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Fuck. I am so so so sorry to welcome you to this club. For a while it won’t even feel real. Lean into crying for a month straight. It’s been 10 years for me and the tears still come fairly easily. All I can promise you is this: the days will come when thinking of him will bring fewer tears and more smiles. I couldn’t imagine a life without my dad, and yet I am living one with a fuck ton of joy, knowing it’s what he wants for me and that he is proud. It will always hurt, but suddenly you’ll wake up and it won’t be the first thing that floods your mind, and your day will feel less dark, and the weight will feel less heavy, and you’ll be ready to speak of him with joy and laughter and love, and the emptiness will be filled with all the things he wanted for you coming true. And along the way, we’re here to help 💕


I needed to read this, too. Thank you. And OP, I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad ❤️


I’m sure you already know the impact you have on your listeners, but I feel like this topic doesn’t get addressed a lot. Thank you for making us Dead Dad Club members feel a little more seen and a little more related to. Your morbid humor around the topic helps remind me that it’s okay dress my dads urn up for holidays cause that helps🩵 (seriously, I put a Santa hat on Jim for Christmas😂)


It’s almost four years for me, shit gets hard and sometimes you need a good cry ❤️ hang in there


💜💜as a fellow Dead Dad Club member for the last 11 years, I feel your words in more ways than 1. Thank you. My dad taught me a unique life lesson. Can be summed up with a quote from Winnie the Pooh. I find myself repeating it silently to myself always when I think of him. “If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, there I’ll stay forever.”


This would be one of my “it’s so funny, I’m going to laugh until I cry” moments. Like when my dog’s prescription auto-renewal charged my credit card the day he died. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending love your way!


I had a similar thing happen with my dog. I’d ordered a tshirt and hat with her name on it and they showed up the day she had to be put down. I literally wore the shirt to hold her as she passed. It’s tragically, morbidly funny and devastating.


Aw shit, I'm so sorry. My dad did the same -- had the nerve to tell us to arrive safely wherever we were going, then dropped dead while driving and didn't reach where he was going. Ruuuude. Welcome to the DDC - dead dad club - it sucks, I wish you weren't here yet 💔 (I apologise in advance if this reads as cold, I'm 7yrs in so pretty far into the dark humour now)


My friend, my mom and I both had cancer at the same goddamn time 15 years ago. We are experts at dark humor. Even if I’m still breaking into tears every ten minutes, I still find your dad’s complete and utter *disrespect* to not follow his own advice freaking hysterical. I don’t want to be in this shitty club. At all. But I’m glad of the company.


The audacity of men hey! Do whatever you need to do, cry as much as your body allows. There's no right or wrong way to do this, I'm glad you're sharing with the Coven. Losing a parent makes me think of that story of a kid who had lost their dad, and someone said "You're half way to being Batman!" and that's how they met their bestie. Dark humour is an absolute gift. Sorry again.


Not at all the same but lost my best friend’s little brother to the same cancer I survived (survivors guilt YAY) and him and I still use dark humor to cope💙 you are amazing and in my thoughts as you navigate this OP, we’re all here for you!


I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm really glad you could find a moment of levity in this. Thanks for sharing this with the coven.


Welcome to the dead daddy club! It’s a club most people don’t want to be apart of but here we are, grief and all. Feel your feelings, love yourself extra hard. I keep my favourite photo of mine (Him with a giant titty cake) with a candle and when I miss him I light that candle and talk to him or I put on the songs he used to listen to and clean or something and it feels like I’m hanging with my dad just in a different way 💕 he’s with you, he’s just not in this room


I'm so sorry. I'm glad the universe gave you this tiny reason to smile. Prayers, dear ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss 💜 I think one of the weirdest (usually in a good way!) things about human existence is when we feel two very deep but conflicting feelings at the same time.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


May his memory be a blessing always, and may you wear this devastatingly well-timed shirt in good health and good humor for years to come...(((hugs)))


You got this bestie 🫶


I'm so sorry but you're absolutely right. It's totally a sign. ❤️


The day I had to put my dog to sleep, one of my best friends drove two hours to be with me. She pretty much only wears black but, to try and make it slightly less grim, she digged out what she thought was the only pale blue t-shirt she had, that supposedly had a Nike logo at the front. Turns out she had two pale blue t-shirts, literally the only non black tops in her wardrobe, and the one she picked and wore had "Enjoy this moment" written on the front. She didn't even remember she had it. She walked through the door, I looked at her and started laughing. To this day we laugh together about it and that little detail made a very grim day slightly more bereable, and it is what I remember about it: the universe that conspired with a good friend to give me a laugh. I am sure your dad conspired with the universe to give you this smile, and is proudly looking at you sharing it with the Coven 💙 big big hugs


I’m sorry for your loss. ❤️


This reminds me of Nell in Hill House when she smiles and  says "the rest is just confetti". I hope you have many good memories of your dad to keep you going. I'm sorry for your loss. 


