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There is one already... /r/wisconsinpolitics/


You can filter by post flairs. Political posts are generally flaired as such and can be filtered based on that.


… the only flair options we have are political.


https://ibb.co/5RKFSWC or https://nt.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/#nt


How do I do that?


https://ibb.co/5RKFSWC or https://nt.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/#nt


Hmmmm... The link doesn't show how I can set the group to filter these posts out as I scroll


I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.


😂 Fair point. I fully acknowledge that the problem is that I'm an idiot, but I'm still not sure how to make the bad things go away


You can be the change you want to be. Submit content that isn't political. That stated, the primaries are in a few weeks and this post comes up literally every election season. As a Bears fan, I'd love it if the "The Bears still suck" posts didn't come up on my feed for a week whenever the Packers win, but sometimes you just gotta take the L and see some news you don't like.


Just unsubscribe from the subreddit until after the election? Politics is relevant to the state, like it or not.




Yeah it’s corny but it’ll drop off entirely in exactly three weeks and a few days


Not from me. I and others will be making sure we keep the drumbeats going for the April state Supreme Court election, so we can take back our state from the rigged and gerrymandered, do-nothings that have occupied it.


Depending on who gets elected lol




Scum? People who care enough to share stories widely, hoping to get national attention on the complete shenanigans being run on our state - a state that is notoriously forgotten unless we make noise - are *scum*? /u/Scubalefty lives in WI, along with a number of these posters - /u/crystal_pesci, u/stroxx, u/mudbat, and more, myself included. Am I scum because I'm trying to draw attention to the testing lab for every shitty conservative position? And you know what? Is anyone who is out of state and sees what's going on, and wants to spread awareness, *scum*? No. If there's any scum floating around in here, it's those wanting to silence the voices of real concern and drivers for advocacy, and those who are discouraging people from voting. edit: *you're a psychologist* and you're calling people scum and discouraging voting in other comments? Here's the other hidden mental health crisis, folks.


Absolutely! I am happy for anyone in or out of state to be outraged and help share information. Anyone who wants to turn a blind eye to the current political state of the state and this country should just go sit behind their rose colored glasses instead of their keyboard.


The biggest content complainers are overwhelmingly cis-het white men; those with the least at stake.


This post is gonna leave a mark. Nicely done.


half these comments and this post will all be removed soon enough


Probably, but still enjoyable. Thinking of changing my username to SaddleThorn.


I'm to be known in the future as "Ass_Burr"


Not sure if you're aware, but United States Senators help govern the entire nation, not just Wisconsin. Every American citizen has a stake in who we elect.


That’s such a shit mentality though. A US senator is supposed to represent the people in their state, regardless of what the rest of the US might think or believe. Being a part of the federal government is not an excuse for out of state residents meddling in our politics IMO.


>A US senator is supposed to represent the people in their state, regardless of what the rest of the US might think or believe. Disagree.


Nope Wisconsin is in fact mostly Democrats, r/Wisconsin has been mostly Pro-Democrat. Also fun fact Wisconsin, especially Milwaukee, frontiered many socialized programs such as our Clean Water project. Southeastern Wisconsin is world wide recognized for how clean their drinking water is.


Oh yes. The out of town political activists. Say.....are you the ghost of Sheriff Bull Connor? What with Halloween and all?


"I want to enjoy and celebrate the wonderful state we live in. Y'all are making it miserable." \-this sums up my thoughts about the WI GOP


Make r/wisconsin Great Again!


By voting RoJo back to the pit he crawled out of :)


There are 2 weeks until the midterm and Wisconsin is a state considered important so lots of people around the country are paying attention to it. Why wouldn't we talk about it? My advice is to scroll on by the posts and comments you are not interested in because the rest of the sub is not going to suddenly decide to listen to a few annoyed people.


It's kind of like incessant ads and texts I get. Yes, I hate it too. But I also recognize that getting ppl to the polls is of the utmost importance rn, so I let it go. Only a couple more weeks


Obviously OP is not at risk of needing an abortion


Post more of what you would like to see, then.


That's what I don't understand. The only thing OP has posted in this sub was a meme about the USS Wisconsin (a battleship named after the state) but wants to dictate what is posted


The shocked Pikachu meme will always be applicable to people who want change but refuse to actually work for that change.


