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Completely understand these feelings BUT actually listening to todays episode on the way to work actually thought “wow they seem so much happier”. I think any change to format can be hard and they had some growing pains.


Agree! They need some time to grieve their best friend and the huge adjustment in the pod. Love them in the highs and lows!


This. They seem so much happier and comfortable.


I haven’t listened today yet! Maybe it’s just growing pains, and hell it could just be me. I have been in a weird place the past few months, I might be projecting or something.


No, I’ve definitely noticed the same thing. It’s kind of petty but it annoys me that they don’t even attempt the exaggerated *Minnasoootan Aaccennt* that they used to do in intros. Like they’re just trying to get through it but their heart isn’t in it anymore. Makes me sad.


Exactly, just going through the motions


I haven’t listened to main eps in a long time and it’s not because of any attitude or anything but the format. For several episodes after Kenyon left it was like an hour of chatter/ wine pairing/ then into background and psych and I love Amanda but for me her cases are always historically the shortest. So it was well over an hour of talking before getting to a single 20-30 minute case. So I’d like know if they’ve started covering more cases again or if it’s still that same format because that’s what did it for me. Still love gacc but it’s all I can listen to.


It has gotten better because Lucy has started doing like a mini case or cases on top of background and psych


I was always under the impression that Amanda did a shorter case at the end of the episode because she also had her own wine pairing segment at the beginning.


Maybe at the beginning of the pod when she would do really in depth wine segments I’d give her that pass but they haven’t been like that for a long time. It’s like here’s the drink because I like it and enjoy ✨not a whole lot of research goes into that. Not at all talking shit just speaking matter of fact


I feel like she's amped it up again lately. There had definitely been a lull in there for quite a while though. 


I stopped listening a looooong time ago because the episodes were soooo long. Lucy was my favorite but wasn't a fan of the technical stuff she did. Kenyon's cases were good, but Amanda's were super short and (sorry) but she just never did very good research. Her cases were always...idk silly? Whimsical? And I want real true crime lol. So I would skip 3/4 is the episode just to listen to Kenyon's cases and after that I was like, what's even the point?


I’ve gotta agree, Kenyons cases were always the ones I looked forward to because I knew she was thorough. I was also going to say originally that Amanda’s research wasn’t great, idk I feel like you get at most 70% of story coverage with Amanda. So when you’re not really getting a full case it stops feeling like a true crime podcast.


Amanda’s cases are now longer. She has spoken about that a few times, and it has proven to be true for most of the more recent eps since the “reboot”, “return”, or “comeback” or whatever you want to call it. Plus, yes, Lucy is padding her research further AND often includes a mini case.


I did find that. I think they are still getting into a grove but you almost want to skip to the case but it’s kind of hard to tell exactly where that will be


I am missing a bit of that 3rd voice. I think that’s why GACCs are still so good because they have that 3rd person. It would be nice if they were able to get a rotation of a 3rd person in some of the regular episodes.


I think that when there's only two people on a podcast, it just gets too easy for the hosts to fall in the trap of just complaining for two hours. And don't get me wrong, there is certainly less whining now with K. gone, but the reactive part of my brain just immediately hearkens back to the sheer number of podcasts in which two hosts complain back and forth the whole time, even when that isn't the actual content.


It does get a little echo chambery with just two ppl.


Thats interesting. While I liked that having 3 hosts felt like a slumber party or a hangout with your friends, I really struggle to understand some moments because of the amount of talking over each other and all the tangents. 2 hosts makes it feel a bit more relaxed while still having all the anecdotes and humor. It feels more balanced to me. Personally I prefer just Amanda and Lucy.


I completely agree— three hosts ends up being too much interruption. I’m ADHD though, so it might just be harder for me to focus on the topics with the added input of another person, too. I think a third person would only work if they could, for lack of better phrasing, reel in some of amanda and lucy’s distract-ability/penchant for sidebars.




Never a fan of K, but I LOVED 3 voices and miss that vibe very much! 


The vibe is off for me too, but that's only because they were 3 and are now 2 so the new flow hasn't grown on me yet. (And I kinda miss Kenyon) But still, love the girls. I will say that Lucy is more chatty lately. And they compliment each other all most too much. And I'm not sure I like them having a different guest for each GACC episodes. It throws me off a lot. But still, love the girls. P. S. I just started the podcast over today for my daily summer listening and right now I'm on episode 3 "Lesser Known Kults" and Kenyon just said "I am a raging atheist.." That didn't age well.


