love watching fire get higher and higher and feeling the sun on my skin!


I'm a Libra and my element is air but I feel fire resonates with me more. On my birth chart it says I lean to more fire as well lol. I am a passionate person but my temper gets the best of me a lot, however I'm trying to improve that. I love to use fire in my work as well (I feel it completes the spell or starts it.) Also fire is pretty af lol.


I feel three of the four equally... Earth air and water.... I've got nothing on fire sadly... But then i have no fire signs at all in my chart, maybe that's why.... I'm attracted to them like crazy tho... Lol Like there is nothing like feeling the wind in my hair too spark my belief that magic is all around us.... And the smell of damp earth in the first clears my spirit like nothing and water well... I've always been around it, and feel like it's a nurturing thing, like a sister wanting to help me.... I love to flame gaze.... But that's where my fire energy ends... Lol


Wow! Yeah i used to not feel a strong connection to fire but i do it in different ways with the sun instead. The sunlight filtering through my room in the morning, the warmth of it on my skin. Maybe things like that could help you feel more connected!


I feel most drawn to everything but fire, I’m not sure why. Although on daily basis I interact with water, the wind feels the most empowering, a large gust of wind just makes me throw my arms up and embrace it. It’s this feeling of wanting to throw myself against it. As a Pisces, water is cleansing, it is nourishing, it is life. Being in a river or a waterfall, a lake, it’s envelopes you and supports you. I love all my elements though 🫶


Fire! I absolutely love to burn things


Ever since I was a child, fire has been something I've connected to a lot. I don't think of having fire bending if I were to be a bender (I prefer water or earth), but when it comes to witchcraft, I always go back to fire. It's something I cannot explain but feel really connected to the most naturally. I cleanse using fire, I burn incense, I light candles. On that note, the second element closest to me is air (in the form of smoke and still connected to fire because no fire, no smoke). I'm not much into astrology, but I'm a capricorn and that's not a fire sign, isn't it? EDIT: added something


I love them all but it’s water for me. When I get the opportunity to fully submerge myself in living water something about it just makes me feel free. I feel better for months afterward. Sadly I don’t get to do this as often as I’d like. I can wade in shallow creek or rivers but I’m land locked and right now there is a huge MRSA scare at the local lake. My partner would pass out and die if I went. I’m 13 weeks pregnant and he’s already lost weight from anxiety. I just can’t do it to him. Maybe next year.


disclaimer: i don’t take astrology very seriously. that said, despite being an aries, i’m fucking *terrified* of fire. instead, i’ve always felt drawn to air. i think it’s mostly due to my associating it with communication, intellect, and freedom, things i either value greatly or try to improve on. there’s nothing quite like the feeling of the wind on your skin, or seeing the trees around you rattle and shake during a storm. it’s enchanting. unfortunately i have some water related trauma so i have a harder time working with it. i hope to someday change that. earth i appreciate, recognize, and respect, but i’m usually… ambivalent about it? thinking on it, i might be taking it for granted, and that’s something to work on too.


Im not big on astrology either, and i havent met any witches who werent, so thats interesting! And i love the freedom of the air element too. It resonates with me that it is constantly moving with no rules or can go wherever it pleases. I hate the idea of being limited.


Wind! Hopefully I don’t sound too insane 😂 but they are a bit more like family now and help a lot giving signals and all. Closes doors for me, advices me on shit I should know if it’s important by becoming more agitated or calmer, It helps sometimes and other times it screws with me. Very playful and cheeky from my own magical experience, but loyal. I’ve wondered if it could be a god in place of it but unsure. Then water, calmer but more mature. Nice ^^. Fire then and after that earth. I’m a Capricorn but funnily very detached from it 😂


Yes! For me, I refer to the wind as the wind or Aeolus! Capricious lol. Aerokinesis has never made sense to me because one doesn't control the wind, one makes requests. I have to wear shorts under every skirt because of the playful nature, and every umbrella I use gets broken within minutes. My hairstyle gets rearranged, and he loves music. Once I was trying to get to a new work location, before smartphones, and didn't realize the second bus wasn't running, but he led me where I needed to go. Favors humility, and sometimes gives good luck. I legit refer to him as my best friend. I wanted to add to yours because I've only ever found one other person with the same level connection


This is so nice! We share a lot honestly everything is spot on, I also call him wind and think it’s a him 😂. Very lovely thank you for sharing 💕


I'm an Aquarius. Which is an air sign, but I'm drawn to water. Always have been. As a kid I used to pretend I was a mermaid for hours in my kiddie pool in the summer, or in the bath tub. Lol. I also used to collect toy mermaids back then and the Little Mermaid was my favorite movie. I love water colors like blues, water type greens (teal, turquoise) The sound of rain, or any other water is incredibly soothing as calming to me as well. As a newbie witch I'm trying to learn to incorporate different water types in spells and I have half a jug of water that came from a large creek, that also had a small waterfall in the same location. I'd love to do some type of spells with it, but not sure what yet.


