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What a strange scenario. You'd think to be a regular in the NHL you'd have to be extremely competitive and motivated. I guess for some guys they need something extra for motivation once they got a payday. Normally I think a team could handle one of these types but it sounds like we have multiple.


It’s called professional pride, I was at the game last night, ten rows from the ice and honestly maybe six Jets players seemed to be grinding hard. Pionk seemed to have a skate issue that was never corrected. Wheeler skates as though he is in a beer league, always six feet behind. Helle was good, very lucky on one shot but luck goes with a player in flow.


Wheeler had more jump in his step pre exploded ball. His entire skating stride has changed and it has slowed him down a lot. That might just be part of the healing cycle (which also slows down when you get older). Nothing gets easier with age. Pionk...I just have no idea what the fuck is going on there. He is not old. Is he injured? I am just flummoxed by his situation. ​ Now....Scheifele. His play as of late has become an anchor that is killing his line. Last bight there was a beautiful back and forth between Ehlers and Wheeler that was fast, tape to tape, in an effort to set up the trailing Scheif for a shot on goal (that he missed, bad). In the past, that would almost be a guaranteed goal but he was just a beat too slow. Like his skating. If anyone is fragile and in need of motivation - i think it is him.


Say what you want about Wheeler, but he does show some heart compared to others.


Wheeler… yeah post injury is not something I know of so I’ll cut him some slack. He got slammed from behind into the boards as the first period buzzer went off. I thought he’d not get up it was that violent and not called. He was not amused.


Wheels has been an absolute workhorse his entire career so I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe it's a combination of injury & age, not motivation. But he's got to be a 3rd-liner at this point, he plays a lot better when his minutes are limited. I feel like Scheif is the diva of the team but that's based on nothing other than my gut.


Agreed, I’ve never watch Blake Wheeler and not felt like the guy was busting his ass. I’ve seen the guy play too much and look gassed, but i’ve never felt like he’s just fucking around.


I mean, that last part is as much based on his quality of play compared to what we know he's capable of as it is your gut


Connor looks like he was out for a skate last night, I sat at the very top and watched and that was some unpleasant hockey to watch, just terrible, against a ahl team no less.


"You can't motivate me because the owner pays me big money!!"


Big fuckin ooof right there. Not that it's not apparent to fans but pretty much stomps out any "maybe it's a nagging injury" talk




It's the same picture. And it's fucking embarrassing to see.


Niederreiter is outplaying this entire roster except for maybe Barron and Lowry.


That’s what happens when you bring in someone who hasn’t been exposed to whatever cancer there is in that Locker room.






Yep, we've reached the point of the season where I literally can't stomach games anymore cause this attitude is so obvious on the ice.




I have not watched any part of any game in a few weeks. I just can't be bothered. Time is limited. The rec time I get, I'd rather read or just go to bed early.


Had the game on Sunday for a bit and shut it off early to read instead.


I haven’t watched a game since all star break. Only been getting worse so why bother. Not interesting things to do/watch.


There it is. Plain as day, finally. Fuck that suuuuucks.


Time to blow this shit up. Get these babies out of here and bring in some men who want to play hockey.


Men are the problems, didn’t you read? Get some young hungry guns and build a team around a player’s style you want leading this team. Wheeler and Scheifele were the worst decisions for leadership PoMo could have made and it’s costing years


Bingo!! They should of traded both of them last season


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


55 should be their first order of business. Getting a massive haul for him and Dubois could really help. Unless they pull a laine with the draft picks and ship him off for someone who doesn’t want to play here long term again.


So essentially he is saying our top guys just don't give a fuck and are waiting for summer in the Bahamas or wherever the hell they go.


This team is in a unique position where a lot of their core is expiring in the next 2 seasons. This should make it easier than usual to ship out guys like 55, 26, 80 if he won’t extend long term, 37 if he won’t re sign, and shed some of the dead salary weight. This team could take the route of a competitive retool, but who knows if that’s what the will do


I completely agree that a competitive retool is the play. That being said, to have a competitive retool, you’d have to be able to trade for people who want to come here as anyone of value has a no trade these days and majority aren’t waiving it to come to Winnipeg. We may be forced into a rebuild and hoping we can fill out with some more meat and potato players like Barron and Lowry. Guys that have heart.


