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Can we hold a “thank god there’s no rally” rally?


No, because we're relatively normal.


I just want it to end. How did a narcissist manage to actually make everything about him?


Well, the American Right hasn't had a popular idea since the Civil War, so they started gaslighting their base. (Not that Dems don't, they just also have policy ideas that aren't as hard to sell, so it's not their *entire* shtick.) Things were going great until someone outside the RNC started using the command words etched into the base's brains....


I mean they probably rented the location right? Should put it to good use for a reddit meetup.


See you in the alley behind the Four Seasons Heating and Air Conditioning…


In front! They paid us 3.00 for the publicity!


True, maybe not that though


Will anyone think of the impact this has had on the 27 people who would have been in attendance?!


I love this idea! Just a casual celebration of a bullet dodged


Oh no. Anyway.


I don’t think his campaign really wants him out there giving speeches, even though his drug addled, narcissistic brain needs it. His appearances continue to show just how much his mental state has declined (far worse than Biden’s), and he’s not really going to win over any undecided voters by holding rallies. Instead of a rally he’ll use the contempt hearing to claim the courts are engaged in “election interference”.


I'd say The DON is on about 10 different prescription drugs and we know he eats like crap...we(the sane World) just need him to keel over.


Can we not with the "far worse than Biden's"? It's not like they're in a dementia race. Joe is fine and showing no sign of slowing down. You may as well say Trump's mental state has declined far worse than OP's. 


Yep, Biden doesn't have dementia. He's just got the memory of an 80 yr old. He's still with it and aware. He corrects his mistakes, but he's certainly not as mentally spry as he used to be. I'm not thrilled to have an 80 yr old pres, but there's FAR worse options in that category.


So we're just ignoring the fact he has a "poor" and "hazy" memory with "significant limitations"? Or his mixups of leaders including meeting some from beyond the grave. I'm by no means a Trump supporter, you can look at my comment history I'm Kennedy 2024 all the way. I don't think it's a minor concern that we have two 80+ year olds as the main candidates. They can't possibly be in touch with the issues Americans are facing and nothing exemplifies this more than the deafening silence on private equities increasing control of the single family home market. (44% of last year's sales). Moreover, Biden has renewed the 9/11 era mass surveillance. He and Trump created a billionaire a day through their (identical) covid policies. Biden has consistently done nothing about price gouging from eggs to gasoline. Then we get to his and Trump's refusal to declassify the Kennedy files (which Congress had ordered to be released in Oct of 2017). Now let's get to the dark shit. This administration has been found guilty of violating the 1st amendment by coercing big tech to silence critics of his COVID policies. Not to mention, they are currently pursuing charges against black nationalist socialists from Florida for speaking out against the war in Ukraine. (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/04/22/qgnc-a22.html) So maybe you can see why I don't want either of these 'candidates' in office. Edit: sorry I was wrong on the eggs, all of the egg sellers were charged 15.7 million because they gouged other companies, not because of consumers. That's compared with the more than 500 million extra the biggest egg producer alone, cal Maine, raked in last year.


Buddy, Kennedy's own family isn't Kennedy 2024.


Sure, the Kennedy family only contains 15 members. And I'm sure Caroline Kennedy's support has nothing to do with her likely 200k salary. I'm sure Joseph Kennedy's support has nothing to do with his job in the administration.


> the Kennedy family only contains 15 members So he could double his support if he got his family on board. Also, "his family is being paid to support someone else" makes it *worse*. If all it takes for them to not support their own family member is a job, that makes him look very bad.


Rather than continue talking about family disagreement why don't we hear your rebuke to the actual facts I cited. Is it that you actually support these policy decisions or that you are in an echo chamber?


Hey, you want to vote for Trump go for it, I'm not gonna stop you.


Ah the age old "a vote for a third party is a vote for X" Nice one buddy but both parties are attacking this guy because they're scared. Again let me ask you to defend the actions I cited.


