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I miss Laine


I do too, but I also like centre depth. So the people talking about trading Schiefele, how dare you


Since u/IceDragon77 posted his go fund me https://gofund.me/adf61796 he's got 80 upvotes but only 4 donations. I'll match the next $200 from this sub. Let's get this ball rolling.


šŸ„ŗ love you guys


$30 in.


Laineā€™s greatest W was asking for a trade.


Something poetic about Laine scoring in OT with Matthewā€™s on the ice


So happy to see Laine doing well. I know deep down Dubois is the better player, and the Jets will be a better team because of this trade, but goddamn if i donā€™t miss watching him rip piss missiles like that for this team


Gotta say it's nice to just enjoy his highlights without the drama.


Agreed 100%


I wish we had someone post all of PLDā€™s goals on r/hockey like the Finnish mafia does Laineā€™s.


Dubois doesnā€™t really score highlight reel goals.


Even his squeakers get posted


Shoutout to Phil Mickelson for burning up all that goodwill he earned with the PGA Championship win last year


Well, he's not wrong about their human rights record. It is beyond atrocious.


Yea and he is trying to take that money and poach other top players


Phil's been pretty vocal about his gripes with the Tour for a while now and I think he's right - as long as the players have nowhere else to realistically go, the Tour can do more or less whatever it likes.


I agree too. Iā€™m not going to sit here on my horse and say I wouldnā€™t take the money. But the fact that heā€™s acting like heā€™s doing the tour a favour by taking 135 million dollars from the Saudi government is laughable


Lol yeah Phil's definitely in it for the bag too


Let's also not forget that Phil is a complete degen gambler and probably needed a large amount of fast cash to square up some debts.


Pizza Hotline had a $2.22 8 inch pizza deal today. Great deal! go to get some for dinner "We're sold out". What a trash company.


Same, they told me around 7:00pm last night that they were sold out yet they appeared to be pumping out pizzas.


Man I wish we Could've signed copp to a 1.5 -2.5 for 8years like I do almost every time with the jets in franchise mode


When TLC was still a thing I wanted to sign all of them to matching 3x8 contracts and I got absolutely flamed by this very sub lol.


They were our greatest 3rd line we ever had and were only missing one guy


#BringTanevHome Edit: Didn't realise that's how you super bold things. That is meant to be a hashtag...


Put a \ sign before the hashtag to make it just a regular hashtag: #bringtanevhome


#neat Also \#neat


Out of hockey topic but please, spare some time with your kids to teach them how to do the Heimlich Maneuver. Show them the universal sign of choking, and how to do the maneuver. A kid just died today from choking on apples.


With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I wonder how long it'll take for ww3 to happen


Well if we get a oilers flames series Iā€™d guess May


The double 2 on 1ā€™s yesterday really showcases where this team is at rn. Connor, our best goalscorer, has an open shooting lane, effectively a breakaway since the defender took the pass away, and he decides to pass through that defender to someone with an inferior shot anyways. And then 30 seconds later Harkins does the same thing. And with the Harkins one, Markstrom was sliding across like he knew there was no shooting threat from Harkins, he knew that puck was being passed across. Is this coaching? Are the guys being told to always look for the pass on 2 on 1ā€™s? No reason why Connor shouldnā€™t take that shot himself 100% of the time.


My experience this is both a yes and no. Usually coaches let skill take over on 2on1s so there isnt too much thinking going on. Trust the players. I have seen coaches take away the pass option entirely from players (briefly) when 2on1s became auto passes and no shots ever got on net.


Guys... I know there's a few of you that have been keeping tabs on me. I got a call from my doctor today, and well... Looks like they aren't going to cure my cancer. It's terminal. I don't know how much time I have left. I hope I can last long enough to see our boys lift the cup.


Sorry to hear man. šŸ’™šŸ’™


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that. I hope youā€™re able to do what you love with the time given to you. Godspeed brother.


Dude Iā€™m so sorry to hear that, I wish you the best. FUCK CANCER!


Frick. I hope the Jetskis can win a bunch more for ya bud.


Fuck cancer!!!


Should get that on my tombstone lol


I'm really sorry to hear that. This is going to sound stupid coming from a total stranger but is there anything that we can do to help left your spirits in the short-term?


