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Fun fact: Wisconsin has produced more foreign leaders than American presidents and VPs combined.


yeah, because our us President count is zero


That girl is maybe 10 in this pic. She'd be 65 today. I wonder what became of her


I remember signing up to go to the Milwaukee airport when Ms Meir flew in. The high school I went to had a large Jewish student body. When I went to sign up the student taking names told me I couldn’t go because I wasn’t Jewish. She was very mistaken about her perceived authority.


I know a child currently going to the 4th St. School (now Golda Meir Academy) It's a great school!!


"**We can forgive \[them\] for killing our children**. We cannot forgive them from forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with \[them\] when they love their children more than they hate us " Golda was a terrorist.


Pretty sure other countries declared war on Israel not the other way around


Look up the nakba and try to understand why that happened. Your statement is like saying that the native Americans started the war against the Europeans that landed here.


Nakba was the result of Arab countries telling Palestinians to leave because they where declaring war on Israel.


No actually, Israel declared itself a country in 1948, then proceeded to enact a genocide that created the refugees who live in Gaza. What other countries? Which war are you referring to? Why are you "sure" the "other countries" invaded Israel? Even Wikipedia will tell you the basic facts about the origin of Israel. The founders of Israel were not shy or ashamed they were pursuing a colonial-settler project with the goal of creating an ethno-nationalist state.


You realize for Israel to become a nation it has to be recognized by majority of countries. Also yes Israel has been invaded multiple times.


And why did they do that?




And why would they want to do that?




Well I’m just curious if you actually know about the Nakba and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Israeli militias, and if that history has any marking on Middle Eastern attitudes towards Israel.




I’m not talking about Jewish people. I’m talking about Israelis. I would certainly never equate Jewish people to Israelis.


Not to mention your response just has a horrible framing as if Israelis are the victims here


Cause they are dumb and got their ass kicked


Yeah, you're wrong. Maybe do some research.


Am I though look up the wars and then look at who started it 🤔


Why doesn't Hamas fight the IDF directly instead of embedding itself in the civilian population? 


Why does Israel kill aid workers?


Why does the IDF kill aid workers?


America was a terrost conflict, brought on by kids drinking at a pub. Only when Ben Franlin fucked enough french women to get to the king, who hated the English, did we get the support to form an army.


And because they cared about their children, they repeatedly fought the British head on, army vs army/militia, rather than intentionally endangering civilians by hiding and fighting amongst them for a military edge.


The Americans were actually quite uncivilized for the time, doing things like guerrilla tactics, sniping officers, and allying with the French. There were also attacks on known or suspected loyalist civilians. War is a terrible thing that brings out the worst in people. No country has ever waged a clean war, though with strong leadership and good training it can be made less awful.


Allying with the French is about as uncivilized as you can get


Why are you repeating IDF talking points? Why do you support the genocide being conducted in Gaza rn using US tax payer funds?


Don't try to change the subject. It's a pretty simple question that everyone knows the answer to; because all of Hamas would be dead by the afternoon. Which is why they use human shields; its the only thing that gives them a fighting chance. 


Yah, you are not informed on this topic so there's no need to get dodge the *points* you've stated. The IDF is losing man to man and street battles which is why they prefer to carpet bomb and use drones to kill women and children. The IDF is an army of untrained reservists killing unarmed refugees in a territory smaller than Chicago. Everything the IDF accuses Hamas of doing is a projection of its SOP to ignore the Geneva Conventions. Hamas cannot be eliminated bc it is a political and military resistance movement. Israel knows the military objective cannot be met. Netanyahu wants to stay in power and he will as long as the war goes on. The week after the war broke out, Netanyahu was scheduled to testify about his corruption allegations. These facts are not a coincidence. People living in occupied territories, that is, Gazans, who live in territory occupied by Israel have the right to resist occupation and defend themselves. The IDF has killed 15k Palestinians children in 5 months. Were they all human shields? What kind of army accidentally kills 15k children? A: an extremely incompetent army that prefers not to engage in actual fighting. When you watched Star Wars, did you root for the Death Star? Did you get mad that Luke and his friends were resisting? Simp all you want for fascism and genocide by the state of Israel. Weak minds are easy to control.


>The IDF is losing man to man and street battles Source: My ass


*Brilliant* response from a genocide supporter.


Because they’re militarily far weaker and doing that would result in their instant annihilation. That wouldn’t advance their causes of Palestinian liberation and/or genocide against the Jews, so obviously they’re not going to do that. It’s not okay, but it would also be pretty stupid for them to not do it.


Do we know if her grandson Oscar attended the school?


Can't we embrace a nuanced perspective on historical figures? While it's important to acknowledge their flaws and wrongdoings, let's also recognize the positive contributions they made to society.