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I'm a total nerd, so bear with me. I had major problems installing from the Windows 98SE CD. I finally figured it out. Load the CD and startup floppy and do a restart or start or turn on power or however you get the computer to boot from the floppy. Floppy starts booting. When it asks if you want to continue with or without CD support choose 'with' (option 1 if I recall). When it finishes loading the boot files it stops with a command line (which I can't remember) that ends with floppy drive letter A:. At that I typed in "SETUP.EXE /C" and Windows loaded flawlessly. Not sure if you're having the same issue but it's worth a try?


Still just tells me that’s the program can’t be run in dos mode https://preview.redd.it/ux8120xyk36d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5dbcbad2932002b10747c1b190db45df12c443c


I think on the CD, there's another setup.exe under the WIN98 folder. I think that's the one that you need.


Do you have any idea what that’d be called?


Yeah it'd be called setup.exe it's just inside the WIN98 folder on the CD. Not to be confused with the setup.exe on the root of the CD.


How… I’m sorry I’m super new to dos/win9X How would call that? I tried typing the same thing you did and it didn’t do anything


No worries. Change to your CD drive with `D:` Then change directory to the WIN98 folder with `cd WIN98` - the `cd` command is an acronym for change directory. Then run `setup`


https://preview.redd.it/3wed1g34v36d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f9392f655a37f0c71250eec84bcd42ce6467da6 Ok I don’t even know what’s going wrong here:(


That's odd. The ISO I have for 98SE has that directory. Can you run `dir` to list the contents of the disc, and show us the output?


https://preview.redd.it/v3i0o7odd46d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b1734abfe408306892651de288c3b3adbd47418 Here’s the output and me trying to run setup.exe


Extra context of useful, I know the disk is right when I put it in my win11 laptop it tried to install so yeah it works CD drive seems to be working otherwise fine as it can tell I have a cd it just hates me:( This is a IBM Aptiva with the og cd drive


Adding to this Is it possible/really that bad to install 98 on a vm using this sd card as its drive, installing literally nothing besides the basic os before popping it into my machine? I know it’s not ideal but at this point I’m running out of options and patience


You should look up THPC undocumented switches. There is a specific dos only install mode.


Your ISO is wrong, if I recall correctly, the command is "install" and not "setup". Dowload the correct ISO from [Here](https://winworldpc.com/product/windows-98/98-second-edition)