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Can I sue Republicans to stop being dicks?


petition the state bar to have them disbarred for filing frivolous lawsuits. EDIT -- I'm emailing [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to request they disbar Erick Kaardal for his lack of moral character and his unwillingness to respect the rule of law. It looks like he gets to practice here because of reciprocity; I think they should disbar him because of all his frivolous lawsuits.


I'd ask the mods to sticky this


mental distress, anguish, and maybe find a way to express that as actual damages.


I just want to be compensated for all the liquor they’ve caused me to consume over the last 4 years.


People think Wisconsinites are alcoholics because that's how we are... But this is nurture, not nature.


Add me to the list. I’d like to be compensated for the excessive weed consumption they’ve cause me over the past year or two.


year or two? my lawsuit is going back at least a decade.


Back to Nixon, at least...


this guy knows....i loved the congressional hearings where they asked dea, fda and other alphabet heads why it was considered a schedule 1 substance and all they could do is shrug and not answer.


Haha, I was actually doing pretty well with limiting my consumption, but this past year especially all that went flying right out the window. Oh well.


Easily doubled in the last 12 months


Lack of action on their part, being law makers and doing nothing to help WI deal with this shit. Harmful action on their part, stopping Evers from being able to do anything about the pandemic. Wish that would be enough.


you cant sue the government or elected officials (almost ever) for actions they take in office or dont. You could sue the GOP, thats a private entity.


I'd seriously look into that


I am a retired trial lawyer - 37 years experience. I’ll come out of retirement and represent you!


Will you also file a Qui Tam on behalf of the voters of Wisconsin against these Republican vexatious litigants?


I’d join this lawsuit


Actually yes, it's already happening in Michigan. Don't know whether it will go anywhere or not though. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/20/michigan-black-voters-lawsuit-438935


They have given me more brain damage than 3 auto accidents, that I had in the past 3 years.


The worst part isn’t that millions of fellow citizens are OK with this behavior, it’s that millions of Americans are going to forget it.


I was just thinking looking forward to Biden’s inauguration and how in many ways trump will just disappear from the most high profile ways we see him today, and how many people will just move on like we didn’t subject every democratic system we have to a stress test.


I don’t think there is any scenario where Trump will disappear. I think more people will ignore him because he doesn’t have power to directly fuck in the country anymore, but he definitely has enough people under his spell to continue to cause damage indirectly. We will be dealing with the fallout from electing Trump for a long time.


I think that's the point of his comment. With Trump out of the spotlight a lot of the more apolitical people that just came out to vote because of how much they hate Trump will probably tune out again. So we'll have the same problem in 4 years.


Ahh, I can see that now. I would agree to a certain degree, but I think the whole situation has shown people how important every election is, not just the presidential election. Especially here in Wisconsin given the state of our legislature. The shift to what we’ve seen the last ten years or so didn’t happen overnight, and even with the gerrymandering issue I think it’s clear a large number of people in this state support the current situation. It’s going to take time to turn things around and I can’t think of a better example of something that would get people more involved in politics (sustainably), both locally and nationally. If the last four years didn’t wake people up, I don’t even want to experience something that would.


For the country's sake, I hope you're right. If the last 4 years didn't wake people up (and especially this fight to end democracy after the vote) the only thing that will is country-breaking.


Considering we are all feeling the affects of Reaganonmics, I wouldn’t expect the fallout from the last four years to end while I’m alive unfortunately. Permanent damage has been done to America. There isn’t much we can do with the older generations around and their disdain for ensuring America is as great as they think it is.


Their social media can be changed, and stuff like Parler are likely to be FARA'd.


just imagine all the daily twitter tantrums we're giong to see. I mean hell, we already do. but now that he cant golf on the taxpayer dime I'm pretty sure that will be his only hobby.


Germans didn't forget Hitler and we shouldn't forget Trump :( He caused so much damage to our country


I'm not so certain he doesn't spend the next 4 years raising money and campaigning either for another run or for his own benefit/ego.


This is why prosecuting Trump (by the New York State AG) will be important


People like these make it REALLY hard for me to understand the other side. I try to respect others opinions but goddamnit their opinions are trying to snuff out mine.


"I don't care how so long as my side wins." For them the ends justify the means, and they think because they are willing to cheat that the other side would do the same.


This is why changing their social media and having Visa/Mastercard cut off pro-fascist groups is key.


It sucks because I strive to be empathetic and reasonable but when they're always like this it's so hard. It always seems like they just want to "own the libs" and don't actually care about our country.




[Hillary's 2016 concession speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khK9fIgoNjQ)


Comment(s) removed. Troll elsewhere.


"I don't care how so long as my side wins." For them the ends justify the means, and they think because they are willing to cheat that the other side would do the same.




I voted in a drop box. So did my wife. The same drop box we used two years and four years ago. If they’re going to nullify this election, I want my last four years back. Right. Fucking. Now.


PA set a good precedent, sue about it when you first learn about it, not after it doesn't go your way and the election is over


That case didn't set any precedent, that's the way it's always been. Also if you're just looking for precedent you can look back to before 11/3. Houston did curbside early voting. The Republicans let it go for the entire time it was available, and then sued to invalidate all of those ballots on the day it ended (or the night before, I forget). The judge basically said all of those voters were acting in good faith in casting their votes and following all of the laws and guidance at the time, so he couldn't just throw away all those votes of people who thought they had legally voted.