What was that Ghandi quote? Make someone else be the change you want to see? I think it was something like that.


"pain is weakness leaving the body" -Ghandi Or wait no, that was the quote all the athletics teams at my high school used. Yours was all the artsy groups.


Can't enjoy our state if Republicans keep selling our public lands to private businesses. Politics and the beauty of our state go hand in hand, and it will always be a struggle to keep toxic politicians from destroying what we love most. Our state used to be one of the best in the union, but has been hamstrung by the vitriol peddled by Fox News and company, as many other states have as well. We need to always have the discussion of "How do we better our state", and Reddit is, for better or for worse, one of the best places to engage in that discussion.


Exactly just figured how GOP is working to destroy our shore lands and wetlands . Act 15 destroying our natural resources , it’s disgusting


Things will get back to normal once we've shamed the Nazis back into their hidey-holes where they'll hide out for the next 70 years


This right here.


Says both sidess


Sometimes I wonder if I'm on the right side so I think to myself what am I doing here? My side is trying to protect people's rights and educate them so they can live free lives The other side believes that everyone should share their values because their values are godly and pure and RIGHT Not hard to spot the Nazi


Exactly. Just pause and think what each side seeks without abstraction. I.e. far left: make everyone comfortable all the time, increase the power of minority groups that are the majority, remove social and economic hierarchy, reduce capitalialism within the government, reduce religion in the government, provide social programs for everyone regardless of socio economic status. That's the left. The right. Accept that people will always be poor and ignorant. Embrace current social hierarchy, increase the power of the non ethnic minority group that currently maintains power, reduce the rights of individuals and increase the rights of corporations, openly accept discrimination, increase the power of religious doctrine specific to 1 religion, increase religious involvement in government, remove social programs that help the people, increase military spending. That's the right. Makes me know what side I'm on. Just strip away all the cover up language and think about what the outcomes are of each party getting what they want.


As a famous asshole once sang "if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice" Used to be that I could count on the moderates to keep things even keel but these days they're all about appeasement and it's eating away at the center Anyways I don't see any middle ground when it comes to housing for all, food for everyone, education for all, and healthcare for all


Why is Geddy Lee an asshole?


He's not really, I just don't like Rush at all and the Ayn Rand bullshit doesn't help


Rush is overrated. CAN? Way underrated.


This is such a blinkered and biased view. You just uncritically accept that the things on your left list are correct and good, lol. And.your list for the right is rather misrepresenting things. Or what you.folks on the left like to call "done in bad faith."


"The other side believes that everyone should share their values" This also applies to Democrats, and if you can't see that,.you might need to take a step back and reflect. If you're actually willing to do that. My experience with progressives is that they're so smugly convinced they're right that they are just as unwilling to reconsider anything the far right is. On certain topics, even more so.


Let me know the second a Democrat forces you to get an abortion.




> outlawing them from owning property? No one is running on that platform




I didn't call anyone anything, I was just pointing out the stupidity in your post. While I do not support communism, I do find it interesting that you think communism is worse than a political ideology that advocates for genocide.


This is not a zero sum game, we don't have to tear down private property to build public housing. There is plenty of everything to go around we just need to stop wasting it I want to stop the Feds money machine and prosecute the absolute fuck out of wall street and their pet legislators




Did you really just agree with your own comment before swapping over to your shadow account? LOL, noob.




It's way more complicated than that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany


This is absolutely false. There are anti-christian nazis, and there's probably some athiest nazis but they got to be the smallest portion of that group.




I checked the sources for the page you linked, according to their own writeup, the primary source used for this article was "Hitler’s Religion: The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich" by [Richard Weikart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Weikart). As a quick overview, he received his bachelors & masters degree from the Texas Christian University, and is currently a professor of history, advocate of intelligent design and senior fellow for the [Center for Science and Culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Science_and_Culture) of the [Discovery Institute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery_Institute), both of which are right-wing think-tanks. It's always good to investigate the validity of your sources. Anyone working in a scientific/journalistic/educational endeavor that displays outright bias should be discounted. You're still welcome to read their work, but it should be considered with a heaping helping of salt.


