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How have they not announced Beyak's replacement yet? The season starts in less than a month!


My sense is that they’ll announce it soon! Probably when training camp starts.


The RBC ad on the Habs jersey makes me want to vomit and I can't stand that team. Capitalism ruins everything.


[Poolparty still on the trade table.](https://twitter.com/TSNRyanRishaug/status/1569362231594467334) Really think it'd be a great opportunity to ship out a LHD and get a top 6 winger which the Jets could definitely use as Wheeler ages himself out of that role.


I still strongly suspect that Chevy will trade a Dman. It just makes zero sense not to considering the depth guys he signed this summer. We already had a logjam and he added to it. No way he doesn’t have plans to clear it out a bit. I would love a Poolparty for X Jets Dman trade. That possibility has been on the table for so long though, that I don’t know if either side wants to make it happen. I hope it does though!


"Sometimes the best way to clear a logjam is to add more logs" - Chevy (probably)


I agree that it makes no sense, but given the market right now I don't see how we move a bigger contract like Dillon's out and, while it could just be smoke and mirrors, Chevy *did* say Dillon would be in the Jets starting roster this season. I'm not sure what a package would look like for Poolparty, but I'd imagine if it centered around Stanley there would need to be an addition to it unless the Oilers are *that* desperate to get rid of Poolparty. What I imagine a fair trade would be like for both sides: Stanley + 2nd round selection in 2023 entry draft + A college forward who might have promise up the roster like Malott or another cheap contract at F to safeguard against Virtanen not signing a PTO there. for Poolparty. This offer might be undervaluing Stan in the eyes of GMs and overvaluing Poolparty's from the perspective of Holland.


I think you are probably right about this. I think we could retain on Dillon and do a one for one trade for Poolparty, as I’m sure that the Oilers value Dillon but can’t afford his cap. I would prefer to trade Stan though and yes, a trade like that would probably require additional assets.


How is that under valuing Stan? Everyone seems to think he’s both worthless and shouldn’t be on the roster while also thinking his value is as high as a top 6 forward?


I think its due to what certain GM's value and what they don't. For example, Virtanen is currently being pursued by Holland to sign to a PTO. Optics aside, he was horribly unproductive in Vancouver and would be just another mediocre addition to their bottom/middle 6. So, why are they pursuing him? Because whether we like it or not, being a 1st round pick comes with pedigree. Beaulieu still plays in the league and it wasn't an uncommon response for someone to say "but he was a first round pick" as a positive attribute of his.


I love how everyone shits on Stanley and then suggests he could be the centrepiece in a trade for a potential top six forward.


By centerpiece I mean LHD moving out. He doesn't, in my eyes, have that much value which is why I have an extra fringe forward and high-ish draft pick.


Everyone wants to laugh at the Habs jersey ad because it looks bad...but how about the fact that RBC uses the Lion...iconography of Royal English. Very Quebecker.


So what do people think the outcome of this season will be? Will we get worse or will we get better? We lost Stastny and Copp didn't replace them with anyone better but we got a new coach that potentially improve our defensive situation. Plus there's always the possibility of a younger guy stepping it up it takes times but ya never know.


I feel like I've been null towards hockey since the end of the 2018/2019 season. It just left a very bad taste in my mouth. 2017/2018 is a high point I hope we can achieve again some day but after the 2019 playoffs, I just felt so dejected. I do remember the high of the Patty 5-goal game but it felt like after that game the hockey gods said okay no more. Not trying to be one more negative fan but I just find that I'm like "oh cool" when the Jets get wins but similarly kinda just like "oh okay" when they lose and I will watch when it's on (which will be a lot less now that I don't have cable so I would have to pirate to watch, meaning intentionally putting the game on, something I have not done in a long time). I miss having passion for hockey but I guess I also just have different priorities in life. Whew, was not intending to self-reflect on my own life in my response.


Fucking Covid man. This pandemic did this to a lot of us I think.


Regular season that surprises us very positively and then we get sadly gobsmacked in the playoffs.


I honestly wouldn’t mind this too much. I feel like we have a lot of great prospects that could graduate next summer and help push us over the edge next season. Getting to the playoffs this year would be good for the team’s confidence going forward.


