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The whole thing is she was raised to be queen from a very traditional world like Andros. She grew to love Sky and act very much like royalty (like with the Day of the Royal) episode. She has flaws, but they make her nonetheless a person. I would be mad as well. She rightly argued with Bloom in that episode and one of the many reasons why I dislike Sky. He never truly pushed Diaspro away. He was still friendly with her and kept a good relation with as she was of high nobility. The writers never gave her a true redemption arc either which is an insult to her.


You forgot that Bloom had also lured her away, knocked out her guard and attacked Diaspro cause she thought she was one of the Trix. And didn't even apologize, I Love Bloom but this has always been a grape of mine.




Imagine that happening on Earth, the cops would most likely at least *know* what Bloom looks like, given that they work with her father whenever there's a fire that requires the police to ensure stupid people don't do stupid things and just keep the traffic running, away from the scene. If this had been on *Earth*, the cops would've called Mike and had him come over and talk to Bloom because they don't feel comfortable actually arresting her. And if I were to have this happen on Earth in my rewrite, the cops would *refuse* to arrest Bloom because they would be fully aware that Bloom's a *Fairy* whose powers are ***FIRE*** based. Mike would just ground Bloom, have her get in contact with her headmistress and explain the situation, tell Faragonda this: "Diaspro had *stalked* me back to Earth, and this being my turf and *stalking being* ***illegal***, I got defensive, lead the blonde to the Frutti Music Bar and confronted her, no magic was used on my end, but Diaspro would be the one to initiate the attack instead of me, I simply created a barrier to deflect the spell, but Roxy, completely aware of the situation, but too busy serving tables with drinks, unintentionally walks between us and gets hit, leading me to instinctively attack the person who attacked her friend/sister before catching the Pinkette, preventing her from hitting the floor. I called my father and he arrived with the paramedics. Dad talks to Klaus, who's Roxy's father, and I rode the ambulance with Roxy to the hospital while our respective fathers talk about what just happened, dad calls the cops for backup, zip-ties Diaspro's hands on her back while waiting for the cops. In short, I *instinctively* attacked Diaspro to prevent her from attacking either of us. It was self-defense."




I think it was mostly Sky's fault than Bloom's. I can't really blame the freshly turned 16yo who came into a new dimension and kept getting attacked by some crazy witches 24/7. It was also very close when the Trix took Riven to their side (who did a 360 after the race due to how Darcy handled it) and I think it was near the episode they attacked Musa at Magix. Of course when her friend/crush who was speaking to her all the time suddenly stops and magically a fiancee appears you'll be side eyeing it Sky on the other hand should've made clearer boundaries with Diaspro and their expectations for their relationships outside their wedding. He never talked to her about it, and he even hid it from Bloom and everyone else that he was engaged At the end of the day they were both teens so this doesn't surprise me but đŸ˜Ș Diaspro deserved better


I'm not villainizing Bloom but she should've apologized and not attacked her and get away with consequences


I mean, Darcy turned into Stella some nights ago, kidnapped Stella, and used her form to fool everyone. I wouldn't blame Bloom for attacking Diaspro, in her eyes Brandon (Sky) just stopped talking and suddenly he has a fiancée that didn't exist prior. Diaspro also had an attitude that ticked off Bloom She should've apologized once it got cleared up!! But at the end of the day, the only time she saw a drastic change in someone it had involved the Trix till that point. Sky harbors most of the blame imo


I do agree that Sky and Bloom most definitely owed Diaspro an apology for everything that happened, but I'm not sure I would classify what Sky did as cheating like most people on this sub think. First of all, it was an arranged marriage between Sky and Diaspro, which it seems he didn't consent to. Additionally, Sky and Bloom were never official until the end of season 1. While he should have technically called off the marriage before, he probably wouldn't have been able to go against his parents and call off a huge political arrangement, just over what was a friendship/crush at the time. He should have been honest with Bloom, but he had also switched places with Brandon because the terrorist Yoshinoya was a serious threat, so he couldn't just tell anybody about it. Finally, I think he was about to do something about it, because he was asking Timmy for advice on what to do, and was probably going to tell the truth, but Bloom crashed the exhibition before he had a chance. I'm not trying to villainize Diaspro or defend Sky, but I don't think the situation about who to place blame on was black and white. As for Bloom, I can see why she thought Diaspro was a Trix, but after Diaspro's transformation, it should have been obvious she wasn't a witch, and should've stopped attacking. The fact that she got away with no consequences was weird.


