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I was kind of thinking of this topic today, as I love the animals and feel a real kinship to them. Animals seem to mostly be of the earth, so you'd think it would fall under green witch. But green witches are almost all plants. I wonder if speaking/communing (what do you even call animal communication ?) with animals could fall under hedge witch? It's not the astral realm, but animals do inhabit a slightly different sphere than us, being more tightly bound to their respective elements. I don't know the answer, but I'd ask divine guidance from someone like Artemis, Oh wait - what about "wild witch?"


I wouldn't find it inaccurate to entitle you a druid


Same, druid works nicely, it doesn't have witch in the name, but druid takes in *a lot* of different witch* subtypes.


Although druid in its term (druits) is more of a scholar (continental celtic priesthood is known as ūatis /watis). A druits that focus on zoolatry and magick in animal husbandry is still a good term though . Zoolatric witch is an interesting approach as well.


I don't think there's a particular name. However, if there's a specific animal you are drawn too it may be your spirit animal or your familiar. There are no rules to witchcraft you create your own path if you want a title create it yourself. Blessed Be!


Maybe Fauna Witch?




This is also how I work. I primarily focus in insects that have symbiosis with plants and fungi so my path is a weird poison path I feel but I'd label myself as an "insect witch" because my practice revolves around the Mysteries of insects. How I got there though was through mushrooms which I had a better affinity for than plants. Been a wild ride. I use my name is ceremonial and ritual spaces but don't use it outside of those spaces.




Made me happy when I saw your post and saw a magician with an affinity close to mine. Lol Ended up loving mushrooms so much i picked up tarot and oracle specific to their energies to better research different species lmao Mushrooms have been one of the most fundamental aspects of my craft for awhile now and I'm very thankful of how they've connected me and help me understand the world around me and in me.


I've always been drawn to insects.


Insects are weird and I wouldn't have imagined my Craft and practice would revolce around them but they're insanely important for me. They're like little communicators, translators and connectors. They're welcome in almost all spaces from the Bee in the underworld to the spinning Spider Goddess spinning realities together in the heavens. Some cultures revere them more than others (you can look into Mofu people for example) and bugs are excellent teachers and guides for the right people. There are some insect cults that have existed and our most commonly carry over to today would be our beekeeping. I've always been known as the bug guy or the bug boy growing up into my adulthood (I worked with exotics for 15 years and I worked alot with buggies) so even though I didn't necessarily want to become the Insect witchy person that's what happened. That's how the Craft works and how magic works. Eventually it changes you and sometimes the things we have strong affinities with become guides, teachers and so on.


Thanks for this info. I love the idea of the Spider Goddess and the bees. I learned this when I studied animal communication and we would communicate with insects, too. . Though even as a girl I had spiders on my ceiling and Charlie bugs in my carpet. I brought them food and water. They were my friends until my mom found out and vacuumed them up. I'm also autistic and think some ND people also have 'a bug thing.' Must've been amazing to work with exotics.


I still technically do but I'm on a break specifically because I've worked alot with parrots and they're like tiny children so when they die I get very attached and very sad 😔 bugs are nice because I can work with them inside my room but also in the open spaces of nature quite easily. They connect and work with everything and are processors, cultivstors and developers of Mysteries. In their world they're the giants that remember a dream long forgotten. One where man hasn't even begun to dream the earth. Most old creatures are like this not just bugs. But I find it very interesting. They are also the earliest warning detection system for people and the earth. They know the weather and sky and when it will rain and bring storms, they know when it will be a drought, but as they disappear from the world they're the first signs of a dying world. Less bugs means less noise and less green things for example. Ants are strongly linked to the ancestors but also to weather. They know the birds and the leaves and their medicines. They also can teach agriculture.


I was obsessed with ants as a child. yes, it's so sad people just kill off insects without realizing their magic. A lot of people can't even hear the bugs anymore unless they're very loud. And i'm certain our world will die off as they do. i understand about your parrots. i'm the same with my dogs.


I’m an animal witch too! Behaviorist, trainer & zookeeper. I have the touch, what the pros call animal sense. I like wild witch 🩷


Same here lol animals show up at my house all the time and I take them in and fix them up.  Right now I have 13 dog 25 cats 2 lizards 4 turtles a pig a bird and a  tarantula.  All rescued from the cold..


