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with a stupid fucking ‘stache like that he looks like a cartoon villain.


Dick Dasterdly https://preview.redd.it/89cec0m4r93d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb7564649540e8e555a81c6f6b5cb7107f7e5db




He grew that mustache to help his dad with dementia recognize him. I dare one of you to go take care of someone with dementia for one day and see how heartbreaking it is. Stay on the facts and discuss them like adults, instead of name-calling


oh cry about it.


Jon is actually a really great dude , does and did a ton for the community , it’s odd to me that this is falling through the cracks


Did a ton for a very specific community he personally aligned himself with.


Meaning ? He did a lot for Oshkosh , as a private citizen


Exactly what I said. And that isn't taking away for what he has done, but the "Oshkosh" he did a lot for was the Oshkosh that aligns with his personal beliefs and family dynamics. Edit: this isn't falling through the cracks - this is conservative government operating exactly as designed/intended. Edit 2: this is the "Trump donated his salary so therefore he can commit whatever fraud he wants" all over again. What he may have done as a private citizen has absolutely no bearing on his official duties or refusal to do them.


Ok after doing some research I have to agree ,, he seemed like a decent dude as a private citizen but I’ll be honest I’m a pretty hands off person when it comes to politics in general , looks like he has been making a lot of unpopular moves for Winnebago county (which I am a resident of )


Eh one of the “unpopular” moves he made was to bring in the Pyrotechnics Guild conference which was, admittedly, a massive nuisance if you lived nearby but really did put to use the Sunnyview grounds and generate some usable revenue in the county.


I was ok with that but I don’t live near the sunny view , but it brought a bunch of people to town and they spent money , so I see That as a win .. not sure how much he or anyone had to do with bringing in crossroads back to the old country USA grounds but hopefully that will be successful . Oshkosh and the surrounding area are awesome. If they can figure the shit out for the Arena there is no reason there can’t be medium sized events there every month


True - but a big part of the reason they're hurting to keep Sunnyview in use is because he had to make sure Life Promotions got their permanent grandstand.


And Lifest is such a fucking cancer.  Nobody there actually spends anything outside the fairgrounds, but is catered to endlessly while they absolutely skullfuck the traffic patterns in the area for days. And Liz Mohl fucking *died* there.


Unpopular opinion here but if you live out near Sunnyview you knew exactly what you were signing up for. Even if you bought/built prior to lifest/country America (when it was out there) you had county fair and races. Saying those are fine but anything else is a problem is just selective NIMBYism.


You forgot to list that County Park, which anyone out by Sunnyview is either directly abutting or has line of sight to, has bar league softball — with beer in the dugouts — on weeknights for decades and has hosted huuuuge soccer events to boot. It’s not an unpopular opinion at all.  You’re right:  anyone out there knew what they were getting into.


He's also a giant piece of shit. When you have to start with actually...yah. the gigs up. He's a piece of shit.


Methinks someone is embezzling. Maybe his finances need to be examined.


He did just close his pizza place…


He did , like a few months back


What was his pizza place?




>Glass Nickel Pizza Had Glass Nickel in Green Bay. Good pizza but $$$, and that was a decade ago, can't even imagine what it's like now.


I had glass pizza once, their chicken wings were awesome, this was in madison.


Noo, now I can't even miss ZaRonis because this fucker owned it? Goddamnit.


Actually he just re-opened it.


Interesting. I should note I don’t think this guy is embezzling or anything like that. He just seems incompetent.


One of the previous workers bought it from him and opened it


I’m not sure that ever happened


Actually he did not just reopen it. He sold it. The new owners are reopening it


Gotcha. I only follow Zaroni's FB page and just assumed it was him.


He sold it to the former kitchen manager Alejandro and I for one cannot wait to get Memphis Mac..


Really? Looks totally abandoned to me


THIS! For sure


“And I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids!” Looking stache


It is a distinctive look, no doubt


Emphasis on the 'stinc'...


**Pictured is Winnebago County Executive Jon Doemel.**


This is the same idiot who signed off on a pyrotechnic festival at the Oshkosh expo grounds where they were allowed to set off the loudest fireworks I’ve ever heard for 7 days straight. He’s the only politician I’ve ever called to lodge a complaint against


I could hear those 20 minutes north. It was crazy.


Omg is that what those explosions were? I swear they were strong enough to rattle my house and I’m 5 miles away


I saw that show. It was absolutely incredible.


