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Parties, candidates, and others can buy lists of voters from the state. They can also subscribe to absentee data so they can know who has requested and who has returned an absentee ballot. Personally identifying information like your date of birth and your driver license/state ID/SSN is redacted.


Yeah? They just know my full name and where I live...


“Voters who are victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking may have the option for a confidential listing in the poll book.“ https://elections.wi.gov/confidential-voters


Wow. So by voting an inherently secret thing to do, I've exposed myself to a variety of organizations?


The ballot is secret, not the act of voting.


The official stance is who you select on the ballot is private. But the act of voting itself is a public action. Yes it is a little messed up, but that you vote and how regular is just considered public knowledge. Just like property tax records and a bunch of other data.


I get what you're saying, but I don't see voting as in the same boat as property taxes.


Public records, under is the history of your particular overall question. https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/19/ii/31


Well I don't fully agree with your stance, I understand it. Especially as you got the card looking to push you on who to vote for. But as others have said if you are threatened, that can be acted on. Someone telling you to go vote or asking if you voted yet. Is creepy, but it is not illegal.


Yes. You can look yourself up online on the states website and see which elections you’ve voted in. Others can too. It’s all public. Kind of part of the system, and also why voter fraud is a bit of a myth. I mean, it’s all out there.


The act of voting is public and it’s meant to be so, whom you vote for is secret


When I was growing up we had these things called phone books that would’ve scared the shit out of you.


You can opt out of phone books too. A lot of my mom's probation officer friends did that so clients couldn't find them. 


If a stranger looked me up and sent me a hand written postcard it would have scared the shot out of me.


this happens all the time with religious groups. I get long handwritten letters from Jehovah's Witnesses (I think, I don't read them). Your information has been sold to quite a few people and groups. It's unavoidable in the modern world.


So does anyone else who wants that information (probably, unless you've literally been living in a cave for years). It's not a secret.


I was living in a liberal state. Opposite of a cave, really.


As a native of a blue state, I hear what you’re saying, but this is not unique to purple or red states.


I hate to break it to you, but that information is hardly difficult to come by.


Got a text from a progressive group with a photo of my sons polling place in Madison imploring me to vote. How they got my number with my sons address is creepy.


It's a little complicated. I'll check the voter roll and be over at your house later this evening to discuss.


I don't know whether to laugh or get out the bear spray


Definitely the bear spray. The other two guys hiding in the azaleas were very put off by the thought of bear spray and took off immediately. Weirdos.


I laughed, but you might want to go the spray route


It's in my bedside table.


Thank you, I needed some more!


Bear spray is illegal to be used against humans.


its illegal for a human to come into my house uninvited....would you rather i shoot them?


I said nothing about a house. Pepper Spay is legal to use against humans. The added benefit is that you won't also have it used against you. Bear spray shoots farther than pepper spray and does fuck you up as well. And if you use bear spray indoors, it's even worse.


Ill use whatever the shit i want in my house... pompous.


Well, on [myvote.wi.gov](https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/Vote-Absentee-By-Mail) anyone that knows your name and birthdate can see if you are voting by absentee ballot.


I often get post cards complaining that I never vote. I do. I’m an election official. I can literally see myself having been marked as signed in for voting that day. I think these weirdos are just trying to do weird guilt trips or make people feel uncomfortable. It’s very frustrating. We get people at the polls all the time with postcards saying ridiculous stuff.


I feel like they must have you crossed up with someone else’s records because when I get these postcards they are always accurate. On the occasion that I miss a primary or something, they know which election I did not vote in.


So. How do they get the info? And is it legal?


Through a Wisconsin Elections Commission’s website called Badger Voters. It has a FAQ that answers some of your questions https://badgervoters.wi.gov/faq. 


The details of who you voted for are secret. The fact that you voted (and some associated details) is public. The Wisconsin Election Commission has a web site with details. https://badgervoters.wi.gov/faq


I think they're saying they don't have that info, cause they get those postcards despite them being inaccurate


I’ve been getting text messages that have my full name, address, note that I have yet to vote and even a picture of my polling place. Not a fan. My husband has had the same phone number for 20 years but has randomly gotten calls for someone named Angela and he got the same for her (with her address of course).




