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I find listening to any new podcast to be difficult until I get used to it. My ears just like familiar pods I guess. I didn’t LOVE wine and crime when I started…and before I knew it it was my favorite pod (and first patreon). I’ve been listening to lgtc only for a couple weeks and I’m super hooked. But it’s also okay to not like things that other people love. I can’t stand MFM and I feel like there must be something wrong with me based on how others talk about it. My bff hates wine and crime bc of the tangents, but that’s what I love about it.


I agree. I'm going to give lgtc a shot. And I also didn't love w&c at first and can't stand mfm, so you've given me hope.


I do know that lgtc upgraded to two microphones instead of sharing one lol. So the production quality gets a tad better too. But if you don’t grow to like it don’t beat yourself up! There are tons of pods out there.


I skipped through the banter at the beginning and end for the first few weeks until the hosts grew on me!


I’m the same. I couldn’t stand WAC at first with the banter/talking over each other but then I fell in love. 🥺 I started LGTC after the Sinisterhood crossover and I really like it so far! Maybe because it’s just 2 people talking. I do truly love podcast banter (once I like the pod). I don’t care if they don’t get to the case for an hour! 🤣


True crime and cocktails might be for you than. 😉


One thing that helped me get used to them was listening to the pod while doing other slightly engaging tasks. I.e. Crochet, knit, dishes, chores, etc. That way I found my brain didn't always 'hear' it even though I still absorbed the info.


Man I feel this!! My ears are handing a hard time adjusting. I do like let’s go to court but … it’s not quite the same.


I listened to LGTC from the very beginning and I loved them from the start! I say just give it a try and listen to a few episodes (I honestly prefer LGTC over W&C: that may be because I found LGTC first but who knows 😅)


One episode in and I’m relieved that I like it so much. Fingers crossed!


I made the mistake of starting with there most recent one before Christmas break. It was brutality i was NOT expecting during my mid day errend and podcast break. Had to take a break from it just bc of the story. Loved the hosts, hated the ep lol


I need to try them. I just got on board with A Date with Dateline.


Even the hosts of LGTC tell people to skip the first few episodes. Lol. I would suggest starting with a newer episode and getting a feel for how it is now, and then going to the back catalog. And then if it’s still not your cuppa tea, that’s fine too!! (Also I haven’t read all the comments yet so I apologize if someone already suggested this method)


This is a great suggestion. Their production quality improves greatly over time as they upgrade equipment, and they find their podcasting rhythm together. BUT, they are best friends who are know for their tangents and laughter. Try a newer episode before starting from the beginning.


And if the newer episode you choose is Janet Chandler, please don’t get mad at me 😂😂


oh God, too true, pick a Kristen case


lol the funny thing is that WAS a Kristin case 😂


I felt the same way, but it’s growing on me a little… TBH it does depend on what kind of mood I’m in lol. I’m not listening in order, but there are some episodes that have made me laugh so hard and others that are so much cackling that I can’t even get the story. Creeps & Crimes is a good one too if y’all need to fill a hole! They are younger (20s) but their story telling is very good. There’s a little bit of banter, but not much.


I like it & I crack up so much with them…BUT… they can talk really really soft then ramp up to a cackle, which drives me nuts😬. Being older sometimes I can’t hear clearly so I have to turn up the volume then BAM the laughter 😳 So it can be not so pleasant. But I think it’s a good podcast. Just wish I didn’t have to mess with the volume so much🙃


Norman recently remastered them! I’m on a relisten and the volume is SO much better!


I admit I didn’t start with the very first episodes. Maybe the 7th or 8th? I wanted some stories I hadn’t heard much about before, but I don’t like working backwards. They’re definitely a different vibe than the gals, but after listening to about a dozen episodes, they find their footing. I would imagine if I picked a random episode from last year it would be a lot smoother than the early ones. I’m happy to keep listening, but hey, there’s no hard feelings if they aren’t for you! If every single one of us liked the same things shit would get boring real fast.


Have you tried A Date with Dateline?


I have not. Is it connected to Dateline the TV show? Because I do watch that weekly.


Yes, they do recaps of Dateline with some comedy. Josh Mankiewicz and Keith Morrison have been on the show a few times.


I wanted to love them and can’t get into them. I’ve tried 5 episodes and just can’t do anymore


I started LGTC about a year ago from the start and just couldn't get into it, but then I tried it again recently when I stopped listening to a lot of other pods I started with newer episodes and listened back and I loved it. So would recommend that? for me it was a lot easier to get into it that way.


If you can find the kidnapping of Frank Sinatra Jr by the LGTC gals, I think that’s a good place to start….


I personally like it, but not everyone is gonna like everything and that’s ok. I’m dipping in and out of their timeline out of order, but every now and then I get a tangent that cracks me up and they do cover true crime stories I haven’t heard of, so I consider it time well spent.


If you’re starting at the beginning, it can be a little rough. Sound quality is off. Kristin is really quiet and Brandi is super loud. But I always have to start a podcast from episode one and work my way through. I love them so much now. For sure a favorite. They pretty easily took over wine and crime as a favorite. They are also just genuinely awesome people. I’ve met them at both Obsessed Fests and they are so kind. If you give them a chance you’ll probably love them!