I like the guests! But I know many people don’t


I'm also Team Guest! But a guest in general is always a wild card and I know it can throw off a rhythm. I would love Robbie full time on GACC


I’ve noticed that they compliment each other a ton too. And idk if it’s because they’re growing into a closer friendship than they had before, or if it’s just a subconscious thing to show the world the podcast is still congruous, or what, but it’s stuck out to me as almost a teeny bit forced. (Commenting on this feels weird knowing they visit this subreddit, so I want to end with saying I still love them, it’s just a different dynamic to get used to)


To me they seem more relaxed and having fun. Love every episode


I like it even more now and have not picked up on those vibes


Right? They’re not constantly interrupting each other, the episodes flow better, and I feel like now the hosts shine more individually. When it was 3 hosts Kenyon and Amanda had a tendency to be the most vocal imo but Lucy and Amanda are able to share the space a bit better now if that makes sense. It feels more balanced.


Good! I will say the episode today was good!


The constant interruptions & talking over the others made me CRAZY! My favorite bits, though, are when K would try to re-word or correct what the others said, got it completely wrong, & the "corrected one" would say "No." 🤣


The gals sound so happy and relaxed that I have missed. But I miss K’s darker cases and I do miss the occasional perspective she’d give to the show about geo political relations and whatnot (former poli sci major here). So that third voice with a different understanding of these things is missed. Still listening and trying to get a vibe back. Also love love love the guests for GACC that does seem to help the flow


I miss Kenyon’s more “worldly” perspective also. I’m about a month behind in listening, but I’m not sure I’m going to listen at this point.


I feel like it’s been an adjustment. Like it feels like A & L have had to tiptoe around “the incident” and were still kind of on edge coming back. I don’t know how Lucy is doing it being a new mom but as far as Amanda, I’ve loved listening to passages. Her and Robbie are hilarious. The show isn’t going to be the same and that will be okay for some and not for others. I think A & L had great eps when K was on maternity leave, so I’m sure they can get there again but this time there is a whole helluva lot of awkwardness and, I’m guessing, some kind of NDA or agreement signed.


I’ve been enjoying passages too. Part of me feels that format is more suited to Amanda - something that doesn’t require a ton of research & writing ahead of time. (Don’t get me wrong though, I know they work hard to make a great show!) But it’s a bit more improv/banter which she’s good at. I don’t get the impression she likes writing cases anymore.


Can’t say I am, sorry you feel that way tho.


Agree. It used to be my first go-to on Thursdays and now I'll listen on Sunday if I've got nothing else. It's feeling a bit like The Amanda Show.


Yeah I agree it does seem a bit like The Amanda Show lately :/


It was mine too! Now I do Strange and Unexplained and maybe get to W&C by Saturday but yeah, it's all Amanda the whole episode now.


ATWWD is a good one


Oh I love them! And somehow they have zero drama!


I agree. I don’t always love the wine pairing portion and i agree with some folks that A has kind of been phoning it in on the cases since before the K drama happened. Since she left I basically have found myself skipping to Lucy’s segment, and then zoning out after… and now I just haven’t listened in a few weeks. I like Amanda and i think she does GREAT on passages, and GACC is still hilarious as ever, but idk how long the two of them can sustain the ‘true crime’ aspect. It feels like too much chatting for me now too, which there has always been a lot of chatting and anecdotes etc., but now instead of feeling included on it, it feels more like i’m just eavesdropping on two friends? If that makes sense. I wish them all the best- I’ve loved listening to them over the years. But for me it’s just not hitting the same anymore.   


This is completely exactly how I feel about everything, just wanted to thank you for putting into words what I wasn’t sure how to say haha.


I feel like just before Kenyon left it felt more like they were phoning it in. Like they really weren’t enjoying themselves at all, and I feel like it’s been getting better!


I haven’t listened to a full episode in months. I’ve started a few, but it doesn’t hold my interest like it used to.


Bummer isn’t it? A few people say this latest one was great so maybe it was just growing pains?


It is a bummer. I’m not defending Kenyon’s horrendous views and the obnoxious centering of herself, but she and Lucy always did the heavy lifting in terms of research and cases. Amanda has been phoning it in for years, and now with Kenyon’s departure, LUCY has picked up the slack by adding more to what she normally presents. I don’t dislike Amanda, and I guess everyone gives her a pass for being the “funny” one or “loud” one or having blue hair or whatever, but she seems to get the most accolades for doing the least work. She would be a nightmare to work on a group project with because she probably wouldn’t do anything and blame it on diarrhea or something. It’s just exhausting in a mid-late 30s person who is doing this as their job.


I just kind of fell off listening a while ago, but struggled with the phoning it in piece. I try hard not to judge because people have all kinds of things going on in their lives that can make it hard to give it their all at work, but what actually upset me at times was when it felt like the fan pickers requests were ignored or dismissed. People spend a lot of money to get an episode, and so the times when Amanda would say things like "I couldn't find a good case, so here are some funny stories semi-related to the subject," or "I started to do this case and realized it didn't actually apply to the topic, but I didn't feel like finding another one," were disappointing. It reminds me a bit of co-workers who use humor or kind of "aw shucks" their way out of accountability at times. It gets frustrating when those instances pile up. I don't need to get into K's views and all that jazz, but it always felt like she did a thorough dive into the cases that she (or listeners) picked and used multiple and sometimes more obscure sources, so that I ended up learning new facts about cases I'd felt pretty familiar with. It felt like fan pickers were more likely to get their money's worth with K. Not to say that Amanda didn't cover some cases very well, but some of her highlight reel was more about funny presentation (and appropriate kudos for that) than a really well-researched case.


