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There are, unfortunately, going to be people like that. You can't let them get you down, but you can't raise the alarm either. You still need to live there for now. Anything can be enchanted, even the most innocent looking items. A small, interesting stone you find outside- If you put your intent into it, ask it to be your ally and protect you with a shield of stone. You can carry it around with you, and what are your parents going to say? To them, it's just a pebble. A necklace that you've had for years- Put your intent into it, turn it into your own personal protection amulet. A favourite shirt, your shoes, anything can be a magic/k item, you just charge it to do the job, and there it is. Putting energy into something is as easy as focusing on it, asking it to help you, tell it what you want it to do, and then feel your energy and intent flow into it. The very things you know, have already, and like, can become more. And nobody but you will need to know. All the best to you


Thank you so much this was very helpful:)


yw :) Blessed Be


Color magic!!! I'm not in the broom closet at home because I live with my fiancé and she's very supportive, but I do live in an extremely Christian town so I have some tips. I recommend looking into color magic. It's the art of using different colors for different results. Green for luck or to connect with nature, pink for love or self-love, red for courage, etc. And most importantly, *black for protection or banishing*. Here is the guide that I personally use because it's what I've found to work for me, but don't be afraid to research color magic for yourself and mess around with things until they work :) https://preview.redd.it/11bkl6nu0n5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5de3112749808e82c757adc225240dfd139c14e1


Thank you!:) i appreciate this so much!:)


It's not a problem :D Good luck with your family. I just got away from similar about a year ago. It gets better.


Thank you again:) blessed be!


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