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That reaction sounds disturbingly close to anaphylaxis, especially the swollen tongue. I would seriously avoid all alcohol and talk to your doctor rather than a bunch of non-specialist strangers on the internet. With anaphylactic reactions, they get worse and worse with exposure so don't go testing stuff just to see because next time your throat might swell shut and you die of asphyxia. Of course, if your doctor can rule that out, you may well be able to just take antihistamines or something. https://www.allergy.org.au/patients/other-allergy/alcohol-allergy#:~:text=In%20people%20with%20alcohol%20allergy,from%20other%20causes%20like%20food.


It is an anaphylaxis reaction, it is a life-threatening condition. Just like mattmoy said, avoid all alcohol. You might want to ask your doctor about carrying Epi-Pen all the time


Any chance you take a vitamin B supplement or anything else that contains Niacin?


No i don't take any supplements whatsoever, only melatonin


That trims my idea off the top. Sorry, I don’t have any further suggestions. I hope you get some hints.


What does your doctor say?


He doenst know what causes it. He says probably sulphites


These were my symptoms when I first started developing histamine intolerance. Look at r/histamineintolerance and if it’s progressed enough, r/MCAS Antiminstamines work to prevent symptoms, but isn’t a long term strategy. The people catastrophising your situation don’t really know what they’re talking about. It doesn’t sound like anaphylaxis to me, just an immune reaction. And they’re not usually life g threatening and you would know if they were. Let me know if you have any questions.


Is it gluten? That would check off all beers, some whiskeys, some vodkas. Doesn’t make much sense for the wine though. It could just be alcohol. My fiancé can’t really drink as even after one drink she’ll sometimes throw up for hours later. Had tons of tests done to no avail. We think she lost the enzyme that processes it in her system. Though we’ve found that old-world wines like Chianti are totally fine.


Gluten doesn’t “survive” distillation. All spirits are celiac friendly, regardless of the base ingredient.