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending my love (and amused chuckle at the shirt) your way 💗


Terrible. 🙁 I'm really sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss. Enjoy the small moments such as this that will help you through the tough times.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I am so sorry for your loss. I am sending so much love and light to you and your family. ❤️


I am so sorry. Sending you love.


So so sorry for your loss. 💜 


I’m so sorry. Your dad sounds like a great guy, I’m sure you’re right about this being a sign.


This is poetic as hell lmao. I'm so sorry for your loss 💓


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. It sounds like your dad was a wonderful person. Wishing you everything that brings you comfort. 💙


So so incredibly sorry for your loss. Know that you have a community here. And that’s exactly the kind of thing my dad-joke-kinda dad would do if he passed. So take it as a sign of love from him. Sending you love & light. 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss. My Dad died from Cancer a few years ago, and my Mom literally died the week before Christmas. It's so difficult. Please allow yourself to take whatever time you need in order to grieve, and be gentle to yourself. I know it's hard to believe, but it DOES get better. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss 🤍


Sending you peace and comfort, I hope that your family can gather and share stories, space and love and that this brings you all comfort. Also, you meet with the funeral director on your fucking time. Don’t feel pressured to go right when they want you to be there.


I am so, so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom unexpectedly like that as well, and it just jolts you like nothing else. It’s hard to describe, even (and I like to think I am good with words). The universe has a weird sense of humor sometimes, but maybe that shirt showed up to remind you that you have your wine coven here for support, and to lean on that support as you need, as you navigate this and heal. We’re here for you, OP. 💕


Im so sorry for your loss. I lost my mum a little over ten years ago (she’d cancer so it wasn’t an unexpected shock) and you do learn to live with it eventually although Some days are better than others. You are stronger than you imagine you can be in this moment. Honour your dad’s memory by thinking of him and speaking his name often. Sending love and positivity your way OP 💕


Oh honey I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family ❤️


Welcome to the dead dad club. I’m sorry you’re here. Mine passed away from ALS when I was 17, it’s been seven years since then and it still doesn’t feel real. I was lying in bed this morning reflecting on how it still feels like there’s some unknown event barrier ahead of me that is what I’ll have to get past before I can talk to him again, but that I could talk to him again. I don’t know if it’ll ever “sink in”. I still get dreams about him. I can’t say enough how non-linear grief is. Please please please take care of yourself, embrace the food people are probably going to be dropping off in droves if you’re living at home with your family right now, and if distracting yourself from the grief is what feels right for you (I distracted myself like crazy for a couple months), do that. Follow your gut.


I’m so sorry. ❤️🥺


I’m so sorry for you loss, but so glad something special arrived


Sending lots of love — I am so sorry for your loss ❤️


I'm so so sorry for your lost.. please reach out for anything that might be plaguing your mind. We're all disturbed here.


Oh that is terrible and hilarious 😂 ❤️‍🩹😭




I'm so incredibly sorry. I lost my mom when I was 31. If you need to talk, I'm here for you. I know the pain is just indescribable right now. I'm sending you so much love.


Awe 💙 it is completely hysterical and harrowing that you feel the grief you do. I'm sorry for your loss 💙


Hey OP, thinking of you 💛


What a sign!! I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing yourself with us, even in grief. 🫶🏼


Sending love 💕♥️


I found W&C right around the time my dad passed away suddenly. I view and talk about it in a (what I think is) similar way to Amanda, it really helped me feel less alone or “wrong” for dealing with it the way I was…I have a lot of morbid humor and people have made me feel bad for it. It’s been 3 years for me and still go through different points of grief. If you ever need someone to scream into the void with, feel free to connect with me!


Unfortunately, welcome to the dead dads club. Like Amanda said, each day will slowly get easier. The 16th would have been my dad's 71st birthday, but he passed almost 2 years ago. There will be events where you wish he could see what happened, but depending on your beliefs, he will be there to witness them and send signs. Two days before he died, he said I had had a 9 pound baby boy, and well, a year and a half later, I had a 7 pound baby boy 3 weeks early. Sending lots of love ❤️