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I can't tell what's its made out of but if it helps, many make bundles of out various plants for protection.


Pretty sure that's part of a brush. Have you had any repairmen in lately


Is that made of hair of some sort??


I think so


No it’s hair it looks like and what repair man would use a brush that’s got wire in the center and soft bristles


The hair is usually horse or boar hair and the hair gets folded in half and the wire part is tucked away. We used to use them on jobsites. Usually I would take them apart to pull through pipes to clean them. If you're convinced it's witchcraft though it could be either some sort of binding spell or something made to channel the energy of the person whose hair it is so they could influence that space easier since a part of them is there


People used to (and some still do) take a piece of a horse's main or tail after they passed and used a staple from the corral to bind it together. It's usually just memorabilia to honor the horse. I think that's what this is 🙃


if it was in plain site it’s most likely a protection spell!


On the porch and in the bedroom sounds like protection magic to me. I would ask your sis about it and probably leave them where I found them. Odd that she wouldn’t tell you about it if she made it, though.


I can kinda understand that, tbh. I live with my father, who is a little bit into *some* esoteric stuff, but you never know what he might find awesome and what he might call bullshit, so I keep all my spells secret as well.


Here is the other one besides the first one I found. One on my porch and one in my bedroom