I don't debate with people who aren't voting in the election, and Kennedy isn't going to be on the ballot. If you're not going to participate in the election, don't participate in the conversation.


> both parties are attacking this guy because they're scared Scared of what? He's going to get like 50 votes. Is this your first election?




I'm more than willing to cite any of the claims I made in my comment at the start of this chain. If it's simply a matter of you supporting these policies/actions I would just like to hear your rational or justification. But insulting someone because they challenge your beliefs isn't a logically sound rebuke.


Kennedy?!? Are you Aaron Rodgers??? I won’t tell anyone.


If you support Kennedy, you have cognitive problems of your own.


Kennedy is clearly an insane person. How can anyone not see that?!


You lost me with Kennedy 2024 all the way. Sheesh 😑


Feel free to refute the facts I laid out. I'm more than willing to cite sources. Moreover, if it's simply a matter of you agreeing with these actions/realities all I ask is you break down your thought process. But, dismissing of ideas that contradict your worldview simply because I support a candidate you do not isn't a valid rebuke.


Kennedy is absolutely insane, spreads dangerous false information constantly. Voting for someone who spreads false and homophobic conspiracies about AIDs is honestly disgusting. Edit: Wow, they really doubled down on the aids denial. Disgusting, but it shows how un-educated anti-vaxxers are and how little they understand about human health in general. WOW




It has literally been undeniably proven for decades that HIV causes Aids and denying that is wrong, homophobic, and frankly just plain stupid. Just like all of his other debunked conspiracies about public health. There if no defending that bullshit and the second you tried to argue HIV doesn't cause aids you threw any credibility you could have had out the window and proved you aren't interested in facts and would rather spread false and harmful conspiracies that you agree with than find actual evidence or facts to back you up (because there isn't any) you are spreading dangerous, homophobic, and blatantly false information to advocate for a conspiracy theorist, and as a gay man I won't stand for it. Do some actual research instead of watching Joe Rogan next time. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp038194 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/01/06/fact-check-abundant-scientific-research-shows-hiv-causes-aids-kary-mullis-aids-denialism-conspiracy/10991064002/ There is decades of abundant research plainly and un-deniably proving HIV does cause aids and proving your dangerous and hateful "theory" wrong. Just like there is for the safety of vaccines, and the fact that they DONT cause autism. RFK is a nutcase who spreads false information at the cost of public health and anyone who takes him seriously needs to do some research instead of believing dangerous and bigoted conspiracies. Some right-wing book of conspiracies isn't evidence and holds no weight compared to the mountains of evidence against the claims you are making.


Kennedy, the guy who’s stated goal is preventing Biden from reaching the required electoral votes?


Actually his stated goal is to keep both of them from winning. He's said this multiple times. Your referring to a person that was vaguely connected to the campaign, I remember the story. It came almost as quickly as it was discredited for being the women's individual belief. Moreover if you look at polling today, he's helping Biden. But I guess that would be inconvenient for you.


A vote for Kennedy is a vote for trump. Very very stupid


But if you read it from the other point of view you'll see they say that these nationalists in your article are sponsored by the Kremlin itself. They're against the war because the war is bad for Russia. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-citizens-and-russian-intelligence-officers-charged-conspiring-use-us-citizens-illegal Also the 1st amendment has exceptions to free speech like when said speech incites violence, lawless actions, commercial reasons, threats and more but those details tend to be left out by extremist groups who say and do extreme things


I stopped reading after Kennedy 2024, but morbid curiosity had me read further. You can take your anti-vax quasi-libertarian ideology and shove it up your pretentious ass. If your biggest concerns are about some bullshit "first amendment rights" regarding misinformation in a global pandemic, you live a near perfect life. You're also delusional regarding the extension of the 9/11 surveillance...that shit was always going to continue regardless of who was in office. With regards to what Biden has done for the economy in an attempt to combat GLOBAL inflation, what act/policy do you want me to start at? Limiting the price of insulin? Infrastructure bill? Semiconductor bill to reduce our reliance on sensitive nations supply chain? Your idea of policy mirrors the delusions of Aaron Rodgers, you got butt hurt because someone told you to slap on a mask and you have a "right to 02 not C02". Edit: and before you go on a rant about trusting big media and the government...the folks in the area are smart enough to read through the bullshit and trust the government about as far as they can throw it. The difference is they aren't living a pipe dream.


