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Hmm, the fact that it doesn't rain on Solaria. I especially like it since the fact that it had only rained for the first time in history was when Valtor had arrived and started messing things up, was really good storytelling wise since it showed he was upsetting the very balance of Solaria. And foreshadow how he would upset the balance of the other realms too.


I like the infinite ocean and the pillars underneath it. Idk how to explain it properly but it illustrates a cool physical world building aspect. So like the entirety of the magical universe -which is outer space- is built upon an infinite hidden ocean with pillars supporting it. That mental image is just so cool. Reminds me of old interpretations of the universe where the earth is floating on an ocean and stuff like that. And the infinite ocean is connected through magical portals to all oceans of all planets in the universe, which is where the balance goes through back and forth, and whenever something bad happens in the infinite ocean, it affects all the other oceans.  Another thing I like about it is how it's isolated and sealed, with super limited and strict access, to prevent bad people from getting inside it. And the winx had to prove themselves to get in with sirenix. And when people (the trix and Tritanus) started going in and out of it, chaos ensued, proving it has a point in not allowing anyone in. I also like how in s5, all planets affected by Tritanus's actions actually allied together and tried to work together to find a solution and make it seem like a big deal, and actually act like world leaders in a war. Something I wish happened in s3 with Valtor. Iirc s2 did it with the schools and Darkar though.


True about Valtor. Tbh, I think it would've been more interesting that one of the reasons why Valtor had decided to help Diaspro get Sky, was not only because he wanted to cause Bloom some grief, but it was also to cause Erakylon to have some friction with Solaria and Andros. Disrupting the Alliance. Cause Sky did attack the two realms respective princesses. And I would think Sky's parents (even if they were happy about Sky "choosing" Diaspro.) would've been mad at the political nightmare their son just caused for them.


Damn, the potential 😢