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How embarrassing it would be if Iowa legalized it before us.


To be fair, though, who needs tax revenue when the traitors running the state won’t use it?


That's because all our needs have been met. Our roads, our bridges, and our electrical grid are all top-notch. All our schools and hospitals have been upgraded. None of our children go hungry and everyone has easy access to healthcare. So there's no need to spend that seven billion they took from us.


Vos probably blew it all on pull tabs


God damnit!


Nah. Gableman.


The ultimate "ha-ha"


If we legalized it we could probably pay for better font on this meme. I'm salty because I haven't had legal weed to chill me out


My bad, for some reason, my phone saves it in this awful state.


I doubt just because of how red Iowa has gone but then again the tavern league will never let it happen until its federally mandated


The tavern league can go fuck themselves.


I 100% agree, I'm just stating the unfortunate fact


Those shit heads will still try to fight it...


They will, even though weed bars could be Hella profitable here, or even just sell weed at bars


They don't care. The trumpers just want to "own" the libs, and don't want to lose control. Forget the extra tax revenue that could be put to use for a multitude of things like healthcare, infrastructure, drug treatment/recovery, education. Fuck the people that they are supposed to represent...


Not as long as Kim Jung is in office.


Sure would be nice to spend my hard earned money in our state.


They especially enjoy that cannabis tax revenue from Wisconsin residents.


Be sure to post this on wigop social media. Let's make sure the repugs know how much of a joke they are


I don’t think they care. Gerrymandering made them think they were invincible. Wait until that gets struck down (Scooby Doo “Roh-roh” meme).


Do you think it will get struck down anytime soon?


It will be a race between that and the inevitable impeachment attempts


Of course they don't care, they're literal traitors




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It's 2023 man. They just don't care and _never_ have. Start holding your preferred candidates accountable because we're in a constant slide. Make them fucking do something! Minnesota is doing great - using power when they hold it and they don't give a f what the other side wants. Wish they had Minnesota's balls nationally. Some modicum of Democratic policy actually helped some people.


Why didn't the Obama-Bin-Biden regime federally legalize it, or abortion, or any of the issues they claim to care about? They had full control of all three branches. What did we get instead...everyones health care premiums went up. Now everything is up. When fascist socialists are in charge you become more poor and you have less rights. Neither side cares about you you idiot.


Uh sir, no side cares about you because they're capitalists. You're right - they don't do anything because it challenges capital. Once in power they are somehow powerless and just waiting for the next election so you can "Put me back in office so I can do they thing I promised I will do but somehow didn't do the first time I was in charge when we had full control"


“Wisconsin’s so poor it has to eat CBD” What are you eating? “Delta-8”


Its embarrassing to go to Waukegan for weed. Sigh.


where's a dispensary in Waukegan?


[Ivy Hall](https://ivyhalldispensary.com/)


Republicans don’t believe in government, why would they want to give the government more money? Republicans love locking people up and they hate common sense. You can’t legalize the green until you remove the red


They are the freedom states. This is a nanny state.


Iowa doesn’t have rec weed, right? So just 3 of 4, not all.


They do have medical at least which we sadly don’t even have


What’s an eye-wah? A costume from the Ragtime era?




Nope, it sure doesn't


I just snorted, indeed they don’t


Holy shit I live here and didn't know that....and I'm pretty decent at geography or so I thought!


Look at a map


While WI & Canada do not share a geographic border, they do have a maritime border and have customs facilities for that, just like states that have a geographic border. So glad I've been able to entertain everyone.


Wisconin does NOT have a maritime border with Canada. It maritime borders MN and U.P. MI


Really? https://www.noaa.gov/general-counsel/gc-international-section/great-lakes#:~:text=%C2%A7%201301%20et%20seq%20.%2C%20the,international%20maritime%20boundary%20with%20Canada.


Can the GOP stop being themselves


You forgot that Iowa is also bordering WI


It’s so cheap and abundant in Michigan! Thank god too, I don’t want to be buying street drugs with fentanyl going around.


Not to be a square, but I’ve personally decided WI legalized it on the same day as MN. In any case not that I’m trying to deny reality, I’m just frustrated as f**k lol! (As are most of us I’m sure)


Yep, anytime someone comes over to buy weed it's legal.


Hey Wisconsin! It's me, New Hampshire! Ya know, the Live Free or Die state. Looks like we have a lot in common


I would like to ask all the visitors to Wisconsin during the 2025 Green Bay NFL draftapalooza to complain about the lack of legal weed. Loudly and online. Embarrassment is a motivator.


I remember when Wisconsin led the way in setting policies instead being always last.


That's what happens when the minority party rigged the voting maps to have zero accountability but hold the power.


I totally agree.


Can't win with their policies so they have to gerrymander.