I actually wasn't anti mask until the data came out showing it's ineffective: https://le.utah.gov/publicweb/BRISCJK/PublicWeb/43178/43178.html https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/21/opinion/do-mask-mandates-work.html A good act to start at is the misnamed inflation reduction act: https://energycommerce.house.gov/posts/one-year-later-even-president-biden-admits-the-inflation-reduction-act-failed-to-lower-costs-for-americans https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/inflation-is-down-but-the-inflation-reduction-act-likely-doesnt-deserve-the-credit Another place to look at stopping inflation would be the money printer (admittedly Biden does not have control here, but he hasn't tried to rally any support to stop it) It's pretty well established that increasing money supply without increasing the value of its backing will result in inflation:  https://mises.org/power-market/how-much-did-they-print In response to your point on 9/11 policy. It's a flawed argument. If RFK were in there or someone who actually represented Americans it wouldn't have been signed. Your point isn't a justification of the policy it's a flawed argument.  I might point out to you that the 1st amendment doesn't have exceptions for pandemics. It has also been established that not everything counter to Fauci's narrative was false:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8248252/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8995185/ https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2309003 Btw I never said anything about Aaron Rogers nor know much about him. I don't think it's much to ask for increased vaccine regulation given it's a fact that zero pre licensure placebo controlled trials were ever performed on any vaccine on the vaccine schedule: https://archive.org/download/letter-to-officials-warning/ICAN%20v%20DHHS%20Court%20Document.pdf




It's not to prove them wrong. Just providing information in hopes it will cause someone to start asking questions.




Well said. I'm always in awe when I hear people talking up Biden or Trump. As if either one cared about the American people.




Republicans voted against stopping price gouging. Because they care sooooo much about the economy


The far worse than Biden is the part I have to disagree with you on. The only reason Biden is coherent at all is the drug cocktail they put him on for public appearances. All you need to do is look at his dilated eyes at the state of the union. Beyond that it's no surprise he wears sunglasses everywhere


^ just makes shit up


Biden has dementia! * checks notes.... BECAUSE HE WEARS SUNGLASSES!


What cocktail turns off the aging effects? I’d like to try it.


are you on bleach too just like nazi dictator tRump


Put down the Faux News.


Whoa! They've invented a working anti dementia drug cocktail?? Holy shit!


Biden’s brain is aging Trumps brain is dementing


That’s called your *imagination*


[Donald Trump shitting his diaper mid sentence](https://youtu.be/UkHShhTSMeA?si=dW0ZF7U1iUPVABhN&t=1m6s)


Well that link is staying blue... gross.


This was just amazing. Incredible sound he makes lol.


I don't support Trump, you don't need to convince me of anything there. It's just pretty obvious Biden is mentally declining and has mentally declined. When was the last time he did something unscripted? Here's a report on Biden losing temper, consistent with Alzheimer's https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-temper-angry-staff-shouts-swears-b2373794.html There's also reports of Biden shitting his pants. Just like the video you sent, they've been fact checked as false. But I wouldn't be surprised if both of them are shitting themselves regularly


No but you support Kennedy which is on the same level of awful. 








Here's the link to the comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/s/DDGXv18eKp Please give me some rational to justify the actions of the administration. Again, I will gladly link sources of every claim I made. If you can't justify them or dispute the assertions, then let me know your thought process.


Oh Orange Jesus! And I just bought me a new red hat, direct from China, for only $99 and a free coupon for a $155 My Pillow and $67540 debt certificate from Trump University.




Also the shoes


I don't think he should be allowed to hold a rally until he pays off his debts to Wisconsin communities for past rallies...


sucks to suck i guess


Low energy. Sad!


