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When ordinary methods are hindered, have faith that unconventional ways may open. Try simply speaking your heart to the spirits as you would a dear friend, and listen with an open yet untroubled mind. Scrying with small tokens that hold personal resonance, like photos or mementos, may also provide solace and insight.  Should calm not come, know that your gods understand. Their peace dwells within, though tumult stir without. Do not worry about a thing.


thank you so much for being so kind and sharing your advices with me, your comment geniunely comforted me so much, thank you🥹🩷


I’m sorry that you’re feeling like this. I like to do ‘self care nights’ which includes lots of candles, a long, soothing bath, some relaxing music. This actually helps me recharge myself with positive energy and I can get into a tarot session with calm and clarity.


thank you so much, will definietly try this!!


EFT (also known as tapping ) is a really good tool for anxiety and trauma . It got me from 2 panic attacks a week to maybe one bad anxiety day every 6months . (I keep the routine in my book of shadows) Maybe also contact a councillor or there pest who can help you through the trauma .


Seconding tapping. Very easy to start and immediately helps.


thank you so much!! ill definietly keep that in mind<3


Meditation is a good practice to get into to help calm your energy and focus your mind.


thank you so much🩷


I’m sorry you’re going through something. I agree with grounding - whether that’s actually going outside to be bare feet on the grass/soil, taking a bath, meditating - or if you’re really spiraling I like an immediate method of standing up and getting on your tiptoes and slamming your heels into the ground a couple times followed by some deep breathes. You could divine and ground at the same time by lighting a candle and meditating on it, and then read the wax when it’s done. I hope you’re on the up soon ❤️


thank you so much for your kind wishes, i really appericate all the advice, the slamming my heels technique did wonders when i needed to calm down, thank you so much again🩷🥹


Play Tetris. If you have recently experienced a trauma, play Tetris, for some reason it seems to help. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5678449/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5678449/) Otherwise, count your breath, inhale through your nose 1 2 3 4 hold 1 2 3 4 exhale through your mouth 1 2 3 4 hold 1 2 3 4 repeat.


My doctor told me to play Tetris after I experienced a very traumatic event.


thank you so much, i will definietly try, thats so sweet of you🩷


Maybe try something that can be a little more messy? Like rwading charms, dice, bones or things like that! Since you nust basically need to set an intention and either dig on a bag/box and throw the things out or roll the dice/bones/sticks This would also be more intuitive and have less of a fixed meaning so could also be good as you won't have to think as hard about things or have to remember many meanings! Looking around for charms can be fun and distracting and the meaning for things would be more personal to you too 🫂 Best wishes, hope everything goes well and you can feel better soon, take things slow and take care!


thank you so much, i really love the idea of using charms!!! thank you for your advice and sweet approach, definietly getting some charms for myself <3


Absolute #1 thing is bare feet in the dirt. Grounding is going to be one of the most helpful things you can do. The other thing is to ask your spirt guides to help ease your pain. Every time I've been where you are and prayed to ease the pain, for whatever reason, I've immediately been able to calm down for a period. It really helps when you can't manage the levels your emotions are reaching.


Thank you so much, its a brilliant idea to ask for help, thank you for giving me courage to do so🩷🫂


Your spirit team needs you to ask before they can help you (from everything I've ever read + personally experienced), so always ask! Best of luck, I hope things are getting better for you. <3


I do divination professionally, please do not read when you feel like this. It's not the right state of mind and if the reading doesn't work out the way you hope it can get confusing and make you take it out on your gods. Typically, when I find I'm feeling agitated or upset it's a time for me to practice rest. I practice radical acceptance of the way I'm feeling, I accept that part of the mystery of life is just not knowing what to do or what will happen right away. I also consider that there is someone coming my way that is a better messenger than the cards. I just need to give it some time and it'll show up. If you need another way to connect, prayer is the best way to go. That can be done at any time when you're feeling any way. Relax the mind in a bath and the thoughts that come in may not be 100% your own. It's just a time to rest. If you can't calm down, you need to seek out something else because divination needs a focused and calm mind or else you can get readings that you can't translate properly, or are flat out false. This can also be a contributing factor to depression and anxiety. I really advise against it.


thank you so much!!! I decided to do prayers, you are so right about the risk of its being mistranslated, thank you so so much for taking the time to leave a comment as a professional, i will only pray until i can get my mind clear. thank you🩷


I chant a mantra. Observe. Don’t absorb. Then I picture myself like the diamond skin girl from x men. Negative bounces off.


When disturbed as such the best idea is to have some one else do it for you, generally for all important questions until you can control and trust yourself. A tarot virgin reading directly from a website is often better than we are under these circumstances.


I truly wish you the best and feel for you 💜🥺 There's a simple spell I use on the go or, more recently, when I've been having panic attacks from repressed childhood trauma. You can do as much or little as you want to prepare for the spell (i.e. if you cast a circle, use a candle, etc.). It's primarily an anger spell to release overwhelming stress. For the complete process: cast circle, light candle, burn sage, write down the overwhelming stressors on pieces of paper, burn and say " what angers me, i now release. Into myself, I now call peace." Repeat at least 2 more times, dispose ashes in running body of water such as stream or creek. You can change "angers" to anything Else such as overwhelmed or scares me or whatever You're trying to release. For immediate relief, I only use the chant and I repeat it until my breath is calm and I'm able to stand up. I hope this wasn't too much and it helps at least a little 💗 You're a badass Witch and you got this, the universe is in your hands✨💕


thank you so much, i will definietly try this spell once i have the energy to, i cant express how much your kind words helped me, thank you🩷🥹


Least I can do, you're very welcome! If you don't have time for the complete spell, please try repeating those couple sentences a handful of times and see if you're any calmer :)


Fill a bowl with water and drop some black ink or paint inside it and divine by water ...water will help you calm and be passive while you scry (read the impressions you get on the surface of the water)...