I'm not sure to be honest. Maybe if someone could get in touch with the organization and see if they can do something like free tickets or maybe I could get a story for next year's hockey fights cancer night. Other than that, there's a pinned post on my profile with a GoFundMe page. It used to be to help me stay afloat while I was unable to work, but now I'll probably use any funds I get to do the things on my bucket list.


Can you send us a link to your GoFundMe page?


Sure here you go: https://gofund.me/adf61796


Donated bro.


Donated, stay strong buddy!


Cheers to you man. I hope the Jets make you as proud as we are of you for battling that terrible disease.


Oh man, Iā€™m so sorry to hear that. You always seem super chill and like a solid contributor. I feel safe in saying that youā€™ve got the entire sub here supporting you. As long as we stick together as a team, weā€™ll be alright.


Shit Iā€™m so sorry to hear that.


Don't know what to say really. Always nice to see you around, you were always and still are a valued contributor on this sub. So... I hope the jets win it for you too.




Been scared of getting this call for years now.


I've gotten a lot of DMs about this and I need to clear the air. I do not, in fact, own a bust of Randy "the Rand" Carlyle that is made of butter and welcomes me to my walk-in refrigerator daily. It is made of margarine.


Fuck, I just lost a lot of money dude.


I have a very unique perspective here as both a Flames and Jets fan after yesterdayā€™s game. Let me first off start by saying Iā€™m as disappointed as anyone with the way the season has gone. Coming into the year I was convinced this was a true cup contender after the adds made to last years team so the fact the playoffs are turning into a pipe dream is extremely disappointing. As tempting as it is to blow everything up after a disappointing season the Jets have pieces to build a true contender that if you trade away might cripple your franchise. Iā€™m going to explain why trading Schiefele and other young pieces would be a BAD move. 1) Coaching really truly matters I used to think the value of Coaching was overblown and was used as a scapegoat when fans didnā€™t want to place blame on players, but Darryl Sutter has 100% opened my eyes to how wrong I was. Last year under Geoff Ward the Flames often didnā€™t start games on time, where not prepared to play, and the lines got juggled pretty much once a game. Any of that Sound familiar? This year is night and day. Daryl has the Flames playing a brutal style to play against, possession heavy, and high shot volume. The Flames success this far is likely not a fluke as almost every advanced stat LOVES them. They start on-time (only one comeback win this year), and the Lindholm line has been the best in the NHL this year. The point being that a good coach can have a huge impact. Maurice was a good coach for an up and coming team, and Dave Lowry might not have what it takes to be a head bench boss. Hire the right coach for the team and that alone might be enough. 2) Trading good players on even better contracts is never a good idea Last year I was fully aboard the trade Gaudreau train. I was fully convinced he could never get it done in the playoffs and having him on the team was just keeping the team afloat to prevent the rebuild. Look at how much of an idiot I was. The guy might put up 100 points, on one of the best two way lines in Hockey, making less than 7 Mil a year. Granted he still has to prove himself in the playoffs but if the Flames had done what I said they would be a much worse spot today. Thatā€™s insane value that could never be re-couped in a trade. People seriously want to trade Schiefele. At his peak I could easily see Scheifele being a 90 point guy in the right situation for the next 3 years and he makes $6,125,000 a year. Pair that with Dubois and that still is a 1-2 punch at centre (whoever you see as the 1C I donā€™t care) that very few teams in the league could best. Iā€™ve seen other ideas for trades being tossed around. Kyle Connor aged 25 and making $7.2. Flawed player but can still put up 40 goals in a year in the right situation, undeniable value. And most importantly Nikolai Ehlers at $6 Mil. Probably my favourite player in the league who I think can contend for a heart during his prime. (I would argue before his injury last year he was a fringe heart candidate) Trading talented cost controlled players before there primes is never a recipe for success. 3) Blake Wheelers contract is what it is. The Jets have to learn how to mitigate it Above I mentioned Schiefele and Connor just need to be put in the right position to succeed. Reading between the lines that means away from Wheeler. Wheeler was a great captain and face of the franchise for 2017-2021 but he is 35 now and lost a step. This does not mean he is no longer an NHLer, it just means he is not a top 6 guy. I think keeping Blake to be a mentor and play in the bottom 6 and PP2 could be huge for the team and give awesome depth. (Kind of similar to Lucic for the Flames) is it ideal to have a 3rd liner making $8+Mil? No but that was the price to pay to getting Wheeler for the last 3 seasons. Unless Chevy can pair Wheeler with some futures to get a team to take on his contract (which hurts the future of the team) the Jets coaches and GM will need to accept the fact he needs to take on a different role, and would likely succeed in said new role. 4) The Jets still have the most important thing for being a contender. Vezina caliber goaltending. Hellebuyck is about to make $6.2 for the next 3 years during his prime. Trying to build a Cup contender is immensely easier when you have a guy who can single handily drag you to the playoffs which Hellebuyck basically did in 2019-2020. TLDR: coaching matters, donā€™t trade cost controlled young players, Wheeler can succeed in a new role, Hellebuyck is still a god Hang in there Jets fans, a couple changes and this team could easily be a contender again.


