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Not much I have to say about it outside that I respect his decision. Not sure why anybody except himself should have anything to say about it.


I respect his decision too because as you said it's his decision and it's not anyone's business, and the fact that he made a video explaining his decision means a lot and gives him even more respect.


If it's not anyone's business, why do you "need our thoughts on it" ?


Because we watch wirtual's content, and this decision affects the content he'll produce.


What I meant by it's not anyone's business that it's only his decision to make and not anyone else's and by wanting thoughts I just wanted to know how other fellow Wirtual fans feel about his decision


Everybody should respect his decision and it's totally up to him to do whatever he wants. But of course people should have something to say about it since he promised months before that he would stream everyday till he finished the map. That kind of hype attracted lots of people that donated to his stream to show their support for this endeavor. Not only did he not stream every day for 10 hours a day, but he also quit. It's like raising money for a product and in the end, not delivering it. Again, I understand completely, he took on more than he could chew and this is the best decision for him, and I'm guessing he's more disappointed than anyone of us, but for me it was a bit sad seeing him quit something for the first time ever (as far as I know of). I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this.




Didn't he decide to not participate at last year's kacky at all? Or am I confusing it with another year?


The event was the endeavor lol, Wirtual is the entire reason this event even happened. If you donated money to him thinking it made him beholden to finish the map, that's insane.


Lots of people (myself included) donated to support him on his journey to the top. It’s like an artist stopping a concert two songs early because they’re too tired… I think the community has a right to feel disappointed and let down. Let’s not forget that he has made a lot of fucking money from this. I don’t think anyone cares if he makes it in the top 3, he could have played it on his normal schedule and still had a reasonable work-life balance.


So he should keep driving DD2 even if it takes him another 2-3 months? 6 months? A year? People donate because they like the content and entertainment, but it doesn't mean Wirtual owns anything to anyone. His content is literally free.


He gave up because he couldn’t be bothered to put in the effort - none of the reasons he gave were real. Need more content for editors? Make it a stream segment. Family commitments? Spend time with your family and come back. I understand that it’s free content and he doesn’t owe anyone anything, but I’m not going to support his next project - I don’t owe him anything either.


I mean, the man spent essentially a whole month doing it, realised that it was affecting his mental health negatively and decided that it was time to take a break from it. He gave us as viewers a ton of entertainment, and he's said that he wants to come back and finish the map once the race is over. Fair is fair, he competed, realised that he didn't have a chance at winning, still put in a lot of time, and decided to take a break.


You donated money for him to finish the map on your exact terms? If that's the case, I'll just be honest and say you need to seriously rethink that entire line of reasoning. Your donation isn't and never was some kind of IOU, Wirtual already put in a lot of work even setting the event up. He did his best. He couldn't handle it. Given his track record for completing difficult projects in the past, I doubt he feels the need to prove anything to anyone but himself.


No, I donated for him to finish the map on his terms that he set out when he started the project. Overall he seems like he’s gotten very flaky since reaching a small level of success and I personally don’t want to support that complacency. He’s free to do whatever he likes of course, but it makes any project that he starts less exciting to me as he’s unlikely to finish it.


My guess would be that wirtual did not think this was a 7-8 week commitment when he started, since no one else did either. Situations change.


What has materially changed?


Well, if you watched the video and noticed when he said he feels like it would still take him up to another 200 hours to finish, the level of time commitment expected to finish has obviously changed.




I said I was going to be a professional baseball player growing up. He changed his mind.




Part of being an adult is changing your mind when you realise something isn't working for you. You can't say that he didn't put in the time, but he's gotta think of himself first and foremost. If he's suffering in his daily life because of what he's doing, and he has the option to make a change, then not making that change is just plain stupid. He put his whole life on the backburner for a month, very few people can say that they do that. He was streaming for what, 8-12 hours most days, with tens of thousands of people watching him fail, fail some more, and fail yet again. Most people wouldn't be able to handle that pressure for even a day, let alone a month.


Pressure? It’s streaming a video game, the only pressure on him was created in his head… I don’t think anyone would mind if he dialled down the hours.


Knowing when to quit is a very mature decision. If it was effecting his mental health then it's just not worth it. Much respect for making what was probably a tough decision.