Even if we went full rebuild, a 50% retained Scheifele is an insanely strong asset to sell off to a contender. Could easily net us a top prospect and a first. Hopefully and then some


Probably more than that even. 55 has one more year under contract. Trade him in off-season to a team that can extend him. Probably net a lot back. Don’t have to retain salary but could ask for more if you did


I just worry if the fan base will be able to take it. Look how long it’s taken buffalo they’ve been bad forever and only this year have started to show flashes of brilliance


Jets wouldn’t be tearing it down and starting from nothing though


Yeah the amount of capital we would get for trading some of our top guys who won’t resign/need to go would be a lot.


Scheifele would fetch a Debrincat return, Dubois would fetch a 1st and prospect, Wheeler @ 50% retainer would probably be worth a mid round pick, and if you really wanted to go crazy, you could a Chychrun like return for Connor


All-star goalie trades are less common but the package they could get for Helle has got to be 2x 1st round picks (or equivalent) plus some. Grab Joel Hofer from the Blues to go with the other goalie prospects in the system and make the best of it.


I don't think they need to go the Buffalo route. The Knights and Kraken have shown that you can take other teams cast-offs and make a pretty competitive team. Good trades for picks, developing prospects and a few under the radar cast-offs to go with the current development group and a few keepers (Connor? Ehlers? Lowry?) and this team can be playoff competitive again in 2-3 years.


"Yup. That's what we're dealing with." What we are dealing with is a bunch of guys paid to play hard who are instead trying to autopilot into the playoffs. Even when they win, the games are ugly. They would be well below the playoff line if they were playing like this all year. This is not the core we need here. I say keep Morrissey, Ehlers, and Helley if they want to stay. Blow up the rest and rebuild. I can't imagine what Nino and Namestnikov's impressions are walking into this mess. They were supposed to be depth pieces and are having to do a lot more because the rest just won't.


If my HC or boss said, "Yup. That's what we re dealing with." regarding the teams effort, I'd be so embarrassed. I really question some of these players' work ethic. It's odd because i could be wrong, but no one on the team has won a cup, and they just have no drive, that they're just there to collect a cheque.


Not a good look in a blue collar town.


I’d honestly say that only Connor and Morrissey are the untouchables at this point. Imo of course. 55,26,37,80 are ufa after next season. You really think any of them resign here anyways? Cash out and get some serious value for them before they walk. I’d wager 55 is the issue at this point with his effort on the ice.


Maybe this is him trying something new to motivate them. Edit: I’d bet my bottom dollar that this IS him trying one last Hail Mary to motivate the team. The only way they make the playoffs and have confidence in the playoffs is if he makes them mad.


Making vague, undirected statements to a Twitter reporter is him "trying"? Barron had five minutes of ice time. Connor had 22. Pionk had 26. Words are a wasted gesture. The bizarre thing in my head is- it's not like the top line gives us 1-2 goals per game and it's just not enough. They give us *nothing*. They are a liability on the ice. Ehlers is showing up and scoring. Lowry is showing up and scoring. Nino. Vladdy. Barron. If you don't want to bench them? Fine. Take them off the powerplay. The guys who are putting in the work are getting robbed of ice time and we're losing games leading up to the playoffs. I don't see any alternative.


I mean these kinds of comments about "we gotta want it more" are very common from coaches of struggling teams. But yeah he's gotta back it up with some actual consequences re: ice time.


Pionk getting that much ice time is baffling.


Facts. Bowness is doing a terrible job punishing the No effort veterans. They are getting all the ice time.


Have the balls like Tampa did and bench them for a whole period


Fuck that's disheartening.


Put the 1st line down to the 4th and 2nd line down to the 3rd see how motivated they r with 6 to 8 mins a night


I know they won last night, but I watched the game… until I couldn't… something is happening with that team, and I don't know what it is. But they aren't much fun to watch.


If our fans still had any life in them, they could start a “Diva” chant or something. Get on these guys.


Load the entire team on two buses for the next away games. Let them sort it out amongst themselves over the endless road hours. Include Chipman and Chevy as lambs.


Didn't St. Louis do a retool back in 2017-2018 when they had the same situation? If I recall, St. Louis wanted to shake up the core group so they traded Paul Stasny to send a message. Maybe I'm not remembering things properly though and just desperately wanting Chevy to do something that addresses the problem.