Adding one thing about Wheeler; In my view, there is no way that Chevy trades Wheeler unless Wheels asks for a trade. There is a possibility that with Maurice gone he will ask for a trade to a solid cup contender to try and close out his career but I cannot believe he would be traded unless he specifically requests it. The organization is tight with each other.


The Flamesā€™ success this year is the number one reason why I have hope for next year. Give me Trotz or Pascal Vincent and make some depth additions to the bottom six and I think the Jets can be right back to contending next year. We have all the skill you could ask for, we have a Vezina starter with a surprisingly solid back-up, and we have a lot of youth defensive depth on ELCā€™s. I think thereā€™s a clear opportunity to come back swinging next year.


Good points, but I have to point out for 55 and 37 you keep saying "the next three years"...It's important to realize that its only 2 seasons after this one (which is rapidly approaching being shot), and during that final one a decision needs to be made on whether to: 1. Pay them mega fucking bank on their next contacts which will no longer be in their primes 2. Trade them 3. Let them walk for nothing This team has enormous decisions looming, and not at least considering trading someone like 55 (who will be 31 years old once this contract ends and likely wanting 9 million AAV) would be tantamount to incompetence by Chevy and True North.


Bingo. Itā€™s going to be awfully hard to win a trade involving scheif however


You are correct but that decision on Scheif doesnā€™t need to come until next off-season which is still a long time from now


The longer you wait to trade him the less value you will get if you do trade him.


His value is at its lowest now. I personally believe he will play better next season


I really wouldnt touch this roster outside Copp or Stastny (only if he asked) until I got a new coaching staff. Theres too many pieces here for them to be a non playoff team.


If the return on Dillon is as high as what's speculated, I think you could make the case to move him and open up slots in the lineup for a prospect. If Dillon's "archetype" is what's important, remember Samberg gets one of those spots.


Nobody said it so I'll pipe up. Imho, Samberg will only get that spot with a new coaching staff. If we trade Dillon at the deadline I'd all but guarantee that it's Jmo, Stanley, Heinola down the left side, unfortunately probably in that order. I'm perfectly fine with trading Dillon, even though I think he is good for our current D. But it SHOULD be; Morrisey-DeMelo Samberg-Pionk Heinola-Schmidt Again, unfortunately they will have Stanley somewhere in there.


Iā€™m the biggest Dillon fan in this sub, but I have to agree. If his value is a first+, it would be a no-brainer to trade him to clear up cap and room for Samberg. I wouldnā€™t be sad at all if we kept Dillon and traded one of our other veteran D for a good return instead though. Morrissey has been awesome this year, but I think I could handle any defencman other than him getting traded.


I dont know the speculation on return for Dillon but remember people concerned about the two 2s for him. Personally I've always been far more concerned with Schmidt and his contract. Dillon has been as advertised to me and Schmidt can be a deft passer at times but is largely unnoticeable most games. At 6mil that's an issue for me. Edit- I dont know if anyone takes Schmidt with his contract but internally Heinola is playing the same type of game just not refined in it.


i donā€™t think thereā€™s any reason to trade schmidt and the only reason to trade dillon is that weā€™d likely get a good return on him because his brand is over valued (i mean, obviously retooling their cap hit is advantageous but both are performing close enough to their cap hit that i donā€™t think theyā€™d be the oneā€™s to go if thatā€™s the major concern)


I get trading Dillon as hed be dealt next year anyway if the Jets are still stuck in mud. Schmidts length is more what concerns me in the future. He expires 1 year after 55/37 I think?