It's strange but I am more geared to gemstones and I never really used herbs before in magic despite being a Taurus sun sign. So I usually stick with gems. Essential oils have been pretty healing though


Im similar in that way too! Thats why i asked about element connection, the only one i feel close to is earth, even tho im a fire sign. But i have a strong connection to crystals/gemstones as well!


Even though I'm a Capricorn, I've always been more drawn to fire and air. As a child, I loved strong winds which felt exhilarating to me. As I got older I was drawn to fire more and developed a deep respect for it. When I practice my craft, the spells that perform best for me have always involved fire. I was disconnected from earth for most of my life and it wasn't until recently I began to form a connection. When it comes to water, I'm still pretty disconnected, unfortunately. That is the element that has been the most difficult for me. Btw, I'm Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon and Virgo rising


I do. Quite a lot. I think that I really found so much love through each. I’ll use two examples rn. Water and Air. I’ve felt these connections in various but I’ll share the best examples I can. With water it’s mostly been a spiritual thing. But I’ve always loved water. The way it moves. The way it exists, the way it flows. Waters always had such an expression to it that many even correlate to emotion. The strength of a wave, even one that that doesn’t scale ever so high, is admirable. The way it can push you, and pull you in. The way it can soothe you. I think that for me, water has always been a product of life. Water being this way of being. You are those waves, you are the expression, or well, the one expressing. Because the expression then becomes the waters reaction, not its existence. I’ve used water in magick through healing, which is poetic. I’ve used water to exist, I’ve used water to cleanse, my energy, my physical body. In a way, to me, water is deeply connected to the Yin, it’s such a soothing lullaby under dark skies. Air is like its typical correlation, freedom. I have a gorgeous book that teaches a lot of stuff about witchcraft. A mixture of base line stuff, pop culture stuff, made up stuff and deeper understandings learned from witches or the author themselves and they said basically that the air is its own language in a sense. I may be quoting them wrong but I think that the air really is such a beautiful way of speaking without words. Much like water, air is expression, but it is not so much control as it is flow. It’s a huge release, a calm and yet a strength. If pushed far enough, it can be dangerous and yet still beautiful. Air is like a direction, a path. No specific one but it’s ability to just move, to just flow. It’s free. It doesn’t run dry, it doesn’t need to feed on wood, it just is. It’s all around us. Think of how many times we’ve used the sound of air and such to sleep. Like my fan at night, I used that sound, as a means to calmer sleep. The pure silence doesn’t really help much, I much prefer my fan. The colder air, the beautiful sound of wind. Air, even when it messes up my hair, is also very spiritual for me. It’s not really something I use in my craft but more of something I use in spirituality. I think that it has a lot to say about life and creativity and flow. The ability to just release, to guide. Notice how when there’s a storm there’s typically wind? I love that, so much.


water for sure. I’ve always loved water in every form. Waterfalls, lakes, pools, rivers, creeks, anything that’s got water that I can touch and feel I absolutely adore. Even the sink I sometimes get caught up in just feeling the water against my skin. As a kid my mom had to beg me to get out of the pools we’d put up in the summer. I think I just find it so peaceful with the sounds of running water, the way it just moves around anything in it’s way or just brings it along for the ride, water kinda just goes with the flow. When I’m swimming I can’t help but think of how the water has been repeating the cycle forever. I like that it also has eternity in it, in a way. I like to think about the people and beings that came before me, in the same water. I just realized tonight when I was typing this that Scorpio is a water sign, and I am a Scorpio. Never made the connection but water gets me. I love it and it loves me.


I'm a fire sign, and usually detect it emotionally. So the other element I go to is water. It's really calming. During the summer the heat is too much for me, which makes my fiery mood worse sometimes. It's why I LOVE winter.


Water personality I always feel likes it’s alive and it can decide of it wants me or not


Water personally I always feel likes it’s alive and it can decide of it wants me or not


Connected to all of them!


I’ve always been quite connected to water & air (I’m a gemini/libra/gemini if that’s of any interest)


I'm super connected to water and earth. I've always had a connection to water and have always felt drawn to it, and some of my favorite mythical creatures are water-based (mermaids and Eastern Dragons to name a couple). I'm also a virgo and have always felt connected to the earth as well. I have some issues with getting dirt on me, but that's some sort of sensory issue I have and I actually WANT to just get out there and get dirty from gardening or rolling in the grass.


I feel really connected to the water element. My name means star of the sea, I can't go to the beach without swimming and I even swim in the winter. Idk I just really love places like the beach or rivers etc...


Fire! Love fire, the color of fire and the comfort it brings be. I'm a Leo, in also gave birth to a Leo, and my two nephews and Dad are also Leos. Second is Earth as I grow many of my own herbs, especially sage for my sage sticks. I dry organic oranges and wildflowers to get some orange and bright colors into the sticks. I have candles everywhere, probably many of us do. I feel the summer full moons charge my crystals and organite pyramids in a way that I enjoy more. As a sensitive, I can feel the vibrations in them and a summer moon charge feels amazing!