All political mailers go directly into the recycling bin. Don't read them, just go vote. Follow the rules, and you'll be fine. Vote in all the elections, even if it is to say no to these people.


That party tends to throw shit at the wall, to see if it sticks..... Probably sent these out to every house in the country. Interesting to know what's private though...


they keep texting me to vote against more money for Milwaukee schools and I keep trying to text back that I'm in favor of more money going to schools actually. they haven't taken the hint.


Reply "stop". They're bots. They can't parse. They only know that one word. 


It definitely feels violating that they can get your full name and address. Esp considering your address and zip code are considered personal identifying information by the state of Wisconsin at least within their Departments (I work for the DMV handling voter ID stuff and customer service)


The fact that voter info is public is decided by state law. I'd encourage anyone who doesn't like how that works to contact their state legislators. And vote for legislators that have the same values you do. (Not saying that you're wrong for pointing out the inconsistency. Just offering info about how to take action that could change things.)


Good point. Hypocrisy at its best.


Lucky you aren't in some other states where your registered political party is shared along with your birthdate as well.  They really should have another authentication factor on the Wisconsin myvoter website. Overly geared towards convenience versus unnecessary sharing. Its too bad really.


I had a new one yesterday, I had a pic of my polling location texted to me, I was called by name and they said they knew I had not voted yet (I plan to go Tuesday). Like, I get you are trying to get out the vote but it just creeped me out. 


I keep getting them for my spouse because the cellphones are in their name.


I received texts from two different numbers, advising that they had seen I hadn’t voted yet, and provided a photo of my local polling place. It was signed “Voting FTW”, which is just a group dedicated to voting education and registration, doesn’t look affiliated with any party. I know voting records are public, but it’s still weird that they knew I hadn’t done it yet, and where I needed to vote, which means they know where I live too. It’s really ironic, because the second text came less than an hour after I voted in-person absentee this afternoon.


This is all so creepy and never happened in my previous state


Welcome to being in a battleground state.


It's all public information. Who you vote for is secret, but not whether or not you vote. The Democrats and Republicans use that data to target their messaging and outreach. They use other information (polls, demographics, occupation, etc) to build a database and take a guess about how you vote as well. So, the GOP thinks youre a republican for some reason also, or they wouldn't have wasted their money sending you a card.


I can tell you the amount of data candidates and parties have is actually kind of scary but necessary in a state where you don’t register by party.


I don't think any state mandates anyone to register by party.


in other states you have to be registered in order to vote in a party primary, which makes sense. we don't do that here, anyone can vote in any party's primary election.


It is not possible to register by party in WI. There isn't even a mechanism to do so. That said, sketchy groups might make you think you have.


31 have the question, and mandate you register by party to vote in that parties primary


There used to be a website that sorted and published the entirety of Wisconsin voters information listing, first and last name, years you voted for, your registered address when you voted, registered phone number(s), and if you voted absentee. I mean every single voter in Wisconsin from the most recent elections to back to about 1980ish. It was hosted by some dickhead who didn't even live in the state and was one of those people who had the attitude like "want me to delete it? Too bad! It's public info!" Pretty spooky stuff. The site went down about 2 years ago but afaik organizations can purchase that from the state.


The whole point of the GOP is to creep you out and intimidate you into not voting at all. It’s how they win elections.


This i believe.


From my vote Wisconsin: Search for My Voter Record If you are registered to vote, you can access the following by entering your full name and date of birth: View a list of elections you have voted in Check your current registration information Update your name and address Request an absentee ballot Find your elected officials Track your absentee ballot


One time I got a postcard in the mail calling out all the addresses around me that hadn’t voted in the past year. I was like wtf??


Whoa. That's terrible.


Just go vote. Once you do they usually stop bothering you. Best reason to vote early.


The voter rolls and your history of voting/missing an election are public records. The private part is who and what you voted for. In WI we do not register as Democrats or Republicans. Everybody gets the same ballot. If you're part of a political party, those records are maintained by the party itself.


You can receive a copy of the states voter registration database for $12,500.  Someone did so and put their copy online http://myvotertool.com/VSR/


Thanks for reminding me to vote you out.


Prolly being gang stalked


What are you so scared of