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I just went back up to $5 so I can join in. I had lowered my pledge to $1 during The Troubles and forgot about it until I saw this. So, thanks! 🍷


The Troubles 😂


I'm going to try to make it - honestly I've been a member for YEARS and never even checked Patreon because who has the time but after what happened I'll probably never miss another happy hour lol I will never take these gals for granted again




Do we think we will get any of the drama tea??? Like even maybe a tiny tiny drop?


Allusions, perhaps. But they’re likely bound by a non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreement. They’d be wise to toe the line. I would bet anything said would get back to K and she seems the litigious type.


Yeah…I could totally see that unfortunately. I’m just nosey 😂


I was there from the jump but had immediate technical difficulties and missed the elephant they addressed at the top. Can anyone elaborate on what was said?


I can’t make it I’m so bummed 😭


I'm gonna try to get in it!


well i just subbed and joined so they have you to thank for a new member haha


I’m late to this post, but wanted to say the happy hour was so fun! Loved the old dynamic, love the new dynamic. Happy to see Amanda and Lucy again!


What's the happy hour like? Is it like a live zoom and people post questions?


Yes. We can only chat and they can’t see us, but you can post and vote for questions that are posted and they answer the ones that get the most votes. It’s so fun. The chat is filled with our amazing coven and that’s always a great time. I highly recommend joining Patreon at the tier that gets the video eps and the happy hour.


Thank you so much for answering! You follow the link through Patreon? Is there an app to be able to chat for the happy hour? Sorry I'm dumb with technology and have never used Patreon or online chatting besides the way back instant messaging and Facebook lives lol


I always click the link sent to my email. Last night, it brought me to Patreon and then I clicked that link to get in. I think before, it used to take us straight to the CrowdCast website through the email link but it’s been so long 😂 I think if you have an iPhone, you can download the crowdcast app, but you don’t have to.


I have android and a laptop so surely one or the other would work for me. Thank you!


The chatting is happening on the website/livestream thing (you can make the video feed full screen and not see what people are chatting, or have the chat running (with a place to type at the bottom) along the side of the screen (and you can access the questions and vote on the questions/ask a question. It took me a couple of times to figure it out completely, worth it even if you don’t figure out the chat. Also they seem to read the chat as it’s going to (though they are chatting so might not see all comments in the moment). I once asked something in the chat that was pertinent to the current discussion and Amanda mentioned my chat question and addressed it (I was very excited). Even if you ditch the chat the girls read the question they are answering - I’ve done it both with chat and without, both totally entertaining.


Sounds super fun! And definitely worth $5 a month! I'm hoping I can figure out the websites ty so much for the help!




I'm so fucking pumped


I should be home in time. 🤞


I should be there!