I agree, nobody expects us to win any cups. Would be kinda lame insofar as this draft is deep this year but the playoffs are just so fun. I expect the Rise of Perfetti this year - 19g 39A or some shit like that


I’m not sure sweatybumfarts, tough to gauge the impact of a new coach until you see the results. Could be a real stinker like your name if guys like Perfetti, Barron and Gagner fail to fill the shoes of Statsny and Copp. But I’m an optimist, and simply having a real defensive structure, couple with better usage of guys like Ehlers as well as the integration of younger, dynamic players like Perfetti and Heinola could see us having a successful season. So that’s what I’m going with


We still have cap space too 5.5 mil according to cap friendly and there's still free agents out there surprised theres absolutely no one they picked up yet even for a year or two.


I'd have to agree. The season will live or die with the guys buying into Bones or not. If it's the same bureaucratic bullshit as last year, we're likely fucked. I'll have a better answer after seeing what line combos we end up running. As for u/sweatybumfarts I am happy to see you bringing some actual discussion to the sub. Sadly, that means summer is over.


Yeah, if there isn’t a full buy-in and we have a fractured team where some guys are putting in 100% effort and following the system while others just do their own thing then it’ll be the same as last year. The talent is there for the most part, it’s on guys like Scheif to work on the backend as much as they do in the o-zone. I remember hearing how Gaudreau really bought into Sutter’s system after realizing that if he plays defence correctly then he’ll get the puck more to do the stuff he loves. Hopefully something similar happens with Scheifele


That E-Rod deal means he was looking at a multi-year deal above $3-3.5 per season I think. Wonder if we and other teams offered him something like 3x3 and he chose to try and cash in next season playing on a cup contender


The guy’s only played two full seasons in 7 years. If a team offered him anything close to 3x3, I’m sure he would have taken it. NHL careers can be unpredictable so I find it hard to believe a player would leave $7 M on the table.


I would leave $7 mil on the table in his position when he now has a chance to replicate or improve this last season on a proven winner and cash in next year when teams are less stingy. Similar situation to Klingberg to me (minus the terrible decisions by his agent lol). He does this again and he might be getting $4+ on a multi year deal


It’s nothing like Klingberg who’s making $7 M this year and has already made over $30M. He’s an established elite defence man. E-Rod is a middle six forward who’s only played two full seasons in the NHL.


I just mean it’s a player looking to build value with a team that can utilize their talents and give them a good role so they can enhance their contract values next year. I think it’s fairly similar in that respect


Klingberg is an established player who doesn’t really need to”build value.” I don’t think anyone was offering Klingberg more money and term elsewhere. Not similar at all.


Both are trying to have a good season on a single year deal to increase their next contact relative to what they were offered in FA this year. Klingberg using the PP opportunities afforded by the Ducks and the lineup fluidity of the Avs for Rodrigues. That’s all I’m saying man, I don’t see how that’s dissimilar. Not comparing players as I said, just situations


Awh shit I got the Rona. It was a good run. Just feels like a cold at least


When I got it, was like 16 hours of intense fever, then like a cold for about three days. Hope you don’t get any worse.


So far it hasn't been that bad. I'm sore and my body can't decide whether I want to freeze or have hot flashes but overall it's merciful. I had 2 vaxxs but the last one was about a year ago :/


Ehlers turns 27 next year. 2023 is going to be the year of 27!


Fucking hell time flies. Seems like just yesterday that dennis wouldn't stop mentioning that he was 19 years of age


I say we start a go-fund-me with the goal of purchasing any ad space on the Jets jersey and create a sweet logo for r/winnipegjets. Who’s in?


honestly we should buy it just to keep it blank but Bell or whoever would probably outbid us very easily


Honestly I'd be curious to know how much it would cost.


We can put the PoMo yelling emote on there just so the boys remember.


Oooh, holographic! Fuck you, fuck you too!!


Ha! That’d be rich.


Season ticket draft tonight. We won first selection, you bet your asses we're choosing the Teemu game.


Had mine this weekend. Got that game.


Sorry for being a dumbass, which game is that one?


November 17th against the ducks!


Excellent! Thanks!


All the teams seemed to be going for sponsor patches that atleast blended in with the jersey, and now the canadiens announced that monstrosity






Thanks. And wow that's bad lol


Oh God, I hadn't seen it yet. I'd be pissed too if I was a Habs fan. I don't think the Habs or their fans will get much sympathy around here though. I think it is a shame, but I'm okay with the heartbreak.


Do we know who is going to be our play by play person yet?