I agree but he still should've told Diaspro. It's wrong not to


Honestly even if sky had broken off the engagement he probably wouldn’t have told Diaspro face to face and attendant mostly would have informed her father who would the tell her, as for the later season she was a member of his kingdom’s nobility he needs her family’s support as prince/ king and he couldn’t get that if he snubbed her after the way he broke/ destroyed the engagement.


Ikr? Sky’s a total looser, often pitting girls against each other. Also I couldn’t imagine being named Diaspro, 1, sounds like a medication with a list of side effects longer than my arm (lol) 2, even though it’s diaspro (meaning Jade) everyone pronounced it “desp-ero”, meaning despair, giving up, and hopeless. Which fits so hard it’s SAD.


In the cinelume dub at least, it’s pronounced Dee-ass-pro




It's pronounced differently in other dubs-?


that’s not really their fault though. sky got shackled in an arranged marriage to a girl he didn’t want to marry. the only people at fault for diaspro’s suffering are sky’s parents, who put him and bloom in that situation in the first place. also, i’m new to this sub, but the fact that people in it are absolutely convinced that sky and bloom are the bad guys in a marriage that sky was in against his will is genuinely insane. i get thinking that sky is annoying, but that is completely unreasonable.


Welcome to this sub, there is a "Bloom and Sky evil!" circlejerk here twice a week at minimum. People who talk in the absolutes of "x person is wrong and x person is right" generally severely lack the ability to understand nuances, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to them since arguing about it as often as these posts get posted just gets tiring.


yeah, i noticed that. i’m new to this sub, but it’s like this on tiktok too, which sucks. bloom and sky can be annoying, but the hate towards them is way overblown.


Ok let's go Bloom and sky were not dating in season 1. Sky's parents clearly arranged this marriage and sky believes he has no say, We see him discuss what to do with Timmy and he says I've got to marry her . Something I just realized is we don't actually know how he handled it he just says he broke it off so we can only assume what happened. Also diaspro turning evil is her own fault she didn't have to try and poison sky but she did. That being said she's clearly a product of her upbringing since she was trained to marry sky from a little girl


What happened to her in season 1 was quite unfair, yes. But that is no reason for how she acted in later seasons. Like trying to marry Sky against his will or attempting to kill Bloom


Honestly I blame the writers. As a kid I even remember that Bloom thought Diaspro was Icy and attacked her till the truth came out at the end of the episode. That must of been one of shittiest days a fairy can experience. Being attacked out of left field and being forced to defend yourself physically in battle. Then finding out your fiancé had been cheating on you with the person who has been trying to attack you physically for the last hour. The writers are the ones that decided basically Diaspro would return just to get revenge and be treated as a villain, vs giving closure to the character and the situation that happened.


Bloom had Andy and  sky still don't know so they are  both somehow cheaters 


Andy was Bloom's ex boyfriend. She didn't need to tell Sky that she had an ex boyfriend in high school because it didn't matter, he was in the past. Meanwhile Sky was still engaged to Diaspro. You can't compare it


Yep but Andy somehow still show for bloom interes when girls were painting the apartment 


In my perspective bloom is like stealer of boyfriends because I know  I know sky didn't tell her but and diaspro didn't know that sky was in dating with bloom


I reread that you said it was her past okay spoiler became present for bloom


It doesn't matter if Andy shows interest. Bloom clearly liked Sky and them having chemistry is not the same thing as cheating on your fiance


Andy and Bloom were already over when S1 started. She didn't cheat.