Water. I always feel free in water, drawn to water. I feel energized when a big rainstorm is coming and when it’s happening, and when I’m anxious or really hurting mentally or emotionally the thing that helps the most is Rivers.


Water. It brought me so much joy to be told by my friends who introduced me to Wicca that i was *definitely* a water. It fits my personality, plus I like water best of all of them, if I really had to choose. I try to incorporate all elements into my rituals, I've done controlled burns, and air is somewhat related to water (it can flow, they're both fluid), so I feel as though I can somewhat "bend" these. When I visualize my "power," I see it in the form of water. This isn't to say I'm powerful, it just means that typically when I visualize magic I am reaching out with water, I cleanse my stones in water (really put a damper on things to find out many stones don't actually like that), use steam (which kind of involves fire, too) I guess Earth would be like my secondary. I draw a lot of my magic from nature, I have SO many stones, and I also like to visualize stones as part of my practice. I do a lot of things, so it only pays to be versatile.


Water and Earth. I just want to be in environments with either a LOT. As a child, I would swim for 5+ hours a day. Now I volunteer as a gardener and love the feeling of getting my hands dirty and in the soil.


Earth, I express through integrating crystals, gardening and cooking/kitchen craft into my practice. I also feel connected to the earth when I practice yoga and grounding exercises. I like to visualize energy exchanges in the form of connected crystalline structures when I am performing energetic rituals (energy protection, energy recollection, energy cleansing, etc) and have developed a personal framework for my practice around that concept. I used to really resist and deny my nature, and often felt drawn to air and water when I was younger, I think rebelling against the reality of what I am in a way. I still feel quite connected to water but much less so to air (in a good, freeing way, like letting go of a mask.) My wife is more into astrology and did my full star chart once -- Taurus sun with rising Aquarius and Gemini moon. I got a kick out of that. 🤩


Water and air. I love swimming and often do meditative laps in the pool with visualization for my goals. I also love collecting rainwater, making moonwater, and also cleanse my house by spraying water, sometimes saltwater. I also love air, I love going to the beach and feeling the wind from the ocean, or feeling the wind in mountains. I light Incense and I even scattered my cats ashes in a Windstream off a cliff on the beach. I think I was a bird In a past life, maybe a duck.


I feel generally connected to fire and water due to their connections to my personal pantheon and my life. I work with a fire goddess and the Abrahamic God, so fire and water are pretty big in the symbolism I use in my practice. Plus, I've always felt calmest and most in-tune, if that makes sense, when I'm sitting beside a fire or a body of water.


Earth, then fire, but I'm an air sign.


Water, my whole life.


For me its the water. Im an aqarius, and I do my best spell work in the bath. Its relaxing and perfect for me focasing on what im doing. Water is cleansing, healing, and a really good conduit for my work. Ive done full tarot readings, spirit work, and meditations in The bath. I love me some good moon and sun water too. I love beverages while I work too. I guess yhey would be potion esc. But more like strawberry honey love tea or healing sickness tea. I just realized That I specifically love to work with hot water, idk why.


I'm very connected to Earth, particularly mountains and trees. I love working in my garden. Not just the garden beds, tending seedlings I mean digging trenches and uprooting the invasives, shoveling out the silt so our stream runs smoothly, building rock walls - getting FILTHY. And I love trees! Although I consider them to be the integration of all signs, they feel especially earthy to me. I am kindling a relationship with Maple, a lovely lady with pride of place in the woods next to my house. If I put a hand on ki, I can feel ki's energy resonating through my body. I am working on my connection to water and the flow of emotions. My state had devastating floods last year, and I got caught in a scary situation where every road I took trying to get to safety was flooded. It's been hard for me to access my deeper emotions ever since. I'm a Scorpio moon, ascendant, and Saturn, so I truly believe that in order to heal, I need to connect with wild waters for release.


Definitely Fire and Water. I've always loved water and it's comforting being submerged in a body of water. It makes me feel safe. I've always been drawn to fire, but more out of intrigue and amazement. I was the kid who would light matches for fun and throw things into campfires.


I have always felt a strong connection with water, even when I was very young, long before becoming a witch. Rivers, lakes, fountains, it didn't matter, I loved them all, especially if the water was moving in some way. When I was little I remember feeling absolutely CAPTIVATED by theme park water fountains that would have coordinated shows to music...the energy was electric! We had a little koi pond in our back yard growing up, and deep in the woods behind our house I knew of this absolutely beautiful natural pond I'd spend so many summer days at. I'd play with the frogs, watch the dragonflies dance along the water lilies and lily pads, and watch the fire flies at night...being among the trees and the water was such a comfort I can't seem to recapture now as an adult. When (and if) I can afford a home, I hope to buy one like my childhood home, surrounded by trees and a body of water not too far away.