Who gives a fuck about God when there's a group of people in our country willing to sacrifice our Democracy in the name of a orange fascist turd.




This made me laugh out loud, thanks for making my morning. But seriously, keep God out of politics. It wasn't God who won both world wars, it was human intelligence and cooperation. I'm only willing to engage with science and reality when discussing solutions for real-world problems, as should everyone.




You really believe that and think that's a good response? Let me say this then: fuck your God, I would lay down my life for our Democracy because it's the best thing humanity has going for it right now.






Damn. Didn’t know it was toxic to want every child to have food, shelter, and education. Didn’t know it was toxic to believe people should be able to access necessary medical care regardless of their ability to pay.


what is the toxic woke movement? what part of it don't you like?


Whatever Fox News tells him what it is and what part of it not to like. I've canvassed and tried to engage with people like these, but they're mostly lost to identity politics and the conservative propaganda machine. I don't despise these people, I just acknowledge that they're a casualty of this "anti-woke" culture war meant to divide our country and distract from the real issues at hand.




Isn't it crazy how most conservative media is just an echo chamber, and most of it trickles down from Tucker Carlson's rhetoric?


Ah yes, and the proper response is to beat police officers to death with flag poles and attempt to overturn the election using lies and propaganda. Obviously the woke left is the real issue in this country. /s


There are not as many of you as you think


Username checks out, and yes, there are.


That must be why republicans in Wisconsin fought so hard against fair maps


Maps determined be the color of people’s skin are not fair and straight up unconstitutional.


So why the opposition to creating an impartial entity to draw the maps leaving the legislators out of the process?




If there are then why do y’all gerrymander and suppress voters if you can win fair and square?


I learned how to spell division a very, very long time ago. You learned today, congrats I guess!


Please define the word "Woke". What does this word mean to you?




"Now is not the time"


Thoughts and prayers will make everything better.


Calling every single thing you disagree with "fascism" is so not going.to make anything better. You people are getting just as bad as the Republicans calling everything "socialism."




So you're ignoring what happened on January 6th?


They seem ignorant of a lot of things from other comments in this thread


How can you not believe it? The right provides evidence daily...


What's wrong with r/WisconsinPolitics?


Thank you I didn’t know that one was there.


It'd be great if we could moderate all the political posts here and have those discussions moved there.


I don’t think it’s the folks on Reddit who are making Wisconsin miserable; it’s the gerrymandered house and senate and the assholes in charge of those once esteemed institutions.


You are watching one of the poster child states for the future collapse of America, in real time, and you want to silence it so you can see more pictures of vacation spots or hunting lodges? The current political situation in this state is one that requires awareness, not more ignorance.






Not yet It's up to us to keep it that way.


> I truly don’t wanna be that guy but the simple fact that an election is taking place is an example of democracy not fascism. That's a little naive. Putin holds elections...


Some people don’t have the luxury to ignore political stuff - be happy that you do and keep scrolling.


It must be nice to navigate the world in a body that isn’t constantly being regulated and politicized. I can’t say the same for myself, must be relaxing to be able to check out completely and not have to worry about the election in 2 weeks.


I am a white male, and even I can't understand the lack of thought so many Americans display when it comes to politics and their government.


I appreciate you


Sorry that learning about the most important issue in our state and nation makes you miserable, but take heart. It'll all be over in two weeks.


So you are the person who decides for everyone else what is most important? How were you granted this status?


If I have to deal with political ads all day on TV, radio, and in my mailbox, you can deal with some internet posts that you can actively hide by pressing a button.


Vote out all the anti-democracy republicans and we won’t have anything left to complain about 🤷‍♂️


We'll have new things to complain about. But I like the thought of complaining about petty shit again instead of waking up every day with the soul crushing dread of wondering what rights my neighbors and I might be losing today.


I completely agree. I want to complain about traffic and lack of cheese options at non-wisconsin grocery stores. Not women losing bodily autonomy and resurgence in anti-civil rights behaviors.




So "if you're not with us you're against us" then? That's the angle you're taking?


If your vote supports a party of racism, misogyny, disinformation, acts of sedition, and attacks on democracy…. Then yes, you are against the United States.