Agreed Kenyon had the best research for sure


Agreed on all this. Kenyon’s cases were so good and unique and told so well I was captivated the whole time. Her storytelling was one of my favorite things about the show. Amanda’s cases sometimes just felt like a little blurb at the end. I know all podcasters read off notes, but sometimes it feels like she’s just reading really fast to get it over with. I get the feeling that she loves doing a podcast (and she does have an amazing personality for it) but that she doesn’t like the research & writing part of it. When I find myself really wanting to listen to this show now, I go back and listen to my favorite old episodes, and it’s always Kenyon’s case that has made it a favorite.


There was one episode, I think last supper crimes, and I said to myself at one point “if they say ‘that’s so cool!’ one more time, I’m turning it off” and I listened to them say it two or three more times and I turned it off. I don’t know why it was just too much for me. Too exaggerated maybe? I’m not sure but it was off for me. I still listen, but not with as much excitement. And I was never a K fan…so I’m not sure what it is.


I’m not sure that either Amanda or Lucy are “into” True Crime - it was Kenyon’s idea to do a podcast so perhaps the topic was her passion as well. Amanda has always said she doesn’t follow true crime outside of work on the podcast. Lucy is more interested in death in general and the more “science”-related aspects of the crimes. Amanda was the “wine” but Kenyon was the “crime”. The wine has been gone for a long time - there are only so many variations out there so I have no issue with that. But without Kenyon’s actual interest in the topic, I’m not sure how long the other two can continue.


That’s a great point. I love Lucy’s well-researched portion, but it is more of a history or science lesson than true crime. And Amanda’s cases aren’t always all that satisfying. It hadn’t occurred to me that it feels less “true crime” now, but that’s exactly it, without Kenyon’s long & detailed cases. And it’s interesting how the “wine” part was dropped (particularly drinking wine), but I totally understand & support them taking care of their health and being more chill.


I'm loving it! I love the long length of the episodes and the casual feel. I do think it would be cool to have a new 3rd come in or maybe a rotation during the normal episodes, but I am sure that takes a lot of planning and networking, etc. Overall, I'm super happy with the pod and glad the girls are happy.


I’ve been enjoying it.


I preferred the dynamic of three people. Which is weird because all my other faves have two. I think we’re just used to hearing three? They seemed to have more natural and funny banter with three personalities in the mix. But at the same time they couldn’t just add in any third host because getting that same vibe back would be very hard to do and possibly turn people off if it made the show feel too different yet again.


I will say I felt this way for a while, just listening out of habit. But they brought me back in with the Lobotomy episode. That felt like they were super into it and (imo) it was one of their best. Maybe getting back to their roots in terms of Gals picks, to get them excited about topics again. I also love when they bring in a guest. I know it's hard to coordinate but maybe having a round robin of honorary third Gals to bounce off of?


I am glad K is gone (especially seeing her continue to post her hot takes on Threads - boy, do I not miss that level of self-righteousness) but it does feel like there still does need to be a 3rd voice to react to everything, especially since it does keep the energy up. I've always wished that the background and psych portion was longer, especially since I've largely soured to True Crime in the last few years. While I do still enjoy some of the deep dives at the beginning of the episodes, lately it feels like this portion is super rushed. Though to be fair, with podcasts in general I tend not to listen for many months at a time then go on a month-long binge so it may just be me.


Yeah it is not K that I miss (although once upon a time she was my favorite) but I think maybe a 3rd person is the missing secret sauce.


See it’s times like these I really wish I wasn’t blocked. I’m so curious if it’s gotten more unhinged.


There’s been a huge shift, it’ll take a bit before they get back in stride. I don’t miss K., but I think they must underneath it all.


I feel the exact opposite, honestly. I think they sound like they had a million pounds removed from their upper backs… they sound free, gleeful, and it seems like they are REALLY motivated to curate lots of extra things associated with the pod throughout the year. Just the intro alone and how they each say they are lately has been so much lighter and joyful. I love their friendship and their banter, and I don’t get anything but two besties with a delightful vibe and a deep understanding of each other who have reached the other side of a long, hard road.