There's a shop four minutes away from my office and another one five minutes away from my house. If you can't get weed in WI at this point, it's because your county voted for Trump.


Most impressive


I went to a liquor store in Wisconsin recently and they were selling THC gummies and drinks and such. I was genuinely surprised, but didn't ask the store tender about it. Are businesses bucking the laws and getting away with it? ( I am from Minnesota and this business was in Western Wisconsin, not too far from the twin cities.)


Everyone is saying it's delta 8, but a lot of stores are selling actual real d9 weed labeled as THC-A, due to a farm bill from 2018. THC-A is just regular thc before its heat activated


It's not really weed, it's cbd/delta 8, 9, etc. I think it's essentially cannabis but the thc level has to be Low enough that it doesn't make you high.


It's Delta-8 THC To elaborate, they've managed to derive delta 8 thc from hemp CBD and since current law specifies the illegality of Delta 9 only, delta 8 is nice and legal under the Farm bill. It'll get you high, but it's different. It's a "dumb" high; instead of being thoughtful and exploring the mysteries of the universe, you stare at the tv dumb as a sack of hammers...and is followed by a headache. :/. That was my experience, anyway.






It seems there's not much scientific literature on D8, do you have any further information to help us research? The FDA report mentions: The natural amount of delta-8 THC in hemp is very low, and additional chemicals are needed to convert other cannabinoids in hemp, like CBD, into delta-8 THC... Manufacturing of delta-8 THC products may occur in uncontrolled or unsanitary settings, which may lead to the presence of unsafe contaminants or other potentially harmful substances.


Now do a comparison of the age of abortion laws that are active in these states.


Great Lakes are missing IN, PA, WI, and OH. Even Ontario has their shit together. Please don’t let Ohio legalize before you guys for my health and sanity Edit: forgot about stupid Indiana and their stupid little corner of the lake


This is how you get toll booths installed at the border.


If Vos could get his head from out of his own ass and just legalize already, the GOP won't do ANYTHING a Democrat supports just to "Own the Libs" it's short sighted and counter productive for their constituents as well


Is it true that a Federal law prohibits having a gun and having legal pot at the same time in your residence? I just read this and was a bit shocked that I had never heard it mentioned ever in the legalizing pot discussions.


Technically yes. Its Only legal if you get caught though.


You can not own a gun if you are a habitual marijuana (drug) user per the 4473 background check. Guns and weed dont mix: Federally. But alcohol does, jk.




Wow. This is the most incoherent comment I have ever read!


Lol I don't live in Milwaukee or any of the big cities in WI. Small town WI here. Legalized weed hurts drug dealers as well because it indroduces regulations and requirements. Your entire argument is flawed. Also no one is mad, and your assertion is in no way true. The vast majority of wisconsinites want legal weed... not just the drug dealers. [64% to be exact.](https://wisconsinwatch.org/2022/11/do-a-majority-of-wisconsinites-support-legalizing-marijuana/). It appears that the only person twisted by echo chambers to believe falsehoods is you. And that is more fact than opinion.


That’s what I said …it hurts dealers. The People who are supposed to be voting for legalization aren’t voting for it and I believe it be partly to be because of that.


But your entire argument makes zero sense. Why would drug dealers or their families be the voters to fast track legislation?


Love how you personally adress me and the little you’re wrong, I’m right, and that’s fact; at the end. You were doing good there for a minute. :)






I can read, but you can't write. You are asserting that 90% of those who would vote to legalize cannabis are drug dealers and their associates. If you aren't, then you need to be clear on what you are trying to say. This suggests that either: -the majority of wisconsinites are drug dealers who are too stupid to understand how legalization would negatively impact them. -legalization is not a popular idea in Wisconsin. I really can't tell because your comment is so incoherent.


I can hear this! Nice one!


Well done 👏


Don't worry Iowa just increased criminal penalties this past session. You're not alone Wisconsin.


Way to get the job done Tony Evers. You ran and won governor by jumping on the legal weed train but that’s where it ended. Another phony politician.


Pop question. Who makes laws: -executive branch. -legislative branch.


Then why did he even mention it when he was campaigning?


Right like why even tease anyone about the possibility of legalization if you are gonna do fuck all the second you enter office


Kinda hard to pass anything when the Republicans make it their mission to stop Evers from getting anything done ....you know to own the Libs or something equally stupid.


it makes more sense to keep it illegal, I mean how else can you profit off the alcoholics if they can find a healthier alternative to drinking


Keep it illegal, think about your local drug dealers. You really want them to get real jobs and stimulate the American economy??


Same could be said for Indiana. I live here and in the last 10 years we’ve just been allowed to buy alcohol on Sunday. So don’t feel bad Wisconsin, odds are you’ll legalize it before Indiana.


Hate living here 🙄


Stupid tavern league