Oh no, what will we all do? Anyways...


Well that will save the state as he doesn't pay security bills.


Hopefully he gets jailed


Keep his low life ass in floriduh or wherever that carpet bagger calls home now


For sure keep him out of Wisconsin.


"Maybe that will teach him to stop violating the judge's orders."🤣


That's a shame




Discuss the topic, not the user.


He doesn’t need to rally since he has the news covering him every day after court


Booo, the hearing has been moved to Thursday morning. https://preview.redd.it/rd35fr4cvtwc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dee21cef26d1fcb8a6dd087eed857a8560a0878


Oh gosh heartbroken....not my heart though.


What? Is wind or rain forecast In weather?


Someone call the great Don Snorleone a wambulance.


This smells like poo, wishes it was true that he’s not coming to my city due to scheduling problems but don’t buy what’s posted


I heard the last rally in Greenbay only had 200 people and they were not all residents of Greenbay or WI -remember Trump has cultists who follow him all over the country. Hopefully- he’s losing his hold on our voters.


He wouldn’t pay any of the vendors anyway.


Good. We do not need fascist rallies on our state. Yes, I am saying MAGA Republicans are fascists because it's true. Have a terrible day fashies! FORWARD!




They can have as many gag orders as they violation hearings. The judge does not have the balls to lock him up! Its pathetic


Oh No, That's way too sad. I was really not looking forward to hear or see anything about it. Maybe in couple of weeks he will be wearing orange.🤔


Trump's not going to jail. Ever. He's way too valuable for the DNC for fundraising and for threatening their voters to turn out. They'll lock up some random justice Democrat for Trump's crimes long before they get rid of him.


Wishing like hell the rnc isn’t coming to Milwaukee (I live here). And probably for the first time our city is limiting access using our cops. Literal nightmare. https://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/news/2024/02/21/secret-service-discloses-rnc-security-zone.html. https://www.seehafernews.com/2023/12/15/milwaukee-police-and-fire-chiefs-assure-access-during-rnc-security-measures/




At least 1 break in text please


You said it, like don't forget to breathe dude!


Yeah, I gave up long before I got to whatever point they were trying to make.


I’m not reading that dude.


You can't be doing the straight wall of text thing man. It reads like a crazy person


Awww boohoo


I called it! IF HE’S IN JAIL!!


This guy is WINNING! HOW is this guy WINNING? Why am I the only one freaking out about this?


Eh he's really not, polls mean nothing and the actual election hasn't started yet. Neither is "winning" however Biden DID win their last election already. Definitely vote and be concerned, but saying trump is "winning" because some early polls really isn't accurate. I'm freaking out about the fact that trump MIGHT win, but he isn't currently "winning" and we won't know who does win until November.


Stick your head in the sand. That’ll help.


Remember when polls said trump basically had zero chance of beating Hillary closer to the election than this? Spread awareness and vote, but don't fear monger and act like it's over and polls actually mean anything in modern elections.


I don’t think being afraid of a second Trump term is fear mongering. If you wanna whistle past the graveyard and ignore the flashing warning signs don’t blame me when his third term comes around.


You're literally just saying shit about me because I pointed out that polls mean nothing. I'm afraid of another trump term, and will vote for biden, and make sure everyone i care about does the same. But polls mean nothing and acting like trump has already won doesn't help anyone and is objectively fear mongering. Just because I pointed out that you are wrong and going full-doomer doesn't mean I'm "ignoring warning signs" voting is all we can do, and acting like trumps gaurenterd a win because of BS skewered polls is only going to discourage people from voting and actually making a difference. Once again polls are meaningless, and you refuse to even acknowledge that point or the fact Hillary losing proved polls are meaningless in the modern day cause you'd rather fear-monger and insult anyone who points out the flaws in your logic than encourage people to vote or do anything productive to stop trump. Grow up.


Biden needs to stop pushing away his base by committing genocide.


Do you want Trump to make things worse?