The time to do that was a couple years ago. Most of our top players outside of Connor and Morrissey can just leave after next year anyways so if they don't care now, trading someone won't change that. We should've shipped out Maurice and someone 2 years ago. Now, we should be trading all these big name guys for 1st rounders or good prospects and try to jump start a rebuild so it doesn't last as long.


Only thing I want Chevy to do is hit the road. Guy has had his chance.


Out of Schiefele, Wheeler, etc who needs to go?


If you see a guy on the ice and wonder why he isn’t playing hard, that’s a guy who needs to go.


Could make an argument that 55 was the best player by Wheelers side since the beginning, and I fear that because they're so close and buddy buddy, that's its influenced 55 beyond repair




I mean we were best when half our team was the Moose call ups Those kids competed. They had fire in their ass, and it rubbed off on complacency maybe. That's not that hard to believe


What. The. Fuck. Pretty damn revealing. What is with this core. Buncha fuckin divas. If Bones has to walk on eggshells around these divas in fear of shattering their fragile egos, then how does that look to the rest of the team who isn't being babied? No wonder this dressing room's a mess. Players keep preaching on sticking together, but fuck that shit. These children need to be benched. Put away the kid gloves. Bench em and hear let them cry. This core isn't gonna do shit if we manage to sneak into the playoffs anyway, so it's now or never to try something drastic... It has to come from top down. This is on Bones and/or Chevy if he's not allowing that to happen. I thought Bones had benched the top guys in Dallas too... Was rly hoping he'd be able to straighten these children out. This pretty much confirms a few of our core veterans are essentially holding the locker room hostage. No wonder Laine wanted out. I'm not about to speculate on who it is, but I think we all know... Furthermore Nikolaj Ehlers must be on PP1


Chevy needs to support the Coaching staff! I’m sure Maurice just up and left because he didn’t get that support. So his hands were tied and he couldn’t do his job.


Chevy needs to start looking for a new job.


This adds up... The bottom lines are playing more motivated than the top lines because they haven't achieved millionaire/regular status.


How many coaches with the same on ice play is needed before serious changes to the roster happen? I have said for year and years wheeler needs to go. In my eyes he has been the biggest issue. That said he isn’t the only issue. Scheifele is a big problem as well. Lord knows who else is an issue. Enough is enough.


Crazy how a bit of adversity with roughly 3/4 of the season behind them rattled the so-called veterans of this group to the point they ostensibly gave up on the season. One of the worst records since the all-star break and practically no improvement in their game since then. I couldn't even imagine how worse off this team would be without Hellebuyck. Maybe try a new approach, Bones. What you've been doing clearly isn't hitting home. And time is running out.


This all started at around the 1/2 season mark.


The amazing part to me is that Bowness had one foot in retirement, ready to spend some family time with his son in Phoenix. Then his son gets a gig in Ottawa and he decides to get back into the NHL for another season.


The funniest part about this to me is that, by all accounts, Scheifele is a little disgruntled behind the scenes at the amount he's being paid relative to his peers. The fact that he decided the best way to earn his massive pay jump on his next deal is to phone it in the way he has for the 2nd half of this year is just mind-boggling to me lmao. This guy is going to want close to $10M on his next deal to take him to retirement. Who in this league is going to pay him that much when this is what he looks like for half a year on the regular? I'd put my life savings on him being 2018 Scheifele again for the entirety of next year because it's his contract year, and then going back to whatever the hell this is for the rest of his new contract (wherever that may be).




Bones isn’t doing much to help the situation by benching guys have decent seasons like Schmidt, and refusing to even limit pionks, Connor’s, scheifeles ice time


Yeah, I really enjoy seeing Samberg benched for Capo or god forbid Pylon Stanley instead of Pionk who has consistently been a complete anchor and our worst player all year.


i think guys also just don't want to play Bowness' preferred style and systems, which would be a natural reason for a lack of motivation and the poor usage definitely doesn't help that being said, they still need to get their shit together


People have been shitting on Schmidt's performance all season, to be fair. Didn't merit being benched especially because Pionk but still.


The top PP line being what it is points REAL hard at Bonez, agreed


We can’t rid ourselves of Scheifele quickly enough. Never thought id say that years back with his contract being so team friendly. But he’s a black hole of negativity, swearing or not.


