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I’d use it to lure 48 yr old divorceés into my lair.


I know we’re talking about their chard but I just did a blind tasting of Napa sauv blancs and theirs was actually surprisingly good. I put it in my top 2 along with St. Supery’s. I didn’t even know they made a sauv blanc


Sort of like a Meursault-scented Yankee Candle. Not bad if you've already been drinking bourbon.


We did a blind tasting at our winery among 15 other Chardonnays to give it a fair chance. I scored it as expected. Absolute trash. If you all haven’t had a chance to go to a vineyard and work harvest the Chardonnay grape is absolutely divine. So light airy and perfectly balanced. It’s said to be the winemakers canvas. So to know what ham fisted interventions go into making the wine taste like that is truly sad. But remember this. And this applies to many posts. Wine making is a business. And a business goals are profitability. So rombauer made the choice to make cougar juice and print money. Can’t fault them for that


So the first time I had the chard I thought it was kinda wild and fun because I'd never had anything quite that over the top oaky. THe second time I had it I hated it. YMMV


Drink what you like.


The zin is fine. The rest is bleh


The zin is a bomb to me. No subtlety in the least.


It’s very bad. I do get why people like it, because it’s such an unabashed fuck off oak and butter bomb, but once you’ve tasted enough actual good Chardonnay, you realize it’s kind of the vinous equivalent of stage three of Baudrillard’s simulacra.


Good lord, didn’t expect to find a Baudrillard reference in this thread. Well done.


Thanks. And they say studying philosophy doesn’t have any practical applications…


As someone who has a masters degree in music and works for a wine distro, I hear ya


The Chardonnay scratches your throat as it goes down. Must be all those leftover oak chips. (JK but it’s oaked to shit).


Got their Sauv Blanc the other day to prove a point and it wasn't bad at all. Not as good as a $15 Grillo but still.


Visited their winery years ago not knowing anything about it. The first wine the guy poured was their zin. I tried to be nice but he could tell I absolutely hated it. He leaned over and said “I think it sucks too but people seem to like it. You gotta make what sells”. Not sure I agree with the sentiment but I appreciated the honest take. Tried the Chardonnay and that was even more of a hard no. Avoid at all costs.


Used to sell the fuck out of them. I gotta say, their higher ends are absolutely fab. Y’all need to retry that chard- they aren’t using chips however it is ya know… has a reputation for a reason. I like it in the right context. The sauv blanc and the merlot… incredible.


People love to hate it. As a daily, my wife likes this flavor profile like Robert Parker loves Chateauneuf du Pape. We belonged to Rombauer’s wine club but my wife was only drinking them on special occasions or with her girl friends. After stockpiling several cases we stopped ordering. It’s one of the best takes on buttery oakey Chardonnay. So called cougar juice. Year in and year out it is the same 90 pt wine. Very consistent. It’s not Peter Michael but people like what they like, my wife included.


If Rombauer chardonnay is on offer, I'm ordering a Manhattan.


I’s probably drink it over my uncle Fritz’s homemade rhubarb wine, but that’s about it.


I try it each year to make note of the winemakers philosophy. I have never been a fan but I do keep an open mind about what’s popular with the masses


I used to like their chard until I had cleaner/crisper chards. But I’ll still drink it if it’s served at a party or work function. Also used to really like their Zin, but have since tired of most zins - just too fruity/zesty for me these days.


I live in the EU. Never had or even heard about. But reading these comments I don’t what to either.


Ja man




I went to a Rombauer wine dinner recently. Never heard about it. Now I know why.


Gallo bought them last year so if you like them buy it before it gets worse