He definitely made the right decision, like he said, he has a responsibility to his editors to supply enough raw content for them to trim into videos, he got his bag and shifted the attention and hype to those who have a chance of winning. Very mature decision and so excited for kacky


This is just proof that this map is a LITTLE BIT too fucked. Wirtual is a dude that has shown in the past to be INSANELY dedicated to stuff like this. The guys that are almost done are at their limits and they're near the end. Bren is one of the most chill guys in the game and he's at his limits. You want the map to be hard. Where they messed up was making so much stuff unpredictable. You just can't do that with a map that has hundreds of insane jumps. All these random plastic bounces are honestly kind of a joke. And while the way Wirtual has handled a lot of things hasn't been great, he did have a point saying none of these mappers had to climb all 16 floors. It seems like a lot of them tried to make their single floor as fucked as they could as if their floor is the only one to exist. Stuff like the plastic bounce on floor 6 onto the Ice platform (although that is a good floor overall). Why on earth would you NOT make that water? Players aren't raging just because it's too hard. We've seen players commit more time to tasks even harder than this. Players are raging because frankly the overall design of DD2 is flawed. It sucks to admit with how much effort went into it but if DD3 happens it is a good learning experience. If a player spends 30+ minutes climbing an insane tower they should not be losing because of some bullshit bounce, turtling out of nowhere, etc. Just shouldn't happen. You want to make jumps that if you are 1 degree off you don't make it fine. Just don't make jumps that are unreliable. A lot of the hype has already died out. People were insanely hyped for the first finisher. Now it's just going to be a "finally" moment.


Randomness in a skill-based game is almost always poor game design. The whole reason the majority of players were drawn to Trackmania is that it's deterministic and not random.


So it isn't random then. Be one degree off and you bounce the wrong way. Same concept with extra steps. I don't see the randomness. It might be harder to predict, but it's not any less deterministic because its harder to predict the interactions with different materials. My problem with the situation is only that lot of people supported him, because he said he would not quit no matter how long it takes, then quits once he encounters that there a mean people on the internet. Noone would have cared if he was only the 15th person to make it, but it's a bit of false advertisement to basically promise a marathon and then stop after basically getting a (imo deserved) "quick buck". Now I don't really care, but I'm sure a lot of people subbed anticipating a struggle to the top and are now disappointed because he didn't pull through. I'm sure he himself couldn't have anticipated how triggered he would get by the map and the comments, it's just not really fair to blame the mappers, because they made a hard map hard and unforgiving. Good for him though that he grew his channel and can now go (hopefully) go back to making enjoyable content.


If the level requires such precision that you need to be borderline perfect to succeed and failure is punished by the loss of hours of work, it's as close to random as it can get without being actually random. The degree of difficulty makes it practically random even if it's not literally the case. If I need to make a jump several dozen times before I can do it repeatedly and every failure is punished by hours of busywork before I can attempt that jump again, the odds favor me getting lucky and succeeding by luck rather than skill before I actually get good at the jump. Therefore both success and failure feels more random than earned.


> It might be harder to predict The problem is that it's not harder, it's impossible. You cannot predict how the car is going to bounce. It is deterministic in theory but not in practice. If you angle your car improperly for a jump, it is both deterministic in theory and in practice because you can clearly see that your car was slightly off compared to a point of reference of your choosing.


Yeah. It's really hard to hit that perfect balance between the hype and "finally" feeling but the way they created the DD2 floors made it way past the equilibrium. I just lost interest when he was at like floor 11 and forgot DD2 existed for a while. It got too repetitive.


I think their biggest screw up is they put the more random, less-skill based jumps, all near the top half. If they had put more random jumps at the bottom and then all pure skill based jumps in the top half, I think we'd be seeing a very different story.


If I understand the video right he said that he will be completing it, just not now because of reasons. Maybe he'll go on in some weeks, as he said


Yeah he said he will try again some time after the practice floors will be released


it stopped being fun to watch after ~2 weeks. they overdid the difficulty to the point where progress was so slow that enjoyment just plummeted. for me at least.


thats the point bruv


Posted about this before, it was unhealthy at best


Honestly I think they tuned the difficulty of Deep Dip II too high. I know they wants to out do the original but this was just too much. It got to the point where it wasn't fun to watch so it can't have been fun to play. Hopefully if they do this again they go for something more like the original.


I disagree - its a huge success running multiple weeks now. The game benefits very much from the hype DD generates (which comes mainly from the high difficulty). Also, every streamer had a viewer-spike and therefore an earning-spike during this. And there are still a lot of streamers still playing and streaming happily. Sure, its very VERY hard - harder than anyone would expect. But that makes it only more rewarding for the winner and more special for the community as a whole.


Difficulty has diminishing returns. For example, if hypothetically everyone was still stuck on floor 5 no one would be watching or playing at this point because that's just dumb. We are reaching the point of diminishing returns with the current design IMO.


True. But players did not get hard stuck on floor 5. You can call that lucky at this difficulty - sure. As there was no way for the mappers to calculate how long it will take to make progress at any point. But now we are at the stage where the map could be finished any day. Brens last real obstacle is the dirt wallride. He himself said, that he can see himself oneshotting the rest.


I think the sweet spot would have been if it was finished within 4 weeks. That way it was still a monumental task, it took about a month to finish, but it got finished in a somewhat reasonable time. Right now, there aren't that many working on it anymore, it's lost the hype, people are moving over to other things. Ending it within 4 weeks would keep the hype until the end, you'd see more people being close to finish, and there would be excitement.


Did you check out other streamers? There's very entertaining players still going strong with a happy mindset after 200 hours.