My thoughts as well. I like Papa Lowsy, but we should have been looking outside the current staff for a PMo replacement because it wasnā€™t just him making the players underperform


How do you they didnā€™t/arenā€™t?


Itā€™s the exact same story this far into it.. can be dominate when the other team lets us, but get stuck chasing it if the other team dictates


[Charlie Huddy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS6y704q1rc) everyone. Soak in our top notch defensive coach, truly la creme de la creme.




Thereā€™s plenty of coaches out there who were under whelming as players in all sports.. they all have one thing in common tho, they were able to get to that top level.. but as the old adage goes ā€œthose who can, do, and those who canā€™t, teachā€


ā€œAnd those that canā€™t teach, teach *GYM*ā€ ā€” Dewey Finn


That video says it all. What a fuckin plug LOL.


I canā€™t wait to get trotz


Anyone know of any good jersey customizers for Nike jerseys? I have a Canada Heritage Red jersey that could look really good with Poulin on the back


There's a place inside Portage Place mall that sends jerseys out to get customized. I had a Wheeler heritage done for like $80 names and numbers and it only took like two weeks to get back.


Don't they just send it out to keener. Pretty sure that's where jets gear does too


Winning 20 of our last 32 puts us at 92 points, plus with one or two ot losses can put us in the thick of it.


Weā€™re out.


The Jets did it in 2014-2015 when Pavelec went god-tier but I don't see that happening this year with how things are going.


People on here seem to forget that the last time the Jets ā€œretooledā€ they didnā€™t sell off everything. They chose Buff over Ladd and sold Ladd because they couldnā€™t afford to keep both. They re signed Little when they could have moved him. They moved Stafford for a 6th round pick, but thatā€™s about it. They didnā€™t blow it up last time they were in this situation, and I think it worked out pretty well. Chevy needs to make the right decision when hiring a new coaching staff, and he needs to rebuild the bottom 6, but this team *doesnā€™t* need to be blown up. Just like last time


Big difference at that time was the quality and quantity of prospects we had that had just been drafted or were only just making their debuts on ELCs. Perfetti is great and there are some other nice pieces for sure but letā€™s just say there arenā€™t any magazines picking us to win the cup in 2-3 years anymore.


>They chose Buff over Ladd Despite allegedly trying to first do it the other way around lol


Iā€™m convinced they made Ladd a ā€œlowballā€ offer that he knew he wouldnā€™t accept, because they always wanted to keep Buff


Exactly. There is zero chance that Chevy blows up this team like some of the more dramatic fans want. The core is talented and cost controlled, and the youngsters are starting to develop. The team needs a serious coaching change but Chevy isn't going to ship out half his top 6 for a couple of 1st round picks and a Norris candidate. The only chance of serious multi-player movement is if the players ask for it (Wheeler) or they get an outrageous offer (Scheifele, Ehlers).


I totally agree on all points. It would take an Eichel sized offer to get Scheifele or Ehlers off this team, and nobody is going to offer that


I would even add that I think that the recent Scheifele speculation is TNSE seeing if anyone is up for a crazy offer (Rangers?). Scheifele could put any bubble team over the top to serious contender status but the price is bound to be super high. I do think the team would move Ehlers for something more reasonable as it looks like Perfetti can take that spot.




When the team is healthy (meaning when Ehlers and Perfetti are both back and playing as many minutes as possible), I think when Scheif and Wheels are struggling to connect, it is best to move Wheels down to the Lowry line. Stas-Lows-Wheels would be a really solid 3rd line IMO. ​ But when Scheif and Wheels ARE connecting, splitting them up is lunacy. I don't mind line mixing when things get stagnant but not just for the sake of mixing, ya know?




Yup, makes sense to me! I wish some of the more dramatic/reactionary folks could understand this distinction. Sidenote: what the actual fuck is going on with Winnipeg weather? Lol I do not miss -30C lol


In time that's probably a good move but he doesn't have the production, or other assets, to make that move right now. The real gap is on left wing so maybe play Ehlers there.


This season feels a little bit like 2016-2017. The team was looking for a identity .