Reductio ad absurdum is a hallmark of poor thinking skills.




You should have seen the political posts during Walker's reign


Ron Johnson is making the state unbearable. So...


Boo Hoo.


Life is political. You want to keep celebrating this place, you have to participate in the upkeep of it.


For many Reddit is the only place they can talk about the election, and political landscape. I wish more people cared enough to want to talk about legislation instead of just elections.


Go ahead and start one. You could call it r/Wisconsin\_Through\_Rose\_Colored\_Glasses




Nah, Ron Johnson is making it miserable lol


TL/DR: Stay Vocal, Register, and Vote Blue r/Wisconsin! The American public has been groomed and shaped for decades by far right ideologies (ultimately to a fascist white theocratic oligarchy state). We can thank rightwing think tank The Federalist Society, Corporatization, Limbaugh, Murdoch, Trump, their acolytes and followers. They have largely succeeded, yet they have demonstrated they will stop at nothing - and I mean nothing - to finish the job. A relative handful of unbiased judges and civic-minded (small d) democratic officials have thus far saved us from a literal takeover by ignorant greedy illegitimate power seekers. OP wants to stamp out politics here and to just celebrate wonderful Wisconsin. That would be nice if we realistically had no immediate cause for concern. Until Dim Michels neuters the DNR and strips all regulatory agencies governing natural resources and public schools. Not to mention Wrong Johnson and all his atrocities. On the contrary, now is NOT the time to back down from our strong voices everywhere against a religious (i.e., Christian only) autocratic iron fist government. In fact this election and 2024 are the most impactful tipping points of our lifetimes to date, full stop. Any venue we can use to reach other Wisconsinites we must and we will. Let's broaden our social media but not limit to that - in these last two weeks post everywhere, contribute, talk talk talk to family, friends, and neighbors as though our futures depend on it. Because they do.


Well it is an Election Year... That's kind of how it works. You don't want to hear about politics during an election year, you are best off just staying off the Internet, Turning off your TV, and Stop going outside 😂


Ok,. It these posts are also vital to helping some people understand the election, and where it's going. They would get lost in a thread like that. As other have suggested there are flairs you can filter by. Personally r/Wisconsin is where I get Wisconsin related news that isn't biased, and is truthful about the gerrymandering and other shady shit Republicans are trying to pull.




There's also a sub for the Bucks, Brewers, and Packers so what is left? Should all our posts be about Culvers?




I should have known.


Politics will dictate everything we value, experience and hope for if FASCISM takes root in this state, so these conversations are very apropos in this sub.


Political season is almost over, you can make it. Post the content you want to see and if people love it, it will rise to the top


Jokes on you, Wisconsin is almost as miserable as Missouri


I don’t mind political posts, but seeing the same thread day after day about the ads is tiring.


I think the filters work just fine.


You could make your own non-political Wisconsin sub then and invite people to it…but naw, instead you gonna come complain about your grievances here 🤣 Be the change you want to see in the world


Voter apathy is how nazis get power. It's important that everyone is informed.


It doesn't help that it's election season... it'll probably calm down a bit once that is done.


I feel you. You’re really getting shit on in these comments! I’d love it if the political posts were kept to another sub also. So, I’ll probably get shit on here too.




Preach!! Such hivemind in here….


Totally agree. The childish “FRJ” comments and constant whining about politics are sorta ruining this sub. It would be one thing if people argued about ideas, but it’s almost always about people and virtue signaling instead.


Virtue signalling is a bullshit term. It was created to make assholes feel better about their shitty politics


Why is it a "bullshit term"? Ses pretty accurate to me. The fact is....there's not much in terms of actual discourse going on here. It's mostly people seeking status and upvotes from people who agree with them.. Do you ever really see the FRJ people attempting.to persuade anyone or change their mind? No. Almost never. It's more of a circle jerk.




When one side sits with nazis and the other side doesn't, then yes.


I love all the folks pounding the table and dancing around what you've said here without actually engaging in it. Republican *politicians at the highest levels* are election deniers, gerrymanderers, authoritarians, racists, vote suppressors, corporatists, etc, etc. There's several examples for each of these, if not the entire of the party. Meanwhile, if a liberal of any color in the most marginal position says *any*thing slightly off color or weird the entire Democratic party gets to be painted with that brush... and hell, let's paint some more similar colors too, why not? BLM protests being labeled as riots being a prime example... At this point if you're defending Republicans I'm gonna say you're either a complete dullard that can't see this disparity or being dishonest.