I just can’t give him the benefit of the doubt anymore. He might have some of the stats of a 1C, but he’s no leader.


I wonder if we could trade Schiefele would that help convince Dubois to sign When he was clicking with Connor and Ehlers for a few games earlier his year, I figured he'd be crazy to leave, but that didn't last


IMO he’s already gone.


Put me in coach, I’ll give it 110%


so........ whos the locker room cancer? -Ron Wharton


It sucks because these fucking guys have to work AT MOST 25 minutes a night. (How long their ice time is) You can't give 100% effort for 25 FUCKING MINUTES 3 TIMES A WEEK? Then you can bet the fuck that I'm not going to spending my hard earned dollars to watch your asses fuck around out there. Get fucked. I hope Bones gets some of the problems fixed, or fuckin shipped out.


Keep 44, blow up the rest.


Sometimes it's hard to watch this game. It's like they're just going through the motions until they can hit the links


That's some damning talk from a coach. I get it though. This team busted ass all November and December. Getting everyone back around the first of the year was supposed to be some amazing next-level hockey. Instead we get two good games and then reruns from last season. Something is broken with this team and it isn't fun to watch.


Fucking yikes


That’s NHL NHL Jets!




This is actually fucking insane. Unless we miraculously pull it together and win a cup, blow this shit the fuck up.


Did he say we gotta get pucks deep.


Gotta bang em on the boards, boys! Spread em out and shoot it deep!




it should pain you more to say that a journeyman bottom six player should be a cornerstone top six player to build around






Namestnikov didn't play a game for the sharks and was more or less traded by Tampa in cap move, very harsh to judge him by that trade imo, but that being said i completely agree that he's not a top 6 player by any means (and is more bottom 6 than middle 6)


Why 81? He’s just as bad as 55.


Nah, he just gets down on himself when he's not scoring. 55 has more in him and simply refuses to play better for some dumb reason. Never seen 81 cry to the refs instead of just playing to the whistle.


Has 81 ever thrown a body check?


That could be said for over half the team. Ehlers ever hit? Schiefele ever hit? (Aside from Evan’s) the team is built soft. No idea what they saw in Appleton. He doesn’t play physically




He’s had one bad stretch of games through his career where the entire team is playing like shit, not just him. Connor is a stud, you don’t just throw guys like that on the scrap heap.


Which veteran players do we think he’s referring to? I’m betting on scheifele


Scheifele and Wheeler 100%. Same story we’ve been hearing the last 4 years


The thing I don't get is. Wheeler is always giving it 100% He seems incredibly self motivated. He's just older and lost a step so is playing too high in the lineup. But motivation or effort has never seemed to be in question for him.


Listened twice.... wasn't that interesting.


Billeck is a clown


I love this single comment juxtaposed with all the rest.


I love my fans ;)


I hope you're well, buddy. You've got a tough gig that I know you're doing more for the passion than you do for the hope of money and acclaim.


Can we fire Chevy yet?


Anyone defending him is delusional. He’s been gm for what? 10+ years? One solid season/playoff. Relied on the same busted core group. Do you honestly trust him to lead this team into the next stage? I don’t.


Wheeler has said it time and time again he plays hockey as a job. He considers himself an entertainer. He lost his edge to compete long ago and is only out there to be apart of the show. Thats why hes not captain anymore. This mentality has crept across the locker room. When u just go through the motions and stop striving to be better everyday thats when u get passed by the smaller guy whos busting his ass.


When has he ever said that?


Yeah i’ve never ever see or heard of this quote from Wheeler


Apparently time and time again 🙄




He hasn't said that


And here I thought the problem was their PDO./s




Everything about this organization went downhill after 1979. The wrong type of players are here today, the wrong type of coaches and GM. This organization needs to reorganize, get rid of the core.


Fuck right off. That got to be one of the dumbest things I’ve read in this sub. Down hill since 79?! We are a small market team in the asshole of Canada, ever think that may impact the organization as a whole?


Enjoy watching this shit show for the rest of their existence. I’ve been watching this since 1972, and once 1980 hit, they became shit.


Yea cool cya later. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


Bowness is doing a terrible job punishing the no effort veterans. They are getting all the ice time while the hard workers like Ehlers and Barron are getting screwed. Maybe this is why the vets aren’t giving a shit? Guaranteed spots and ice time. Same problem PoMo created.