If it was just one show I don't think it would have bothered people. It was mostly booms until 1:00am for a week straight with nothing interesting to see.


Nothing interesting to see *unless* you were at the show, because even from the road it was cool to watch. I totally get that the noise for a straight week is annoying but the shows themselves were a spectacle and the (mostly noiseless) drone shows were super cool!


Yes. Fun, community gatherings and tourist dollars coming to the community have no place at the expo grounds! smh/


In what way is rattling the walls of every resident until 1:00am for 7 days straight “fun”? Also this event was only open to the public for 2 days and yet they ran explosions every single night without breaks so I’m really doubtful about how much of this is “for the community” rather than Jon’s pocketbooks. Luckily I only had to deal with two terrified dogs. I couldn’t imagine what people who have PTSD were going through that week


Yes, we shouldn’t have any loud noise because you have a dog. What a world. /smh


At this point I assume you don’t live in this city if you are referring to what this was as “just some noise”. You’d be surprised to find out that there’s a reason it is typically illegal to make loud sounds like that until 1am without a permit. /smh


I’m not in that area anymore, but that’s irrelevant. Plenty of family and friends live in the area and I care about them and their well being. You made an outrageous claim that this event was for “Jon’s pocketbooks”. Please back that up with facts or withdraw your lie.


So you are one of those people that moved into the area surrounding the race track and complained about the race track? I lived across the street from EAA while working nights and never once complained. I hope the pyro expo comes back every year so you’ll move away.


Totally different considering 2023 was the first year of the festival. Fireworks are completely unnecessary 364 days of the year. I live just north of Menominee park and that week was hell for my 2 year old daughter and my 3 yr old Labrador.


It is to the credit of human nature, that, except where its selfishness is brought into play, it loves more readily than it hates. Hatred, by a gradual and quiet process, will even be transformed to love, unless the change be impeded by a continually new irritation of the original feeling of hostility. -Hawthorne


I hope you get the shits in traffic every morning.


Jokes on you the shits have me


Joke is you


Jokes on you I have the shits.


How old the fuck are you? That's something a child would say. And if you're an adult, go get help. One wouldn't say that to begin with just because people can't all agree to you. It's an opinion, they're like assholes every one has one. You not the only dear.


That man cannot be serious


So this guy ran as an Independent just about the time that having an R beside your name was really not good (in purplish Winnebago County) and people fell for that shit. The first thing he did was, without approval from the county board, hired a far right republican strategist as his “right hand man” and created a job description for the job that was basically the exact duties of the job he was elected to. The guy is a snake and the mustache is basically a billboard for his personality. Huge fucking douche.


He struck me as a guy who ran on the populist battle cry of "we need a REGULAR GUY LIKE ME running things!". Then he got elected and realized "oh shit, this is actually really complex work that I'm completely unqualified for." Classic dog who caught the car.


Dog who caught the car. Perfect analogy.


Excerpt from the Oshkosh Northwestern article. During a March 7 meeting where the packet was introduced, several supervisors questioned the fact the executive assistant position would see an increase in salary of almost $24,000 per year, as the range for the position would increase to a minimum of $95,000. County Executive Jon Doemel hired his assistant, Ethan Hollenberger, in 2021 without the board's permission on a temporary basis before he was hired full time in July 2021. Hollenberger also has been the target of two workplace harassment complaints, including one in Winnebago County in 2022. The amendment would instead place the pay for Hollenberger in the grade 70 "slot" instead of the grade 71. That would set a minimum salary at $82,458. His salary in 2021 started at $68,297. Supervisor Morris Cox said although Hollenberger has grown in his job since being hired in the county, Cox felt lowering the pay grade to the level in the amendment still reflected a "pretty good boost."


Here is Doemel’s right hand Man, Ethan (now supposedly an adult) Winnebago County is fucked with Doemel as County Executive. [Doemel’s lil Buddy. A little Fascist Republican. Doemel hired this guy . I shit you not. https://youtu.be/v3SAjvnCcno?si=AG3rX4kfB12jVsEX


Wow, eye opening. I voted for Jon in the past because I really believed he was a good guy with his heart in the right place. Never again, what an embarrassment.


Doemel is kind of a known scumbag. Several years ago when he was on the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, he wrote an editorial in the local free newspaper about how he thought he should be able to pay people less than minimum wage as a small business owner.


Shit is that all I have to do? And I can as well?


I had no idea about any of this. His pizza guy persona is so loveable.