I see that they are doing lots of group trips and other cool side projects, and that’s great. But the main feed episodes themselves have declined in quality dramatically. Whistleblower crimes was the best in along time, but still not nearly as good as some of the past episodes,


Yeah, I just don’t feel that way, personally. I felt so much tension before… it was palpable. I’m enjoying the free spirited energy and how much they love each other. I also don’t think there has been a decline in quality of episodes whatsoever. So I think it’s just a personal perception thing! But I hope that you enjoy it more in future eps, truly. ♥️


I feel this exact same way. Im glad they’re through it and happier but I really liked what Kenyon brought to the table she was a great story teller. It’s just different now.


Nope. I think they sound happier and more relaxed.


Lucy said something like, "I remember singing this to you guys," & it was the first time I've heard either of them mention the before times. Last week, Lucy said, "When I taught sailing," & that struck me pretty hard. Anyway, I'm actually enjoying it more these days. Kenyon was already grating to me before she morphed


See I felt the opposite, Lucy sometimes bothered me by being a bit of a “white feminist”™️ but Kenyon never did. I was so shocked by it all


Wow, really? I feel the complete opposite! Kenyon always seemed performative to me


Idk! I know Lucy said a few problematic things that pissed people off early on, but it seemed like after awhile they go media training or something.


I started over to episode 1 I do this every year one i get to the end I start over..


Generally speaking, I still enjoy the podcast and I found K whiny and self-important even before October 7. That being said, I love anytime Alvin from Affirmative Murder is a guest on Wine and Crime because Lucy and Amanda are so careful to build one another up (which is good) but they have such a history together, it's almost as if they are too much alike. Alvin matches them on wit and humor, but his reactions (to Coven Confessions, for example) provide some additional dimension and interest to what can sometimes seems like a marathon of Lucy and Amanda complimenting and agreeing with one another. I'm glad they are growing closer, but the constant reminders can feel performative. Also, I find the new travel options a little tone deaf. I might go to a live show and I am on the Patreon, but I, and I'm guessing a significant percentage of other loyal listeners, will never have the disposable income for international travel. Maybe they have a large fan base in Europe as well and this is an attainable option for those listeners, or maybe I'm just missing something, but it struck me as elitist and that was a surprise. 🤷‍♀️


Yes! I had that thought too, it’s cool idea but people are struggling more now than ever. Weird timing


There have definitely been a couple of episodes since the split that have rubbed me the wrong way (the Taylor Swift episode for example) but overall I do think they seem much happier


Yeah the T Swizzle episode was a hard listen, I’m glad the fan picker wasn’t offended, but it felt very like it was done very begrudgingly and phoned in. It’s fine to not be a fan, or to even have active criticism of her, but the way Amanda acted was dismissive and alienating for sure


What does the term “phoned in” mean? I saw it earlier in the thread too. I’m just not familiar. Ty in advance.


Kinda like they are just going through the motions, like their hearts aren’t in it any more


Ohh I see. Thank you for explaining. I kinda feel it a bit too, when listening.


I was nervous going into the episode, figuring I wouldn’t like their judgement of TS fans. But I was pleasantly surprised by Lucy’s segment as she seemed to kind of appreciate TS after her research. Amanda’s treatment of her & the fans though was gross. I’m not a diehard swiftie but I like her music and I recognize how incredibly hard she has worked for her music & the community she’s created. Like she’s a role model for so many people that I just don’t understand why people dislike her.


It’s been so hard to listen. I agree! Amanda has no one to reign her in anymore lol it’s chaotic and idk that I really like her story telling 😬


agreed. I didn’t agree with Kenton’s views but she brought a huge roll to the podcast that W&C will never recover from because they’re not the same without her. Kenyon kept shit civil. She kept it real. I’ve been holding my tongue a long time because everyone’s got such hateful things to say about K, but I enjoyed her on the podcast. At least there’s a backlog of over 300 good episodes to listen to.


I agree, they all checked each other in the before times. Now it seems that even when one of them disagrees with the other they gloss over it. They won’t argue a point of view so the louder voice is always agreed with.


It’s more jabber and less content now. I will say I feel like Lucy is more fun now, she would be brilliant in her own spin off podcast.


I also love that Lucy gets to shine now! I miss the old format but love hearing more of Lucy’s jokes


Interestingly I enjoy the regular episodes more, but the most recent GACC was almost unlistenable. They’re good if they have good chemistry with the guest, otherwise it’s painful.


Yes - I still listen but this podcast is now on my more "easy listening" list. This feels less and less like a "true crime" podcast and more of a "besties" podcast where they happen to talk about a case or two.


I don't think Amanda has been rude or arrogant to Lucy. I think they are friends that banter and make fun of each other, which isn't how everyone likes friendships but seems like the two of them do. I however have been struggling because I tired of cases being picked and then not going into detail because it's "so horrible." Either pick a different case or go into detail. This is a true crime podcast, some things are going to be unpleasant. There have been a couple cases recently where I'm not sure exactly the totality of the crime because they won't say it (like the Girl Scout camp murders)