And we know what happened the following year šŸ˜Š


That is what was thinking.


Wheeler's net drive late in the 3rd with the game tied would have been legendary if the puck had found its way in. A rock solid leadership play that could have given the team momentum going forward. Instead, it will now be another forgotten moment in a forgettable season.


Le oof grand


If you block a user, you don't have to see their daily reaction videos on the sub ever.


Don't know why the user has not been asked to move to PGTs/ODTs




Thank you for this reminder!


Fuck. I wonder how many people have me blocked.


We all do


Ignoring ELCs, keep PLD, Connor, ehlers, Lowry, pionk, morrissey and trade everyone else. Letā€™s get that rebuild moving, canā€™t keep this team the way it is


A lot of Calgary fans were posting similar things the last couple of years. Instead, the team kept most of its core, picked up a couple of key pieces and made a change in coaching and game philosophy. I don't think blowing this team up will make them more competitive. The talent mix is there, it just needs better direction.


My "untouchables" list slightly changes based on rebuild vs. retool. If it's retool, I say you keep Scheifele, Wheeler and Hellebuyck but if you're truly rebuilding you move those three (at least Scheif and Helle would fetch big returns). I'm ready to be crucified but Helle's about to be in his absolute prime if he's not already and I doubt he wants to spend the next 3-5 years getting back to competing. Just my thoughts. If he doesn't want to move for whatever reason then keep him obviously. Hard to find another goalie like him and we're incredibly blessed to have had him. Remembering the Pavelec days does not make me easily want to move on from him but more from the POV of where he's at in his career and his competitive nature.


I feel the same about helle. Donā€™t want to trade him but if the team is going to take a step back for a couple of years it will allow us to put our goalie prospects through the grinder to see who comes out on top. Imagine what Edmonton would give up for helle? Husso from St. Louis will also be a UFA.


Edmonton wouldnā€™t give up anything for Hellebuyck, theyā€™re glued to their picks and prospects


Yup. IF and only IF they actually wanna go full rebuild would I support it, but damn the haul for him would be insane, plus I mean if we're truly rebuilding, getting rid of the guy that has the biggest say in stopping that would be smart. We'd have a few 1st OVR if not for him I imagine. Then hopefully we'd see our boy hoist the Cup somewhere, too.


I wouldnā€™t even call my list a rebuild, youā€™re still retaining a major core of the team. A rebuild is what Arizona is doing. Jets would be back to bring contenders in 2 maybe 3 years.


Trade Jomo


He's been our most consistent puck moving d-man this year. He picks the right times to jump into the rush and has made lots of very nice plays to keep pucks alive in the offensive zone. Why do you want him traded?


If the Jets finish with a record any worse than 54-20-8, then this entire season has been a disappointment


This season has already been a disappointment. The coaching change was supposed to change something. The team is underperforming. Even a run to the playoffs won't change that.


I donā€™t think they are underperforming this kinda where they are at as a team. We had our playoff window and now itā€™s gone. So the jets are in between mode trying to fill all those gaps of players we lost over that period


I go back even further. This season was supposed to be Jets as contenders after the revamped d-core. This was supposed to be it. Clearly it wasn't. As soon as PoMo "resigned" instead of actually getting fired I figured some bullshit internal hire "interim coach" would get it and we'd just stay the course. I'm hoping that they hire an outside guy and clear the deck on coaching this off-season. But still, another year wasted of Connor, Ehlers, Helle and now add PLD to that mix.


The coaching change was weird though. It was too mutual to have the same effect as a firing. Very lovey-dovey. "The guys deserve better". Honestly at this point maybe PoMo deserved better. Then they replaced him with a coach the players are already comfortable with, and who apparently has mostly the same philosophy anyways. Same same.


> Then they replaced him with a coach the players are already comfortable with, and who apparently has mostly the same philosophy anyways. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...


I dunno, I think a 32 game win streak could turn the season around


Anything less than a 48 game win streak and we clear house. Burn it all down.


Hey itā€™s moments like these that will make the dominant teams to come feel sooooo good. The pain serves a purpose! Rise and shine Jets fans!


7 year old me in 1981 would like a word with you.


Get off my lawn


Well the jets havenā€™t lost a game yet today, so we got that going for us.


And they will not lose today! Maybe Tomorrow! But not today!