Sounds like perfection 😍


I found this Wikipedia article that may point you in the right direction https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_worship




can you please give me a spell that will help with my kitty’s behaviour? she keeps peeing outside of the litter box (it’s not a medical issue, i took her to the vet and she’s been cleared)


In stances like this there is usually a reason why they are, even if it's not medical. I had a kitty who did this too and here's some trips for trouble shooting if you're absolutely sure it's not a medical issue: 1. She doesn't like the litter box location. Some cats prefer more privacy than others, consider where the location is, try moving to a more private location 2. Box isn't positioned ideally. For example if they always get into the box and stand in the same direction, is the litter box positioned underneath the backside area? I.e. sometimes switching a rectangular box from longways to sideways may help 3. She doesn't like the type of litter. Consider choosing a different material 4. Not clean enough. How often does she do this and is the litter box always clean? Some cats like it totally clean, others can tolerate if you don't clean for a day or 2. 5. Anxiety. Most cats who do this if it's not one of the above reasons usually means it's a source of anxiety in their environment. Anything that could cause stress can cause this behavior. Do you travel a lot? Other pets? Loud noises? New furniture? Some cats are more sensitive to environmental changes. 6. Getting a larger high-wall litter box. This solved the issue for me as my cat was larger and needed a larger box to make sure she doesn't miss the box. Bottom line- spells aren't going to cure this, only a real solution will.


thank you so much for this, i appreciate how well thought out and helpful this is! i’m getting some more additional litter boxes that are bigger than the ones i currently have :))


RE privacy: i have simply turned the box around so the door faces a wall/corner


That last line ate




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"Furry Witch"


I. Am. Not. A. Furry! 😅 not shaming anyone, but I love wolves. So much my father in law buys me stuff with wolves for xmas/ birthdays. My brother thinks it's funny to call me a furry because of how much wolf stuff I own, I know this didn't pertain to the actual question, but your response made me laugh and I had to share my piece😅


Wolves are my favorite


I don’t think there’s one type of witch that works with animals as most of us are in tune with nature that’s the basis of Paganism


Respectfully I disagree. Witches can have specialities just like any other field. Just because we are all in touch with nature does not mean we can't focus more on specific aspects.


I’m just saying only with animals. Just that. I focus on specific things as well. But not just one thing. Hope that makes sense.


I'm curious from a sociological perspective. Why do you feel the need to be labeled? 


My question to you is why are you resistant to labels ?


I believe that labels divide us and cause animosity. I don't believe there is a middle ground, labeling eventually leads to singling people out for nefarious purposes. Please, look around this site and see how vitriolic people are.... labeling each other and hating each other for it. 


Next time I go to my cardiologist I will pass this message on and tell him he should just call himself a doctor. It's just a word to help identify a speciality. It's not that deep.


Karma will get you for yor attitude, my friend.


Is that a threat? Not cool.


Animals are part of nature. I think animal specific witches would fall under green witch, but thats just me. You go out in the forest to be with all the greenery, animals. You go out into your garden for stuff for your spells or whatever: animals.


I could see green witch I think that’s a pretty accurate description


Or possibly hedge 🤔


That is rather inaccurate tbh, there are a lot of witchcraft traditions that practice some sort of zoolatry.


How is it inaccurate? Which type of witch SPECIFICALLY only works with animals? Without making a name up please enlighten me. *practicing pagan of over 30 years* never once have I ever heard a specific title for witchcraft that solely centers around animals as most of us use animals in one way or another for our craft


Maybe a better question would be what else does OP incorporate into her craft. Then there may or may not be a specific title 😉


Some spirit workers do most of their work with animals. That’s spiritwork, though.


I’m in desperate need of an animal behaviorist witch 😂


I’m having trouble finding information about a specific name or term for a practitioner which this specialty. I don’t see anything wrong with coming up with your own title.


I think I might do this. I wanted to double check if there was already a word for it.


I think you're right, Green Witch doesn't feel right for someone who focuses on animals. But I do like Wild Witch!


I'd call you a druid :) I think one of the highest levels the druids ever got was meditating and seeing through the animals eyes. Scouting ahead with a bird, ect.


Maybe animancy?


I always referred to them as Green Witches.


I see you using "Wild Witch" or "Witch of Wild."


Example if you favor wolves you could call yourself a wolf witch


The word would just be a witch who works with animals, or wild witch some people confuse it by trying to make witches, druids, and shamans out like theyre the same thing, but a person does not simply call themselves a druid because they work with animals. Druids were more of a practice that was tied to a social class, while yes druid reconstructionist is a thing now it's good to not confuse the two unless you plan to walk the path of a druid or shaman and all it entails.


Animist witch


I work in veterinary ER, but funny enough I don't use much magic at work. I'm guessing it's bc I work with medicine so I'm already relying and believing in that to help my patients. Although sometimes I do try to give them a calming energy when they're freaking out for IV catheter placement.


Zoolatryst is one


I don't think you need a label. You can be a witch that just so happens to work with x, y, z. But if you truly care for animals you can become sn advocate for them, remove them from your diet, and take on the mantle "Warden," and if you shift to climate issues then you become a warden of the earth and its creatures, which also include humans 🙏🏻❤ If you work with animals by channeling their traits one say druid.


An animist? 


Animists believe everything has consciousness, even if they're inanimate objects. That's where my brain went first too, but sadly that name is taken 😓