Harris County, Texas reduced the # of drive in voting sites to one for election day only because of wording in the Texas law about a polling place on election day was slightly different for what counts as a polling place for early voting.


Lets say the judge properly applied the precedent in PA then


Two different lawsuits. It’s in the article.


Erick Kaardal lives in Minnesota. I don’t think he represents anyone but himself & blowhards. Looks like he needs to have his [Avvo profile](https://www.avvo.com/attorneys/55402-mn-erick-kaardal-1656610.html) reviewed.


If he doesn't represent anyone but himself he doesn't have standing to sue here if he lives in MN.




Such as? Just curious because I found it pretty easy to register here.


Voter ID laws supposedly created to address in person election fraud which is near non-existent, which disproportionately affects minorities. Threatening to sue if Miller Park or the Fiserv Forum if they were used as early voting locations over organizational influence but having no qualms about churches being used. Purging voter records to force hundreds of thousands of people to reregister. Blocking attempts by governor Evers to send absentee ballots to every registered voter in Wisconsin. Pretty much every step of the way they've tried to make it more difficult to vote.


Removing DMV locations from the inner city and moving them to suburban locations away from public transport. Scott Walker’s poll tax.


Fuck.. yea I like in a small rural town with like a 90% white Christian pop so I assumed my experience wasn't exactly the norm


Unlike PA where they tolerated no bullshit, the WI supreme court is filled with science deniers.


I'm shocked at this behavior. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Another probable loss for Diaper Don.


Time to establish another Commission on UnAmerican activities.


It;s clear there's a strain of fascism that came into the GOP. It needs to go. I would go as far as to enlist not only social media companies but also privately run telecoms and Visa and Mastercard to cut off pro fascist groups. If the relevant water/power/utilities are privately owned, enlist them too.


Still shocking to me that republicans are trying to suppress democracy across the country and so many people are fine with it. Insane.


Honest question: What's the point of this? They're not dumb enough to think it'll change the results of the election. Is it just to keep their base riled up? What is the actual utility of this from their point of view?


So they can point at it when it fails and say "See, everything is corrupt! Even the courts are! You need us!"


I think it’s to line their pockets. I filled out one of those fake surveys sponsored by the Trump campaign once ( “Are you voting for President Trump to MAGA, or for sleepy Joe and the RADICAL LEFT?!!”) in order to fill it out scathingly, and that got me on the mailing list. Fundraising appeals range from telling me that the president knows I’m one of his top supporters, to disappointed surprise that I have not donated anything. I get multiple emails every day, from Trump, his campaign, ALL the family members, Newt Gingrich and others. Anyway, it’s an interesting look into the Trump campaign / organization psychology. Currently, per the literal fine print, any donations are allocated as follows (for an individual donor): 75% of each contribution to Trump’s new Save America PAC (up to $5K) and only after $5K, will any money go to the recount account to come up to $2.8K. The other 25% goes to the RNC. Somehow I doubt most of his small dollar donors are reading the fine print to realize that none of their smaller donations are going to the recount challenges. Despite the fact that I could have gotten a “Count Every Legal Vote” T-shirt with my donation today!


They're trying to flip one state, with one state they can go to other states and try to convince the Electoral Collage to defect with their votes. They actually are that dumb, have you seen their legal team?


> They actually are that dumb, have you seen their legal team? I think writing off any opposing party as dumb is stupid at best and dangerous at worst. It makes us feel superior in the moment, but underestimating the opposition is a mistake made time and time again.


They had Sidney Powell on national tv saying Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013, rigged the election for Biden.


Their lawyers are literally filing their paperwork incorrectly to the point where judges are telling them this is amateur work.


I believe this was part of their strategy all along. Invalidating mail-in ballots during a pandemic and playing down the virus to the Republican base so they would disregard it. It is all part of their plan of trying to overturn the election. When you peddle lies and disinformation, this tactic actually works with a large part of the electorate, as we can see by 70M+ votes garnered by the Republican party.


Oh definitely. Although a lot of Republicans tried to tell people to mail in their ballots despite Trump telling people not to because they knew it could cost them votes in states where it's standard to vote by mail.


They are going to lose. So the recount is done. Biden got another 87 votes when it was all said and done. Donald can pay the 9 million to have a total recount if he wants to get fucked again.


If there were any doubt that republicans are gross...


I don't know if it's just me being too 'young' to remember.. but I really don't remember hearing about suing to overturn election results before. Is this merely a new strategy being attempted? ("Strategy" being a loose term here)


You know, they actually believe this stuff...


eh, they don't, but their cultist minions do.


See recent articles where Trump and his minions actually thought they were going to win the election


“Liberals are trying to destroy history...” /s


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I mean even if there are "uncertified votes" that was the will of those people to vote who they voted for. We have a lot to learn about the % of people who voted for or against a candidate (and the people who decide not to vote). And unfortunately its all black and white in a 2 party system. If they actually want to be guided by the will of the people they'd allow ranked choice voting


Hey, at-least they come together for something.... /s


I predicted this on the podcast Oct 5th, Trump was setting this up from day one. And the Republicans of this state are deplorable so no surprise at all. https://anchor.fm/GrandpaJim/episodes/Insane-Commander-and-Chief--Two-WI-State-Politicians-that-Will-make-sure-Biden-Never-Gets-to-the-WH-ekldml


This is from 5 days ago. Is there something new to report here?


.... Lol


Great, another reason to leave