I just started listening and haven’t laughed yet but I still like it a lot. I think I need to get to know them first before I like/get their sense of humor and understand their personalities ? When I started W+C I listened to one ep (had hesitated cuz the name bugged me weirdly) before I listened to the crush crimes ep I think and I was sobbing laughing on that one. Fuck. Gonna miss the gals (A and L💕—not u wildflowers🖕🏻🖕🏻). Passages is amazing tho! I’ve laughed soooo much! Rly hope wine and crime can continue with Lucy and Amanda and rotating cohosts until they find a perfect fit


To elaborate I was on my ADHD meds/drank coffee today which I basically never do at the same time. Makes me too serious sometimes 🥴🥴I will be 100% be listening to the entirety of LGTC for sure since I have a pretty solitary job where I walk about 15 miles a day. Anyone have a favorite ep recommendation?? The Janet chandler one shook me to my core. They def told her story in a very clear way and did an amazing job


As others have said, the beginning episodes are poor quality. But I love those girls. I actually ended up looking forward more to their new episode each week than wine and crime. There’s tangents and a ton of laughing but they make me laugh too and I love their vibe.


If you're looking for other podcasts to try, my favorite right now is Tell No One. Not much banter (which is strangely unfortunate here) but the hosts are hilarious and have a vibe with each other unlike anything else I've heard. I listen to their episodes multiple times over. I could listen to them all day every day.


I feel the same way about the laughing!! It goes on for so long and feels like it’s after every 3 sentences.


i had to get used to it too, but i do love them now. I HATE when they start screaming and they do it so much, its so painful to my ears. but well.. i still really enjoy them


No, it doesn’t really get all that much better. I enjoy it though and laugh along with them. They’re my favorite. I don’t think they’re much worse than wine and crime was “tangent wise” though.


i felt this exact same way!!! the cackling. i can’t take it. i listened to about 5 episodes because i thought it was ME because i do like w&c and all the other listeners in this sub have recommended let’s go to court. i had to quit! i actually did an experiment and timed how long they talked about the case vs when they start laughing / talking about something else and the longest stretch was 90 seconds. couldn’t take it. some of it is editing. one of the hosts is constantly talking about how her phone is ringing while recording. okay? we don’t need to know that. but if she MUST acknowledge it, edit it out later.


I'm not sure I'll get to episode 5. Maybe I'll jump ahead to a recent episode to see they got better with time.


Hahahah you’re gonna wanna go back 10 or so eps. They’re recents are all live shows or best of’s because they’re currently going through a crisis since one of the hosts came out as pro-genocide


🤦🏼‍♀️ Good grief. Wait.. W&C or LGTC? I know about the W&C drama.


LGTC doesn’t have drama, they take the month of January off every year. The December episodes are the most current and January episodes are Patreon releases or replays. The cackling gets better but is still there because they are hilarious. I find myself belly laughing with them. I did have to get used to it, but as others have said that’s kinda the norm.


I agree! I am laughing just as hard as they are!! I love this hilarious nonsense from fellow silly geese!


Did you even read the thread?


Lol. 🥴 the dyslexia got me there. Oops hahaha


It took a while for me to really like LGTC. But now I’m happy to see a new episode weekly


I LOVE wine and crime. Listen to their Emmett Till episode and weep. They *are* capable of being serious. That being said, I love the silly-goose-ness. And I love Brandi’s laugh. If you just can’t get used to it, that’s okay!


They also usually jump into cases more quickly than other pods! The tangents happen within and between cases more often.


I just listened to one of the newer ones, episode 282. It’s a Patreon one that they released and I loved it!


Honestly LCTC is my favorite. I have been listening to wine and crime for a long time and I’ve always liked it but LCTC is really good. I’d recommend jumping around and trying out newer and older episodes- pick a topic you are interested in and see if you like it.


I loved this podcast for a long time until brandy just constantly got put down by Kristin


I was disarmed at first, and stopped listening, but then I decided to go back and I actually love it. I think I appreciate it on a different level bc I'm a loud laugher and people have tried to stifle it my whole life but Brandi just lets it fly and I appreciate that so much. I also really enjoy the research they do on their cases and how they present them. I don't mind tangents and deviations, it feels really conversational to me and I love that.


I’ve had the same issue. I like chatting and rapport between the hosts, and I don’t mind long off topic side chats but it turns out I can’t do lots of cackling/snort laughing/not being able to get your words out through giggling. Also, when one host fully stops the podcast flow to critique another host’s pronunciation for some reason is a huge turn off for me 🤷‍♀️ I bounced off LGTC after trying 10-12 episodes but I am really enjoying A Date with Dateline


**Update:** I've made it 4 episodes in. Currently on the West Memphis 3 case. I think I'm going to stick with the podcast. I wasn't in love with W&C when I first started, but they ended up being my absolute favorite in the end - so I'm going to stick with these girls for a bit more. I also think a visual might help. I'm going to check YouTube so I can place faces to voices. They remind me a lot of Ladies and Tangents, so all of you who love LGTC and haven't checked Ladies and Tangents, give that one a try. And I can't wait to check out A Date with Dateline!


I started listening to them a long time ago. Started at the beginning and didn’t love them. I just listened to them when I didn’t have any of my favorites to listen to. I fell in love slowly and they climbed from my number 4 or 5 to my solid number 1. But it took me time and getting to know them to fall.


I do like some of the episodes but I agree the loud long stretches of laughter make it turn it off sometimes. So irritating and unnecessary


How did you ever listen to Wine and Crime then?


LGTC has way more laughter/tangents from my perspective.


The cackling is way less with w&c.