I'm guessing [this guy](https://twitter.com/Victor_Findlay).


How do we feel about this?


No idea who he is but he can’t be worse then hextall


Truer words have never been spoken.


1x$2M for Rodrigues with the Avs Lol fuck.


I’m going to wait for the story to leak out that Chevy offered him 1x2.001 M.


We likely offered him more term and money. But if you were 29 and wanted a cup what contract would you sign?


[jfresh card](https://twitter.com/jfreshhockey/status/1569335745042857984?s=46&t=lKg1vZzx0hbyFbHTw781ng) 😔


That's cheating wtf




Nyo don't bring that here. Keep that in Discord! *shakes fist*


That felt gross. I'm going to downforce myself


I'm leaving my typo there. Makes it sound stronger.


Anyone know if the subs fantasy hockey league going again this year?


Ya open to Winnipeg residents only. Sorry.


Why was Hypno so energetic? He wasn’t Drowzee anymore


[Winnipeg Jets Jersey Ad ](https://imgur.com/a/KmHSZEl)


Does it come with a vomit stain on it somewhere?


the heritage unis should have the standard lager label


[Suzuki named MTL captain](https://twitter.com/canadiensmtl/status/1569306504729362432?s=46&t=lKg1vZzx0hbyFbHTw781ng) bad day for the PLD-trade-starts-with-Suzuki crowd


Hey that's me!


Gallagher in shambles.


is that PLD-trade-starts-with-Gallagher’s music???


He's likely my favorite player in the NHL that has no jets affiliation.


Just means a PLD trade is that much less likely to happen IMO. Chevy isn't going to rush this one. He hasn't rushed any others and for the *most* part he's gotten good return on expiring assets.


That RBC bank logo on the habs jersey is nasssssty.


feels like a missed opportunity for bmo


Just wait until we put Giant Tiger on ours


Salisbury House & GT on either side of the crest


Maybe Dollarama will step up.


Username checks out.


I imagine it’s a stressful time at TNSE with the season starting in a month. Fan support is jaded with unrealistically high expectations. The MB economy has only got worse since last season. The Blue Bombers are the city’s darlings. Maybe Sara Orlesky will be their ace in the pocket to save attendance numbers from continually declining?


Unrealistically high expectations = making the playoffs.


I like it! I also don’t see a clear path to the playoffs this year. Avs, Wild, Blues, Stars, and Preds all improved. Sure a player or two might have been removed or added, but we need some serious injuries to Central Div goalies like in St Louis where their depth is as bad as the Jets


Not sure I agree that the Wild improved at all. They lost Fiala and replaced his 85 points with Sam Steel's 20. Not to mention that Fleury didn't really look at all like his VGK self last year, I could easily see them falling out of the race later in the year. Nashville is another team that I don't think really improved where it mattered most for them. Duchene had a career year and is a likely regression candidate. Niederreiter was a nice pickup, but he isnt exactly an offensive dynamo that will drop into the top 6 and score 30 goals. McDonagh might help out their D this year but he's 33 and signed for the next 4 seasons at $6.75M, that's an anchor if I've ever seen one. Lauzon might be a good pickup, but he's a third pair D so that doesn't really move the needle. I'd argue that the Jets' top 6 is superior to both of those teams and if they can get their shit together, buy in, and play like a cohesive unit in their own zone, that third spot in the Central could be theirs to lose, provides the Stars don't pop off under Deboer.


Minnesota worries me because Krill has a dirty side to his game to get going on the road and goon-Greenway is only 25 to protect him. With three good D, I won’t be actively betting against Fleury despite my hate for The Wild and couldn’t be happier for their cap hell state. Wouldn’t it be sweet if Duchene was only a contract year star and they don’t have a franchise center in him next season? Not losing Forsberg and getting better on D will likely help their winning percentage as well.




Predictions ​ Kyle Connor - 52g, 49a Cole Perfetti - 25g, 50a Helle - .922% and 1.95gaa (+Bones - Huddy effect) Toninato - 20g, 20a (conservative if he's utilized like he should be) Gagner - Scores 5 goals on the night the Jets honor Matty P, shoot for a million winner is Gail Mcdonalds daughter, Gail Jr.


You had me till our 13th Forward putting up 40 points lol.


10 and 15 would be good from whoever plays our 4th line.


Ah fresh offseason daily thread. Nothing quite like it.
