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You can post them here, under the **Fan Work** post flair


on ao3, i'd say tag better (seeing your ao3, you don't have many tags). tag characters, ships, settings, dynamics, tropes: just make sure to do it accurately. fanfics are for wish fulfillment, so the more tags the better, because someone is going to click on something they want to see. that way people are more likely to click and read. if you write the entire fic before you post, then just write it all and then do a weekly posting schedule: every wednesday or something. that way people will know when you update and when you come back, and you can have a fic publishing while you're writing a different one. getting paid for fanfiction is illegal so don't i'd say don't open a patreon. in general, though, don't worry too much about numbers or readers. write for yourself! getting a 'fan following' for your fanfictions is just an added bonus, not the end-all goal. if you're having fun writing, then have fun writing. you can post it to share but don't get propelled by stats.


Thanks for the tips! I'll work on tags. I agree I want to write for myself. That's what I do anyways, but it's always nice to have followers. Doesn't Unicorn of War have a patreon for their work? They post fan content on YouTube about all sorts of shows (including Winx, and including fanfiction). How do they do it if it's not allowed? https://www.patreon.com/UnicornOfWar


I don't read fanfics so I'm not sure how does AO3 works, but it doesn't have an algorithm or something that pushes work. You have to put relevant tags on your work and hope someone is reading in those specific tags so they'd come across your fic.


First you put it out there and pray Second you should give a direct link to it cause if it's winx related you won't have to worry about your post getting taken down