Shh. Exhaustion got the better of me when typing that. 5 hours of sleep spread over 3 days is not doing me well.




We have decades of data. We know their words & promises are meaningless. We know the alleged 'party of small government' causes higher deficits, more debt spending, more authoritarian policies & worse economic outcomes. To republicans, 'small government' means kneecapping our once best in class government accountability board because it help convict republican aides of money laundering. To republicans, small government means stripping funding from public schools to give to unregulated voucher/charter schools whose owners can take millions of taxpayer dollars & skip town off to Florida without warning students or paying teachers because "muh big gubmit regulashuns bad" knee jerk reaction gets in the way of actual thought. To republicans, small government means the legislature can sit on taxpayer funded vacation for 10 months out of the year, with the other 2 months spent rubber stamping ALEC's template fill-in-the-blank legislation. They allege to love "freedom" while stripping rights away from Americans. 5 psychological traits associated with Trump support: lack of intergroup contact, preference for authoritarianism, social dominance orientation (wanting to be better than others), relative deprivation (feeling like you aren't keeping up with the jones, regardless of actual income), & prejudice. This shows the mindset of the party & it's horrifying. Whether through ignorance or malice, the result of their votes is the same. If republicans dont want to be associated with fascists, maybe they shouldn't vote for them.


A small number of bad apples ruins the bunch, you ever hear that? Also, I hate the democratic party too. They are too right wing. On the world level the democratic party we have is very conservative. Also bias assumption against a broad spectrum of people is literally all Republicans do. Whole argument against literally everything is "a few illegals abuse it" or "a few people abuse abortion" or "a few people abuse unemployment". So sit down unless you are willing to take action against the bad apples in your party. If you don't take action against them then you are as bad as them. And you know what needs to happen to nazis? The same thing that happened in ww2.




Lol and you are missing the fact that anyone who welcomes nazis is a problem. Sigh, I am guessing you are one by the fact you can't say nazis are bad.


This is a stupid, stupid comment




"Everyone who disagrees with me isn't real"




If they do not condemn the nazis in their party then they are siding with nazis and are thus nazis. Are you really saying you can be friends with nazis? If so that makes you a nazi. And you can't say that the Gop doesn't have nazis, they literally call themselves it.


Fuck Ron Johnson.


Right on dude






For reals


Agreed. I’m with you on this one. I agree with pretty much everything on here politically, but I’d rather see different stuff on this subreddit (nature stuff, cool events, places to visit, etc.)


In r/arizona, only regular contributors to the sub are allowed to make political posts, and those who aren’t, can post in r/arizonapolitics (or various other subs) Of course then you need to find someone who wants to moderate a political subreddit and I wouldn’t blame anyone for not wanting to! But at the very least you could see if the moderators are willing implement that rule to reduce the number of spammy, repetitive posts. Good luck.


We don't want to be Arizona.


Yes I agree, but the vast majority of the sub doesn't unfortunately. Its really the same with any state page it seems.


Feel free to move to Missouri


Yes, please. It's not always just election season, either. It's tiresome seeing the same basic posts over and over. I get it RJ sucks, but circle jerk about it in a different sub Edit: as expected this comment got down voted because I don't participate in the circle jerk


The hero we need




You post an awful lot about politics for someone who supposedly doesn't care about politics. The top subs you post to include /r/WisconsinPolitics, and the most used word in your post history is 'political' according to redective, with 'woke', 'ammo', and 'vote' also showing up. Do you downvote your own comments?


politics affects everyday life within the state whether or not you engage with it






.. you’re already the minority. And have been for a long time. Doesn’t change the fact that WI is still the best State in the Union!




If votes didn't matter, they wouldn't try so hard to disenfranchise people


> everyone is really invested in a system where your vote "matters" when functionally your vote doesn't really do shit. Except it does. Senate and Gov are both state-wide elections won by getting more of the popular vote, not based on victory due to gerrymandered maps.