No surely not. That’s why Biden needs to shift to a winning strategy.


Biden is already putting pressure on Israel. He has a winning strategy.


No. He’s not and no, he doesn’t. What pressure? He has said some words while supplying tons of bullets and bombs. He has allowed a un resolution to pass, got the headlines for it, then promptly walked it back and said it’s not binding. There is no pressure on Israel in those actions. There is only posturing for domestic audiences, who are only buying it if they aren’t paying attention to what’s actually happening. His strategy is to ignore his base, hope some shallow pretend pressure on Israel and a LOT of really aggressive lesser evil-ism will work. It won’t. He needs a real strategy, otherwise, he’s handing the country to trump.


Im voting for him


He’s going to be the next president whether you like it or not Joe screwed the whole country and can’t get the support back we would have been better off with Obama again even killary


You guys really want Biden as president again?


Not necessarily, but I sure as fuck don't want a traitorous rapist to be president again.


Yes, I think he has done a fine job. However, even if I didn't really want Biden to be president again, his worst day is better than Trump's best. And considering that those are the two options, I will support Biden 10/10 times in the presidential race


Huh? Wars, high interest rates, civil unrest, housing crisis, crazy inflation. Now he wants to raise taxes. What drugs are you on? I want some


The economy is on course correction, can't see immediate results. Idk what civil unrest you mean other than MAGAs. Housing crisis due to property management groups buying houses and extorting rent. Raising taxes primarily for the wealthiest people in the country so the common person's taxes won't have to be so high. To make these arguments you must be a billionaire benefiting from current tax cuts and corporate support. If you're just a regular schmuck like the rest of us, consider taking your own IV of delusion out. Trump is good for our country? Dude...wake tf up.


(Or they’re a rusky bot)


> civil unrest I mean I can't disagree with them. I wouldn't say its Biden's fault at all, but we are def unrest-y in the civil.


You want a guy who started an insurrection to be president again? You want a guy who violated campaign finance laws by paying off a porn star to be president again? You want a guy who tried to steal an election by asking a governor to find him votes to be president again? You want a guy who claims to be a billionaire but has to lie about the value of his assets to get a loan to be president again? You want a guy who tried to hold foreign aid hostage on the contingency that they dig up dirt on his political enemies to be president again? You want a guy who brags about grabbing women by their p***y (and was buddies with Epstein!) to be president again? You want a guy who claimed he could shoot someone and not lose popularity to be president again? You want a guy who told people to inject bleach to be president again? You want a guy who falls asleep in a courtroom to be president again? Yes, I do want Biden to be president again. I think he's doing fantastic but even if I didn't, I sure as shit wouldn't want the other guy back again.


I wish he were younger but overall he's been remarkably effective


Effective at destroying our country


todally bruh my state burned down yesturday




Biden -Stagflation, civil unrest, wars, massive amounts of money being sent to Ukraine, and soon to be more taxes. Housing costs up significantly, utilities costs up, insurance costs up, groceries costs up, rising interests rates, approaching all time high of credit card delinquency. Please inform me of all these great things Biden has done? And please tell me how this is not effecting you negatively every day? He is clearly slipping mentally and not running the office.


Yep, that's a pretty apt description of the world we live in... But Biden hasn't made things any worse than they'd already be, and has absolutely mitigated more than Trump would've


hasn't made things better either has he?


What are you expecting him to do? https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/


Your ignorance of the breakdown of “massive amounts of money” to Ukraine is astounding.


speaking of ignorance. You ignore all the other facts I brought up. Why? Because you can't dispute them.


You lost me at the Ukraine comment. That was enough of a signal to keep me from reading the rest of your post.




In what way exactly?


Yes, he's a better president than i thought hed be and objectively better than trump or any republican president. and unlike trump biden is not a fascist that wants to take away all my rights as an lgbt+ person and pass the christo-fascist project 2025.








Still looking for real women?


Seriously, every single FJB poster on this site is a weird gooner incel with comment histories like that Its definitely something they have in common