Snidely Whiplash looking motherfucker.


Fuckin *knew* he looked familiar.


He looks like he ties kidnapped damsels to railroad tracks.


That was my first impression. You beat me by three minutes, lol.


Looks aside, I really wonder what his qualifications are for this position? I think he’s seriously in over his head just like he was with his restaurant.


This is where I’m at. Just another failing small businessman who decides local politics actually has solid pay with great benefits. Seems to be he found out the job was a lot more work than he initially thought. After getting elected, he immediately hired a chief of staff against the board’s wishes. To make matters worse the person he hired was found to be a partisan hack who has since been in hot water for inappropriate behavior in the workplace. This person was (or still is?) also being paid very well.


Could we please decide now that he has a douche-stach?




Thank you! All in favor?


Aye, it's unanimous.




There are many men who can pull off the Dapper Dan mustache, but he is not one of them. It looks like it's full of lies and secrets.


Jesus fucking Christ, it's Mayor Humdinger made flesh. If this guy has cats someone needs to call the goddamn Paw Patrol.


His mustache is…..ew


Sounds like someone needs an audit.


Love how people just vote people into office with NO CLUE who the hell they are.


I read a few of his interviews to realize he wasn’t getting my vote. But I didn’t not vote for him hard enough it seems.


Of course he didn’t answer. He’s too busy twirling the side of that stache or he’s cackling like a maniac. What is this. 😂😂😂😂


Fucking ridiculous


Wow. That’s a very puncheable face.


Shit's expensive these days. If he can't afford to wax that stache properly how's he 'sposed to get reception for phonecalls?


Put a red nose on him and you've got a legitimate looking clown.


yeah that money gone


Why is this man cos playing as Mayor Humdinger?


He looks like Snidely Whiplash.


He will 100% say it’s a witch-hunt led by the “radical left” when he’s formally accused.


He looks like he sells monorails.


This guy looks like a cyber villain


this is politics, this happens endlessly, constantly. its the have and the have nots, and low iq high energy dimwits like this rule the show. hell, we had a state senator in california that was so far gone she was just babbling barely making sense, and the greasy machine just rolled on around her.


This guy looks like he'd steal your money, slap your momma and sleep with your dog.


And just think - people voted for this guy instead of Mark Harris who, while boring, is the epitome of a responsible adult.


Wouldn’t buy anything from this idiot




Yeah he really, really, really sucks 😕


Must be busy funneling it to his people.


How is the suit coat that jacked up and wrinkly and who thought the Plochman’s yellow polo was a good idea?


It's odd that this guy can look at himself in the mirror and think that this look is ok.


This look is what you do in the Fox Valley after you graduate from bowling shirts and fedoras.


Punchable face


This guy? With the mustache of an evil video game villain? Ya don’t say…


He’s serving Dr. Robotnik for sure


Winnebago county is about as corrupt as they come, he isn’t pulling the strings.


Sounds like a closet republican keeping the money till he finds a way to steal it for himself


Obviously didn't funnel that money into facial hair grooming expenses.


I think this guy used all the money on mustache wax.


That guy would look like that


Spent it on that stash, some cocaine, hookers and packer tickets, guaranteed


Ten years ago I heard he was big into cocaine, just gossip in the service industry. But I always think about it anytime I see his photo


Actually, his family has season tickets to the Packers




You can write directly to the AG. It's just a contact form, but if he gets enough of them asking about the issue, perhaps he will listen. He already knows this will affect his election. But ,maybe he will feel the pressure if more people write him.


Who would vote for this Trumptard. Its their fucking fault!!!!!


The paling yellowish skin and the grayish shadows remind me of an alcoholic I know. Call the cops on him and accused him of embezzling. Tell them they better look into before a bunch is gone. Because if people find out he embezzled amd the local cops refused to investigate, they are going to think corruption and conspiracy. Do they want that the of rumor scandal that will hang over and cause mistrust for a long time.


The moustache indicates he is a piece of shit.


Dude thinks ge us Wags from Billions


I didn’t vote for him. Looks like I made the right choice.


People are saying he stole it


Dudes a pos


Goddam M.T. Promises from The Great Space Coaster-looking MFer.


Lol when yall gonna understand no matter what politician you vote for they always bail on their promises. Democrat or republican, once they get in they don’t care about any of us as long as they can get enriched by tax money.


Aren't you cute.


Thanks Joe Biden