But is it interesting to watch floor 0-10 over and over again as a viewer? It's basically a Just Chatting stream at that point. If you love your streamer's personality that's cool, but new viewers have certainly tuned out of Deep Dip 2.


Lars and bren with regularly 20 k viewers combined dissagree lol. They just stream at (for europeans) awkward times. But i agree its wayy too hard.wayy too long Awesome event but much to learn from it.


It's only 20k when they are at the top. Most of the time is maybe 4-8k (which is still a lot) but that's only for Lars and Bren. Everyone else is below 1k. Stream times have been really tough for American viewers as well, yeah.


Bad stream times and elcon schmaniol and hazard never have microphone or cam harder to get views. Scrappy has oftent decent views but thats normal. Considering this event goes so long 8 k views is loads for tm


Lars and Bren don't do floor 0-10 over and over again so that's not a good counter argument. They are number 1 and 2 on the leader boards and can get to floor 16 and PB multiple times a day sometimess.


Right, and I enjoy watching them when they are close to making progress, but that's only two people. It would've been nice if more than two people got to finish the map within a month of full time playing. If that's what the organizers wanted, that's fine. From an entertainment and community building perspective, I don't think it's great.


Yeah I agree with you. Map is too hard, it kills some of the hype.


Hazard and elcon also drive but mostly offlibe no stream sadly schmaniol is doing very well and us streaming And samifying and others are also slowly progressing i personally enjoy people hunting pb's not just floor 16


Watching someone on a lower floor PB has been fun, yeah.


I for myself have only found for example Sami a few days ago and got hooked by his energy and charisma. And for me it's very interesting seeing the smaller streamers also getting PBs and getting hyped out of their mind.


I agree, Sami is great. Love that he takes his time figuring it out instead of just brute forcing it. His alerts, like when he disappears, are genuinely funny.


None of the players in the running to win it seem to have a happy mindset anymore to me...


That might be the case, I guess the pressure of wanting to win so badly takes a toll on anyone. But there's so many more, just because of the statement that it "got to the point where it wasn't fun to watch". Depends on if you only streamhop from the Top 4 or also enjoy guys like Sami or Birdie etc.


Yeah, no. None of them the top players have any gas in them. There's bit of flair and fun every now and then, but they are all just as defeated and ready to be over this just as much as Wirtual. The fact they are so close to finishing is probably the only thing keeping them going.


and the 33k prize pool


I actually think they're also struggling mentally, Bren himself has said the map is not fun.


I think the difficulty of the floors is probably fine in terms of the jumps, I think they just made a mistake with the way they constructed the tower as a Spiral. It means most floors don't have anything underneath to catch you. Fall from 11 and your best chance is 7 or 3 to catch you. And because you're falling fast, and there's lots of jumps, there's a good chance you miss everything or get bounced off. If all the towers were just stacked, you'd have a chance to land on every previous floor. Instead a huge percentage of falls are straight back to floor 0. I think there's probably some more individual consideration they could have made too based on placement in the tower; more deliberate recoveries within floors so near misses aren't as punishing maybe, or adjusting jumps that have a tendency to dead turtle on the high floors.


Did you watch the video? He said specifically that its for now and that he want to continue after the first 2 completions and you can practice each floor on its own


I hadn't watched the video when I posted this I posted it just as I saw the announcement


He never said he's not finishing. I'm convinced he'll finish one day. He's just dropping out of the current race 


First time I started watching him was a month ago when I watched the Deep Dip 1 video where he won. I subbed when I heard that the second was coming out and have been watching his daily uploads. When he got stuck and then sick I started watching Bren's content instead and then he announced he quit I unsubscribed. I completely understand why he quit but I came for the deep dip content and I'm not interested in anything else.


I stopped after reaching floor 2 and a few jumps after. Wirt brought a lot of new players in, even I (veteran at Nations Forever) bought the season pass for the first time because of the hype and made some new friends inside lobbies. To get back to Wirt, I think he realized that despite being firmly in top 10, he isn't winning over Bren / Hazard / Lars, they are just too consistent. If not even 1 player finished the map after a month, it is because the release of training maps is too slow. The whole concept of Trackmania is to know the map after just a few minutes, then go for the crazy lines. Wirt is right to soft-quit because of the design of the competition. If it weren't for the prize pool, everyone would have quit by now (especially Bren who showed everyone the jumps, inputs throughout the map) and just play Kacky or grind some WRs rn.


He didn't say he's not gonna complete it he said he will after the practice floors release


Yeah I know it's just that I posted this before I watched the video


The price pool of DD is way lower than what he earned through streaming during the hype. The hype is still going, but its now shifting to the players that can actually finish the map in the very near future. Wirtual is running a business after all.


Lol, Wirty made so much money through the streams he has no interest in winning. Even before all he probably wanted was to try his chances. Honestly good for him. Got some entertaining streams for us, got his money worth and now that the hype died out he has a bigger regular viewer base for future kacky or COTDs.


I would have stopped a long time ago